1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // |
15 |
16 #include "t_schsend1.h" |
17 #include <msvstd.h> |
18 #include <msvids.h> |
19 #include <msvuids.h> |
20 #include "pigeonservermtm.h" |
21 |
22 CTrapCleanup* theCleanup; |
23 |
24 void doMainL(RTest& aTest) |
25 { |
26 CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler; |
27 CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler); |
28 CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler ); |
29 |
30 CSchSendTest* schSendTest = CSchSendTest::NewL(aTest); |
31 CleanupStack::PushL(schSendTest); |
32 |
33 schSendTest->StartL(); |
34 |
35 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //schSendTest, scheduler |
36 |
37 aTest.Printf(_L("\nWaiting 5 seconds before closing...\n")); |
38 User::After(5000000); |
39 } |
40 |
41 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main() |
42 { |
43 RTest test(_L("Scheduled Sending Test Harness")); |
44 __UHEAP_MARK; |
45 test.Title(); |
46 test.Start(_L("Scheduled Sending Test Harness")); |
47 theCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New(); |
48 test(theCleanup !=NULL); |
49 TRAPD(error,doMainL(test)); |
50 test(error==KErrNone); |
51 delete theCleanup; |
52 test.Printf(_L("Completed with return code %d"),error); |
53 test.End(); |
54 test.Close(); |
56 return KErrNone; |
57 } |
58 |
59 CSchSendTest* CSchSendTest::NewL(RTest& aTest) |
60 { |
61 CSchSendTest* self = new (ELeave) CSchSendTest(aTest); |
62 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
63 self->ConstructL(); |
64 CleanupStack::Pop(); //self |
65 return self; |
66 } |
67 |
68 CSchSendTest::CSchSendTest(RTest& aTest) |
69 : CMsvTestUtils(aTest) |
70 { |
71 } |
72 |
73 void CSchSendTest::InstallMtmGroupsL() |
74 { |
75 } |
76 |
77 void CSchSendTest::CreateServerMtmRegsL() |
78 { |
79 //CreateServerMtmRegL(KPigeonMtmUid, _L("Pig"), KUidMsvMtmServerDLL, KUidMsvMtmClientDLL, TMsvTestDllInfo(KUidMsvMtmUiDLL,2), TMsvTestDllInfo(KUidMsvMtmUiDLL,1), KPigeonMtmUid, KDataComponentFileName); |
80 } |
81 |
82 void CSchSendTest::ConstructL() |
83 { |
84 CTestUtils::ConstructL(); |
85 CreateAllTestDirectories(); |
86 GoClientSideL(); |
87 |
88 InstallMtmGroupL(_L("c:\\system\\mtm\\pigmtmu.dat")); |
89 |
90 iSelection = new(ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection; |
91 iSchTestActive = CScheduleTestActive::NewL(*this); |
92 } |
93 |
94 void CSchSendTest::ShowMenuL() |
95 { |
96 RunAutoL(); |
97 } |
98 |
99 CSchSendTest::~CSchSendTest() |
100 { |
101 delete iSchTestActive; |
102 delete iSelection; |
103 } |
104 |
105 void CSchSendTest::Panic(TInt aPanic) |
106 { |
107 User::Panic(_L("SchSend Test"), aPanic); |
108 } |
109 |
110 void CSchSendTest::StartL() |
111 { |
112 TRAPD(err, RunAutoL()); |
113 |
114 if (err) |
115 { |
116 if (iCurrentTest) |
117 { |
118 TestFinish(iCurrentTest, err); |
119 } |
120 |
121 TestHarnessFailed(err); |
122 } |
123 else |
124 { |
125 TestHarnessCompleted(); |
126 } |
127 } |
128 |
129 void CSchSendTest::RunAutoL() |
130 { |
131 TestSchedulingMessageL(); |
132 } |
133 |
134 TMsvEntry CSchSendTest::CreateMessageLC(TMsvId aDestFolder, TTime aSendTime, TBool aOffPeak) |
135 { |
136 SetEntryL(aDestFolder); |
137 TMsvEntry entry; |
138 entry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry; |
139 entry.iMtm = KPigeonMtmUid; |
140 entry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId; |
141 entry.iDate = aSendTime; |
142 entry.SetOffPeak(aOffPeak); |
143 CreateEntryL(entry); |
144 iMsvSession->CleanupEntryPushL(entry.Id()); |
145 SetEntryL(entry.Id()); |
146 return entry; |
147 } |
148 |
149 void CSchSendTest::TestSchedulingMessageL() |
150 { |
151 TTime now; |
152 now.HomeTime(); |
153 TMsvEntry entry = CreateMessageLC(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId, now); |
154 |
155 iSelection->Reset(); |
156 iSelection->AppendL(entry.Id()); |
157 |
158 iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(CPigeonServerMtm::EScheduleAllL, *iSelection); |
159 |
160 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //entry |
161 } |
162 |
163 CScheduleTestActive::CScheduleTestActive(CMsvTestUtils& aTest) |
164 : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iTest(aTest) |
165 { |
166 CActiveScheduler::Add(this); |
167 } |
168 |
169 CScheduleTestActive* CScheduleTestActive::NewL(CMsvTestUtils& aTest) |
170 { |
171 CScheduleTestActive* self = new (ELeave) CScheduleTestActive(aTest); |
172 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
173 self->iSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL(*self); |
174 CleanupStack::Pop(); //self |
175 return self; |
176 } |
177 |
178 CScheduleTestActive::~CScheduleTestActive() |
179 { |
180 Cancel(); |
181 delete iSelection; |
182 delete iSession; |
183 } |
184 |
185 //Set aStopAtRunL to true to stop the active scheduler. |
186 //False will make us wait for someone else to stop it |
187 void CScheduleTestActive::TransferCommandSyncL(CPigeonServerMtm::TPigOperation aCommand, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TBool aStopAtRunL) |
188 { |
189 iTest.Printf(_L("TransferCommandSyncL Command %d Count %d StopAtRunL %d\n"), aCommand, aSelection.Count(), aStopAtRunL); |
190 |
191 if (IsActive()) |
192 User::Leave(KErrInUse); |
193 |
194 delete iSelection; |
195 iSelection = NULL; |
196 iSelection = aSelection.CopyL(); |
197 iCommand = aCommand; |
198 iStopAtRunL = aStopAtRunL; |
199 iStatus = KRequestPending; |
200 SetActive(); |
201 |
202 CMsvOperation* opert = iSession->TransferCommandL (*iSelection, |
203 aCommand, |
204 _L8("aaaa"), |
205 iStatus); |
206 |
207 CleanupStack::PushL(opert); |
208 CActiveScheduler::Start(); // will not return from this until the command is transferred |
209 |
210 if(iStatus.Int()!=KErrNone) |
211 User::Leave(iStatus.Int()); |
212 |
213 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //opert |
214 } |
215 |
216 void CScheduleTestActive::RunL() |
217 { |
218 iTest.Printf(_L("CScheduleTestActive::RunL() iStatus %d\n"), iStatus.Int()); |
219 |
220 if(iStopAtRunL) |
221 { |
222 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
223 return; |
224 } |
225 |
226 switch (iCommand) |
227 { |
228 case CPigeonServerMtm::EScheduleAllL: |
229 case CPigeonServerMtm::EReScheduleAllL: |
230 { |
231 for(int i = 0; i < iSelection->Count(); i++) |
232 { |
233 CMsvEntry* entry = iSession->GetEntryL(iSelection->At(i)); |
234 CleanupStack::PushL(entry); |
235 TInt state = entry->Entry().SendingState(); |
236 switch(state) |
237 { |
238 case KMsvSendStateScheduled: |
239 case KMsvSendStateResend: |
240 break; |
241 default: // The message failed |
242 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
243 break; |
244 } |
245 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //entry |
246 } |
247 |
248 break; |
249 } |
250 default: |
251 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); //Added by AA 9/6/2000. Is this correct? |
252 break; |
253 } |
254 } |
255 |
256 void CScheduleTestActive::HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent eventType, TAny* p1, TAny*, TAny*) |
257 { |
258 if (iStopAtRunL) return; |
259 if (eventType != EMsvEntriesCreated) return; |
260 |
261 CMsvEntrySelection* entries = STATIC_CAST(CMsvEntrySelection*, p1); |
262 if(entries->Count() == 0) |
263 User::Panic(_L("sch send test"), 23); |
264 CMsvEntry* cEntry = iSession->GetEntryL((*entries)[0]); |
265 CleanupStack::PushL(cEntry); |
266 |
267 TMsvEntry entry = cEntry->Entry(); |
268 |
269 if(entry.iDetails == _L("sch send test")) |
270 { |
271 iTest.Printf(_L("Scheduled message has been sent\n")); |
272 |
273 //We found the right message! |
274 CActiveScheduler::Stop(); |
275 |
276 //Delete the new message |
277 CMsvOperationWait* wait = CMsvOperationWait::NewLC(); |
278 wait->Start(); |
279 cEntry->SetEntryL(entry.Parent()); |
280 CMsvOperation* op = cEntry->DeleteL(entry.Id(), wait->iStatus); |
281 CActiveScheduler::Start(); |
282 delete op; |
283 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //wait |
284 } |
285 |
286 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //cEntry |
287 } |