changeset 0 8e480a14352b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:8e480a14352b
     1 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // PUSHSMTM.CPP
    15 // 
    16 //
    20 #include "regpsdll.h"   // Parser Registry - used to load the parser
    21 #include <msvids.h>
    22 #include <pushentry.h>
    23 #include "PushServerPanic.h"
    24 #include "pushservermtm.h"
    28 /**
    29  * Factory function for the WAP Push Server MTM. Sets the initial entry for the server to work with.
    30  * @param CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll
    31  *					in: Registration data for the MTM DLL 
    32  * @param CMsvServerEntry* aInitialEntry
    33  *					in: initial context that the server should operate on.
    34  * @return CWapPushServerMtm* - new instance of the server MTM
    35  */
    36 EXPORT_C CWapPushServerMtm* CWapPushServerMtm::NewL(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll, CMsvServerEntry* aInitialEntry)
    37 	{
    38 	CleanupStack::PushL(aInitialEntry); // Take ownership of aInitialEntry so it's cleaned up if we leave
    39 	CWapPushServerMtm* myServerMtm =  new(ELeave) CWapPushServerMtm(aRegisteredMtmDll,aInitialEntry);
    40 	CleanupStack::Pop(); //safely stored aInitialEntry - we can release it now
    41 	CleanupStack::PushL(myServerMtm);
    42 	myServerMtm->Construct();
    43 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    44 	return myServerMtm;
    45 	}
    47 /**
    48  * Destructor 
    49  */
    50 CWapPushServerMtm::~CWapPushServerMtm()
    51 	{
    52 	Cancel();
    53 	}
    55 /**
    56  * C++ constructor. Passes parameters to the base constructor, and set the initial state.
    57  * @param CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll
    58  *					in: Registration data for the MTM DLL 
    59  * @param CMsvServerEntry* aInitialEntry
    60  *					in: initial context that the server should operate on
    61  */
    62 CWapPushServerMtm::CWapPushServerMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll, CMsvServerEntry* aInitialEntry)
    63 :CBaseServerMtm(aRegisteredMtmDll, aInitialEntry),  iError(KErrNone),iState(EWapPushServerMtmWaiting)
    64 	{
    65 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CWAPPushServerMtm"));
    66 	}
    68 /**
    69  * Second Stage Constructor. Adds the object to the Active Scheduler
    70  */
    71 void CWapPushServerMtm::Construct()
    72 	{
    73 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    74 	}
    76 /**
    77  * MTM API Not Supported
    78  */
    79 void CWapPushServerMtm::CopyToLocalL(const CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/,TMsvId /*aDestination*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
    80 	{
    81 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    82 	}
    84 /**
    85  * MTM API Not Supported
    86  */
    87 void CWapPushServerMtm::CopyFromLocalL(const CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/,TMsvId /*aDestination*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
    88 	{
    89 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    90 	}
    92 /**
    93  * MTM API Not Supported
    94  */
    95 void CWapPushServerMtm::CopyWithinServiceL(const CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/,TMsvId /*aDestination*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
    96 	{
    97 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    98 	}
   100 /**
   101  * MTM API Not Supported
   102  */
   103 void CWapPushServerMtm::MoveToLocalL(const CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/, TMsvId /*aDestination*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
   104 	{
   105 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);	
   106 	}
   108 /**
   109  * MTM API Not Supported
   110  */
   111 void CWapPushServerMtm::MoveFromLocalL(const CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/,TMsvId /*aDestination*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
   112 	{
   113 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   114 	}
   116 /**
   117  * MTM API Not Supported
   118  */
   119 void CWapPushServerMtm::MoveWithinServiceL(const CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/,TMsvId /*aDestination*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
   120 	{
   121 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   122 	}
   124 /**
   125  * Deletes a number of entries from the Message Server index. Also deletes child entries of the selected 
   126  * entries. Makes a call to the Message Server to do the actual delete. 
   127  * @param const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection
   128  *					in: Selection of entry Ids that the caller wants to delete
   129  * @param TRequestStatus& aStatus
   130  *					in: Status object of calling object to be used to return status information 
   131  * @leave KErrLocked Will leave if the entry is locked
   132  * @leave KErrAccessDenied Will leave if the entry or a descendant was locked by another client
   133  * @leave KErrInUse Will leave if the store or a file associated with the entry is open
   134  * @leave KErrNotFound Will leave if the entry is not a child of the context 
   135  */ 
   136 void CWapPushServerMtm::DeleteAllL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   137 	{
   138 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iServerEntry!=NULL,Panic(EPushEntryNotSet));
   139 	ResetProgress();
   140 	iProgress.iTotalMsgs = aSelection.Count();
   141 	iState = EWapPushServerMtmDelete;
   143 	// set the main server entry up to the first entry
   144 	iError=iServerEntry->SetEntry(aSelection.At(0)); //Hold the error for progress
   145 	User::LeaveIfError(iError);
   147 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iServerEntry->Entry().iMtm == KUidMtmWapPush,Panic(EPushServerWrongMtm));	
   149 	CMsvEntrySelection* entries=aSelection.CopyLC();
   150 	iError = iServerEntry->SetEntry(iServerEntry->Entry().Parent());
   151 	User::LeaveIfError(iError);
   153 	// Call the message server to delete the entries recursively
   154 	iError = iServerEntry->DeleteEntries(*entries);
   155 	User::LeaveIfError(iError);
   156 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//entries
   158 	iProgress.iMsgsProcessed = aSelection.Count();
   160 	TRequestStatus* status=&aStatus;
   161 	User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   162 	iProgress.iMsgId = aSelection.At(0); //hold the first id for the progress
   163 	}
   165 /**
   166  * Creates a new entry with this MTM group. Makes a call to the server to do the actual 
   167  * create.  Holds on to the new Id so it can returned in the Progress information.
   168  * @param const TMsvEntry& aSelection
   169  *					in: entry that the user wants to create
   170  * @param TRequestStatus& aStatus
   171  *					in: Status object of calling object to be used to return status information 
   172  */ 
   173 void CWapPushServerMtm::CreateL(TMsvEntry aNewEntry, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   174 	{
   175 	ResetProgress();
   176 	iProgress.iTotalMsgs = 1;
   177 	iError=iServerEntry->SetEntry(aNewEntry.Parent());
   178 	User::LeaveIfError(iError);
   180 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aNewEntry.iMtm == KUidMtmWapPush,Panic(EPushServerWrongMtm));	
   182 	iState = EWapPushServerMtmCreate;
   183 	iError = iServerEntry->CreateEntry(aNewEntry);
   184 	User::LeaveIfError(iError);
   186 	TRequestStatus* status=&aStatus;
   187 	User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);  // No errors so far
   188 	iProgress.iMsgsProcessed = 1;	
   189 	iProgress.iMsgId = aNewEntry.Id();  // hold the id for the progress info
   190 	}
   193 /**
   194  * Changes the specified entry to the new values. Must be of the Push Message MTM type.
   195  * Makes a call to the server to do the actual change.  Holds on to the Id so it 
   196  * can returned in the Progress information.
   197  * @param const TMsvEntry& aEntry
   198  *					in: entry with the new values 
   199  * @param TRequestStatus& aStatus
   200  *					in: Status object of calling object to be used to return status information 
   201  */ 
   203 void CWapPushServerMtm::ChangeL(TMsvEntry aEntry, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   204 	{
   205 	ResetProgress();
   206 	iProgress.iTotalMsgs = 1;
   207 	iState = EWapPushServerMtmChange;
   209 	iError =iServerEntry->SetEntry(aEntry.Id()); //Hold the error so that the progress can return it
   210 	User::LeaveIfError(iError);
   211 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iServerEntry->Entry().iMtm == KUidMtmWapPush,Panic(EPushServerWrongMtm));	
   213 	iError = iServerEntry->ChangeEntry(aEntry);
   214 	User::LeaveIfError(iError);
   216 	TRequestStatus* status=&aStatus;
   217 	User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   219 	//Update progress
   220 	iProgress.iMsgsProcessed=1;	
   221 	iProgress.iMsgId = aEntry.Id(); //hold the id for the progress
   222 	}
   224 /**
   225  * Function called when server specific commands are required. Case statement is used to call the  
   226  * appropriate function.  Currently there are no commands which are not defined in the base class.
   227  * If any specific commands are to be added for this MTM then the call should be made via this function.
   228  * @param CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection
   229  *						in: group of message entry Ids to be operated on.
   230  * @param TInt aCommand
   231  *						in: parameter specifying the MTM specific command to be executed 
   233  * @param const TDesC8& aParameter
   234  *						in: Command-specific parameters
   235  * @param TRequestStatus& aStatus
   236  *						in : reference to use to return asynchronous completion status information
   237  * @leave KErrNotSupported - currently don't support any MTM specific commands.
   238  *
   239  */
   240 void CWapPushServerMtm::StartCommandL(CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/, TInt aCommand, const TDesC8& /*aParameter*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
   241 	{
   242 	// Add any Mtm specific requests to this section. 
   243 	switch (aCommand)
   244 		{
   245 		case 0: //Keeps compiler happy
   246 		default:
   247 			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);  // Currently don't support any MTM specific commands
   248 			break;
   249 		}
   250 	*iReportStatus=KRequestPending;
   251 	User::RequestComplete(iReportStatus, KErrNone);
   253 	}
   256 /**
   257  * Indicates whether any more commands are expected. This is to prevent the server unloading
   258  * the MTM if further commands are expected. Currently always return EFalse, so the MTM can be unloaded.
   259  * @return TBool - always EFalse
   260  */
   261 TBool CWapPushServerMtm::CommandExpected()
   262 	{
   263 	return EFalse; // Currently ALWAYS EFalse  can be deleted by Msg Server
   264 	}
   266 /**
   267  * Returns a Package Buffer containing a Progress Object.  Provides the caller on the current operation
   268  * total number of entries, number processed, Error, and the current entry. 
   269  * @return const TDesC8& - package buffer containing the Progress object
   270  */
   271 const TDesC8& CWapPushServerMtm::Progress()
   272 	{
   273 	iProgress.iPushState = iState;
   274 	iProgress.iError=iError;
   275 	iProgressBuf = TPushMTMProgressBuf(iProgress);
   276 	return iProgressBuf;
   277 	}
   279 /**
   280  * Cancels the current asynchronous operation. Required by the Active Object class 
   281  * inherited by the base class.
   282  */
   283 void CWapPushServerMtm::DoCancel()
   284 	{
   285 	User::RequestComplete( iReportStatus, KErrCancel );
   286 	}
   289 /**
   290  * Inherited from the the base class. Called by RunL.
   291  */
   292 void CWapPushServerMtm::DoRunL()
   293 	{
   294 	User::RequestComplete (iReportStatus, iError);
   295 	}
   297 /**
   298  * Called by the active scheduler when RunL leaves.  Tidies things up and completes 
   299  * the current asynchronous request with the error code passed as a parameter. 
   300  * @param TInt aError 
   301  *					in: Error code
   302  * @return TInt		error code required by Active Scheduler - KErrNone prevents Scheduler panicing
   303  */
   304 TInt CWapPushServerMtm::RunError(TInt aError)
   305 	{
   306 	iError = aError;
   307 	Cancel();
   308 	Complete();
   309 	return KErrNone;
   310 	}
   312 /**
   313  * Completes the current operation with the current error level.
   314  */
   315 void CWapPushServerMtm::Complete()
   316 	{
   317 	DoComplete(iError);
   318 	}
   320 /**
   321  * Performs the completiong of the curent operation with the specified error code.
   322  */
   323 void CWapPushServerMtm::DoComplete(TInt aError)
   324 	{
   325 	TRequestStatus* status = iReportStatus;
   326 	User::RequestComplete(status, aError);
   327 	}
   328 /**
   329  * Resets the progress variable.
   330  */
   331 void CWapPushServerMtm::ResetProgress()
   332 	{
   333 	iProgress.iError=KErrNone;
   334 	iProgress.iTotalMsgs = 0;
   335 	iProgress.iMsgsProcessed =0;
   336 	iProgress.iMsgId=KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   338 	iProgressBuf.Zero();
   339 	}