1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // |
15 |
16 #include "t_schsendutils.h" |
17 #include <msvstd.h> |
18 #include <msvids.h> |
19 #include <msvuids.h> |
20 #include <msvschedulesettings.h> |
21 #include <csch_cli.h> |
22 #include <msvschedulepackage.h> |
23 #include <msvoffpeaktime.h> |
24 |
25 EXPORT_C CSchSendTestUtils::CSchSendTestUtils(RTest& aTest) |
26 : CMsvTestUtils(aTest) |
27 { |
28 } |
29 |
30 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::InstallMtmGroupsL() |
31 { |
32 } |
33 |
34 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::CreateServerMtmRegsL() |
35 { |
36 //CreateServerMtmRegL(KPigeonMtmUid, _L("Pig"), KUidMsvMtmServerDLL, KUidMsvMtmClientDLL, TMsvTestDllInfo(KUidMsvMtmUiDLL,2), TMsvTestDllInfo(KUidMsvMtmUiDLL,1), KPigeonMtmUid, KDataComponentFileName); |
37 } |
38 |
39 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::ConstructL() |
40 { |
41 CMsvTestUtils::ConstructL(ETuNone); |
42 CleanScheduleFolderL(); |
43 CreateAllTestDirectories(); |
44 GoClientSideL(); |
45 |
46 InstallMtmGroupL(_L("c:\\system\\mtm\\pigmtmu.dat")); |
47 |
48 iSelection = new(ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection; |
49 iSchTestActive = CScheduleTestActive::NewL(*this); |
50 } |
51 |
52 EXPORT_C CSchSendTestUtils::~CSchSendTestUtils() |
53 { |
54 delete iSchTestActive; |
55 delete iSelection; |
56 } |
57 |
58 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::Panic(TInt aPanic) |
59 { |
60 User::Panic(_L("SchSend Test"), aPanic); |
61 } |
62 |
63 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::StartL() |
64 { |
65 TRAPD(err, RunAutoL()); |
66 |
67 if (err) |
68 { |
69 if (iCurrentTest) |
70 { |
71 TestFinish(iCurrentTest, err); |
72 } |
73 |
74 TestHarnessFailed(err); |
75 } |
76 else |
77 { |
78 TestHarnessCompleted(); |
79 } |
80 } |
81 |
82 //Returns approximate difference (rounded down?) in minutes |
83 EXPORT_C TInt CSchSendTestUtils::DiffInMins(TTime d1, TTime d2) |
84 { |
85 iRTest<<d1<<d2; |
86 TInt64 diffUs64 = d1.Int64() - d2.Int64(); |
87 TInt64 diffMins64 = diffUs64 / (1000000 * 60); |
88 TInt diffMins32 = I64INT(diffMins64); |
89 return diffMins32; |
90 } |
91 |
92 //Returns approximate difference (rounded down?) in seconds |
93 EXPORT_C TInt CSchSendTestUtils::DiffInSecs(TTime d1, TTime d2) |
94 { |
95 iRTest<<d1<<d2; |
96 TInt64 diffUs64 = d1.Int64() - d2.Int64(); |
97 TInt64 diffSecs64 = diffUs64 / (1000000); |
98 TInt diffSecs32 = I64INT(diffSecs64); |
99 return diffSecs32; |
100 } |
101 |
102 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::ChangeMessageTimeL(TMsvId aMessage, TTime aTime) |
103 { |
104 iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aMessage); |
105 TMsvEntry entry = iMsvEntry->Entry(); |
106 iRTest<<entry.iDate<<aTime; |
107 entry.iDate = aTime; |
108 |
109 CMsvOperationWait* wait = CMsvOperationWait::NewLC(); |
110 wait->Start(); |
111 CMsvOperation* opert = iMsvEntry->ChangeL(entry, wait->iStatus); |
112 CleanupStack::PushL(opert); |
113 CActiveScheduler::Start(); // operation complete |
114 entry = iMsvEntry->Entry(); |
115 iRTest<<entry.iDate; |
116 |
117 TMsvLocalOperationProgress details; |
118 TPckgC<TMsvLocalOperationProgress> package(details); |
119 package.Set(opert->ProgressL()); |
120 |
121 if(wait->iStatus.Int()!=KErrNone) |
122 User::Leave(wait->iStatus.Int()); |
123 |
124 //TInt err = package().iError; |
125 //if(err != KErrNone); |
126 // User::Leave(package().iError); |
127 |
128 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//opert, wait |
129 } |
130 |
131 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::AssertL(TBool b) |
132 { |
133 if(!b) |
134 { |
135 User::Leave(KErrAbort); |
136 } |
137 } |
138 |
139 EXPORT_C TMsvId CSchSendTestUtils::CreateMessageLC(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TMsvId aDestFolder, TTime aSendTime, TBool aOffPeak) |
140 { |
141 //Make a TMsvEntry |
142 iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aDestFolder); |
143 aEntry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry; |
144 aEntry.iMtm = KSchSendTestMtmUid; |
145 |
146 aEntry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId; |
147 |
148 aEntry.iDate = aSendTime; |
149 aEntry.SetOffPeak(aOffPeak); |
150 |
151 //Create the entry in the server |
152 |
153 CMsvOperationWait* wait = CMsvOperationWait::NewLC(); |
154 wait->Start(); |
155 CMsvOperation* opert = iMsvEntry->CreateL(aEntry, wait->iStatus); |
156 CleanupStack::PushL(opert); |
157 CActiveScheduler::Start(); // operation complete |
158 |
159 //Find out the ID of the entry we made |
160 TMsvLocalOperationProgress details; |
161 TPckgC<TMsvLocalOperationProgress> package(details); |
162 package.Set(opert->ProgressL()); |
163 |
164 if(wait->iStatus.Int()!=KErrNone) |
165 User::Leave(wait->iStatus.Int()); |
166 |
167 if(package().iError!=KErrNone) |
168 User::Leave(package().iError); |
169 |
170 *(TMsvId*)&aEntry = package().iId; |
171 TMsvId testMsvId = aEntry.Id(); |
172 |
173 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//opert, wait |
174 iMsvSession->CleanupEntryPushL(testMsvId); |
175 |
176 return testMsvId; |
177 } |
178 |
179 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::DisplayAllSchedulesL(TInt& rSchCount, TInt& rSchSize) |
180 { |
181 Printf(_L("Displaying all Schedules:\n")); |
182 rSchCount = 0; |
183 rSchSize = 0; |
184 |
185 TParse parse; |
186 TFileName fileName(_L("\\system\\schedules\\")); |
187 _LIT(KCDrive, "C:"); |
188 parse.Set(fileName, &KCDrive, NULL); |
189 |
190 CDir* entryList; |
191 TPtrC drive(parse.DriveAndPath()); |
192 TInt err = iFs.GetDir(drive, KEntryAttNormal, ESortNone, entryList); |
193 |
194 if (err) |
195 { |
196 Printf(_L("\tiFs.GetDir(%S) returned %d\n"), &drive, err); |
197 return; |
198 } |
199 |
200 CleanupStack::PushL(entryList); |
201 |
202 TInt count = entryList->Count(); |
203 |
204 while (count--) |
205 { |
206 TEntry entry((*entryList)[count]); |
207 rSchSize += entry.iSize; |
208 } |
209 |
210 Printf(_L("\tFiles in %S have total size %d\n"), &drive, rSchSize); |
211 |
212 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryList); |
213 |
214 RScheduler sch; |
215 err = sch.Connect(); |
216 |
217 if (err) |
218 { |
219 Printf(_L("\tRScheduler::Connect() returned %d\n"), err); |
220 return; |
221 } |
222 |
223 CleanupClosePushL(sch); |
224 |
225 IMPORT_C TInt GetScheduleL(const TInt aScheduleHandle, TScheduleState& aState, |
226 CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntries, CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks, TTime& aDueTime); |
227 |
228 CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* schRefArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(10); |
229 CleanupStack::PushL(schRefArray); |
230 |
231 CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>* schEntries = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>(10); |
232 CleanupStack::PushL(schEntries); |
233 |
234 CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* schTasks = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>(10); |
235 CleanupStack::PushL(schTasks); |
236 |
237 err = sch.GetScheduleRefsL(*schRefArray, EAllSchedules); |
238 |
239 if (!err) |
240 { |
241 TScheduleState schState; |
242 TTime schDueTime; |
243 count = schRefArray->Count(); |
244 rSchCount = count; |
245 Printf(_L("\t%d schedules in the task scheduler\n"), count); |
246 |
247 while (count--) |
248 { |
249 err = sch.GetScheduleL((*schRefArray)[count].iHandle, schState, *schEntries, *schTasks, schDueTime); |
250 |
251 if (!err) |
252 { |
253 TInt taskCount = schTasks->Count(); |
254 Printf(_L("\tSchedule %d (\"%S\") has %d tasks\n"), (*schRefArray)[count].iHandle, &(*schRefArray)[count].iName, taskCount); |
255 |
256 while (taskCount--) |
257 { |
258 TTaskInfo taskInfo((*schTasks)[taskCount]); |
259 TInt size; |
260 err = sch.GetTaskDataSize(taskInfo.iTaskId, size); |
261 |
262 if (!err) |
263 { |
264 HBufC* hBuf = HBufC::NewLC(size); |
265 TPtr ptr(hBuf->Des()); |
266 TSchedulerItemRef schRef; |
267 |
268 err = sch.GetTaskInfoL(taskInfo.iTaskId, taskInfo, ptr, schRef, schDueTime); |
269 |
270 if (!err) |
271 { |
272 TPckgBuf<TMsvSchedulePackage> mtmBuf; |
273 mtmBuf.Copy(*hBuf); |
274 Printf(_L("\t\tTask %d: msvId %d, commandId %d, pollProgress %d\n"), taskInfo.iTaskId, mtmBuf().iId, mtmBuf().iCommandId, mtmBuf().iPollProgress.Int()); |
275 } |
276 else |
277 { |
278 Printf(_L("\t\tRScheduler::GetTaskInfoL(%d) returned %d\n"), taskInfo.iTaskId, err); |
279 } |
280 |
281 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hBuf); |
282 } |
283 else |
284 { |
285 Printf(_L("\t\tRScheduler::GetTaskDataSize(%d) returned %d\n"), taskInfo.iTaskId, err); |
286 } |
287 } |
288 } |
289 else |
290 { |
291 Printf(_L("\tRScheduler::GetScheduleL(%d (\"%S\")) returned %d\n"), (*schRefArray)[count].iHandle, &(*schRefArray)[count].iName, err); |
292 } |
293 } |
294 } |
295 else |
296 { |
297 Printf(_L("RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL() returned %d"), err); |
298 } |
299 |
300 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //schRefArray, schEntries, schTasks |
301 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //sch |
302 } |
303 |
304 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::CleanScheduleFolderL() |
305 { |
306 CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFs); |
307 CleanupStack::PushL(fileMan); |
308 TParse parse; |
309 TFileName fileName(_L("\\system\\schedules\\")); |
310 TBuf<4> drive=_L("C:"); |
311 parse.Set(fileName, &drive, NULL); |
312 TInt error = fileMan->RmDir(parse.DriveAndPath()); |
313 error = iFs.RmDir(parse.DriveAndPath()); |
314 |
315 if (!(error==KErrNotFound||error==KErrNone)) |
316 { |
317 TPtrC driveAndPath = parse.DriveAndPath(); |
318 Printf(_L("Directory %S cannot be removed. Error=%d"), &driveAndPath, error); |
319 Printf(_L("Please ensure directory is not in use.\n")); |
320 User::Leave(error); |
321 } |
322 |
323 iFs.MkDirAll(parse.DriveAndPath()); |
324 |
325 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileMan); |
326 } |
327 |
328 EXPORT_C TBool CSchSendTestUtils::CompareRoundedTimes(const TTime& aLeft, const TTime& aRight) const |
329 { |
330 TBool ret = (aLeft == aRight); |
331 ret = ret || (RoundUpToMinute(aLeft) == RoundUpToMinute(aRight)); |
332 ret = ret || (RoundDownToMinute(aLeft) == RoundDownToMinute(aRight)); |
333 return ret; |
334 } |
335 |
336 |
337 EXPORT_C TTime CSchSendTestUtils::RoundUpToMinute(const TTime& aTime) const |
338 { |
339 TTime ret(aTime); |
340 TDateTime dt(ret.DateTime()); |
341 |
342 if (dt.Second() != 0 || dt.MicroSecond() != 0) |
343 { |
344 dt.SetSecond(0); |
345 dt.SetMicroSecond(0); |
346 ret = dt; |
347 ret += (TTimeIntervalMinutes) 1; |
348 } |
349 |
350 return ret; |
351 } |
352 |
353 EXPORT_C TTime CSchSendTestUtils::RoundDownToMinute(const TTime& aTime) const |
354 { |
355 TTime ret(aTime); |
356 TDateTime dt(ret.DateTime()); |
357 |
358 if (dt.Second() != 0 || dt.MicroSecond() != 0) |
359 { |
360 dt.SetSecond(0); |
361 dt.SetMicroSecond(0); |
362 ret = dt; |
363 } |
364 |
365 return ret; |
366 } |
367 |
368 // |
369 // |
370 // |
371 |
372 CScheduleTestActive::CScheduleTestActive(CSchSendTestUtils& aTest, TInt aPriority) |
373 : CActive(aPriority), iTest(aTest), iSession(*aTest.iMsvSession) |
374 { |
375 CActiveScheduler::Add(this); |
376 } |
377 |
378 EXPORT_C CScheduleTestActive* CScheduleTestActive::NewL(CSchSendTestUtils& aTest, TInt aPriority) |
379 { |
380 CScheduleTestActive* self = new (ELeave) CScheduleTestActive(aTest, aPriority); |
381 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
382 self->iSession.AddObserverL(*self); |
383 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
384 return self; |
385 } |
386 |
387 EXPORT_C CScheduleTestActive::~CScheduleTestActive() |
388 { |
389 Cancel(); |
390 iSession.RemoveObserver(*this); |
391 delete iSelection; |
392 delete iOperation; |
393 } |
394 |
395 //Set aStopAtRunL to true to stop the active scheduler. |
396 //False will make us wait for someone else to stop it |
397 EXPORT_C const TSchSendTestProgress& CScheduleTestActive::TransferCommandSyncL(TSchSendTestOperation aCommand, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TBool aStopAtRunL) |
398 { |
399 return TransferCommandSyncL(aCommand, aSelection, _L8("aaaa"), aStopAtRunL); |
400 } |
401 |
402 EXPORT_C const TSchSendTestProgress& CScheduleTestActive::TransferCommandSyncL(TSchSendTestOperation aCommand, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, const TDesC8& aParameter, TBool aStopAtRunL) |
403 { |
404 iTest.Printf(_L("TransferCommandSyncL Command %d Count %d StopAtRunL %d\n"), aCommand, aSelection.Count(), aStopAtRunL); |
405 |
406 if (IsActive()) |
407 User::Leave(KErrInUse); |
408 |
409 delete iSelection; |
410 iSelection = NULL; |
411 iSelection = aSelection.CopyL(); |
412 iCommand = aCommand; |
413 iStopAtRunL = aStopAtRunL; |
414 iStatus = KRequestPending; |
415 SetActive(); |
416 |
417 delete iOperation; |
418 iOperation = NULL; |
419 iOperation = iSession.TransferCommandL (*iSelection, |
420 aCommand, |
421 aParameter, |
422 iStatus); |
423 |
424 CActiveScheduler::Start(); // will not return from this until the command is transferred |
425 |
426 iProgress.iError = iStatus.Int(); |
427 if(iStatus.Int()!=KErrNone) |
428 User::Leave(iStatus.Int()); |
429 |
430 TPckgC<TSchSendTestProgress> pkg(iProgress); |
431 pkg.Set(iOperation->ProgressL()); |
432 iProgress = pkg(); |
433 return iProgress; |
434 } |
435 |
436 |
437 TInt CScheduleTestActive::RunError(TInt aError) |
438 { |
439 if (iProgress.iError == KErrNone) |
440 iProgress.iError = aError; |
441 |
442 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
443 return KErrNone; |
444 } |
445 |
446 void CScheduleTestActive::RunL() |
447 { |
448 iTest.Printf(_L("CScheduleTestActive::RunL() iStatus %d\n"), iStatus.Int()); |
449 User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int()); |
450 |
451 if(iStopAtRunL) |
452 { |
453 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
454 return; |
455 } |
456 |
457 switch (iCommand) |
458 { |
459 case EScheduleAllL: |
460 case EReScheduleAllL: |
461 { |
462 TInt count = iSelection->Count(); |
463 TBool stopped = EFalse; |
464 while (!stopped && count--) |
465 { |
466 CMsvEntry* entry = iSession.GetEntryL(iSelection->At(count)); |
467 CleanupStack::PushL(entry); |
468 const TInt state = entry->Entry().SendingState(); |
469 switch(state) |
470 { |
471 case KMsvSendStateScheduled: |
472 case KMsvSendStateResend: |
473 break; |
474 default: // The message sent or failed |
475 stopped = ETrue; |
476 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
477 break; |
478 } |
479 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry); |
480 } |
481 |
482 break; |
483 } |
484 default: |
485 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); //Added by AA 9/6/2000. Is this correct? |
486 break; |
487 } |
488 } |
489 |
490 void CScheduleTestActive::HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent eventType, TAny* p1, TAny*, TAny*) |
491 { |
492 if (iStopAtRunL) return; |
493 if (eventType != EMsvEntriesCreated) return; |
494 |
495 CMsvEntrySelection* entries = STATIC_CAST(CMsvEntrySelection*, p1); |
496 |
497 CMsvEntry* cEntry = iSession.GetEntryL((*entries)[0]); |
498 CleanupStack::PushL(cEntry); |
499 |
500 TMsvEntry entry(cEntry->Entry()); |
501 |
502 if(entry.iDetails == KSchSendTestDetails) |
503 { |
504 iTest.Printf(_L("Scheduled message has been sent\n")); |
505 |
506 //We found the right message! |
507 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
508 |
509 //Delete the new message |
510 CMsvOperationWait* wait = CMsvOperationWait::NewLC(); |
511 wait->Start(); |
512 cEntry->SetEntryL(entry.Parent()); |
513 CMsvOperation* op = cEntry->DeleteL(entry.Id(), wait->iStatus); |
514 CActiveScheduler::Start(); |
515 delete op; |
516 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wait); |
517 } |
518 |
519 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cEntry); |
520 } |
521 |
522 |
523 // |
524 // |
525 // |
526 |
527 |
528 // |
529 // |
530 // |
531 |
532 EXPORT_C CSchSendTestTimer* CSchSendTestTimer::NewL(TInt aPriority) |
533 { |
534 CSchSendTestTimer* self = new (ELeave) CSchSendTestTimer(aPriority); |
535 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
536 self->ConstructL(); // Inherited from CTimer. |
537 CleanupStack::Pop(); |
538 return self; |
539 } |
540 |
541 CSchSendTestTimer::CSchSendTestTimer(TInt aPriority) |
542 : CTimer(aPriority) |
543 { |
544 CActiveScheduler::Add(this); |
545 } |
546 |
547 void CSchSendTestTimer::RunL() |
548 { |
549 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
550 } |
551 |
552 EXPORT_C RTest& operator<<(RTest& aTest, TTime t) |
553 { |
554 TBuf<100> buf; |
555 t.FormatL(buf, _L("%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B\n")); |
556 aTest.Printf(buf); |
557 return aTest; |
558 } |
559 |
560 EXPORT_C TBool operator==(const CMsvSendErrorActions& one, const CMsvSendErrorActions& two) |
561 { |
562 TMsvSendErrorAction action1 = one.Default(); |
563 TMsvSendErrorAction action2 = two.Default(); |
564 if(!(action1==action2)) return EFalse; |
565 |
566 const CArrayFixFlat<TMsvSendErrorAction>& actionArray1 = one.Errors(); |
567 const CArrayFixFlat<TMsvSendErrorAction>& actionArray2 = two.Errors(); |
568 |
569 if(actionArray1.Count()!=actionArray2.Count()) return EFalse; |
570 for(int i = 0; i < actionArray1.Count(); i++) |
571 if(!(actionArray1[i]==actionArray2[i])) return EFalse; |
572 |
573 return ETrue; |
574 |
575 } |
576 |
577 EXPORT_C TBool operator==(const TMsvSchedulePackage& a1, const TMsvSchedulePackage& a2) |
578 { |
579 if (a1.iId != a2.iId) return EFalse; |
580 if (a1.iCommandId != a2.iCommandId) return EFalse; |
581 if (a1.iPollProgress != a2.iPollProgress) return EFalse; |
582 if (a1.iParameter != a2.iParameter) return EFalse; |
583 return ETrue; |
584 } |
585 |
586 |
587 EXPORT_C TBool operator==(const TMsvSendErrorAction& a1, const TMsvSendErrorAction& a2) |
588 { |
589 if(a1.iAction != a2.iAction) return EFalse; |
590 if(a1.iRetrySpacing != a2.iRetrySpacing) return EFalse; |
591 if(a1.iError != a2.iError) return EFalse; |
592 if(a1.MaxRetries() != a2.MaxRetries()) return EFalse; |
593 if(a1.iRetries != a2.iRetries) return EFalse; |
594 return ETrue; |
595 } |
596 |
597 EXPORT_C TBool operator==(const TMsvOffPeakTime& time1, const TMsvOffPeakTime& time2) |
598 { |
599 if(time1.Day()!=time2.Day()) return EFalse; |
600 if(time1.Hour()!=time2.Hour()) return EFalse; |
601 if(time1.Minute()!=time2.Minute()) return EFalse; |
602 if(time1.ValidityPeriod()!=time2.ValidityPeriod()) return EFalse; |
603 return ETrue; |
604 } |
605 |
606 EXPORT_C TBool StartsAt(const TMsvOffPeakTime& time1, const TTime& time2) |
607 { |
608 TDateTime dateTime2 = time2.DateTime(); |
609 |
610 if(time1.Day() != time2.DayNoInWeek()) return EFalse; |
611 if(time1.Hour() != dateTime2.Hour()) return EFalse; |
612 if(time1.Minute() != dateTime2.Minute()) return EFalse; |
613 return ETrue; |
614 } |
615 |
616 EXPORT_C TBool operator==(const CMsvScheduleSettings& aSettings1, const CMsvScheduleSettings& aSettings2) |
617 { |
618 if(aSettings1.Priority()!=aSettings2.Priority()) return EFalse; |
619 if(aSettings1.ValidityPeriod()!=aSettings2.ValidityPeriod()) return EFalse; |
620 if(aSettings1.IntervalType()!=aSettings2.IntervalType()) return EFalse; |
621 if(aSettings1.LongInterval()!=aSettings2.LongInterval()) return EFalse; |
622 if(aSettings1.ShortInterval()!=aSettings2.ShortInterval()) return EFalse; |
623 if(aSettings1.VariableIntervals().Count()!=aSettings2.VariableIntervals().Count()) return EFalse; |
624 for(int i = 0; i < aSettings1.VariableIntervals().Count(); i++) |
625 { |
626 if(aSettings1.VariableIntervals()[i]!=aSettings2.VariableIntervals()[i]) |
627 return EFalse; |
628 } |
629 if(aSettings1.Latency()!=aSettings2.Latency()) return EFalse; |
630 return ETrue; |
631 } |
632 |
633 |
634 // |
635 |
636 EXPORT_C CSchSendTestWaitForState* CSchSendTestWaitForState::NewL(CSchSendTestUtils& aTest) |
637 { |
638 CSchSendTestWaitForState* self = new (ELeave) CSchSendTestWaitForState(aTest); |
639 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
640 User::LeaveIfError(self->iTimer.CreateLocal()); |
641 aTest.iMsvSession->AddObserverL(*self); |
642 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
643 return self; |
644 } |
645 |
646 EXPORT_C CSchSendTestWaitForState::~CSchSendTestWaitForState() |
647 { |
648 Reset(); |
649 iTimer.Close(); |
650 iTest.iMsvSession->RemoveObserver(*this); |
651 } |
652 |
653 void CSchSendTestWaitForState::DoStartL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aAfter, TBool aWaitForever) |
654 { |
655 iTest(iSendingStates.Count() != 0); |
656 |
657 iAfter = aAfter; |
658 iWaitForever = aWaitForever; |
659 |
660 delete iSelection; |
661 iSelection = NULL; |
662 iSelection = aSelection.CopyL(); |
663 |
664 iTimer.After(iStatus, iAfter); |
665 SetActive(); |
666 |
667 CActiveScheduler::Start(); |
668 } |
669 |
670 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestWaitForState::StartL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection) |
671 { |
672 DoStartL(aSelection, KSchSendTestWaitForStateDefault, ETrue); |
673 } |
674 |
675 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestWaitForState::StartL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aAfter) |
676 { |
677 DoStartL(aSelection, aAfter, EFalse); |
678 } |
679 |
680 |
681 CSchSendTestWaitForState::CSchSendTestWaitForState(CSchSendTestUtils& aTest) |
682 : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iTest(aTest), iAfter(KSchSendTestWaitForStateDefault) |
683 { |
684 CActiveScheduler::Add(this); |
685 } |
686 |
687 void CSchSendTestWaitForState::RunL() |
688 { |
689 User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int()); |
690 |
691 TInt count = iSelection->Count(); |
692 TBool stop = ETrue; |
693 while (count--) |
694 { |
695 const TMsvId id = (*iSelection)[count]; |
696 stop = stop && CheckStateL(id); |
697 } |
698 |
699 if (stop || !iWaitForever) |
700 { |
701 if (!stop) |
702 iStatus = KErrGeneral; |
703 |
704 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
705 } |
706 } |
707 |
708 TBool CSchSendTestWaitForState::CheckStateL(TMsvId aId) |
709 { |
710 iTest.SetEntryL(aId); |
711 iTest.SetEntryL(iTest.Entry().Parent()); |
712 iTest.SetEntryL(aId); |
713 |
714 const TInt sendingState = iTest.Entry().SendingState(); |
715 TInt count = iSendingStates.Count(); |
716 while (count--) |
717 { |
718 if (sendingState == iSendingStates[count]) |
719 return ETrue; |
720 } |
721 |
722 return EFalse; |
723 } |
724 |
725 TInt CSchSendTestWaitForState::RunError(TInt aError) |
726 { |
727 if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone) |
728 iStatus = aError; |
729 |
730 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
731 return KErrNone; |
732 } |
733 |
734 void CSchSendTestWaitForState::DoCancel() |
735 { |
736 iTimer.Cancel(); |
737 } |
738 |
739 EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestWaitForState::Reset() |
740 { |
741 Cancel(); |
742 delete iSelection; |
743 iSelection = NULL; |
744 iSendingStates.Reset(); |
745 } |
746 |
747 void CSchSendTestWaitForState::HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny*, TAny*, TAny*) |
748 { |
749 iTest.Printf(_L("CSchSendTestWaitForState::HandleSessionEventL [Event=%d IsActive=%d Count=%d]\n"), aEvent, IsActive(), iSelection->Count()); |
750 if ((aEvent != EMsvEntriesChanged && aEvent != EMsvEntriesCreated) || !IsActive() || iSelection->Count() == 0) |
751 return; |
752 |
753 TInt count = iSelection->Count(); |
754 |
755 while (count--) |
756 { |
757 const TMsvId id = iSelection->At(count); |
758 if (CheckStateL(id)) |
759 iSelection->Delete(count); |
760 } |
761 |
762 if (iSelection->Count() == 0) |
763 { |
764 Cancel(); |
765 TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus; |
766 User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone); |
767 SetActive(); |
768 } |
769 } |