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     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // __ACTION_INFO_BEGIN__ 
    15 // [Action Name]
    16 // SendAsAddAttachment
    17 // [Action Parameters]
    18 // RSendAsMessage			sendAsMessage	<input>		: Reference of  the RSendAsMessage object
    19 // HBufC						attachmentFile	<input>		: The file to be attached
    20 // HBufC						mimeType		<input>		: MIME type.Default value implies that no MIME type is specified
    21 // [Action Description]
    22 // SendAsAddAttachment Test Action is intended to add non-linked attachment 
    23 // to the created message.  If the
    24 // MIME type is provided as an input, the MIME type for the attachment is set.
    25 // [APIs Used]
    26 // RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment(RFs& aFs, RFile& aAttachmentFile, const TDesC& aMimeType)
    27 // RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment(RFs& aFs, RFile& aAttachmentFile)
    28 // __ACTION_INFO_END__
    29 // 
    30 //
    32 /**
    33  @file 
    34  @internalTechnology 
    35 */
    38 // User include
    39 #include "sendas2.h"
    40 #include "CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment.h"
    41 #include "CMtfTestCase.h"
    42 #include "CMtfTestActionParameters.h"
    44 #include "MtfTestActionUtilsUser.h"
    46 /**
    47   NewL()
    48   Constructs a CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment object.
    49   Uses two phase construction and leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.   
    50   @internalTechnology
    51   @param  aTestCase         Test Case to which this Test Action belongs
    52   @param  aActionParameters Action parameters, must not be NULL
    53   @return Created object of type CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment
    54   @pre    None
    55   @post   CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment object is created
    56 */
    57 CMtfTestAction* CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment::
    58 		NewL(CMtfTestCase& aTestCase,CMtfTestActionParameters* aActionParameters)
    59 	{
    60 	CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment* self = 
    61 							new (ELeave) CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment(aTestCase);
    63 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    64 	self->ConstructL(aActionParameters);
    65 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    66 	return self;
    67 	}
    70 /**
    71   CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment constructor
    72   Calls the base class' constructor
    73   @internalTechnology  
    74   @param  aTestCase  Test Case to which this Test Action belongs
    75   @pre    None
    76   @post   None
    77 */ 
    78 CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment::CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment(CMtfTestCase& aTestCase)
    79 	: CMtfTestAction(aTestCase)
    80 	{
    81 	}
    83 /**
    84   Function : ~CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment
    85   Description : Destructor
    86   @internalTechnology
    87   @param :
    88   @return : 
    89   @pre 
    90   @post 
    91 */
    92 CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment::~CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment()
    93 	{
    94 	}
    97 /**
    98   ExecuteActionL
    99   	Obtain the input parameters
   100 	1.	sendAsMessage 
   101 	2.	attachmentFile
   102 	3.	mimeType (Default value implies empty string)
   103 	Open a File Server session and create a RFile for the attachment File
   104 	IF MIME type is specified 
   105 	RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment (RFs& aFs, RFile& aAttachmentFile, const TDesC& aMimeType) by passing parameters of RFs for file server session, RFile type for attachment file and MIME type
   106     Else 
   107 	Call RSendAsMessage::AddAttachment (RFs& aFs, RFile& aAttachmentFile) by passing parameters of RFs type for file server session, RFile type for attachment file
   109 	Close session with the file server
   111   @internalTechnology 
   112   @pre    None
   113   @post   None
   114   @leave  System wide errors
   115 */
   116 void CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment::ExecuteActionL()
   117 	{
   118 	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S start..."), &KTestActionSendAsAddAttachment);
   119 	if((TestCase().TestStepResult()) == EPass)
   120 		{
   121 		iSendAsMessage = ObtainValueParameterL<RSendAsMessage>(TestCase(),
   122 											ActionParameters().Parameter(0));
   123 		HBufC* attachmentFile = ObtainParameterReferenceL<HBufC>(TestCase(),
   124 											ActionParameters().Parameter(1)); 
   125 		HBufC8* mimeType = ObtainParameterReferenceL<HBufC8>(TestCase(),ActionParameters().Parameter(2), NULL);	
   128 		if(mimeType != NULL)
   129 			{
   130 			iSendAsMessage.AddAttachment(*attachmentFile, *mimeType, iStatus);
   131 			}
   132 		else
   133 			{
   134 			iSendAsMessage.AddAttachment(*attachmentFile, iStatus);
   135 			}
   137 		CActiveScheduler::Add(this);		
   138 		SetActive();
   139 		}
   140 	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S completed."), &KTestActionSendAsAddAttachment);
   141 	}
   143 void CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment::DoCancel()
   144 	{
   145 	iSendAsMessage.Cancel();
   146 	}
   149 void CMtfTestActionSendAsAddAttachment::RunL()
   150 	{
   151 	TSendAsProgress		sendAsProgress;
   152 	TInt	errorCode = KErrNone;
   154 	if (iStatus == KErrNone)
   155 		{
   156 		iSendAsMessage.ProgressL(sendAsProgress);
   157 		errorCode = sendAsProgress.iError;
   158 		}
   159 	else
   160 		{
   161 		errorCode = iStatus.Int();
   162 		}
   164 	if(ActionParameters().Count() == 4)
   165 		{
   166 		StoreParameterL<TInt>(TestCase(),errorCode,ActionParameters().Parameter(3));
   167 		}
   168 	else
   169 		{
   170 		User::LeaveIfError(errorCode);
   171 		}
   174 	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Add Attchment completed with Error code: %d"),errorCode );
   176 	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S completed."), &KTestActionSendAsAddAttachment);
   177 	TestCase().ActionCompletedL(*this);
   178 	}