* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Metadata Engine's literals.
// conforms to Metadata schema version 1.6
namespace MdeConstants
namespace Object
_LIT( KBaseObject, "Object" );
_LIT( KAutomaticUri, "" );
_LIT( KSizeProperty, "Size" );
_LIT( KOriginProperty, "Origin" );
_LIT( KUsageCountProperty, "UsageCount" );
_LIT( KCreationDateProperty, "CreationDate" );
_LIT( KLastModifiedDateProperty, "LastModifiedDate" );
_LIT( KItemTypeProperty, "ItemType" );
_LIT( KTitleProperty, "Title" );
_LIT( KTimeOffsetProperty, "TimeOffset" );
enum TOrigin
EOther = 0,
ECamera = 1,
EDownloaded = 2,
ESideLoaded = 3,
ERecorded = 4
typedef MdeConstants::Object::TOrigin Origin; // deprecated
namespace Location
_LIT( KLocationObject, "Location" );
_LIT( KLocationItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.locationcontext" );
_LIT( KCellIdProperty, "CellID" );
_LIT( KCountryCodeProperty, "CountryCodeStr" );
_LIT( KNetworkCodeProperty, "NetworkCodeStr" );
_LIT( KLocationAreaCodeProperty, "LocationAreaCode" );
_LIT( KSpeedProperty, "Speed" );
_LIT( KDirectionProperty, "Direction" );
_LIT( KQualityProperty, "Quality" );
_LIT( KLatitudeProperty, "Latitude" );
_LIT( KLongitudeProperty, "Longitude" );
_LIT( KAltitudeProperty, "Altitude" );
_LIT( KSatellitesProperty, "Satellites" );
_LIT( KCountryProperty, "Country" );
_LIT( KCellNameProperty, "CellName" );
namespace Calendar
_LIT( KCalendarObject, "Calendar" );
_LIT( KCalendarItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.calendarcontext" );
_LIT( KCalendarTypeProperty, "CalendarType" );
_LIT( KStartTimeProperty, "StartTime" );
_LIT( KEndTimeProperty, "EndTime" );
_LIT( KLocationProperty, "Location" );
_LIT( KvCalendarProperty, "vCalendar" );
_LIT( KLocalUidProperty, "LocalUid" );
namespace Contact
_LIT( KContactObject, "Contact" );
_LIT( KContactItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.contactcontext" );
_LIT( KNumberProperty, "Number" );
_LIT( KEmailAddressProperty, "EmailAddress" );
_LIT( KCompanyProperty, "Company" );
_LIT( KJobTitleProperty, "JobTitle" );
_LIT( KAddressProperty, "Address" );
_LIT( KURLProperty, "ContactURL" );
_LIT( KvCardProperty, "vCard" );
namespace Message
_LIT( KMessageObject, "Message" );
_LIT( KSMSItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.sms" );
_LIT( KMMSItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.mms" );
_LIT( KReceivedProperty, "Received" );
_LIT( KSenderProperty, "Sender" );
_LIT( KToWhomProperty, "ToWhom" );
namespace Album
_LIT( KAlbumObject, "Album" );
_LIT( KAlbumItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.album" );
_LIT( KOrderedProperty, "Ordered" );
_LIT( KTypeProperty, "Type" );
_LIT( KPropertiesProperty, "Properties" );
_LIT( KSlideshowWallpaperProperty, "SlideshowWallpaper" );
enum TAlbumType
EAlbumUser = 0,
EAlbumUserPredefined = 1,
EAlbumSystemFavourite = 2,
EAlbumSystemCamera = 3,
typedef MdeConstants::Album::TAlbumType AlbumType; // deprecated
namespace Tag
_LIT( KTagObject, "Tag" );
_LIT( KTagItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.tag" );
namespace MediaObject
_LIT( KMediaObject, "MediaObject" );
_LIT( KProtectedProperty, "Protected" );
_LIT( KDRMProperty, "DRM" );
_LIT( KThumbnailPresentProperty, "ThumbnailPresent" );
_LIT( KResizedProperty, "Resized" );
_LIT( KSampleProperty, "Sample" );
_LIT( KRatingProperty, "Rating" );
_LIT( KPrivacyProperty, "Privacy" );
_LIT( KResolutionUnitProperty, "ResolutionUnit" );
_LIT( KBitrateProperty, "Bitrate" );
_LIT( KWidthProperty, "Width" );
_LIT( KHeightProperty, "Height" );
_LIT( KPreinstalledProperty, "Preinstalled" );
_LIT( KAccessCountProperty, "AccessCount" );
_LIT( KDownloadIdProperty, "DownloadID" );
_LIT( KDurationProperty, "Duration" );
_LIT( KReleaseDateProperty, "ReleaseDate" );
_LIT( KCaptureDateProperty, "CaptureDate" );
_LIT( KArtistProperty, "Artist" );
_LIT( KAuthorProperty, "Author" );
_LIT( KCopyrightProperty, "Copyright" );
_LIT( KLegalProperty, "Legal" );
_LIT( KDescriptionProperty, "Description" );
_LIT( KCommentProperty, "Comment" );
_LIT( KGenreProperty, "Genre" );
_LIT( KTrackProperty, "Track" );
_LIT( KAudioFourCCProperty, "AudioFourCC" );
enum TPreinstalledFlag
ENotPreinstalled = 0,
EPreinstalled = 1
namespace Video // derived from MediaObject
_LIT( KVideoObject, "Video" );
_LIT( KAgeProfileProperty, "AgeProfile" );
_LIT( KRecordingFlagsProperty, "RecordingFlags" );
_LIT( KLastPlayPositionProperty, "LastPlayPosition" );
_LIT( KFramerateProperty, "Framerate" );
_LIT( KAudioLanguageProperty, "AudioLanguage" );
namespace Image // derived from MediaObject
_LIT( KImageObject, "Image" );
_LIT( KDraftProperty, "Draft" );
_LIT( KFocalPlaneResolutionUnitProperty, "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit" );
_LIT( KExposureProgramProperty, "ExposureProgram" );
_LIT( KFocalLengthIn35mmFilmProperty, "FocalLengthIn35mmFilm" );
_LIT( KISOSpeedRatingsProperty, "ISOSpeedRatings" );
_LIT( KMeteringModeProperty, "MeteringMode" );
_LIT( KWhiteBalanceProperty, "WhiteBalance" );
_LIT( KFlashProperty, "Flash" );
_LIT( KColourSpaceProperty, "ColourSpace" );
_LIT( KOrientationProperty, "Orientation" );
_LIT( KSamplesPerPixelProperty, "SamplesPerPixel" );
_LIT( KBitsPerSampleProperty, "BitsPerSample" );
_LIT( KYCbCrPositioningProperty, "YCbCrPositioning" );
_LIT( KThumbCompressionProperty, "ThumbCompression" );
_LIT( KThumbResolutionUnitProperty, "ThumbResolutionUnit" );
_LIT( KThumbOrientationProperty, "ThumbOrientation" );
_LIT( KFrameCountProperty, "FrameCount" );
_LIT( KPixelXDimensionProperty, "PixelXDimension" );
_LIT( KPixelYDimensionProperty, "PixelYDimension" );
_LIT( KExifVersionProperty, "ExifVersion" );
_LIT( KComponentsConfigurationProperty, "ComponentsConfiguration" );
_LIT( KFlashPixVersionProperty, "FlashPixVersion" );
_LIT( KThumbXResolutionProperty, "ThumbXResolution" );
_LIT( KThumbYResolutionProperty, "ThumbYResolution" );
_LIT( KFocalPlaneXResolutionProperty, "FocalPlaneXResolution" );
_LIT( KFocalPlaneYResolutionProperty, "FocalPlaneYResolution" );
_LIT( KExposureTimeProperty, "ExposureTime" );
_LIT( KExposureBiasValueProperty, "ExposureBiasValue" );
_LIT( KFNumberProperty, "FNumber" );
_LIT( KFocalLengthProperty, "FocalLength" );
_LIT( KApertureValueProperty, "ApertureValue" );
_LIT( KMaxApertureProperty, "MaxAperture" );
_LIT( KShutterSpeedValueProperty, "ShutterSpeedValue" );
_LIT( KXResolutionProperty, "XResolution" );
_LIT( KYResolutionProperty, "YResolution" );
_LIT( KDateTimeProperty, "DateTime" );
_LIT( KDateTimeDigitizedProperty, "DateTimeDigitized" );
_LIT( KDateTimeOriginalProperty, "DateTimeOriginal" );
_LIT( KPixelFormatProperty, "PixelFormat" );
_LIT( KModelProperty, "Model" );
_LIT( KMakeProperty, "Make" );
_LIT( KRelatedSoundFileProperty, "RelatedSoundFile" );
namespace Audio // derived from MediaObject
_LIT( KAudioObject, "Audio" );
_LIT( KSamplingFrequencyProperty, "SamplingFrequency" );
_LIT( KAlbumProperty, "Album" );
_LIT( KComposerProperty, "Composer" );
_LIT( KOriginalArtistProperty, "OriginalArtist" );
_LIT( KAlbumArtistProperty, "AlbumArtist" );
namespace Events
_LIT( KCreated, "Created" );
_LIT( KDeleted, "Deleted" );
_LIT( KOpened, "Opened" );
_LIT( KPlayed, "Played" );
_LIT( KEdited, "Edited" );
_LIT( KSent, "Sent" );
_LIT( KReceived, "Received" );
namespace Relations
_LIT( KContains, "Contains" );
_LIT( KReplaces, "Replaces" );
_LIT( KIsVersionOf, "IsVersionOf" );
_LIT( KRequires, "Requires" );
_LIT( KUses, "Uses" );
_LIT( KReferences, "References" );
_LIT( KSummarises, "Summarises" );
_LIT( KContainsLocation, "ContainsLocation" );
namespace TrackLog
_LIT( KTrackLogObject, "TrackLog" );
_LIT( KTrackLogItemType, "application/vnd.nokia.mde.tracklog" );
_LIT( KLengthProperty, "Length" );
_LIT( KStartTimeProperty, "StartTime" );
_LIT( KStopTimeProperty, "StopTime" );
// type definitions
typedef MdeConstants::Object::TOrigin TOrigin;