1 |
2 // Clean down the message store. |
3 |
4 [GetBaseConstants] |
5 actionParam = inboxFolderId outboxFolderId draftsFolderId sentFolderId deletedFolderId |
6 |
7 [CreateSession] |
8 actionParam = session |
9 |
10 [ResetMessageStore] |
11 actionParam = session |
12 |
13 [CheckChildrenCount0] |
14 actionParam = session draftsFolderId 0 |
15 |
16 |
17 // Now put a single email in the inbox. |
18 |
19 [CreateImap4Service] |
20 actionParam = session _ _ _ _ "Imap4Service" "MyAccount" "c:\msgtest\TestFramework\Configurations\EmailSettings\ODCImap4Settings.txt" imap4ServiceId |
21 |
22 [CreateSmtpService] |
23 actionParam = session _ _ _ _ "SmtpService" smtpServiceId |
24 |
25 |
26 [CreateRegistry] |
27 actionParam = session clientMtmRegistry |
28 |
29 |
30 [CreateImap4Mtm] |
31 actionParam = session imap4ServiceId clientMtmRegistry imap4Mtm |
32 |
33 [CreateSmtpMtm] |
34 actionParam = session smtpServiceId clientMtmRegistry smtpMtm |
35 |
36 |
37 [SetDefaultConfiguration0] |
38 actionParam = CMtfConfigurationType::TMtfConfigurationType::EMtfImap4Settings "c:\msgtest\TestFramework\Configurations\EmailSettings\ODCImap4Settings.txt" |
39 //???? Must be changed to own directory for this test otherwise changing other people changing (valid as is) will break this test. |
40 |
41 [SetDefaultConfiguration1] |
42 actionParam = CMtfConfigurationType::TMtfConfigurationType::EMtfSmtpSettings "c:\msgtest\TestFramework\Configurations\EmailSettings\ODCSmtpSettings.txt" |
43 //???? Must be changed to own directory for this test otherwise changing other people changing (valid as is) will break this test. |
44 |
45 [SetDefaultConfiguration2] |
46 actionParam = CMtfConfigurationType::TMtfConfigurationType::EMtfEmailFile "c:\msgtest\TestFramework\Configurations\EmailMessage\test1.txt" |
47 //???? Must be changed to own directory for this test otherwise changing other people changing (valid as is) will break this test. |
48 |
49 [SetImap4ServiceParameters] |
50 actionParam = session imap4ServiceId _ |
51 |
52 [SetSmtpServiceParameters] |
53 actionParam = session smtpServiceId _ |
54 |
55 [CreateSmtpMessageFromEmailFile0] |
56 actionParam = session smtpServiceId draftsFolderId 0 smtpMessageId |
57 |
58 [SleepDelay] |
59 actionParam = 1 |
60 |
61 [CreateSmsService] |
62 actionParam = session _ _ _ _ "SmsService" smsServiceId |
63 |
64 [GetEntryTypeConstants] |
65 actionParam = messageEntry folderEntry textEntry htmlEntry attachmentEntry |
66 |
67 [GetSmsConstants] |
68 actionParam = smsMtmId |
69 |
70 [CreateEntry] |
71 actionParam = session messageEntry draftsFolderId smsMtmId smsServiceId _ _ _ _ _ smsMessageId |
72 |
73 [SaveMsvIdParamToFile1] |
74 actionParam = smtpMessageId "c:\msgtest\SaveIntParam1ToFile.txt" |
75 |
76 [SaveMsvIdParamToFile2] |
77 actionParam = smsMessageId "c:\msgtest\SaveIntParam2ToFile.txt" |
78 |
79 [CheckChildrenCount1] |
80 actionParam = session draftsFolderId 2 |