* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Adaptation layer to SQLite database*
#include "mdssqliteconnection.h"
#include "mdslogger.h"
CMdSSqLiteConnection* CMdSSqLiteConnection::NewL()
CMdSSqLiteConnection* self = CMdSSqLiteConnection::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
CMdSSqLiteConnection* CMdSSqLiteConnection::NewLC()
CMdSSqLiteConnection* self = new ( ELeave ) CMdSSqLiteConnection( );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( );
return self;
: iDbFileName( NULL ), iEnableTransaction( ETrue ),iNotFinishFindQuery( NULL )
delete iDbFileName;
iNotFinishFindQuery = NULL;
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::DeleteDb( TDesC16* aName )
if( aName )
RSqlDatabase::Delete( *aName );
RSqlDatabase::Delete( KMdsSqlDbDefaultName );
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::CloseDb()
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::ConstructL()
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::OpenDbL( const TDesC& aDbFileName )
_LIT8( KMdsSqlDbaConfig, "cache_size=2000; page_size=2048; encoding=\"UTF-16\";");
_LIT8( KBlacklistSqlDbaConfig, "cache_size=1500; page_size=1024; encoding=\"UTF-16\";");
delete iDbFileName;
iDbFileName = NULL; // in case AllocL leaves
iDbFileName = aDbFileName.AllocL();
TBool setupForMdsServer( EFalse );
// Check if it is MDS server DB that is accessed, otherwise setup will be for Blacklist Server
if( iDbFileName->Des().FindF( KMdsSqlDbDefaultName ) != KErrNotFound )
setupForMdsServer = ETrue;
TInt err = KErrNone;
// we need to set up policy, because we use secure database
TSecurityPolicy defaultPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass);
RSqlSecurityPolicy sqlSecurityPolicy;
CleanupClosePushL( sqlSecurityPolicy );
err = sqlSecurityPolicy.Create( defaultPolicy );
if ( err != KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdsSecurityCheckFail, "Security check fail" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsSecurityCheckFail, err );
* Open database:
* First we try to open db. If this fails because db not creater yer, then
* try to create it. Otherwise we cannot open it and we leave
if( setupForMdsServer )
err = iMdeSqlDb.Open( *iDbFileName, &KMdsSqlDbaConfig );
err = iMdeSqlDb.Open( *iDbFileName, &KBlacklistSqlDbaConfig );
if ( err != KErrNone )
__LOG1( ELogDb, "Cannot open database %d", err );
if( err == KErrNotFound )
__LOG1( ELogDb, "Cannot find database %d", err );
if( setupForMdsServer )
err = iMdeSqlDb.Create( *iDbFileName, sqlSecurityPolicy, &KMdsSqlDbaConfig );
err = iMdeSqlDb.Create( *iDbFileName, sqlSecurityPolicy, &KBlacklistSqlDbaConfig );
if( err != KErrNone )
__LOG1( ELogDb, "Unknown error while creating %d", err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
else if( err == KErrCorrupt ||
err == KSqlErrCorrupt )
__LOGLB( ELogDb, "Warning: Database is corrupted, will delete and re-create it." );
if( setupForMdsServer )
err = DeleteAndReCreateDB( iDbFileName, sqlSecurityPolicy, &KMdsSqlDbaConfig );
err = DeleteAndReCreateDB( iDbFileName, sqlSecurityPolicy, &KBlacklistSqlDbaConfig );
if ( KErrNone == err )
if( setupForMdsServer )
err = iMdeSqlDb.Open( *iDbFileName, &KMdsSqlDbaConfig );
err = iMdeSqlDb.Open( *iDbFileName, &KBlacklistSqlDbaConfig );
if ( err != KErrNone )
__LOG1( ELogDb, "Cannot open database again after delete and re-create %d", err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
__LOG1( ELogDb, "Unknown error while accessing database %d", err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &sqlSecurityPolicy );
TInt CMdSSqLiteConnection::ExecuteL( const TDesC& aCommand,
const RRowData& aVariables,
RMdsStatement* aStatement )
TInt err = KErrNone;
if ( aVariables.Size() == 0 )
// no variables
err = iMdeSqlDb.Exec( aCommand );
if ( err < KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdSExec, "Exec (no variables)" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdSExec, err );
else if ( aStatement )
if ( aStatement->iPrepared == EFalse )
err = aStatement->iStatement.Prepare( iMdeSqlDb, aCommand );
if ( err < KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdSPrepare, "Prepare" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdSPrepare, err );
aStatement->iPrepared = ETrue;
err = aStatement->iStatement.Reset();
if ( err < KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdSResume, "Resume" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdSResume, err );
DoBindL( aStatement->iStatement, aVariables );
err = aStatement->iStatement.Exec();
if ( err < KErrNone )
aStatement->iPrepared = EFalse;
_LIT( KMdSExec, "Exec" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdSExec, err );
RSqlStatement mdeSqlDbStmt;
CleanupClosePushL( mdeSqlDbStmt );
err = mdeSqlDbStmt.Prepare( iMdeSqlDb, aCommand );
if ( err < KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdsPrepare, "Prepare (no statement)" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsPrepare, err );
DoBindL( mdeSqlDbStmt, aVariables );
err = mdeSqlDbStmt.Exec();
if ( err < KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdsExec, "Exec (no statement)" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsExec, err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &mdeSqlDbStmt );
return err;
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::ExecuteQueryL( const TDesC& aQuery,
RMdsStatement& aStatement,
const RRowData& aVariables )
TInt stmterr;
if ( aStatement.iPrepared == EFalse )
stmterr = aStatement.iStatement.Prepare( iMdeSqlDb, aQuery );
if ( stmterr != KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdSQueryPrepare, "Query Prepare" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdSQueryPrepare, stmterr );
aStatement.iPrepared = ETrue;
stmterr = aStatement.iStatement.Reset();
if ( stmterr != KErrNone )
_LIT( KMdSQueryReset, "Query Reset" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdSQueryReset, stmterr );
DoBindL( aStatement.iStatement, aVariables );
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::DoBindL( RSqlStatement& aStatement, const RRowData& aVariables )
const TInt count( aVariables.Size() );
for( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i )
switch ( aVariables.Column( i ).Type() )
case EColumnInt32:
TInt32 val = 0;
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindInt( i, val );
case EColumnUint32:
TUint32 val = 0;
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindInt64( i, (TInt64)val );
case EColumnBool:
TBool val = 0;
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindInt( i, val );
case EColumnInt64:
TInt64 val = 0;
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindInt64( i, val );
case EColumnReal32:
TReal32 val = 0;
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindReal( i, val );
case EColumnReal64:
TReal64 val = 0;
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindReal( i, val );
case EColumnTime:
TTime val = TInt64(0);
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindInt64( i, val.Int64() );
case EColumnDes16:
TPtrC16 val = TPtr16((TUint16*)0, 0); //KNullPtr16;
aVariables.Column( i ).Get( val );
aStatement.BindText( i, val );
case EColumnNotUsed:
// skip this variable
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "MdSSCDoB" ), KErrCorrupt );
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TBool CMdSSqLiteConnection::NextRowL( RMdsStatement& aQuery, RRowData& aRow )
const TInt qerr = aQuery.iStatement.Next();
if ( qerr == KSqlAtEnd )
return EFalse;
else if ( qerr != KSqlAtRow )
_LIT( KMdsQueryNextRow, "Query NextRow" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsQueryNextRow, qerr );
// obtain column data into local storage and row data pointer
ColumnsL( aQuery.iStatement, aRow );
return ETrue;
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::CurrentRowL( const RMdsStatement& aQuery, RRowData& aRow )
// obtain column data into local storage and row data pointer
if ( EFalse != aQuery.iStatement.AtRow() )
ColumnsL( aQuery.iStatement, aRow );
_LIT( KMdsNoProcessableRow, "Wrong row to process" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsNoProcessableRow, KSqlErrNotFound );
TItemId CMdSSqLiteConnection::LastInsertedRowId()
return iMdeSqlDb.LastInsertedRowId();
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::ColumnsL( const RSqlStatement& aStatement, RRowData& aRow )
const TInt count( aRow.Size() );
for( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i )
// get data in column, check for type
const TSqlColumnType actual = aStatement.ColumnType( i );
if( actual == ESqlNull )
aRow.Column( i ).Set( (const HBufC16*)NULL );
const TColumnDataType coltype = aRow.Column( i ).Type();
switch ( coltype )
case EColumnBool:
TInt valInt = aStatement.ColumnInt( i );
const TBool valBool = valInt ? ETrue : EFalse;
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valBool );
case EColumnInt32:
TInt32 valInt = aStatement.ColumnInt( i );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valInt );
case EColumnUint32:
TInt64 valInt64 = aStatement.ColumnInt64( i );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( (TUint32)valInt64 );
case EColumnInt64:
TInt64 valInt64 = aStatement.ColumnInt64( i );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valInt64 );
case EColumnReal32:
TReal valReal = aStatement.ColumnReal( i );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( static_cast<TReal32>( valReal ) );
case EColumnReal64:
TReal valReal = aStatement.ColumnReal( i );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valReal );
case EColumnTime:
TTime valTime = aStatement.ColumnInt64( i );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valTime );
case EColumnDes16:
switch ( actual )
case ESqlText:
TPtrC16 valTPtrC16 = aStatement.ColumnTextL( i );
HBufC16* valHBuf16 = HBufC16::NewL( valTPtrC16.Length() );
*valHBuf16 = valTPtrC16;
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valHBuf16 );
case ESqlInt:
HBufC16* valHBuf16int32 = HBufC16::NewL( 30 );
TInt valInt = aStatement.ColumnInt( i );
valHBuf16int32->Des().Num( valInt );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valHBuf16int32 );
case ESqlInt64:
HBufC16* valHBuf16int64 = HBufC16::NewL( 30 );
TInt64 valInt64 = aStatement.ColumnInt64( i );
valHBuf16int64->Des().Num( valInt64 );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valHBuf16int64 );
case ESqlReal:
HBufC16* valHBuf16real64 = HBufC16::NewL( 40 );
TReal valReal = aStatement.ColumnReal( i );
TRealFormat realFormat;
realFormat.iType |= KAllowThreeDigitExp;
valHBuf16real64->Des().Num( valReal, realFormat );
aRow.Column( i ).Set( valHBuf16real64 );
case ESqlNull:
aRow.Column( i ).Set( (HBufC16*)NULL );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "MdSSCCo1" ), KErrCorrupt );
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
case EColumnNotUsed:
// skip this round
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L( "MdSSCCo2" ), KErrCorrupt );
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::Terminate( RMdsStatement& aQuery )
EnableTransaction( ETrue, aQuery );
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::TransactionBeginL()
if ( !iEnableTransaction || iMdeSqlDb.InTransaction() )
iEnableTransaction = EFalse;
iTransactionOngoing = ETrue;
_LIT(KBeginTransaction, "BEGIN;");
RRowData emptyRow;
CleanupClosePushL( emptyRow );
TRAPD( err, ExecuteL(KBeginTransaction, emptyRow) );
if (err != KErrNone)
_LIT( KMdsTransactionBegin, "Transaction begin error" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsTransactionBegin, err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &emptyRow );
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::TransactionCommitL()
if ( !iTransactionOngoing )
_LIT(KCommit, "COMMIT;");
RRowData emptyRow;
CleanupClosePushL( emptyRow );
TRAPD( err, ExecuteL(KCommit, emptyRow) );
if (err != KErrNone)
_LIT( KMdsTransactionCommit, "Transaction commit error" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsTransactionCommit, err );
if( !iNotFinishFindQuery )
iEnableTransaction = ETrue;
iTransactionOngoing = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &emptyRow );
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::TransactionRollbackL()
if ( !iTransactionOngoing )
_LIT(KRollback, "ROLLBACK;");
RRowData emptyRow;
CleanupClosePushL( emptyRow );
TRAPD( err, ExecuteL(KRollback, emptyRow) );
if( !iNotFinishFindQuery )
iEnableTransaction = ETrue;
iTransactionOngoing = EFalse;
if (err != KErrNone)
_LIT( KMdsTransactionRollback, "Transaction rollback error" );
TraceAndLeaveL( KMdsTransactionRollback, err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &emptyRow );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::TraceAndLeaveL( const TDesC& aFailedCommand, TInt aSqliteError )
TPtrC errorMsg = iMdeSqlDb.LastErrorMessage();
if ( aFailedCommand.Length() > 0 )
__LOG2( ELogDb, "%S %d", &aFailedCommand, aSqliteError );
__LOG1( ELogDb, "SQLiteError description: %S", &errorMsg );
User::Leave( aSqliteError );
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::TraceAndLeaveL( const TDesC& /*aFailedCommand*/, TInt aSqliteError )
User::Leave( aSqliteError );
const TDesC& CMdSSqLiteConnection::DbFileName() const
return *iDbFileName;
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::EnableTransaction( TBool aEnable, RMdsStatement& aQuery )
if( aEnable )
// check whether current query is the query which disabled the transaction when enabling transaction
if( !iEnableTransaction && ( iNotFinishFindQuery == &aQuery ) )
if( !iTransactionOngoing )
iEnableTransaction = aEnable;
iNotFinishFindQuery = NULL;
iEnableTransaction = aEnable;
// save current find operation which will continue when diable transaction
iNotFinishFindQuery = &aQuery;
void CMdSSqLiteConnection::DoAnalyzeL()
_LIT( KAnalyze, "ANALYZE;");
RRowData emptyRow;
CleanupClosePushL( emptyRow );
ExecuteL(KAnalyze, emptyRow);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &emptyRow );
TInt CMdSSqLiteConnection::DeleteAndReCreateDB( const HBufC* aDbFileName,
const RSqlSecurityPolicy& asqlSecurityPolicy,
const TDesC8* aKMdsSqlDbaConfig )
TInt err = iMdeSqlDb.Delete( *aDbFileName );
if( err!= KErrNone )
__LOG1( ELogDb, "delete database err=%d.", err );
return err;
err = iMdeSqlDb.Create( *aDbFileName, asqlSecurityPolicy, aKMdsSqlDbaConfig );
return err;