changeset 22 bde600d88860
parent 0 8e480a14352b
equal deleted inserted replaced
21:08008ce8a6df 22:bde600d88860
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // __ACTION_INFO_BEGIN__ 
    15 // [Action Name]
    16 // VerifyEmail
    17 // [Action Parameters]
    18 // CMsvSession&			session   <input>			: Reference to the session. 
    19 // CMsvEntrySelection&	SentMailSelection <input>	: Reference to the 
    20 // sent mail selection		
    21 // CMsvEntrySelection&	RecvMailSelection <input>	: Reference to the 
    22 // received mail selection
    23 // TInt					Number of mails under test
    24 // CExpMailInfo			A list of expected results
    25 // [Action Description]
    26 // Compares the recieved mails with the expected number s of lines to test POP3 TOP command
    27 // [APIs Used]
    28 // __ACTION_INFO_END__
    29 // 
    30 //
    32 /**
    33  @file
    34 */
    35 // 
    36 #include <e32std.h> 
    37 #include <msvstd.h>
    38 #include <msvapi.h>
    39 #include <txtrich.h>
    40 #include <mtclreg.h>
    41 #include <miutmsg.h>
    42 #include <imcm.rsg>
    45 #include "CMtfTestActionUtils.h"
    46 #include "CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail.h"
    47 #include "CMtfTestCase.h"
    48 #include "CMtfTestActionParameters.h"
    49 #include "MtfTestActionUtilsUser.h"
    50 #include "TMtfTestParameterType.h"
    51 #include "CPop3MailInfo.h"
    54 #include "timrfc822datefield.h"
    55 #endif
    57 /**
    58   Function : NewL
    59   Description : Standard symbian 2 phase constructor
    60   @internalTechnology
    61   @param aMtfTestCase - CMtfTestCase test case reference for base class constructor
    62   @param aActionParameters - pointer to the parameters for this test action
    63   @return  A CMtfTestAction pointer to the newly created CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail object
    64   @pre none
    65   @post none
    66 */
    67 CMtfTestAction* CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::NewL( CMtfTestCase& aTestCase,CMtfTestActionParameters* aActionParameters )
    68 	{
    69 	CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail* self = new (ELeave) CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail(aTestCase);
    70 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    71 	self->ConstructL(aActionParameters);
    72 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    73 	return self;
    74 	}
    76 /**
    77   Function : CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail constructor
    78   Description : Private constructor - must not leave
    79   @internalTechnology
    80   @param  aTestCase - CMtfTestCase reference for the base class constructor
    81   @return N/A
    82   @pre none
    83   @post none
    84 */
    85 CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail(CMtfTestCase& aTestCase) : 
    86 																				CMtfSynchronousTestAction(aTestCase),	
    87 																				iSession(NULL),
    88 																				iSentSelectionList(NULL),
    89 																				iInboxSelectionList(NULL)
    90 	{
    91 	}
    93 /**
    94   Function : CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail destructor
    95   Description : Destructor
    96   @internalTechnology
    97   @param  N/A
    98   @return N/A
    99   @pre none
   100   @post none
   101 */
   102 CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::~CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail()
   103 	{
   104 	iExpResults.Reset();
   105 	iExpResults.Close();
   106 	}
   108 /**
   109   Function : LoadParametersL
   110   Description : Loads the test action parameters 
   111   @internalTechnology
   112   @param  none
   113   @return ETrue if parameters loaded Efalse on failure
   114   @pre none
   115   @post Upon failure TestCase status is EFail
   116 */
   117 TBool CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::LoadParametersL()
   118 	{
   120 	iSession	= ObtainParameterReferenceL<CMsvSession> (TestCase(),ActionParameters().Parameter(0));
   121 	if( ! iSession )
   122 		{
   123 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid session object"));
   124 		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   125 		return EFalse;
   126 		}
   127 	iSentSelectionList = ObtainParameterReferenceL<CMsvEntrySelection> (TestCase(), ActionParameters().Parameter(1)); 
   128 	if( ! iSentSelectionList )
   129 		{
   130 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid sentSelectionList"));
   131 		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   132 		return EFalse;
   133 		}
   134 	iInboxSelectionList = ObtainParameterReferenceL<CMsvEntrySelection> (TestCase(), ActionParameters().Parameter(2)); 
   135 	if( ! iInboxSelectionList )
   136 		{
   137 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid inboxSelectionList"));
   138 		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   139 		return EFalse;
   140 		}
   142 	if( iInboxSelectionList->Count() != iSentSelectionList->Count() )
   143 		{
   144 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF3( _L("iInboxSelectionList->Count(%d) != iSentSelectionList->Count(%d)"),
   145 								 iInboxSelectionList->Count(), iSentSelectionList->Count() );
   146 		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   147 		return EFalse;
   148 		}
   150 	TInt numTests = ObtainValueParameterL<TInt>(TestCase(),ActionParameters().Parameter(3));
   151 	if( numTests != iInboxSelectionList->Count() )
   152 		{
   153 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("iNumTests != iInboxSelectionList"));
   154 		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   155 		return EFalse;
   156 		}
   157 	iExpResults.Reset();
   158 	for( TInt i=0;i<numTests;i++) 
   159 		{
   160 		CExpPop3MailInfo* pExp = ObtainParameterReferenceL<CExpPop3MailInfo> ( TestCase(), ActionParameters().Parameter(i+4) );
   161 		if( ! pExp )
   162 			{
   163 			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid expected mail Info"));
   164 			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   165 			return EFalse;
   166 			}
   167 		else
   168 			{
   169 			iExpResults.Append( pExp );
   170 			}
   171 		}
   173 	return ETrue;
   174 	}
   176 /**
   177   Function : ExecuteActionL
   178   Description : Test framework entry point for CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail test action
   179   @internalTechnology
   180   @param  none
   181   @return void
   182   @pre none  
   183   @post TestCase status EPass if tests passed otherwise EFail
   184 */
   185 void CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::ExecuteActionL()
   186 	{
   187 	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S start..."), &KTestActionVerifyEmail);
   188 	if( LoadParametersL() )
   189 		{
   190 		User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
   191 		CleanupClosePushL(iFs);	
   192 			// Normally do not push an object that is a data member of another object.
   193 			// But in this case we want to close early if we get a leave.
   194 			// Otherwise the iFs would be open till the thread had begun to die.
   196 		if( TestCase().TestStepResult() == EPass)
   197 			{
   198 			CheckPartialDownloadedFlag();
   199 			CMsvEntry* recvMsvEntry = iSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
   200 			CleanupStack::PushL( recvMsvEntry );
   201 			CMsvEntry* sentMsvEntry = iSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
   202 			CleanupStack::PushL( sentMsvEntry );
   204 			for( TInt i=0;i<iInboxSelectionList->Count();i++)
   205 				{
   206 				recvMsvEntry->SetEntryL( iInboxSelectionList->At(i) );
   207 				TMsvEntry recvEntry = recvMsvEntry->Entry();
   208 				for( TInt j=0;j<iSentSelectionList->Count();j++)
   209 					{
   210 					sentMsvEntry->SetEntryL( iSentSelectionList->At(j) );
   211 					TMsvEntry sentEntry = sentMsvEntry->Entry();
   212 					if( recvEntry.iDescription.Compare( sentEntry.iDescription ) == 0 ) 
   213 						{
   214 						CExpPop3MailInfo* pExpMailInfo = NULL;
   215 						for( int k = 0;k<iExpResults.Count();k++)
   216 							{
   217 							if( iExpResults[k]->GetDescription().Compare( recvEntry.iDescription ) == 0 )
   218 								{
   219 								pExpMailInfo =  iExpResults[k];
   220 								break;
   221 								}
   222 							}
   223 						if( ! pExpMailInfo )
   224 							{
   225 							TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Test %d failed could not retrieve expected mail info"), j+1 );
   226 							TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   227 							break;
   228 							}
   231 						if( ! DoCompareL( recvEntry, *pExpMailInfo, sentEntry ) )
   232 							{
   233 							TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test %d failed"),  j+1 );
   234 							TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   235 							}														
   236 						}
   237 					}
   238 				}
   239 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, recvMsvEntry ); // recvMsvEntry, sentMsvEntry
   240 			}
   242 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iFs);
   243 		}
   245 	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1( _L("Test Action CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail Completed") );
   246 	TestCase().ActionCompletedL(*this);	
   247 	}
   249 /**
   250   Function : CheckPartialFlagOfRecvEntry
   251   Description : checks the Partialdownloaded flag 
   252 */
   253 void CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::CheckPartialDownloadedFlag()
   254 {
   255 	CMsvEntry* recvMsvEntry = iSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
   256 	CleanupStack::PushL( recvMsvEntry );
   257 	TMsvEmailEntry entry;
   258 	TMsvId service = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   259 	for( TInt i = 0; i < iInboxSelectionList->Count(); ++i)
   260 		{
   261 		iSession->GetEntry((iInboxSelectionList->At(i)), service, entry);
   262 		if(entry.PartialDownloaded())
   263 			{
   264 			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1( _L("Partial downloaded flag is ETrue") );	
   265 			}
   266 		else
   267 			{
   268 			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1( _L("Partial downloaded flag is EFalse") );
   269 			}
   270 		}
   271 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   272 }
   274 /**
   275   Function : DoCompareL
   276   Description : Comparison of 2 email messages identified by TMsvEntry
   277   @internalTechnology
   278   @param  aRecvEntry - The recieved email identifier
   279   @param aMailInfo - expected state of the recieved email
   280   @param aSentEntry - Identifier of the original sent email foir comparison purposes
   281   @return ETrue if emails match EFalse otherwise
   282   @pre Email must have been sent and recieved correctly and parameters loaded ok
   283   @post none
   284 */
   285 TBool CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::DoCompareL( TMsvEntry& aRecvEntry, CExpPop3MailInfo& aMailInfo, TMsvEntry& aSentEntry )
   286 	{
   287 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   288 	TBool footerExists = EFalse;
   289 	TInt footersize = 0;
   292 	TInt nLines = GetMessageLinesL(aRecvEntry, KUidMsvEmailTextEntry, footerExists, footersize);
   293 	if( nLines != aMailInfo.GetNumLinesBodyText() )
   294 		{
   295 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Lines of body text wrong actual = %d expected = %d!"), nLines, aMailInfo.GetNumLinesBodyText() );
   296 		ret = EFalse;
   297 		}
   298 	nLines = GetMessageLinesL(aRecvEntry, KUidMsvEmailHtmlEntry, footerExists, footersize );
   300 	if( nLines != aMailInfo.GetNumLinesHtml() )
   301 		{		
   302 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF3(_L("HTML size wrong actual = %d expected = %d!"), nLines, aMailInfo.GetNumLinesHtml() );
   303 		ret = EFalse;
   304 		}
   306 	if( ! CheckAttachmentsL( aRecvEntry, aMailInfo, aSentEntry ) )
   307 		{
   308 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Attachment comparison failed !"));
   309 		ret = EFalse;
   310 		}
   312 	if( ! footerExists && aMailInfo.GetFooterExpected() )
   313 		{
   314 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("An expected footer was missing !"));
   315 		ret = EFalse;
   316 		}
   317 	else if( footerExists && ! aMailInfo.GetFooterExpected() )
   318 		{
   319 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("An unexpected footer was found !"));
   320 		ret = EFalse;
   321 		}
   322 	else if(aMailInfo.GetFooterExpected() && aMailInfo.GetFooterSize()!=0 
   323 			&& aMailInfo.GetFooterSize() != footersize)
   324 		{
   325 			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF3(_L("KB left on server size wrong = %d expected = %d!"), footersize, aMailInfo.GetFooterSize());
   326 			ret = EFalse;			
   327 		}
   328 	return ret;
   329 	}
   334 //
   335 // CAttachmentItem : Used to ensure that MMsvAttachmentManager is not destroyed until we want it to be. 
   336 // 		To do this we need to preserve certain objects CImEmailMessage, which if disappeared 
   337 //		would invalidate MMsvAttachmentManager. 
   338 //		But we also want to delete these objects in a contraolled manner 
   339 //		after we have finished with MMsvAttachmentManager.
   341 void CAttachmentItem::ConstructL( CMsvSession& aSession, TMsvEntry aEntry)
   342 	{
   344 	iMsvEntry = aSession.GetEntryL(aEntry.Id());
   346 	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aEntry.Id());
   347 	iEmailMsg = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   349 	CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait* waiter = CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::NewLC();
   350  	iEmailMsg->GetAttachmentsListL( waiter->iStatus, aEntry.Id(),
   351 								   CImEmailMessage::EAllAttachments, 
   352 								   CImEmailMessage::EThisMessageOnly);
   353 	waiter->Start();
   355 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 , waiter );
   357 	}
   360 CAttachmentItem* CAttachmentItem::NewL( CMsvSession& aSession, TMsvEntry aEntry )
   361 	{
   362 	CAttachmentItem* self=CAttachmentItem::NewLC( aSession, aEntry );
   363 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   365 	return self;
   366 	}
   368 CAttachmentItem* CAttachmentItem::NewLC( CMsvSession& aSession, TMsvEntry aEntry )
   369 	{
   370 	CAttachmentItem* self=new (ELeave) CAttachmentItem;
   371 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   373 	self->ConstructL(aSession, aEntry);
   375 	return self;
   376 	}
   378 CAttachmentItem::~CAttachmentItem()
   379 	{
   380 	delete iEmailMsg;
   381 	delete iMsvEntry;	
   382 	}
   385 MMsvAttachmentManager& CAttachmentItem::MMsvAttachmentManager() const
   386 	{			
   387 	return (iEmailMsg->AttachmentManager());		
   388 	}
   393 /**
   394   Function : CheckAttachmentsL
   395   Description : Compares attachments for the email messages aRecvEntry and aSentEntry using expected results in aMailInfo
   396   @internalTechnology
   397   @param aRecvEntry - an identifier for the recieved email
   398   @param aMailInfo - expected state of recieved email attachments
   399   @param aSentEntry - an identifier for the original email
   400   @return ETrue if attachments match otherwise EFalse
   401   @pre aRecvEntry and aSentEntry must be valid email identifiers
   402   @post none
   403 */
   404 TBool CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::CheckAttachmentsL( TMsvEntry& aRecvEntry, CExpPop3MailInfo& aMailInfo, TMsvEntry& aSentEntry )
   405 	{
   406 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   407 	CAttachmentItem* recvManager = CAttachmentItem::NewLC( *iSession, aRecvEntry );
   408 	CAttachmentItem* sentManager = CAttachmentItem::NewLC( *iSession, aSentEntry );
   410 	TInt recvCount = recvManager->MMsvAttachmentManager().AttachmentCount();	
   411 	TInt sentCount = sentManager->MMsvAttachmentManager().AttachmentCount();
   413 	TFileName recvFileName;
   414 	TFileName sentFileName;
   416 	if( recvCount == aMailInfo.GetNumAttachments() )
   417 		{
   418 		for( TInt i=0;i<recvCount;i++ )
   419 			{
   420 			for( TInt j=0;j<sentCount;j++ )
   421 				{
   422 				CMsvAttachment* recvAttInfo = recvManager->MMsvAttachmentManager().GetAttachmentInfoL(i);
   423 				CleanupStack::PushL(recvAttInfo);
   425 				CMsvAttachment* sentAttInfo = sentManager->MMsvAttachmentManager().GetAttachmentInfoL(j);
   426 				CleanupStack::PushL(sentAttInfo);
   428 				if( recvAttInfo->AttachmentName().Compare( sentAttInfo->AttachmentName() ) == 0 )
   429 					{
   430 					recvFileName = recvAttInfo->FilePath();
   431 					sentFileName = sentAttInfo->FilePath();
   432 					ret = CompareFilesL( recvFileName, sentFileName );
   433 					}
   434 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, recvAttInfo);		
   435 				}
   436 			}
   437 		}
   438 	else
   439 		{
   440 		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF3( _L("Warning - Expected attachments mismatch recieved (%d) expected (%d)"),
   441 								 recvCount, aMailInfo.GetNumAttachments() );
   442 		ret = EFalse;
   443 		}
   445 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, recvManager); // recvManager, sentManager
   446 	return ret;
   447 	}
   450 /**
   451   Function : CompareFilesL
   452   Description : Performs byte for byte copmparison of the files indicated by aFileName1 and aFileName2
   453   @internalTechnology
   454   @param aFileName1 - filename of first file to be compared
   455   @param aFileName2 - filename of second file to be compared
   456   @return ETrue if files match, EFalse otherwise
   457   @pre Filenames must be valid or function will leave
   458   @post none
   459 */
   460 TBool CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::CompareFilesL( TFileName& aFileName1, TFileName& aFileName2 )
   461 	{
   463 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   464 	RFile file1, file2;
   466 	User::LeaveIfError( file1.Open( iFs, aFileName1, EFileRead ) );
   467 	User::LeaveIfError( file2.Open( iFs, aFileName2, EFileRead ) );
   469 	TInt sz1, sz2;
   470 	User::LeaveIfError( file1.Size(sz1) );
   471 	User::LeaveIfError( file2.Size(sz2) );
   473 	if( sz1 != sz2 )
   474 		{
   475 		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF3( _L("File size mismatch 1(%d)   2(%d)"), sz1, sz2 );
   476 		ret = EFalse;
   477 		}
   478 	else
   479 		{
   480 		TBuf8<1> char1;
   481 		TBuf8<1> char2;
   482 		TInt len1, len2;
   483 		do
   484 			{
   485 			file1.Read(char1);
   486 			file2.Read(char2);
   487 			len1 = char1.Length();
   488 			len2 = char2.Length();
   489 			if( char1.Compare( char2 ) != 0 )
   490 				{
   491 				ret = EFalse;
   492 				break;
   493 				}
   494 			}
   495 		while( len1 && len2 );
   496 		}
   497 	file1.Close();
   498 	file2.Close();
   499 	return ret;
   500 	}
   502 /**
   503   Function : GetMessageLinesL
   504   Description : Counts the number of lines in a message's HTML or body text
   505   @internalTechnology
   506   @param aEntry - email message identifier
   507   @param aUid - request identifier KUidMsvEmailHtmlEntry or KUidMsvEmailTextEntry at present
   508   @param aFooterExists - reference to a boolean variable only used when aUid == KUidMsvEmailTextEntry
   509   @param aFooterSize - expected KB left on server inserted into footer string if present 
   510   @return Returns the number of lines in the requested message part
   511   @pre aEntry must be a valid email identifier
   512   @post none
   513 */
   514 TInt CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::GetMessageLinesL(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TUid aUid, TBool& aFooterExists, TInt &aFooterSize )
   515 	{
   516 	TInt lines = 0; 
   518 	TMsvId msgPartIndex = GetMessagePartIndexL(aEntry,aUid);
   520 	if(msgPartIndex)
   521 		{
   522 		CMsvEntry* msvEntry = iSession->GetEntryL(msgPartIndex);
   523 		CleanupStack::PushL(msvEntry);
   525 		msvEntry->SetEntryL(msgPartIndex);
   526 		if( aUid == KUidMsvEmailTextEntry )
   527 			{
   528 			lines = CountLinesOfBodyTextL( *msvEntry, aFooterExists, aFooterSize );
   529 			}
   530 		else if( aUid == KUidMsvEmailHtmlEntry )
   531 			{
   532 			lines = CountLinesOfHtmlL( *msvEntry );
   533 			}
   535 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msvEntry);
   536 		}
   537 	return lines;
   538 	}
   540 /**
   541   Function : CountLinesOfBodyTextL
   542   Description : Counts the lines of body text in the email aEntry
   543   @internalTechnology
   544   @param aEntry - a reference to an object representing the email
   545   @param aFooterExists - reference to a boolean variable - set to ETrue if the footer string is found in the body text
   546   @param aFooterSize - expected KB left on server inserted into footer string if present 
   547   @return number of lines in the body text 
   548   @pre  aEntry must be a valid email object
   549   @post none
   550 */
   551 TInt CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::CountLinesOfBodyTextL( CMsvEntry& aEntry, TBool& aFooterExists, TInt& aFooterSize)
   552 	{
   553 	_LIT(KServerMessage,"*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*");
   554 	TInt lines = 0;
   555 	aFooterExists=EFalse;
   556 	aFooterSize=0;
   557 	aEntry.SetEntryL(aEntry.EntryId());
   558 	if(aEntry.HasStoreL())
   559 		{
   560 		CMsvStore*	msvStore1= aEntry.ReadStoreL();
   561 		CleanupStack::PushL(msvStore1);
   562 		CParaFormatLayer*	paraFormatLayer1 = CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
   563 		CleanupStack::PushL(paraFormatLayer1);
   564 		CCharFormatLayer*	charFormatLayer1 = CCharFormatLayer::NewL(); 
   565 		CleanupStack::PushL(charFormatLayer1);
   566 		CRichText*	bodyText1=CRichText::NewL( paraFormatLayer1, charFormatLayer1, CEditableText::EFlatStorage, 256);
   567 		CleanupStack::PushL(bodyText1);
   569 		bodyText1->Reset();
   570 		if ( msvStore1->HasBodyTextL())
   571 			{
   572 			msvStore1->RestoreBodyTextL(*bodyText1);
   573 			TUint16 val = CEditableText::ELineBreak;
   574 			TInt n = 0;
   575 			TInt pos = 0;
   576 			for(;;)
   577 				{
   578 				TPtrC bodyText = bodyText1->Read(pos);
   579 				n = bodyText.Find( &val, 1 );
   580 				if( n < 0 )
   581 					break;
   582 				lines++;
   583 				pos += n+1;
   585 				//This Check is needed to ignore the disclaimer line introduced by communigate Pro Server
   586 				TInt fpos = bodyText.FindC(KServerMessage);
   587 				if (fpos != KErrNotFound)
   588 					{
   589 					lines--;
   590 					}
   591 				}
   592 			TPtrC	pBt = bodyText1->Read(0);
   593 			aFooterExists = CheckIfFooterMessageExistsL( pBt , aFooterSize);
   594 			}		
   595 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, msvStore1);
   596 		}
   597 	return lines;
   598 	}
   600 /**
   601   Function : CountLinesOfHtmlL
   602   Description : Counts the number of lines of HTML
   603   @internalTechnology
   604   @param aEntry - a reference to an object representing the email
   605   @return number of lines of HTML
   606   @pre  aEntry must be a valid email object
   607   @post none
   608 */
   609 TInt CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::CountLinesOfHtmlL( CMsvEntry& aEntry )
   610 	{ 
   611 	TInt lines = 0;
   612 	aEntry.SetEntryL(aEntry.EntryId());
   614 	CMsvStore* store = aEntry.ReadStoreL();
   615 	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
   617 	MMsvAttachmentManager& attManager = store->AttachmentManagerL();
   619 	RFile htmlFile = attManager.GetAttachmentFileL(0);
   620 	CleanupClosePushL(htmlFile);
   622 	_LIT8( KFindData, "\r\n" );
   623 	TInt htmlSize = 0;
   624 	User::LeaveIfError( htmlFile.Size(htmlSize) );
   625 	HBufC8* fBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( htmlSize );
   626 	TPtr8 p = fBuf->Des();
   627 	htmlFile.Read( p );
   628 	TInt pos = 0;
   629 	for(;;)
   630 		{
   631 		pos = p.Find( KFindData );
   632 		if( pos < 0 )
   633 			break;
   634 		p = p.Mid(pos+2);
   635 		lines++;
   636 		}
   638 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fBuf );
   639 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // htmlFile
   640 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
   643 	return lines;
   644 	}
   646 /**
   647   Function : GetMessagePartIndexL
   648   Description : Retrieves the part index id for the email identified by aEntry
   649   @internalTechnology
   650   @param aEntry - a valid email identifier
   651   @param aUid - an identifier tfor the type of message part to be retrieved
   652   @return TMsvId -  message part identifier
   653   @pre none 
   654   @post none
   655 */
   656 TMsvId CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::GetMessagePartIndexL(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TUid aUid)
   657 	{
   658 	static TBool msgPartFound = EFalse;	
   659 	TMsvId msgPartId = 0;
   660 	CMsvEntry*			baseEntry  = iSession->GetEntryL(aEntry.Id());
   661 	CleanupStack::PushL(baseEntry);
   662 	CMsvEntrySelection*	selection =  baseEntry->ChildrenL();
   663 	CleanupStack::PushL(selection);
   664 	TInt count = selection->Count();
   665 	TInt ind1;
   666 	CMsvEntry* entry = iSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
   667 	CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
   668 	for (ind1=0, msgPartFound=EFalse; ind1 < count; ind1++ )
   669 		{
   670 		if(msgPartFound)
   671 			{
   672 			break;
   673 			}		
   674 		TMsvId	childId  = selection->At(ind1);
   675 		entry->SetEntryL(childId);
   677 		if ( entry->Entry().iType  == aUid)
   678 			{
   679 			msgPartId = childId;
   680 			break;
   681 			}
   682 		else if (entry->Entry().iType  == KUidMsvFolderEntry)
   683 			{
   684 			TMsvEntry ent = entry->Entry();
   685 			msgPartId = GetMessagePartIndexL( ent, aUid);
   686 			}
   687 		}
   688 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
   689 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(selection);
   690 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(baseEntry);
   691 	return msgPartId;
   692 	}
   694 /**
   695   Function : CheckIfFooterMessageExistsL
   696   Description : Checks the email for the presence of the footer string
   697   @internalTechnology
   698   @param aRecvBodyText -  reference to a descriptor holding the body text
   699   @param aFooterSize -  the expected number of KB remaining on the server which has been inserted into the footer string
   700   @return ETrue if footer string found otherwise EFalse 
   701   @pre PARTIAL_DOWNLOAD_FOOTER_MESSAGE must be a valid string resource identifier
   702   @post none
   703 */
   704 TBool CMtfTestActionVerifyEmail::CheckIfFooterMessageExistsL(TPtrC& aRecvBodyText , TInt& aFooterSize )
   705 	{
   707 	RResourceFile resFile;
   708 	CMtfTestActionUtils::OpenResourceFileL(resFile, iFs, KImEngineResourceFile );	// NB leaves if file not found
   709 	TCleanupItem close( CMtfTestActionUtils::CloseResourceFile, &resFile );
   710 	CleanupStack::PushL( close );
   712 	HBufC8* buf = NULL;
   713 	buf = resFile.AllocReadLC( PARTIAL_DOWNLOAD_FOOTER_MESSAGE );
   714 	TResourceReader reader;
   715 	reader.SetBuffer(buf);
   717 	HBufC* resourceBuf = (reader.ReadTPtrC()).AllocL();
   718 	CleanupStack::PushL( resourceBuf );
   720 	TInt len = resourceBuf->Find( _L("%d") );
   721 	const TInt KBufLen = 256;
   722 	TBuf<KBufLen> findBuf;
   724 	if( len == KErrNotFound )
   725 		len = resourceBuf->Length();
   727 	if( len > KBufLen )
   728 		len = KBufLen;
   730 	findBuf.Copy( resourceBuf->Ptr(), len );
   731 	len = aRecvBodyText.Find( findBuf );
   733 	if(len>=0)
   734 		{
   735 		TPtrC rest=aRecvBodyText.Right(aRecvBodyText.Length()-len-findBuf.Length());
   736 		TLex lex(rest.Left(rest.Locate(TChar(' '))));
   737 		lex.Val(aFooterSize);
   738 		}
   739 	else
   740 		{
   741 		aFooterSize=0;
   742 		}
   744 	CMtfTestActionUtils::CloseResourceFile( &resFile );
   745 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // buf, resourceBuf, close
   746 	return ( len != KErrNotFound );
   747 	}