* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Add, update and remove items in DB.*
#include <e32base.h>
#include <hash.h>
#include "mdscommoninternal.h"
#include "mdsclausebuffer.h"
class CMdSSqLiteConnection;
class CMdsSchema;
class CMdCFolder;
class RMdsStatement;
class CMdsNamespaceDef;
class CMdsObjectDef;
class CMdsPropertyDef;
class CMdCSerializationBuffer;
class CMdsClauseBuffer;
class RRowData;
class TColumn;
class CMdSObjectLockList;
class CMdSServerSession;
class RMdsStatement;
class CMdSIdentifierGenerator: public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPool, reference to pool for reserve database connection.
* @return Pointer to CMdSIdentifierGenerator object.
static CMdSIdentifierGenerator* NewL();
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPool, reference to pool for reserve database connection.
* @return Pointer to CMdSIdentifierGenerator object.
static CMdSIdentifierGenerator* NewLC();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMdSIdentifierGenerator();
* Set guid to generated ones if both are 0
void GenerateGuid( TInt64& aGuidHigh, TInt64& aGuidLow );
* Return unique uri
* method require unique guid's
HBufC* GenerateUriL( const CMdsObjectDef& aObjectDef,
const TInt64& aGuidHigh, const TInt64& aGuidLow ) const;
private: // Private constructors
* CMdSIdentifierGenerator.
* C++ default constructor.
CMdSIdentifierGenerator( )
iDigest = NULL;
* ConstructL.
* 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL( );
private: //Internal variables
TInt64 iImei;
TInt64 iLastTime;
CMessageDigest* iDigest;
* CMdSSqlObjectManipulate converts object handling
* instructions to an SQL clause.
class CMdSSqlObjectManipulate: public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPool, reference to pool for reserve database connection.
* @return Pointer to CMdSSqlObjectManipulate object.
static CMdSSqlObjectManipulate* NewL( const CMdsSchema& aSchema,
CMdSObjectLockList& aLockList );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPool, reference to pool for reserve database connection.
* @return Pointer to CMdSSqlObjectManipulate object.
static CMdSSqlObjectManipulate* NewLC( const CMdsSchema& aSchema,
CMdSObjectLockList& aLockList );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMdSSqlObjectManipulate();
private: // Private constructors
* CSqlObjectManipulate.
* C++ default constructor.
CMdSSqlObjectManipulate( const CMdsSchema& aSchema,
CMdSObjectLockList& aLockList );
* ConstructL.
* 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL( );
public: // Public functions
* Add new object to DB (not using any transaction system)
* @param aBuffer serialized object with properties and freeText
* @return new added object id
TItemId AddObjectL( CMdSSqLiteConnection& aConnection,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
RMdsStatement& aMdsBaseObjStatement, RMdsStatement& aMdsObjStatement,
const CMdSServerSession* aServerSession = NULL );
* Really add freetext to DB
* @param aWord word to add
* @param aObjectId owner of freetext object id
* @param aPosition position
* @param aSearch search for existing freetext in DB
TUint32 AddFreeTextToDBL( TPtrC16& aWord, TItemId aObjectId,
TInt32 aPosition, TBool aSearch = ETrue );
* Add new freeText to DB (not using any transaction system)
* (check if FreeText is in DB and in this case don't add it)
* @param aBuffer serialized object with FreeText
* @param aFreeTextCount freetext count
* @param aObjectId freetext owner object ID
* @return how many freeText was added to DB
TInt AddFreeTextL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TInt aFreeTextCount, TItemId aObjectId );
* remove object by URI - just for internal use!
void RemoveObjectForceL( const TDesC16& aUri, TItemId aObjectId );
* USE RemoveObjectForceL WITH CAUTION !!!
void RemoveObjectForceL( TItemId aObjectId );
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CheckObjectL( TInt aResultBufferSize,
const TDesC& aUri, TDefId aNamespaceDefId );
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CheckObjectL( TInt aResultBufferSize,
TItemId aId, TDefId aNamespaceDefId );
CMdCSerializationBuffer* CheckObjectL( TInt aResultBufferSize,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aIds, TDefId aNamespaceDefId );
void CollectRemovedItemsL( RArray<TItemId>& aRemoveIds,
RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds, RArray<TItemId>& aRelationIds,
RArray<TItemId>& aEventIds );
* Remove object using it's id
* @param aBuffer id's to remove
* @param aCount id's count
* @param aIdArray result id's
* @param aUserLevel not used - delete
* @param aLockList list of locked objects
void RemoveObjectsByIdL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TInt aCount,
RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray, RArray<TItemId>& aRelationIds,
RArray<TItemId>& aEventIds );
* Remove object using it's URI's
* @param aBuffer URI's to remove
* @param aCount URI's count
* @param aIdArray result id's
* @param aUserLevel not used - delete
* @param aLockList list of locked objects
void RemoveObjectsByUriL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TInt aCount,
RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray, RArray<TItemId>& aRelationIds,
RArray<TItemId>& aEventIds );
* search for object uri
* @param aUri object uri to search for
* @param aFlags return found object flags
* @return object id
TItemId SearchObjectByUriL( const TDesC16& aUri, TUint32& aFlags );
* update freetext (add and remove)
void UpdateFreeTextL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TInt aCount,
TItemId aObjectId );
* Update object
* @param aBuffer objects to update
* @param aLockList list of locked objects
TItemId UpdateObjectL( CMdSSqLiteConnection& aConnection,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer );
* Runs garbage collection to database
* @param aDb The database connection
* @return next garbage collection start is needed?
TBool GarbageCollectionL();
* Set namespace for processing functions
void SetNamespace( const CMdsNamespaceDef* aNamespaceDef );
TItemId AddEventL( CMdSSqLiteConnection& aConnection,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer );
TItemId AddRelationL( CMdSSqLiteConnection& aConnection,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer );
void RemoveEventsL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TInt aCount,
RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray );
void RemoveRelationsL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TInt aCount,
RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray );
TItemId UpdateRelationsL( CMdSSqLiteConnection& aConnection,
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer );
* Add memory card media ID
* @param aDb The database connection
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
void AddMemoryCardL(TUint32 aMediaId);
* Get the latest memory card's media ID
* @param aDb The database connection
* @param aMediaId Returns the latest memory card's media ID
* @leave KErrNotFound Not memory cards exist at all
void GetMemoryCardL(TUint32& aMediaId);
* Checks if memory card's with given media ID exists
* @param aMediaId memory card's media ID
* @return memory card exists or not
TBool CheckMemoryCardL(TUint32 aMediaId);
* Set media's media ID, drive and present state to DB.
* @param aMediaId media ID
* @param aMediaId drive
* @param aMediaId present state
void SetMediaL(TUint32 aMediaId, TChar aDrive, TBool aPresentState);
* Check if the media's with given media ID exist in DB and return
* drive and present state.
* @param aMediaId given media ID
* @param aMediaId drive
* @param aMediaId present state
* @return does media exist
TBool GetMediaL(TUint32 aMediaId, TChar& aDrive, TBool& aPresentState);
* Get present medias' media IDs and drives.
* @param aMediaInfoBuffer buffer where media infos are written
* @return present media count
TInt32 GetPresentMediasL(TDes8& aMediaInfoBuffer);
* Search file object which is in not present state.
* @param aDb The database connection
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
* @param aUri File's URI
* @param aFileInfo File information
* @leave KErrNotFound If not present state file object doesn't exist
* with given URI and media ID
TItemId SearchNotPresentFileL(TUint32 aMediaId, TDesC16& aUri,
TMdSFileInfo& aFileInfo,
TFilePresentStates& aPlaceHolder, TBool& aNotPresentState);
/** from MMdSObjectManipulate */
void SetFilesToPresentL(const RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* Sets object's relation to present state.
* @param aObjectId object ID
* @param aIdArray marked relations ID's
void SetRelationsToPresentL(TItemId aObjectId,
RArray<TItemId>& aIdArray);
* Sets all file objects from last memory card to not present state.
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
* @param aObjectIds Object IDs of those object which are set to not
* present state
void SetFilesToNotPresentL(TUint32 aMediaId, TBool aStartUp, RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* Sets file objects relations from last memory card to not present
* state.
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
* @param aRelationIds changed relation id's
void SetRelationsToNotPresentL(TUint32 aMediaId,
RArray<TItemId>& aRelationIds);
* Removes all file objects which has given media ID and are in not
* present.
* @param aMediaId Memory card's media ID
void RemoveFilesNotPresentL(TUint32 aMediaId, RArray<TItemId>* aObjectIds);
* Get schema version from DB
* @param aConnection The database connection
* @param aMajorVersion schema major version
* @param aMinorVersion schema minor version
void GetSchemaVersionL(TInt& aMajorVersion, TInt& aMinorVersion);
* Set object to "present" state bu GUID
* @leave KErrNotFound MdE can't find object in "not present" state
* with matching GUID
void SetObjectToPresentByGuidL(
const TInt64& aGuidHigh, const TInt64& aGuidLow );
* Change path of objects, which match to the old path, to the new
* path.
* @param aOldPath the old path
* @param aNewPath the new path
* @param aObjectIds IDs of the change objects
void ChangePathL(const TDesC& aOldPath, const TDesC& aNewPath,
RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
* Change C-drive media id and update it to all objects that have the old id.
void ChangeMediaIdL();
* Get removed relation items
* @param aBuffer buffer to fill with returned items
* @param aRemovedRelations removed relations
* @param aAdditionalRemovedRelations possible additional removed relations
void GetRemovedRelationItemsL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
const RArray<TItemId>& aRemovedRelations,
const RArray<TItemId>& aAdditionalRemovedRelations );
* Set/reset "binary composing to file" pending flag to objects
* @param aObjectIds object IDs
* @param aReset when EFalse flags are setted and when ETrue flags are
* resetted
void SetPendingL(const RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds, TBool aReset);
* Get count of objects with "binary composing to file" pending flag
* @param aObjectDefId object def ID
* @return if >= 0, object count is returned, otherwise error code is
* returned
TInt GetPendingCountL(TDefId aObjectDefId);
* Get objects with "binary composing to file" pending flag
* @param aObjectDefId object def ID
* @param aBufferSize maximum ID count of buffer
* @param aObjectIds returned object IDs
* @return if > 0, there was not enough space in buffer, otherwise
* error code is returned
TInt GetPendingL(TDefId aObjectDefId, TInt aBufferSize,
RArray<TItemId>& aObjectIds);
protected: // personal methods
* Add single property from aBuffer and adds it to proper clause and
* row data.
* @param aBuffer serialized property
* @param aObjectDef definition of current object
* @param aBaseObjectClause clause describing base object
* @param aObjectClause clause describing current object
* @param aBaseObjectDataRow data row contains base object values
* @param aObjectDataRow data row contains current object values
* @return new property definition
const CMdsPropertyDef& ReadPropertyL(
CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer,
const CMdsObjectDef& aObjectDef,
CMdsClauseBuffer& aBaseObjectClause,
CMdsClauseBuffer& aObjectClause,
RRowData& aBaseObjectDataRow, RRowData& aObjectDataRow,
TUint8& aFlags );
* Search in DB for freeText
* @param aFreeText freetext to search for
* @return if find ETrue, else EFalse
TItemId FindFreeTextInDbL( TPtrC16 aFreeText );
* Deletes BaseObject.
TBool DoGarbageCollectionL();
private: // Member data
struct TLockBuffer
CMdsClauseBuffer* iBuffer;
TBool iLock;
TRequestStatus iTextSearcherDeleteFreeTextStatus;
TItemId iTextSearcherDeleteFreeTextObjectId;
TRequestStatus iTextSearcherAddFreeTextStatus;
TItemId iTextSearcherAddFreeTextObjectId;
TItemId iCreationEventId;
TItemId iDeletionEventId;
* pointer to actual processing namespace
const CMdsNamespaceDef* iNamespaceDef;
* common usage buffers (initial size = 1024)
RArray<TLockBuffer> iBuffers;
* BaseObject definition, used in addobject and addproperty
const CMdsObjectDef* iBaseObjectDef;
* Store every namespace read from schema file.
const CMdsSchema& iSchema;
* guid generator
CMdSIdentifierGenerator* iGenerator;
CMdSObjectLockList& iLockList;
TBuf<256> iLastAddedObjName;
class RClauseBuffer
RClauseBuffer(CMdSSqlObjectManipulate& aSOM, TInt aSize = 1024);
CMdsClauseBuffer& BufferL();
void Close();
RArray<TLockBuffer>& iBuffers;
CMdsClauseBuffer* iBuffer;
TInt iNr;
const TInt iSize;
#include "mdssqlobjectmanipulate.inl"