DEADHEAD: Bug 1631 included in Nokia drop.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Handles monitored file creations, modifications and deletions.*
#include <collate.h>
#include <mdeobject.h>
#include "fileeventhandlerao.h"
#include "harvesterlog.h"
#include "fsutil.h"
#include "mdeconstants.h"
#include "mdeharvestersession.h"
#include "processoriginmapper.h"
#include "mdenamespacedef.h"
#include "mdeobjectdef.h"
#include "FolderRenamer.h"
#include "mdsutils.h"
#include "harvesterpluginfactory.h"
#include "mdsfspqueue.h"
#include "harvestercommon.h"
#include <centralrepository.h>
using namespace MdeConstants;
const TUid KRepositoryUid = { 0x20007182 };
const TUint32 KCacheSizeKey = 0x00000001;
const TInt KMaxEventsAtTime = 25;
const TInt KMaxEventsGranularity = 20;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::NewL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFileEventHandlerAO* CFileEventHandlerAO::NewL( MMonitorPluginObserver& aObserver,
CMdEHarvesterSession* aMdeSession, CHarvesterPluginFactory* aHarvesterPluginFactory )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::NewL" );
CFileEventHandlerAO* self = new (ELeave) CFileEventHandlerAO;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aObserver, aMdeSession, aHarvesterPluginFactory );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::ConstructL( MMonitorPluginObserver& aObserver,
CMdEHarvesterSession* aMdeSession, CHarvesterPluginFactory* aHarvesterPluginFactory )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::ConstructL" );
iObserver = &aObserver;
iHarvesterPluginFactory = aHarvesterPluginFactory;
iMdeSession = aMdeSession;
iNextRequest = ERequestIdle;
iCacheEvents = EFalse;
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
iMapper = CProcessOriginMapper::NewL();
iMoveTimer = CMoveTimer::NewL(this);
iFolderRenamer = CFolderRenamer::NewL(*this);
TRAPD( error, iMapper->ReadFileL() );
if ( error != KErrNone )
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::ConstructL - iMapper->ReadFileL() error %d", error );
error = iFs.Connect();
User::LeaveIfError( error );
TRAP( error, ReadCacheSizeFromCenrepL() );
if ( error == KErrNone )
iQueue.Reserve( iCacheSize );
iEventArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixSeg< TMdsFSPStatus >( KMaxEventsGranularity );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::~CFileEventHandlerAO()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::~CFileEventHandlerAO" );
delete iMapper;
delete iMoveTimer;
delete iFolderRenamer;
delete iEventArray;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::RunL()
// From CActive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::RunL()
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::RunL" );
switch( iNextRequest )
case ( ERequestIdle ):
case ( ERequestProcessing ):
if( iQueue.Count() > 0 && !iCacheEvents )
CMdsFSPQueueItem* item = iQueue[0];
iQueue.Remove( 0 );
delete item;
if( iEvent.iFileEventType == EMdsFileDeleted )
iEventArray->AppendL( iEvent );
TInt limit( KMaxEventsAtTime );
const TInt count( iQueue.Count() );
if( count >= KMaxEventsAtTime )
limit = KMaxEventsAtTime;
limit = count;
for( TInt i( 0 ); i < limit; i++ )
CMdsFSPQueueItem* tempItem = iQueue[0];
TMdsFSPStatus status;
tempItem->GetAsFspStatus( status );
if( status.iFileEventType == EMdsFileDeleted )
iQueue.Remove( 0 );
delete tempItem;
tempItem = NULL;
iEventArray->AppendL( status );
if( iEventArray->Count() > 1 )
SetNextRequest( ERequestProcessing );
SetNextRequest( ERequestIdle );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL(TMdsFSPStatus &aEvent)
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL" );
TMdsFSPStatus& status = aEvent;
if ( !iObserver )
WRITELOG( "-- ERROR -- CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - no observer" );
TBool fastHarvest( EFalse );
TOrigin origin = MdeConstants::Object::EOther;
if ( iMapper )
origin = iMapper->OriginL( status.iProcessId );
if ( origin == KOriginIgnored )
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - ignored origin for %S", &status.iFileName );
else if( origin == KOriginFastHarvest )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - potential fast harvest file detected" );
fastHarvest = ETrue;
if ( origin == MdeConstants::Object::ECamera &&
(aEvent.iFileEventType == EMdsFileCreated ||
aEvent.iFileName.FindF(KCameraTemp) != KErrNotFound) )
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - ignored camera origin for %S", &status.iFileName );
// ignore created file event if extension is not supported by any harverter plugin
if( EMdsFileCreated == status.iFileEventType &&
status.iFileName.Length() > 0 )
if( !iHarvesterPluginFactory->IsSupportedFileExtension(
status.iFileName ) )
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - file extension not supported: %S", &status.iFileName );
switch( status.iFileEventType )
case EMdsFileCreated:
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - EmdsFileCreated: %S", &status.iFileName );
HBufC* fn = status.iFileName.AllocLC();
CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( fn );
CleanupStack::Pop( fn );
hd->SetEventType( EHarvesterAdd );
hd->SetOrigin( origin );
CleanupStack::PushL( hd );
iMoveTimer->AddHarvesterDataL( hd );
CleanupStack::Pop( hd );
case EMdsFileRenamed:
WRITELOG2( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - EMdsFileRenamed: %S to %S", &status.iFileName, &status.iNewFileName );
RenameToMDEL( status.iFileName, status.iNewFileName, origin );
case EMdsFileModified:
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - EmdsFileModified: %S", &status.iFileName );
ModifyL( status.iFileName, origin, fastHarvest );
case EMdsFileReplaced:
WRITELOG2( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - EMdsFileReplaced: %S to %S", &status.iFileName, &status.iNewFileName );
ReplaceL( status.iFileName, status.iNewFileName, origin, fastHarvest );
case EMdsFileDeleted:
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - EmdsFileDeleted: %S", &status.iFileName );
CHarvesterData* hd = iMoveTimer->CheckUriL( status.iFileName );
if ( hd )
// move event
CleanupStack::PushL( hd );
RenameToMDEL( status.iFileName, hd->Uri(), hd->Origin() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hd );
DeleteFromMDEL( status.iFileName );
case EMdsDriveFormatted:
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - EMdsDriveFormatted: %d", status.iDriveNumber );
// format drive
FormatL( status.iDriveMediaId, status.iProcessId.iUid != 0 );
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleNotificationL - KErrNotSupported %d", status.iFileEventType );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleMultideletionL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleMultideletionL( CArrayFixSeg< TMdsFSPStatus >* aEvents )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleMultideletionL" );
if ( !iObserver )
WRITELOG( "-- ERROR -- CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleMultideletionL - no observer" );
const TInt count( aEvents->Count() );
for( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; i++ )
TMdsFSPStatus& status = (*aEvents)[i];
TOrigin origin = MdeConstants::Object::EOther;
if ( iMapper )
origin = iMapper->OriginL( status.iProcessId );
// Used only for delete events so fast harvest origin is not used
if ( origin == KOriginIgnored )
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleMultideletionL - ignored origin for %S", &status.iFileName );
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::HandleMultideletionL - EmdsFileDeleted: %S", &status.iFileName );
CHarvesterData* hd = iMoveTimer->CheckUriL( status.iFileName );
if ( hd )
// move event
CleanupStack::PushL( hd );
RenameToMDEL( status.iFileName, hd->Uri(), hd->Origin() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hd );
iUriArray.Append( &(status.iFileName) );
MultiDeleteFromMDEL( iUriArray );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::ResetMdsFSPStatus()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::ResetEvent()
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::ResetEvent" );
iEvent.iDriveNumber = 0;
iEvent.iFileEventType = EMdsFileUnknown;
iEvent.iProcessId = TUid::Null();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::RenameToMDEL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::RenameToMDEL( const TDesC& aOldUrl,
const TDesC& aNewUrl, TOrigin aOrigin )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::RenameToMDEL" );
CMdEObject* oldObject = iMdeSession->Session()->OpenObjectL( aOldUrl );
if ( oldObject )
CleanupStack::PushL( oldObject );
CMdEObject* newObject = iMdeSession->Session()->GetObjectL( aNewUrl );
if ( newObject )
CleanupStack::PushL( newObject );
// check if not in mde, harvest
if ( !oldObject && !newObject && iObserver )
HBufC* fn = aNewUrl.AllocLC();
CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( fn );
CleanupStack::Pop( fn );
hd->SetEventType( EHarvesterAdd );
hd->SetOrigin( aOrigin );
iObserver->MonitorEvent( hd );
// set old url to new url
if ( oldObject && !newObject )
SetTitleL( oldObject , aNewUrl );
oldObject->SetUriL( aNewUrl );
TUint32 mediaId = FSUtil::MediaID( iFs, aNewUrl );
oldObject->SetMediaId( mediaId );
// if old and new then destroy new and change old
if ( oldObject && newObject && ( oldObject->Id() != newObject->Id()) )
const TItemId removedId = iMdeSession->Session()->RemoveObjectL(
newObject->Id() );
if ( removedId != KNoId )
oldObject->SetUriL( aNewUrl );
TUint32 mediaId = FSUtil::MediaID( iFs, aNewUrl );
oldObject->SetMediaId( mediaId );
if ( newObject )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newObject );
if ( oldObject )
SetModifiedTimeL( oldObject, aNewUrl );
TOrigin origin = OriginFromMdEObjectL( *oldObject );
if( origin == MdeConstants::Object::EOther)
OriginToMdEObjectL( *oldObject, aOrigin );
iMdeSession->Session()->CommitObjectL( *oldObject );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldObject );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::OriginFromMdEObject()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOrigin CFileEventHandlerAO::OriginFromMdEObjectL( CMdEObject& aObject )
TOrigin retVal = MdeConstants::Object::EOther;
if( !iOriginPropertyDef )
CMdEObjectDef& objDef = aObject.Def();
iOriginPropertyDef = &objDef.GetPropertyDefL( Object::KOriginProperty );
CMdEProperty* property = NULL;
TInt err = aObject.Property( *iOriginPropertyDef, property );
if( err >= KErrNone && property )
CMdEUint8Property* uint8Property = (CMdEUint8Property*)property;
retVal = (TOrigin) uint8Property->Value();
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::OriginFromMdEObject()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::OriginToMdEObjectL( CMdEObject& aObject,
TOrigin aOrigin )
if( !iOriginPropertyDef )
CMdEObjectDef& objDef = aObject.Def();
iOriginPropertyDef = &objDef.GetPropertyDefL(
Object::KOriginProperty );
CMdEProperty* property = NULL;
TInt err = aObject.Property( *iOriginPropertyDef, property );
if(err < KErrNone)
if( property )
CMdEUint8Property* uint8Property = (CMdEUint8Property*)property;
TRAP_IGNORE( uint8Property->SetValueL( aOrigin ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( aObject.AddUint8PropertyL( *iOriginPropertyDef,
(TUint8) aOrigin ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::ReplaceL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::ReplaceL( const TDesC& aOldUrl, const TDesC& aNewUrl,
TOrigin aOrigin, TBool aFastHarvest )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::ReplaceL" );
if ( !iObserver )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
CMdEObject* newObject = NULL;
CMdEObject* oldObject = NULL;
if ( aNewUrl.Length() > 0 )
newObject = iMdeSession->Session()->GetObjectL( aNewUrl );
if ( newObject )
CleanupStack::PushL( newObject );
if ( aOldUrl.Length() > 0 )
oldObject = iMdeSession->Session()->GetObjectL( aOldUrl );
if ( oldObject )
CleanupStack::PushL( oldObject );
// check if not in mde, harvest
if ( !oldObject && !newObject )
HBufC* fn = NULL;
if (aNewUrl.Length() > 0)
fn = aNewUrl.AllocLC();
fn = aOldUrl.AllocLC();
CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( fn );
CleanupStack::Pop( fn );
hd->SetEventType( EHarvesterAdd );
hd->SetOrigin( aOrigin );
if( aFastHarvest )
hd->SetObjectType( EFastHarvest );
iObserver->MonitorEvent( hd );
if ( oldObject )
// check if same then harvest modify
if ( aNewUrl.Length() == 0 || MdsUtils::Compare( aNewUrl, aOldUrl ) == 0 )
HBufC* fn = aOldUrl.AllocLC();
CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( fn );
CleanupStack::Pop( fn );
hd->SetOrigin( aOrigin );
if( aFastHarvest )
hd->SetObjectType( EFastHarvest );
iObserver->MonitorEvent( hd );
else if ( newObject )
// both are existing so delete new and change uri of old one
const TItemId removedId = iMdeSession->Session()->RemoveObjectL(
newObject->Id() );
if ( removedId != KNoId )
const TItemId oldObjectId = oldObject->Id();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldObject );
oldObject = iMdeSession->Session()->OpenObjectL( oldObjectId );
if ( oldObject )
CleanupStack::PushL( oldObject );
SetTitleL( oldObject , aNewUrl );
oldObject->SetUriL( aNewUrl );
TUint32 mediaId = FSUtil::MediaID( iFs, aNewUrl );
oldObject->SetMediaId( mediaId );
TOrigin origin = OriginFromMdEObjectL( *oldObject );
if( origin == MdeConstants::Object::EOther)
OriginToMdEObjectL( *oldObject, aOrigin );
iMdeSession->Session()->CommitObjectL( *oldObject );
// case is actually rename
const TItemId oldObjectId = oldObject->Id();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldObject );
oldObject = iMdeSession->Session()->OpenObjectL( oldObjectId );
if ( oldObject )
CleanupStack::PushL( oldObject );
SetTitleL( oldObject , aNewUrl );
oldObject->SetUriL( aNewUrl );
TUint32 mediaId = FSUtil::MediaID( iFs, aNewUrl );
oldObject->SetMediaId( mediaId );
SetModifiedTimeL( oldObject, aNewUrl );
TOrigin origin = OriginFromMdEObjectL( *oldObject );
if( origin == MdeConstants::Object::EOther)
OriginToMdEObjectL( *oldObject, aOrigin );
iMdeSession->Session()->CommitObjectL( *oldObject );
else if ( newObject )
// if we replace file from not phone location (e.g. from PC)
// where it create some temporary file and replace aNewUrl file
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::ReplaceL - Different filenames... still try to harvest new one as modify" );
HBufC* fn = aNewUrl.AllocLC();
CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( fn );
CleanupStack::Pop( fn );
hd->SetEventType( EHarvesterEdit );
hd->SetOrigin( aOrigin );
if( aFastHarvest )
hd->SetObjectType( EFastHarvest );
iObserver->MonitorEvent( hd );
if ( oldObject )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldObject );
if ( newObject )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newObject );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::ModifyL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::ModifyL( const TDesC& aUrl, TOrigin aOrigin, TBool aFastHarvest )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::ModifyL" );
CMdEObject* oldObject = iMdeSession->Session()->GetObjectL( aUrl );
// check if not in mde, harvest
if ( !oldObject && iObserver )
HBufC* fn = aUrl.AllocLC();
CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( fn );
CleanupStack::Pop( fn );
hd->SetEventType( EHarvesterAdd );
hd->SetOrigin( aOrigin );
if( aFastHarvest )
hd->SetObjectType( EFastHarvest );
iObserver->MonitorEvent( hd );
else if ( iObserver )
HBufC* fn = aUrl.AllocLC();
CHarvesterData* hd = CHarvesterData::NewL( fn );
CleanupStack::Pop( fn );
hd->SetEventType( EHarvesterEdit );
hd->SetOrigin( aOrigin );
if( aFastHarvest )
hd->SetObjectType( EFastHarvest );
iObserver->MonitorEvent( hd );
if ( oldObject )
delete oldObject;
oldObject = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::DeleteFromMDEL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::DeleteFromMDEL( const TDesC& aUrl )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::DeleteFromMDEL" );
iMdeSession->Session()->RemoveObjectL( aUrl );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::MultiDeleteFromMDEL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::MultiDeleteFromMDEL( const RPointerArray<TDesC>& aUrls )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::MultiDeleteFromMDEL" );
RArray<TItemId> results;
CleanupClosePushL( results );
iMdeSession->Session()->RemoveObjectsL( aUrls, results );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &results );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::FormatL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::FormatL( TUint32 aOldMediaId, TBool aSubClose )
WRITELOG2( "CFileEventHandlerAO::FormatL - old media ID %d subclose %d",
aOldMediaId, aSubClose );
if ( aOldMediaId )
iMdeSession->SetFilesToNotPresent( aOldMediaId );
if ( aSubClose )
iMdeSession->RemoveFilesNotPresent( aOldMediaId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::RunError()
// From CActive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
TInt CFileEventHandlerAO::RunError( TInt aError )
TInt CFileEventHandlerAO::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
WRITELOG1( "CFileEventHandlerAO::RunError %d", aError );
SetNextRequest( ERequestProcessing );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::DoCancel()
// From CActive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::DoCancel()
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::DoCancel" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::CFileEventHandlerAO()
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFileEventHandlerAO::CFileEventHandlerAO() :
CActive( KHarvesterPriorityMonitorPlugin )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::Mapper()
// Returns a handle to CProcessOriginMapper.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CProcessOriginMapper& CFileEventHandlerAO::Mapper()
return *iMapper;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileEventHandlerAO::NotMoveEvent()
// Handles other than move events in move case (rename). If the case is not
// move, then new file must be created.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::NotMoveEvent(RPointerArray<CHarvesterData>& aHDArray)
TInt count = aHDArray.Count();
for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
CHarvesterData* hd = aHDArray[i];
iObserver->MonitorEvent( hd );
CMdEHarvesterSession * CFileEventHandlerAO::MdeHarvesterSession()
return iMdeSession;
void CFileEventHandlerAO::AddToQueueL( TMdsFSPStatus& aEvent )
CMdsFSPQueueItem* item = CMdsFSPQueueItem::NewL(aEvent);
if( iNextRequest == ERequestIdle && !iCacheEvents )
SetNextRequest( ERequestProcessing );
void CFileEventHandlerAO::SetNextRequest( TRequest aRequest )
WRITELOG( "CFileEventHandlerAO::SetNextRequest" );
iNextRequest = aRequest;
if ( !IsActive() )
iStatus = KRequestPending;
TRequestStatus* ptrStatus = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( ptrStatus, KErrNone );
void CFileEventHandlerAO::SetCachingStatus( TBool aCachingStatus )
iCacheEvents = aCachingStatus;
if ( iCacheEvents )
SetNextRequest( ERequestIdle );
else if ( iQueue.Count() > 0 )
SetNextRequest( ERequestProcessing );
void CFileEventHandlerAO::ReadCacheSizeFromCenrepL()
CRepository* repo = CRepository::NewLC( KRepositoryUid );
User::LeaveIfError( repo->Get( KCacheSizeKey, iCacheSize ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repo );
// CFileEventHandlerAO::SetTitle()
// Set MdE object's title with aNewUrl
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::SetTitleL( CMdEObject* aOldObject, const TDesC& aNewUrl )
TPtrC newName;
if( MdsUtils::GetName( aNewUrl, newName ) )
if( !iTitlePropertyDef )
iTitlePropertyDef = &aOldObject->Def().GetPropertyDefL(
MdeConstants::Object::KTitleProperty );
CMdEProperty* titleProp = NULL;
aOldObject->Property( *iTitlePropertyDef, titleProp );
if ( titleProp )
TPtrC oldName;
if( MdsUtils::GetName( aOldObject->Uri(), oldName ) )
// update title property only,
// if title property is same as the old name and
// the new name is not same as the old name
if( MdsUtils::Compare( oldName, titleProp->TextValueL() ) == 0 &&
MdsUtils::Compare( newName, oldName ) != 0 )
titleProp->SetTextValueL( newName );
// add title property, if it doesn't exist
aOldObject->AddTextPropertyL( *iTitlePropertyDef , newName );
// CFileEventHandlerAO::SetModifiedTimeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileEventHandlerAO::SetModifiedTimeL( CMdEObject* aOldObject, const TDesC& aNewUrl )
TTime time;
const TInt errorcode = iFs.Modified( aNewUrl, time );
if ( errorcode != KErrNone )
if( !iTimePropertyDef )
iTimePropertyDef = &aOldObject->Def().GetPropertyDefL(
MdeConstants::Object::KLastModifiedDateProperty );
CMdEProperty* timeProp = NULL;
aOldObject->Property( *iTimePropertyDef, timeProp );
if( timeProp )
timeProp->SetTimeValueL( time );
aOldObject->AddTimePropertyL( *iTimePropertyDef , time );