* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class to hold description about one object and it's properties
#include "mdsobjectdef.h"
#include "mdcdef.h"
#include "mdspropertydef.h"
#include "mdsdbconnectionpool.h"
#include "mdcserializationbuffer.h"
#include "mdsindexer.h"
#include "mdeinternalerror.h"
* NewLC
CMdsObjectDef* CMdsObjectDef::NewLC(const TDesC& aName, const CMdsObjectDef* aParent )
CMdsObjectDef* ret = new( ELeave ) CMdsObjectDef( aParent );
CleanupStack::PushL( ret );
ret->ConstructL( aName );
return ret;
* NewL
CMdsObjectDef* CMdsObjectDef::NewL( const TDesC& aName, const CMdsObjectDef* aParent )
CMdsObjectDef* ret = CMdsObjectDef::NewLC( aName, aParent );
CleanupStack::Pop( ret );
return ret;
* default constructor
inline CMdsObjectDef::CMdsObjectDef( const CMdsObjectDef* aParent )
: iParent ( aParent ), iFlags( EObjectDefFlagsNone ), iMandatoryPropertyCount( 0 )
* ConstructL
void CMdsObjectDef::ConstructL( const TDesC& aName )
// check that only allowed characters (A-Z, a-z) are used
CheckAllowerCharatersL( aName, EFalse );
CMdsItemDef::ConstructL( aName );
* Destructor
// deleting properties
void CMdsObjectDef::AddPropertyL( const TDesC& aName, TPropertyType aType,
const TMdCValueUnion& aMinAdd, const TMdCValueUnion& aMaxAdd,
TBool aReadOnly, TBool aMandatory, TBool aIndexed )
CMdsPropertyDef* newProp = CommonAddPropertyL( aName, aType, aReadOnly, aMandatory, aIndexed );
if (!newProp)
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownPropertyDef );
switch (aType)
case EPropertyUint32:
case EPropertyText:
case EPropertyBool:
case EPropertyInt32:
case EPropertyInt64:
case EPropertyTime:
case EPropertyReal64:
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSODAdd") , KErrMdEUnknownPropertyType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownPropertyType );
* AddPropertyL
void CMdsObjectDef::AddPropertyL( const TDesC& aName, TPropertyType aType,
TInt32 aMinAdd, TInt32 aMaxAdd,
TBool aReadOnly, TBool aMandatory, TBool aIndexed )
CMdsPropertyDef* newProp = CommonAddPropertyL( aName, aType, aReadOnly, aMandatory, aIndexed );
newProp->AddMinMaxValueL( aMinAdd, aMaxAdd );
* AddPropertyL
void CMdsObjectDef::AddPropertyL( const TDesC& aName, TPropertyType aType,
TUint32 aMinAdd, TUint32 aMaxAdd,
TBool aReadOnly, TBool aMandatory, TBool aIndexed )
CMdsPropertyDef* newProp = CommonAddPropertyL( aName, aType, aReadOnly, aMandatory, aIndexed );
newProp->AddMinMaxValueL( aMinAdd, aMaxAdd );
* AddPropertyL
void CMdsObjectDef::AddPropertyL( const TDesC& aName, TPropertyType aType,
const TInt64& aMinAdd, const TInt64& aMaxAdd,
TBool aReadOnly, TBool aMandatory, TBool aIndexed )
CMdsPropertyDef* newProp = CommonAddPropertyL( aName, aType, aReadOnly, aMandatory, aIndexed );
newProp->AddMinMaxValueL( aMinAdd, aMaxAdd );
* AddPropertyL
void CMdsObjectDef::AddPropertyL( const TDesC& aName, TPropertyType aType,
const TReal& aMinAdd, const TReal& aMaxAdd,
TBool aReadOnly, TBool aMandatory, TBool aIndexed )
CMdsPropertyDef* newProp = CommonAddPropertyL( aName, aType, aReadOnly, aMandatory, aIndexed );
newProp->AddMinMaxValueL( aMinAdd, aMaxAdd );
* CommonAddPropertyL
CMdsPropertyDef* CMdsObjectDef::CommonAddPropertyL( const TDesC& aName, TPropertyType aType,
TBool aReadOnly, TBool aMandatory, TBool aIndexed )
CMdsPropertyDef* propertyDef = CMdsPropertyDef::NewLC( aName, aType, aReadOnly, aMandatory,
aIndexed );
iPropertyDefs.AppendL( propertyDef );
CleanupStack::Pop( propertyDef );
return propertyDef;
CMdsPropertyDef* CMdsObjectDef::CommonAddPropertyL( const TDesC& aName, TPropertyType aType,
TUint32 aFlags, TDefId aId )
CMdsPropertyDef* propertyDef = CMdsPropertyDef::NewLC( aName, aType, aFlags );
iPropertyDefs.AppendL( propertyDef );
CleanupStack::Pop( propertyDef );
return propertyDef;
CMdsPropertyDef* CMdsObjectDef::GetProperty( TUint32 aIndex ) const
return iPropertyDefs[aIndex];
CMdsPropertyDef* CMdsObjectDef::GetProperty( const TDesC& aName ) const
const TInt count = iPropertyDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if( iPropertyDefs[i]->GetName().Compare( aName ) == 0 )
return iPropertyDefs[i];
if ( iParent )
return iParent->GetProperty( aName );
return NULL;
const CMdsPropertyDef* CMdsObjectDef::GetPropertyByIdL( TDefId aId ) const
const TInt propertyDefCount = iPropertyDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < propertyDefCount; ++i )
const CMdsPropertyDef* propDef = iPropertyDefs[i];
if( propDef->GetId() == aId )
return propDef;
if ( iParent )
return iParent->GetPropertyByIdL( aId );
return NULL;
void CMdsObjectDef::StoreToDBL( TDefId aNamespaceDefId )
_LIT( KMdsSqlClauseTriggerObjectDef, "CREATE TRIGGER Delete%S%u DELETE ON Object%u BEGIN DELETE FROM %S%u WHERE ObjectId=OLD.ObjectId; END;" );
_LIT( KMdsSqlClauseAddObjectDef, "INSERT INTO ObjectDef(NamespaceDefId, ParentDefId, Flags, Name) Values(?,?,?,?);" );
RRowData rowData;
CleanupClosePushL( rowData );
if ( !GetStoredInDB() )
rowData.AppendL( TColumn( aNamespaceDefId ) );
rowData.AppendL( TColumn( iParent ? iParent->GetId() : KNoDefId ) );
rowData.AppendL( TColumn( (TInt32)iFlags ) );
rowData.AppendL( TColumn( GetName().AllocL() ) );
TDefId id = MMdSIndexer::ExecuteAndGetIndexL( KMdsSqlClauseAddObjectDef,rowData );
SetId( id );
if ( GetId() != KBaseObjectDefId )
// Create trigger
HBufC* sqlQueryCreateTrigger = HBufC::NewLC( KMdsSqlClauseTriggerObjectDef().Size() + ( KMaxUintValueLength * 3 ) + ( GetName().Length() * 2 ) );
TPtr sqlPtr = sqlQueryCreateTrigger->Des();
sqlPtr.Format( KMdsSqlClauseTriggerObjectDef, &GetName(), aNamespaceDefId, aNamespaceDefId, &GetName(), aNamespaceDefId );
RRowData rowDataDummy;
CleanupClosePushL( rowDataDummy );
CMdSSqLiteConnection& connection = MMdSDbConnectionPool::GetDefaultDBL();
connection.ExecuteL( *sqlQueryCreateTrigger, rowDataDummy );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, sqlQueryCreateTrigger ); // rowDataDummy, sqlQueryCreateTrigger
// add propertyDef to DB
for( TInt counter = 0; counter < iPropertyDefs.Count(); ++counter )
iPropertyDefs[counter]->StoreToDBL( GetId() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rowData );
CMdsPropertyDef* CMdsObjectDef::FindProperty( const TDesC& aName ) const
const TInt count = iPropertyDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if ( iPropertyDefs[i]->GetName().Compare( aName ) == 0 )
return iPropertyDefs[i];
return NULL;
void CMdsObjectDef::MergeL( CMdsObjectDef* aObjectDef, const TBool& /*aDryRun*/ )
const TInt count = aObjectDef->iPropertyDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
CMdsPropertyDef* lPropertyDef = FindProperty( aObjectDef->iPropertyDefs[i]->GetName() );
if ( lPropertyDef )
if ( *lPropertyDef != *(aObjectDef->iPropertyDefs[i]) )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
void CMdsObjectDef::AddPropertyL( const TDefId aId, TPropertyType aType, TUint32 aFlags,
const TDesC& aMinAdd, const TDesC& aMaxAdd, const TDesC& aName )
CMdsPropertyDef* prop = CommonAddPropertyL( aName, aType, aFlags, aId );
switch( aType )
case EPropertyBool: case EPropertyInt8: case EPropertyUint8: case EPropertyInt16:
case EPropertyUint16: case EPropertyInt32: case EPropertyText:
TInt32 minValue = 0;
TInt32 maxValue = 0;
TLex lex( aMinAdd );
lex.Val( minValue );
lex.Assign( aMaxAdd );
lex.Val( maxValue );
prop->AddMinMaxValueL( minValue, maxValue );
case EPropertyUint32:
TUint32 minValue = 0;
TUint32 maxValue = 0;
TLex lex( aMinAdd );
lex.Val( (TInt64&)minValue );
lex.Assign( aMaxAdd );
lex.Val( (TInt64&)maxValue );
prop->AddMinMaxValueL( minValue, maxValue );
case EPropertyInt64:
case EPropertyTime:
TInt64 minValue, maxValue;
TLex lex( aMinAdd );
lex.Val( minValue );
lex.Assign( aMaxAdd );
lex.Val( maxValue );
prop->AddMinMaxValueL( minValue, maxValue );
case EPropertyReal32:
case EPropertyReal64:
TReal minValue, maxValue;
TLex lex( aMinAdd );
lex.Val( minValue );
lex.Assign( aMaxAdd );
lex.Val( maxValue );
prop->AddMinMaxValueL( minValue, maxValue );
#ifdef _DEBUG
User::Panic( _L("MdSODAd2") , KErrMdEUnknownPropertyType );
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownPropertyType );
void CMdsObjectDef::ImportFromDBL()
_LIT( KMdsQueryGetPropertyDefs, "SELECT PropertyDefId,Flags,Type,MinValue,MaxValue,Name FROM PropertyDef WHERE ObjectDefId=?;" );
_LIT( KMdsQueryGetCol2Prop, "SELECT PropertyDefId,ColumnId FROM Col2Prop WHERE ObjectDefId=?;" );
RMdsStatement query;
CleanupClosePushL( query );
// importing properties
RRowData objectNumber;
CleanupClosePushL( objectNumber );
objectNumber.AppendL( TColumn( GetId() ) );
CMdSSqLiteConnection& connection = MMdSDbConnectionPool::GetDefaultDBL();
TDefId propertyDefId = 0;
TPropertyType type;
TInt32 typeValue = 0;
TUint32 propertyFlags = 0;
TPtrC16 name;
TPtrC16 minValue;
TPtrC16 maxValue;
RRowData getData;
CleanupClosePushL( getData );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( propertyDefId ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( propertyFlags ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( typeValue ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnHBuf16 ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnHBuf16 ) );
getData.AppendL( TColumn( EColumnHBuf16 ) );
connection.ExecuteQueryL( KMdsQueryGetPropertyDefs, query, objectNumber );
while( connection.NextRowL( query, getData ) )
getData.Column( 0 ).Get( propertyDefId );
getData.Column( 1 ).Get( propertyFlags );
getData.Column( 2 ).Get( typeValue );
type = (TPropertyType)typeValue;
getData.Column( 3 ).Get( minValue );
getData.Column( 4 ).Get( maxValue );
getData.Column( 5 ).Get( name );
AddPropertyL( propertyDefId, type, propertyFlags, minValue, maxValue, name );
getData.Column( 5 ).Free( );
getData.Column( 4 ).Free( );
getData.Column( 3 ).Free( );
RMdsStatement queryCol;
CleanupClosePushL( queryCol );
RRowData getColData;
CleanupClosePushL( getColData );
TUint32 columnId = 0;
getColData.AppendL( TColumn( propertyDefId ) );
getColData.AppendL( TColumn( columnId ) );
connection.ExecuteQueryL( KMdsQueryGetCol2Prop, queryCol, objectNumber );
while( connection.NextRowL( queryCol, getColData ) )
getColData.Column( 0 ).Get( propertyDefId );
getColData.Column( 1 ).Get( columnId );
const CMdsPropertyDef* propertyDef = GetPropertyByIdL( propertyDefId );
if( !propertyDef )
User::Leave( KErrMdEUnknownPropertyDef );
CMdsObjectDef::TMdsColumnOrder col = { columnId, *propertyDef };
iCol2Prop.AppendL( col );
if( propertyDef->GetMandatory() )
// everything is ok, so set the flags
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 5, &query ); // getColData, queryCol, getData, objectNumber, query
TUint32 CMdsObjectDef::RequiredBufferSize()
TUint32 bufferSize = sizeof(TMdCObjectDef) + CMdsItemDef::RequiredBufferSize();
// propertydefs
const TInt propertyDefsCount = iPropertyDefs.Count();
bufferSize += propertyDefsCount * sizeof(TMdCPropertyDef);
for ( TInt i = 0; i < propertyDefsCount; ++i )
bufferSize += iPropertyDefs[i]->RequiredBufferSize();
return bufferSize;
TMdCOffset CMdsObjectDef::SerializeL( CMdCSerializationBuffer& aBuffer, TMdCOffset aFreeSpace )
const TMdCOffset objectDefOffset = aBuffer.Position();
TMdCObjectDef objectDef;
// get const data and store Name
objectDef.iDefId = GetId();
objectDef.iParentId = iParent ? iParent->GetId() : KNoDefId;
objectDef.iName.iPtr.iCount = GetName().Length();
objectDef.iName.iPtr.iOffset = aFreeSpace;
aBuffer.PositionL( aFreeSpace );
aFreeSpace = CMdsItemDef::SerializeL( aBuffer );
// calculate necessary stuff for propertyDefs
const TInt propertyDefsCount = iPropertyDefs.Count();
objectDef.iPropertyDefs.iPtr.iCount = propertyDefsCount;
objectDef.iPropertyDefs.iPtr.iOffset = aFreeSpace;
// create space for propertyDefs
aFreeSpace += propertyDefsCount * sizeof(TMdCPropertyDef);
for ( TInt i = 0; i < propertyDefsCount; ++i )
aBuffer.PositionL( objectDef.iPropertyDefs.iPtr.iOffset + i * sizeof(TMdCPropertyDef) );
// write object
aFreeSpace = iPropertyDefs[i]->SerializeL( aBuffer, aFreeSpace );
// store objectDef itself
aBuffer.PositionL( objectDefOffset );
objectDef.SerializeL( aBuffer );
return aFreeSpace;
TInt CMdsObjectDef::GetAllPropertiesCount() const
#ifdef _DEBUG
_LIT( KCountPanicError, "CMdsObjectDef::GetAllPropertiesCount()" );
TInt temp = iPropertyDefs.Count() + ( iParent ? iParent->GetAllPropertiesCount() : 0 );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( temp == iCol2Prop.Count(), User::Panic( KCountPanicError, KErrCorrupt ) );
return iCol2Prop.Count();
TInt CMdsObjectDef::GetMandatoryPropertyCount() const
return iMandatoryPropertyCount;
void CMdsObjectDef::SetStoredEveryInDB()
const TInt count = iPropertyDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
void CMdsObjectDef::SetNotStoredEveryInDB()
const TInt count = iPropertyDefs.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )