* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class to hold description about one namespace and every object
* it holds.
#include "mdsnamespacedef.h"
#include "mdcdef.h"
#include "mdsobjectdef.h"
#include "mdsrelationdef.h"
#include "mdseventdef.h"
#include "mdssqliteconnection.h"
#include "mdsdbconnectionpool.h"
#include "mdcserializationbuffer.h"
#include "mdsschema.h"
#include "mdsindexer.h"
#include "mdeinternalerror.h"
#include <uriutils.h>
* NewLC
CMdsNamespaceDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::NewLC( TDefId aId,
const TDesC& aName, TBool aReadOnly, TUint32 aVendorId )
CMdsNamespaceDef* ret = new( ELeave ) CMdsNamespaceDef( aId, aReadOnly, aVendorId );
CleanupStack::PushL( ret );
ret->ConstructL( aName );
return ret;
* NewL
CMdsNamespaceDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::NewL( TDefId aId, const TDesC& aName,
TBool aReadOnly, TUint32 aVendorId )
CMdsNamespaceDef* ret = CMdsNamespaceDef::NewLC( aId, aName, aReadOnly, aVendorId );
CleanupStack::Pop( ret );
return ret;
* ConstructL
void CMdsNamespaceDef::ConstructL( const TDesC& aName )
// validate the URI of namespace
TBool invalidChars = UriUtils::HasInvalidChars( aName );
if( invalidChars )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
CMdsItemDef::ConstructL( aName );
* Destructor
// deleting objects
// deleting relations...
// deleting events...
* AddObjectDefL
CMdsObjectDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::AddObjectDefL( const TDesC& aObjectName, const TDesC& aParentName,
CMdsSchema* aDefaultSchema )
if ( GetObjectDef( aObjectName ) )
// duplicate object
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
CMdsObjectDef* parent = GetObjectDef( aParentName );
if ( !parent )
/* testing */
// found namespace in default schema
if ( aDefaultSchema )
CMdsNamespaceDef* namespaceDef = aDefaultSchema->GetNamespace( GetName() );
if ( !namespaceDef )
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownNamespaceDef );
parent = namespaceDef->GetObjectDef( aParentName );
if( !parent )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
CMdsObjectDef* object = CMdsObjectDef::NewLC( aObjectName, parent );
iObjectDefs.AppendL( object );
CleanupStack::Pop( object );
return object;
* AddObjectDefL (private - add from DB)
void CMdsNamespaceDef::AddObjectDefL( TDefId aId, TDefId aParentId, TInt aFlags, const TDesC& aName )
const CMdsObjectDef* parent = GetObjectByIdL( aParentId );
if ( !parent )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
CMdsObjectDef* object = CMdsObjectDef::NewLC( aName, parent );
object->SetFlags( (CMdsObjectDef::TObjectDefFlags)aFlags );
iObjectDefs.AppendL( object );
CleanupStack::Pop( object );
* FindObjectDefParent
CMdsObjectDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::GetObjectDef( const TDesC& aObjectName ) const
if ( iBaseObject->GetName().Compare( aObjectName ) == 0 )
return iBaseObject;
const TInt count = iObjectDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if( iObjectDefs[i]->GetName().Compare( aObjectName ) == 0 )
return iObjectDefs[i];
return NULL;
void CMdsNamespaceDef::AddRelationDefL( const TDesC& aRelationName )
if ( GetRelationDef( aRelationName ) )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
CMdsRelationDef* relation = CMdsRelationDef::NewLC( aRelationName );
iRelationDefs.AppendL( relation );
CleanupStack::Pop( relation );
void CMdsNamespaceDef::AddRelationDefL( TDefId aId, const TDesC& aRelationName )
CMdsRelationDef* relation = CMdsRelationDef::NewLC( aRelationName );
iRelationDefs.AppendL( relation );
CleanupStack::Pop( relation );
CMdsRelationDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::GetRelationDef( const TDesC& aRelationName ) const
const TInt count = iRelationDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if ( iRelationDefs[i]->GetName().Compare( aRelationName ) == 0 )
return iRelationDefs[i];
return NULL;
void CMdsNamespaceDef::AddEventDefL( const TDesC& aEventName, TInt32 aPriority )
if ( GetEventDef( aEventName ) )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
CMdsEventDef* event = CMdsEventDef::NewLC( aEventName, aPriority );
iEventDefs.AppendL( event );
CleanupStack::Pop( event );
void CMdsNamespaceDef::AddEventDefL( TDefId aId, const TDesC& aEventName, TInt32 aPriority )
CMdsEventDef* event = CMdsEventDef::NewLC( aEventName, aPriority );
iEventDefs.AppendL( event );
CleanupStack::Pop( event );
CMdsEventDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::GetEventDef( const TDesC& aEventName ) const
const TInt count = iEventDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if ( iEventDefs[i]->GetName().Compare( aEventName ) == 0 )
return iEventDefs[i];
return NULL;
const CMdsObjectDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::GetObjectByIdL( TDefId aId ) const
if ( aId == KBaseObjectDefId ) // BaseObject (hardcoded)
return iBaseObject;
const TInt count = iObjectDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if( iObjectDefs[i]->GetId() == aId )
return iObjectDefs[i];
return NULL;
const CMdsEventDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::GetEventByIdL( TDefId aId ) const
const TInt count = iEventDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if( iEventDefs[i]->GetId() == aId )
return iEventDefs[i];
return NULL;
const CMdsRelationDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::GetRelationByIdL( TDefId aId ) const
const TInt count = iRelationDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if( iRelationDefs[i]->GetId() == aId )
return iRelationDefs[i];
return NULL;
void CMdsNamespaceDef::StoreToDBL( TBool aStoreOnlyNamespace )
_LIT( KMdsSqlClauseAddNamespaceDef, "INSERT INTO NamespaceDef(ReadOnly,VendorId,Name) Values(?,?,?);" );
RRowData rowData;
CleanupClosePushL( rowData );
if ( !GetStoredInDB() )
rowData.AppendL( TColumn( GetReadOnly() ) );
rowData.AppendL( TColumn( iVendorId ) );
rowData.AppendL( TColumn( GetName().AllocL() ) );
TDefId id = KNoDefId;
id = MMdSIndexer::ExecuteAndGetIndexL(KMdsSqlClauseAddNamespaceDef,rowData);
SetId( id );
if (aStoreOnlyNamespace)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rowData );
const TInt objectDefCount = iObjectDefs.Count();
// add objectDef to DB
for( TInt i = 0; i < objectDefCount; ++i )
iObjectDefs[i]->StoreToDBL( GetId() );
const TInt eventDefCount = iEventDefs.Count();
// add relationDef to DB
for( TInt i = 0; i < eventDefCount; ++i )
iEventDefs[i]->StoreToDBL( GetId() );
const TInt relationDefCount = iRelationDefs.Count();
// add eventDef to DB
for( TInt i = 0; i < relationDefCount; ++i )
iRelationDefs[i]->StoreToDBL( GetId() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rowData );
void CMdsNamespaceDef::MergeObjectsL( CMdsNamespaceDef* aNamespace, const TBool& aDryRun )
const TInt count = aNamespace->iObjectDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
CMdsObjectDef* lObjectDef = GetObjectDef( aNamespace->iObjectDefs[i]->GetName() );
if( lObjectDef )
lObjectDef->MergeL( aNamespace->iObjectDefs[i], aDryRun );
else if ( !aDryRun )
iObjectDefs.AppendL( aNamespace->iObjectDefs[i] );
aNamespace->iObjectDefs[i] = NULL;
void CMdsNamespaceDef::MergeRelationsL( CMdsNamespaceDef* aNamespace, const TBool& aDryRun )
const TInt count = aNamespace->iRelationDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
CMdsRelationDef* relation = GetRelationDef( aNamespace->iRelationDefs[i]->GetName() );
if ( relation )
if ( *aNamespace->iRelationDefs[i] != *relation )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
else if ( !aDryRun )
iRelationDefs.AppendL( aNamespace->iRelationDefs[i] );
aNamespace->iRelationDefs[i] = NULL;
void CMdsNamespaceDef::MergeEventsL( CMdsNamespaceDef* aNamespace, const TBool& aDryRun )
const TInt count = aNamespace->iEventDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
CMdsEventDef* event = GetEventDef( aNamespace->iEventDefs[i]->GetName() );
if ( event )
if ( *aNamespace->iEventDefs[i] != *event )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
else if ( !aDryRun )
iEventDefs.AppendL( aNamespace->iEventDefs[i] );
aNamespace->iEventDefs[i] = NULL;
void CMdsNamespaceDef::ImportFromDBL()
_LIT( KMdsQueryGetObjectDefs, "SELECT ObjectDefId,ParentDefId,Flags,Name FROM ObjectDef WHERE NamespaceDefId=?;" );
_LIT( KMdsQueryGetRelationDefs, "SELECT RelationDefId,Name FROM RelationDef WHERE NamespaceDefId=?;" );
_LIT( KMdsQueryGetEventDefs, "SELECT EventDefId,Priority,Name FROM EventDef WHERE NamespaceDefId=?;" );
TDefId eId = KNoDefId;
TInt32 objectParent = 0;
TInt32 flags = 0;
TPtrC name;
// importing namespaces
RRowData namespaceNumber;
CleanupClosePushL( namespaceNumber );
namespaceNumber.AppendL( TColumn( GetId() ) );
RRowData getData;
CleanupClosePushL( getData );
CMdSSqLiteConnection& connection = MMdSDbConnectionPool::GetDefaultDBL();
RMdsStatement queryObject;
CleanupClosePushL( queryObject );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( eId ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( objectParent ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( flags ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnHBuf16 ) );
connection.ExecuteQueryL( KMdsQueryGetObjectDefs, queryObject, namespaceNumber );
while( connection.NextRowL( queryObject, getData ) )
getData.Column( 0 ).Get( eId );
getData.Column( 1 ).Get( objectParent );
getData.Column( 2 ).Get( flags );
getData.Column( 3 ).Get( name );
AddObjectDefL( eId, objectParent, flags, name );
getData.Column( 3 ).Free( );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &queryObject );
RMdsStatement queryRelation;
CleanupClosePushL( queryRelation );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( eId ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnHBuf16 ) );
connection.ExecuteQueryL( KMdsQueryGetRelationDefs, queryRelation, namespaceNumber );
while( connection.NextRowL( queryRelation, getData ) )
getData.Column( 0 ).Get( eId );
getData.Column( 1 ).Get( name );
AddRelationDefL( eId, name );
getData.Column( 1 ).Free( );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &queryRelation );
TInt32 priority = 0;
RMdsStatement queryEvent;
CleanupClosePushL( queryEvent );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( eId ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( priority ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnHBuf16 ) );
connection.ExecuteQueryL( KMdsQueryGetEventDefs, queryEvent, namespaceNumber );
while( connection.NextRowL( queryEvent, getData ) )
getData.Column( 0 ).Get( eId );
getData.Column( 1 ).Get( priority );
getData.Column( 2 ).Get( name );
AddEventDefL( eId, name, priority );
getData.Column( 2 ).Free( );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &queryEvent );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &namespaceNumber ); // getData, namespaceNumber
const TInt count = iObjectDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
// everything is ok, so set the flags
TUint32 CMdsNamespaceDef::RequiredBufferSize()
TUint32 bufferSize = sizeof(TMdCNamespaceDef) + CMdsItemDef::RequiredBufferSize();
const TInt objectDefsCount = iObjectDefs.Count();
bufferSize += (objectDefsCount + 1) * sizeof( TMdCObjectDef);
// base object def
bufferSize += iBaseObject->RequiredBufferSize();
// objectdefs
for ( TInt i = 0; i < objectDefsCount; ++i )
bufferSize += iObjectDefs[i]->RequiredBufferSize();
// eventdefs
const TInt eventDefsCount = iEventDefs.Count();
bufferSize += eventDefsCount * sizeof( TMdCEventDef );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iEventDefs.Count(); ++i )
bufferSize += iEventDefs[i]->RequiredBufferSize();
// relationdefs
const TInt relationDefsCount = iRelationDefs.Count();
bufferSize += relationDefsCount * sizeof( TMdCRelationDef);
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iRelationDefs.Count(); ++i )
bufferSize += iRelationDefs[i]->RequiredBufferSize();
return bufferSize;
TMdCOffset CMdsNamespaceDef::SerializeL(CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TMdCOffset aFreeSpace)
const TMdCOffset namespaceDefOffset = aBuffer.Position();
TMdCNamespaceDef namespaceDef;
// get const data and store Name
namespaceDef.iDefId = GetId();
namespaceDef.iReadOnly = GetReadOnly();
namespaceDef.iName.iPtr.iCount = GetName().Length();
namespaceDef.iName.iPtr.iOffset = aFreeSpace;
aBuffer.PositionL( aFreeSpace );
aFreeSpace = CMdsItemDef::SerializeL( aBuffer );
// calculate necessary stuff for objectDefs
const TInt objectDefsCount = iObjectDefs.Count();
namespaceDef.iObjectDefs.iPtr.iCount = objectDefsCount + 1; // one extra for base object def
namespaceDef.iObjectDefs.iPtr.iOffset = aFreeSpace;
// create space for objectDefs
aFreeSpace += (objectDefsCount + 1) * sizeof(TMdCObjectDef);
aBuffer.PositionL( namespaceDef.iObjectDefs.iPtr.iOffset ); // one extra for base object def
aFreeSpace = iBaseObject->SerializeL( aBuffer, aFreeSpace );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < objectDefsCount; ++i )
aBuffer.PositionL( namespaceDef.iObjectDefs.iPtr.iOffset
+ (i+1) * sizeof(TMdCObjectDef) ); // one extra for base object def
// write object
aFreeSpace = iObjectDefs[i]->SerializeL( aBuffer, aFreeSpace );
// calculate necessary stuff for eventDefs
const TInt eventDefsCount = iEventDefs.Count();
namespaceDef.iEventDefs.iPtr.iCount = eventDefsCount;
namespaceDef.iEventDefs.iPtr.iOffset = aFreeSpace;
// create space for eventDefs
aFreeSpace += eventDefsCount * sizeof(TMdCEventDef);
for ( TInt i = 0; i < eventDefsCount; ++i )
aBuffer.PositionL( namespaceDef.iEventDefs.iPtr.iOffset + i * sizeof(TMdCEventDef) );
// write event
aFreeSpace = iEventDefs[i]->SerializeL( aBuffer, aFreeSpace );
// calculate necessary stuff for relationDefs
const TInt relationDefsCount = iRelationDefs.Count();
namespaceDef.iRelationDefs.iPtr.iCount = relationDefsCount;
namespaceDef.iRelationDefs.iPtr.iOffset = aFreeSpace;
// create space for eventDefs
aFreeSpace += relationDefsCount * sizeof(TMdCRelationDef);
for ( TInt i = 0; i < relationDefsCount; ++i )
aBuffer.PositionL( namespaceDef.iRelationDefs.iPtr.iOffset + i * sizeof(TMdCRelationDef) );
// write relation
aFreeSpace = iRelationDefs[i]->SerializeL( aBuffer, aFreeSpace );
// store namespaceDef itself
aBuffer.PositionL( namespaceDefOffset );
namespaceDef.SerializeL( aBuffer );
return aFreeSpace;
const CMdsPropertyDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::GetPropertyL( TDefId aId ) const
const CMdsPropertyDef* propertyDef = iBaseObject->GetPropertyByIdL( aId );
if ( propertyDef )
return propertyDef;
const TInt count = iObjectDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
const CMdsPropertyDef* objectPropertyDef = iObjectDefs[i]->GetPropertyByIdL( aId );
if ( objectPropertyDef )
return objectPropertyDef;
return NULL;
* Initialize static variables
CMdsObjectDef* CMdsNamespaceDef::iBaseObject = NULL;