* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: QueryAdapter implementation for CLF
// Includes
#include "CCLFQueryAdapter.h"
#include "CLFConsts.h"
#include "CLFPanics.h"
#include "CLF2MdEConsts.h"
#include "CLFUtils.h"
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32debug.h>
#include "MGDebugPrint.h"
#include "MGTracePrint.h"
#include <mdecondition.h>
#include <mdeconstants.h>
#include <mdetextpropertycondition.h>
#include <mdeobject.h>
#include <mdeproperty.h>
#include <mdequery.h>
#include <mdenamespacedef.h>
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::CCLFQueryAdapter
// Default constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCLFQueryAdapter::CCLFQueryAdapter( CMdESession& aMdESession )
: iMdESession( aMdESession ), iDefaultNamespaceDef( NULL )
// pass
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::ConstructL
// Two-phase constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCLFQueryAdapter::ConstructL()
iDefaultNamespaceDef = &iMdESession.GetDefaultNamespaceDefL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::NewL
// Two-phase API constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCLFQueryAdapter* CCLFQueryAdapter::NewL( CMdESession& aMdESession )
CCLFQueryAdapter* self = new( ELeave ) CCLFQueryAdapter( aMdESession );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::~CCLFQueryAdapter
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL
// Queries the objects based on CLF media and mime types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL( const MDesCArray& aMimeTypeArray,
const TArray<TInt>& aMediaTypeArray,
CMdEObjectQuery*& aQuery,
TRequestStatus& aStatus )
// hard-coded mime types for music
const TDesC* clfwrappermusictypes[] =
CMdEObjectDef& def = iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KBaseObject );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !aQuery, User::Panic( KCLFPanicText, KErrNotReady ));
aQuery = iMdESession.NewObjectQueryL( *iDefaultNamespaceDef, def, this );
aQuery->SetResultMode( EQueryResultModeId );
CMdELogicCondition& rootCondition = aQuery->Conditions();
if ( aMimeTypeArray.MdcaCount() > 0 )
rootCondition.SetOperator( ELogicConditionOperatorOr );
CMdEPropertyDef& propDef = def.GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KItemTypeProperty );
// Add object conditions based on mime types.
for ( TInt index( 0 ); index < aMimeTypeArray.MdcaCount(); index++ )
CMdELogicCondition& logicCond = rootCondition.AddLogicConditionL( ELogicConditionOperatorOr );
AddMimeTypeConditionL(logicCond, propDef, aMimeTypeArray.MdcaPoint( index ));
TBool music = EFalse;
TBool sounds = EFalse;
// Add mime conditions for audio types
CMdEObjectDef* objDef = NULL;
CMdEPropertyDef* propDef = NULL;
const TInt typeCount( aMediaTypeArray.Count() );
// Add object conditions based on CLF media types.
if ( typeCount > 0 )
rootCondition.SetOperator( ELogicConditionOperatorOr );
for ( TInt index( 0 ); index < typeCount; index++ )
const TDesC& type = CLFUtils::MapClfType( aMediaTypeArray[ index ] );
if ( type != KNullDesC )
CMdEObjectDef& objDef = iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( type );
if( aMediaTypeArray[ index ] == ECLFMediaTypeSound )
sounds = ETrue;
else if( aMediaTypeArray[ index ] == ECLFMediaTypeMusic )
music = ETrue;
rootCondition.AddObjectConditionL( objDef );
if( sounds && music )
CMdEObjectDef& objDef = iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( CLFUtils::MapClfType( ECLFMediaTypeMusic ) );
rootCondition.AddObjectConditionL( objDef );
else if( sounds )
objDef = &iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( CLFUtils::MapClfType( ECLFMediaTypeSound ) );
propDef = &objDef->GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KItemTypeProperty );
CMdELogicCondition& soundCond = rootCondition.AddLogicConditionL( ELogicConditionOperatorAnd );
// add all necessary mime types to query conditions
const TInt num = sizeof ( clfwrappermusictypes ) / sizeof( TDesC* );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < num; ++i )
CMdELogicCondition& mimeCond = soundCond.AddLogicConditionL( ELogicConditionOperatorOr );
mimeCond.AddPropertyConditionL( *propDef, ETextPropertyConditionCompareEquals, *clfwrappermusictypes[i] );
mimeCond.SetNegate( ETrue );
soundCond.AddObjectConditionL( *objDef );
else if( music )
objDef = &iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( CLFUtils::MapClfType( ECLFMediaTypeMusic ) );
propDef = &objDef->GetPropertyDefL( MdeConstants::Object::KItemTypeProperty );
CMdELogicCondition& musicCond = rootCondition.AddLogicConditionL( ELogicConditionOperatorAnd );
// add all necessary mime types to query conditions
const TInt num = sizeof ( clfwrappermusictypes ) / sizeof( TDesC* );
CMdELogicCondition& mimeCond = musicCond.AddLogicConditionL( ELogicConditionOperatorOr );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < num; ++i )
mimeCond.AddPropertyConditionL( *propDef, ETextPropertyConditionCompareEquals, *clfwrappermusictypes[i] );
musicCond.AddObjectConditionL( *objDef );
aStatus = KRequestPending;
iStatusArray.Append( &aStatus );
iQueryArray.Append( aQuery );
// Check that we can actually execute the query. We can if we have at least one query condition.
if ( rootCondition.Count() > 0 )
MG_DEBUG1( QMO5, "[CLF]\t CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL execute query");
MG_DEBUG1( QMO6, "[CLF]\t CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL unknown conditions");
CompleteRequest( *aQuery, KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL
// Queries the objects based on CLF ids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL( const TArray< TCLFItemId >& aItemIDArray,
const TDesC& aObjDefStr,
CMdEObjectQuery*& aQuery,
TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CMdEObjectDef& objDef = iDefaultNamespaceDef->GetObjectDefL( aObjDefStr );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !aQuery, User::Panic( KCLFPanicText, KErrNotReady ));
aQuery = iMdESession.NewObjectQueryL( *iDefaultNamespaceDef, objDef, this );
aQuery->SetResultMode( EQueryResultModeId );
CMdELogicCondition& rootCondition = aQuery->Conditions();
rootCondition.SetOperator( ELogicConditionOperatorOr );
const TInt idCount( aItemIDArray.Count() );
if ( idCount > 0 )
RArray< TItemId > objectIds;
// Add object conditions based on CLF ids.
for ( TInt index( 0 ); index < idCount; index++ )
objectIds.Append( aItemIDArray[ index ] );
CleanupClosePushL( objectIds );
rootCondition.AddObjectConditionL( objectIds );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &objectIds );
aStatus = KRequestPending;
iStatusArray.Append( &aStatus );
iQueryArray.Append( aQuery );
// Check that we can actually execute the query. We can if we have at least one query condition.
if ( rootCondition.Count() > 0 )
MG_DEBUG1( QMO4, "[CLF]\t CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL execute query" );
MG_DEBUG1( QMO5, "[CLF]\t CCLFQueryAdapter::QueryMdEObjectsL unknown conditions" );
CompleteRequest( *aQuery, KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::HandleQueryNewResults
// Called to notify the observer that new results have been received
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCLFQueryAdapter::HandleQueryNewResults( CMdEQuery& /* aQuery */,
const TInt aFirstNewItemIndex,
const TInt aNewItemCount )
void CCLFQueryAdapter::HandleQueryNewResults( CMdEQuery& /* aQuery */,
const TInt /* aFirstNewItemIndex */,
const TInt /* aNewItemCount */ )
MG_DEBUG3( HQN1, "[CLF]\t HandleQueryNewResults, aFirstNewItemIndex == %d, aNewItemCount == %d",
aFirstNewItemIndex, aNewItemCount );
/* This method could be used to receive metadata query results in batches.
* This feature is currently unimplemented. */
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::HandleQueryCompleted
// Called to notify the observer that the query has been completed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCLFQueryAdapter::HandleQueryCompleted( CMdEQuery& aQuery, const TInt aError )
MG_DEBUG2( HQC1, "[CLF]\t CCLFQueryAdapter::HandleQueryCompleted %d", aError );
MG_DEBUG2( HQC2, "[CLF]\t aQuery.Count() returns: %d", aQuery.Count() );
MG_DEBUG2( HQC3, "[CLF]\t Class instance %d", this );
CompleteRequest( aQuery, aError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::CompleteRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCLFQueryAdapter::CompleteRequest( CMdEQuery& aQuery, const TInt aError )
MG_DEBUG1( HQC4, "[CLF]\t CCLFQueryAdapter::CompleteRequest" );
const TInt count = iQueryArray.Count();
TInt i( 0 );
for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if ( iQueryArray[ i ] == &aQuery )
User::RequestComplete( iStatusArray[ i ], aError );
iStatusArray.Remove( i );
iQueryArray.Remove( i );
#ifdef _DEBUG
_LIT( KCLFWQAPanicText, "HandleQueryCompleted");
__ASSERT_DEBUG( i < count, User::Panic( KCLFWQAPanicText, KErrAbort ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCLFQueryAdapter::AddMimeTypeConditionL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCLFQueryAdapter::AddMimeTypeConditionL( CMdELogicCondition& aLogicCondition,
const CMdEPropertyDef& aPropDef,
const TPtrC& aMimeType )
HBufC16* result = HBufC16::NewLC( aMimeType.Length() );
TPtr16 modResult = result->Des();
modResult.Copy( aMimeType );
// strip possible left asterisk
if ( modResult.Locate( '*' ) == 0 )
modResult.Copy( modResult.Right( modResult.Length() - 1 ));
if ( modResult.Length() > 0 )
// strip possible right asterisk
if ( modResult.LocateReverse( '*' ) == modResult.Length() - 1 )
modResult.Copy( modResult.Left( modResult.Length() - 1 ));
// add type condition
aLogicCondition.AddPropertyConditionL( aPropDef, ETextPropertyConditionCompareContains, modResult );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( result );
// End of File