changeset 0 8e480a14352b
child 36 e7635922c074
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgsrvnstore/server/src/msventryfreepool.cpp	Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "msvcachevisiblefolder.h"
+#include "msvcacheindextableentry.h"
+#include "msvindexadapter.h"
+#include "msventryfreepool.h"
+#include "msvinifile.h"
+#include "MSVPANIC.H"
+ */
+#define BLOCK_SIZE 64
+ */
+//Ini file which contains the cache setting
+	_LIT(KMSGINI, "C:\\private\\1000484b\\msgcache.ini");
+	_LIT(KMSGINI, "Z:\\private\\1000484b\\msgcache.ini");
+//Ini keywords used for cache setting
+_LIT(KIniMsvInitialCacheCreation, "MsvInitialCacheCreation");
+_LIT(KIniMsvMaximumCacheSize, "MsvMaximumCacheSize");
+_LIT(KIniMsvCacheIncrement, "MsvCacheIncrement");
+_LIT(KIniMsvCacheThreshold, "MsvCacheThreshold");
+_LIT(KIniMsvSearchSortCache, "MsvSearchSortCachePercentage");
+ */
+CMsvEntryFreePool* CMsvEntryFreePool::iMsvEntryFreePool = NULL;
+ */
+ * CMsvEntryFreePool()
+ *
+ * Constructor is kept private, since the class
+ * is singleton.
+ */
+CMsvEntryFreePool::CMsvEntryFreePool(TDblQue<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder>* aEntryCache):iEntryCache(aEntryCache)
+	{
+	}
+ * ~CMsvEntryFreePool()
+ *
+ * Default Destructor. 
+ * The function should delete CMsvCacheEntry
+ * created so far. The destructor is made 
+ * private so that only friend class can call it.
+ */
+	{
+	if(iMsvTmpEntries.Count())
+		{
+		CommitTransaction();
+		}
+	if(iUsedCacheEntries.Count())
+		{
+		iUsedCacheEntries.ResetAndDestroy();
+		}
+	iUsedCacheEntries.Close();
+	if(iMsvEntries)
+		{
+		iMsvEntries->ResetAndDestroy();	
+		iMsvEntries->Close();	
+		}
+	delete iMsvEntries;
+	iMsvEntries = NULL;
+	iMsvTmpEntries.Close();
+	iMsvEntryFreePool = NULL;
+	}
+ * Instance()
+ *
+ * The function returns already created instance of
+ * this class to the caller. To create a new instance
+ * the caller should call CreateL(). If an instance of
+ * this object does not already exists, the function 
+ * throws a panic EMsvFreePoolNotCreated in DEBUG mode.
+ */ 
+CMsvEntryFreePool* CMsvEntryFreePool::Instance()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntryFreePool!=NULL, PanicServer(EMsvFreePoolNotCreated));
+	return iMsvEntryFreePool;
+	}
+ * CreateL()
+ *
+ * The only way to create an object of this class.
+ * The function ensures that only one instance of
+ * the object is created. This is a static interface.
+ * The function is made private to ensure that only
+ * friend function can create instance of this class.
+ */ 
+CMsvEntryFreePool* CMsvEntryFreePool::CreateL(TDblQue<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder>* aEntryCache /*DEFAULT=NULL*/)
+	{
+	CMsvEntryFreePool* self = new (ELeave) CMsvEntryFreePool(aEntryCache);
+	//Push object in to cleanup stack so that it 
+	// will be handles properly incase of a leave.
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	//Pop from cleanupstack
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	iMsvEntryFreePool = self;
+	return self;
+	}
+ * ConstructL()
+ *
+ * The function is called from InstanceL() and used to
+ * initialize the instance of this class. It firsts reads
+ * cache configuration information from msgcache.ini file
+ * and stores them into member variable. It then allocates
+ * creates initial set of entries as described in conf file. 
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// 1. Reading ini file
+	// If drive information is not mentioned in the 
+	// filename, by default the class will check in
+	// C: drive. If the file is not found in C: it 
+	// will check in Z: drive as well.
+	CMsvIniData* iniFile = NULL;
+	TRAPD(err, iniFile = CMsvIniData::NewL(KMSGINI));
+	// If we find the config file, read it. Else assign default values to cache configurations.
+	if(!err && iniFile)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(iniFile);
+		// Reading maximum cache size from ini file.
+		// Initially, iMsvMaximumCacheSize will have cache size in KB which
+		// will later be converted to number of cache entries possible.
+		User::LeaveIfError(iniFile->FindVar(KIniMsvMaximumCacheSize, iMsvMaximumCacheSize));
+		// Reading initial cache size from ini file.
+		// This is represented in terms of percentage 
+		// of maximum cache size.
+		User::LeaveIfError(iniFile->FindVar(KIniMsvInitialCacheCreation, iMsvInitialCacheSize));
+		// Reading cache increment value from ini file.
+		// This is represented in terms of percentage 
+		// of maximum cache size.
+		User::LeaveIfError(iniFile->FindVar(KIniMsvCacheIncrement, iMsvCacheIncrement));
+		// Reading threshold value from ini file
+		// This is represented in terms of percentage
+		// of maximum cache size. 
+		User::LeaveIfError(iniFile->FindVar(KIniMsvCacheThreshold, iMsvCacheThreshold));
+		// Reading Search Sort Cache value in percentage from ini file
+		// This is represented in terms of percentage
+		// of maximum cache size.
+		User::LeaveIfError(iniFile->FindVar(KIniMsvSearchSortCache, iMsvSearchSortCache));
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iniFile);
+		}
+	// Performing consistency check.
+	if(NULL == iMsvMaximumCacheSize)
+		{
+		}
+	if((iMsvInitialCacheSize > PERCENTAGE_VALUE) || (NULL == iMsvInitialCacheSize))
+		{
+		}
+	if((iMsvCacheIncrement > PERCENTAGE_VALUE) || (NULL == iMsvCacheIncrement))
+		{
+		}
+	if((iMsvCacheThreshold > PERCENTAGE_VALUE) || (NULL == iMsvCacheThreshold))
+		{
+		}
+	//Determine maximum number of cache entries possible.
+	iMsvMaxEntries = ConvertMemToEntry(iMsvMaximumCacheSize * 1024);
+	// Approximate number of entries to be created when server starts.
+	TInt initialNumberOfEntries = (iMsvInitialCacheSize * iMsvMaxEntries) / 100;
+	// Since allocation is done in specific increment size, it is best
+	// to give the granularity as the increment count (not percentage here).
+	iMsvEntries = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>((iMsvCacheIncrement * iMsvMaxEntries) / 100);
+	// Create the initial number of cache entries.
+	// iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated will store
+	// number of CMsvCacheEntry created so far.
+	for (iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated = 0; iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated < initialNumberOfEntries ; iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated++)
+		{
+		iMsvEntries->AppendL(CMsvCacheEntry::NewL());
+		}
+	// Percentage of allocated memory utilized so far.
+	iMsvPercentageAllocated = iMsvInitialCacheSize;
+	}
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::SetEssentialParam(TDblQue<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder>* aEntryCache, CMsvIndexAdapter* aAdapterObj)
+	{
+	iEntryCache = aEntryCache;
+	iAdapter = aAdapterObj;
+	}
+ * ConvertMemToEntry()
+ * @param aMem: Memory size in bytes.
+ * @return TInt: the number of entries that the free pool can have
+ *				 given a memory size in bytes.
+ *
+ * The function calculates the number of cache entries possible in
+ * the free pool given the memory size.
+ */
+TInt CMsvEntryFreePool::ConvertMemToEntry(TInt aMem)
+	{
+	//This calculation is based on the fact that not all cache entries will have
+	//children as most are leaf nodes. Our assumption is that 20% of the entries
+	//will have an RArray, i.e. have children. The following formula determines
+	//maximum number of entries that the cache can have as:
+	//		sizeof(CMsvCacheEntry) = 120 bytes;
+	//		sizeof(RArray<TMsvId>) = 36 bytes;
+	//		sizeof(RArray<TMsvId>*) = 4 bytes;
+	//	=>	multiplying factor = (80*120 + 20*156)/(120*100) = 1.06
+	return ( (aMem) / (1.06*sizeof(CMsvCacheEntry)) );	 
+	}
+ * Destroy()
+ * @param CMsvEntryFreePool: The object to be destroyed.
+ *
+ * Only way to destroy an object of this class in debug 
+ * mode. The functions raises a panic when amount of
+ * cache entry created so far is not same as amount of 
+ * entry the object currently holds. The function is 
+ * declared private so that only friend class can call this.
+ *
+ * In release mode destructor should be called directly.
+ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::Destroy(CMsvEntryFreePool* aFreePoolInstance)
+	{
+	if(NULL==aFreePoolInstance)
+		return;
+	if(aFreePoolInstance->iMsvTmpEntries.Count())
+		{
+		aFreePoolInstance->CommitTransaction();
+		}
+	// Check if the number of entries created so far is same
+	// as amount of entry currently present with freepool (iMsvEntries).	
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aFreePoolInstance->iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated==aFreePoolInstance->iMsvEntries->Count(), User::Invariant());
+	delete aFreePoolInstance;
+	}
+ * EntryL()
+ * @param None.
+ * @return CMsvCacheEntry*: An unused CMsvCacheEntry.
+ *
+ * Returns one unused entry from the freepool. If
+ * freepool is empty, it checks if a new entry can 
+ * be allocated and returned. If amount of new entry
+ * created equals the maximum allowed limit (as set
+ * by the licencees in .ini file), the function calls
+ * SwapEntries to swap few entries from cache.
+ * If no entries can be allocated or swapped, it
+ * leaves with KErrNoMemory.
+ */
+CMsvCacheEntry* CMsvEntryFreePool::EntryL()
+	{
+	// Number of entries available in freepool.
+	TInt count = iMsvEntries->Count();
+	CMsvCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
+	// Is entry available in freepool?
+	if (0 < count)
+		{		
+		// Just return the last entry.
+		entry = (*iMsvEntries)[--count];
+		iMsvEntries->Remove(count);
+		return entry;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Can we still allocate fresh memory?
+		if(iMsvMaxEntries > iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated)
+			{
+			++iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated;
+			return CMsvCacheEntry::NewL();
+			}
+		//Otherwise swap out BLOCK_SIZE entries to free up space.
+		//Form an entry from this memory and return it.
+		else
+			{
+			SwapEntriesL(BLOCK_SIZE);
+			count = iMsvEntries->Count();
+			if(count)
+				{	
+				entry = (*iMsvEntries)[--count];
+				iMsvEntries->Remove(count);
+				return entry;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				++iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated;
+				return CMsvCacheEntry::NewL();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * ReleaseEntry()
+ * @param CMsvCacheEntry* : Entry to be release to freepool.
+ * @return None.
+ * 
+ * The function resets and appends the passed 
+ * entry to freepool so that it can be reused.
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::ReleaseEntry(CMsvCacheEntry* aMsvCacheEntry, TBool aBypassTransaction /* DEFAULT=EFalse*/)
+	{
+	if( NULL == aMsvCacheEntry )
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	if(isTransactionOpen && (EFalse == aBypassTransaction))
+		{
+		iMsvTmpEntries.Append(aMsvCacheEntry);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// 1. Reset the entry data.
+		aMsvCacheEntry->ResetEntry();
+		// 2. Append entry to the freepool.
+		iMsvEntries->Append(aMsvCacheEntry);
+		}
+	}
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::ReleaseEntryWithoutTransaction(CMsvCacheEntry* aMsvCacheEntry)
+    {
+    if(NULL == aMsvCacheEntry)
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    aMsvCacheEntry->ResetEntry();
+    TRAPD(Err, iMsvEntries->AppendL(aMsvCacheEntry));
+    if(Err)
+        {
+        delete aMsvCacheEntry;
+        iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated--;
+        }
+    }
+ * ReleaseEntrySet()
+ * @param RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>* : Entry set to be released.
+ * @return None.
+ *
+ * The function resets and appends the passed set
+ * of entries to freepool so that it can be reused.
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::ReleaseEntrySet(RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aMsvCacheEntryArray)
+	{
+	TRAPD(error, DoReleaseEntrySetL(aMsvCacheEntryArray));
+	if(error)
+		{
+		// 1. delete the remaining cache entries from aMsvCacheEntryArray
+		// 2. reduce appropriate variables in CMsvEntryFreePool
+		TInt count = aMsvCacheEntryArray.Count();
+		iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated -= count;
+		while(count)
+			{
+			// 1. Reset the entry data.
+			aMsvCacheEntryArray[--count]->ResetEntry();
+			// 2. Delete the memory allocated to the cache entry.
+			delete aMsvCacheEntryArray[count];
+			aMsvCacheEntryArray.Remove(count);
+			}		
+		}
+	}
+ * DoReleaseEntrySetL()
+ * @param RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>* : Entry set to be released.
+ * @return None.
+ *
+ * The function resets and appends the passed set
+ * of entries to freepool so that it can be reused.
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::DoReleaseEntrySetL(RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aMsvCacheEntryArray)
+	{
+	TInt count = aMsvCacheEntryArray.Count();
+	while ( 0 < count)
+		{
+		if(isTransactionOpen)
+			{
+			iMsvTmpEntries.AppendL(aMsvCacheEntryArray[--count]);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// 1. Reset the entry data.
+			aMsvCacheEntryArray[--count]->ResetEntry();
+			if(iReleaseError)
+				{
+				if(iReleaseErrorOffset == count)
+					{
+					iReleaseError = EFalse;
+					User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // an arbitrary error purely for testing purpose
+					}
+				}
+			// 2. Add entry to the freepool.
+			iMsvEntries->AppendL(aMsvCacheEntryArray[count]);
+			}
+		// 3. Remove entry from the input array.
+		aMsvCacheEntryArray.Remove(count);
+		}
+	}
+ * 
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::RollbackTransaction()
+	{
+	TInt count = iMsvTmpEntries.Count();
+	while(0 < count)
+		{
+		if(NULL != iAdapter)
+			{
+			TRAP_IGNORE(iAdapter->AddEntryNoVisibleL(iMsvTmpEntries[--count]));
+			}
+		}
+	iMsvTmpEntries.Reset();
+	isTransactionOpen = EFalse;
+	}
+ * 
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::CommitTransaction()
+	{
+	TInt count = iMsvTmpEntries.Count();
+	while(0 < count)
+		{
+		iMsvTmpEntries[--count]->ResetEntry();
+		iMsvEntries->Append(iMsvTmpEntries[count]);
+		}
+	iMsvTmpEntries.Reset();
+	isTransactionOpen = EFalse;
+	}
+ * SwapEntriesL()
+ * @param TInt: number of entries to be swapped out.
+ * @return None.
+ *
+ * Swap a specified amount of entries from cache.
+ * The function is called by GetEntry() when it
+ * cannot return an unused entry since freepool is
+ * empty. 
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::SwapEntriesL(TInt aEntriesToSwap)
+	{
+	if(!iEntryCache)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* folderNode = NULL;
+	TDblQueIter<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder> dqIter(*iEntryCache);
+    dqIter.SetToLast();
+    TInt entriesReleased = 0;
+    TBool isFolderEmpty;
+    while(	((folderNode = dqIter--) != NULL) &&  (entriesReleased < aEntriesToSwap) 
+   	//We do not swap out Local service and root folder node.
+           &&  (KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId) != UnmaskTMsvId(folderNode->GetFolderId())
+           &&  (KMsvRootIndexEntryId != folderNode->GetFolderId())
+           &&  (KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId) != folderNode->GetFolderId()
+           &&  (KMsvRootIndexEntryId != folderNode->GetFolderId())
+	  	 )
+        {
+        isFolderEmpty = EFalse;
+        //Attempt to reclaim aEntriesToSwap from a single folder.
+        //The number of entries swapped out can be more than aEntriesToSwap.
+       	entriesReleased += folderNode->ReleaseBlocks((aEntriesToSwap - entriesReleased), isFolderEmpty);
+			TMsvId folderId = UnmaskTMsvId(folderNode->GetFolderId());
+		#else
+			TMsvId folderId = folderNode->GetFolderId();
+		#endif
+		if(isFolderEmpty && !folderNode->GetChildrenFromVisibleFolder() && folderId > KMsvDeletedEntryFolderEntryId )
+        	{
+        	folderNode->iDlink.Deque();
+        	delete folderNode;
+        	break;
+        	}
+        }
+    }
+ * IsAllocationRequiredL()
+ * @param None.
+ * @return TBool: ETrue if the free pool has reached its threshold,
+ *				  EFalse if otherwise.
+ *
+ * The function return ETrue if the free pool has reached its 
+ * threshold and EFalse if otherwise.
+ */
+TBool CMsvEntryFreePool::IsAllocationRequiredL()
+	{
+	// Size of actual cache data structure.
+    iMsvCacheSize = CacheSizeL();
+    // Total cache size includes the size of freepool as well.
+    TInt totalCacheSize = iMsvCacheSize + iMsvEntries->Count()*sizeof(CMsvCacheEntry);
+    //Check if the size of the folder list exceeds or equals the threshold.
+    //If all of the cache memory has been used up, checking is done against
+    //the secondary threshold value.
+    if( PERCENTAGE_VALUE == iMsvPercentageAllocated )
+    	{	
+    	if(iMsvCacheSize > (totalCacheSize * CACHE_THRESHOLD_AFTER_FULL_CACHE/100))
+    		{
+    		return ETrue;
+    		}
+    	else
+	    	{
+    		return EFalse;
+    		}
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+		if(iMsvCacheSize > (totalCacheSize * iMsvCacheThreshold/100))
+    		{
+    		return ETrue;
+    		}
+    	else
+	    	{
+    		return EFalse;
+    		}
+    	}
+	}
+ * CacheSizeL()
+ * @param None.
+ * @return TInt: the size of the cache data structure in bytes.
+ *
+ * The function returns the size of the cache data structure in bytes, 
+ * excluding the memory occupied by the free entries in the freepool.
+ */
+TInt CMsvEntryFreePool::CacheSizeL()
+	{
+	if(!iEntryCache)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* folderNode = NULL;
+	TDblQueIter<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder> dqIter(*iEntryCache);
+ 	TInt cacheSize = 0;
+ 	TInt folderCount = 0;
+    //Calculate the size of the whole folder list structure.
+    //This includes the size required for the data structures,
+    // Eg: index table, block of entries etc.
+    dqIter.SetToFirst();
+    while ((folderNode = dqIter++) != NULL)
+        {
+        ++folderCount;
+    	RPointerArray<CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry> *indexTable = folderNode->GetIndexTableEntry();
+    	//Number of blocks in the indextable, i.e. number of indextable entries.
+    	TInt count = indexTable->Count();
+    	for(TInt index = 0; index < count; ++index)
+    		{
+    		TInt entryCount = (*indexTable)[index]->Size();
+    		cacheSize += entryCount * (sizeof(CMsvCacheEntry) * 1.06);
+    		//Include the size of the details and description buffers of a cache entry.
+    		//Size of buffers and members of TMsvEntry is the same.
+    		//Description and details each have standard size of 15.
+    		cacheSize += (2*15) * entryCount;
+    		}
+    	//Size of data structure for the blocks.
+    	cacheSize += count * sizeof(CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry);
+    	}
+    //Size of the data structure for index tables.
+    cacheSize += folderCount * sizeof(CMsvCacheVisibleFolder); //bytes
+    return cacheSize;
+	}
+ * AllocateMemoryL()
+ * @param None.
+ * @return None.
+ *
+ * The function expands the cache free pool when it has reached its threshold.
+ * If all of the memory has not been used up yet, it allocates the entries as per
+ * the next increment. It allocates memory again if threshold is still being exceeded.
+ * Swapping might be performed to maintain the threshold.
+ * If all of the memory has been used up, it swaps out (100-iMsvCacheThreshold)% entries
+ * from cache.
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::AllocateMemoryL()
+	{
+	//Total cache size includes the size of freepool as well.
+	TInt totalCacheSize = iMsvCacheSize + iMsvEntries->Count()*sizeof(CMsvCacheEntry);
+	// Check if entire memory is not yet allocated to cache.
+	if(PERCENTAGE_VALUE > iMsvPercentageAllocated)
+		{
+		//Yes, it has not been used up. Calculate the percentage allocation done till now.
+		TInt actualPercentage = (totalCacheSize * 100/1024)/iMsvMaximumCacheSize;
+		while(actualPercentage >= iMsvPercentageAllocated && iMsvPercentageAllocated < PERCENTAGE_VALUE)
+			{
+			iMsvPercentageAllocated += iMsvCacheIncrement;
+			}
+		if(PERCENTAGE_VALUE < iMsvPercentageAllocated)
+			{
+			iMsvPercentageAllocated = PERCENTAGE_VALUE;
+			}
+		//Calculate how much memory has to be allocated in terms of cache entries.
+		TInt memoryDiff = iMsvMaximumCacheSize*1024*(iMsvPercentageAllocated - actualPercentage)/100;
+		if(memoryDiff > 0)
+			{
+			TInt entriesToCreate = ConvertMemToEntry(memoryDiff); 
+			for(TInt index = 0; index < entriesToCreate; ++index)
+				{
+				iMsvEntries->AppendL(CMsvCacheEntry::NewL());
+				++iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated;
+				}	
+			}
+		//If the cache data structure size still exceeds the threshold go for 
+		//the next increment allocation.
+		totalCacheSize = iMsvCacheSize + iMsvEntries->Count()*sizeof(CMsvCacheEntry);
+		if( (totalCacheSize * iMsvCacheThreshold)/100 < iMsvCacheSize )
+			{
+			//If all of the memory has been used up now, swap out entries.
+			if( PERCENTAGE_VALUE == iMsvPercentageAllocated )
+				{
+				SwapEntriesL(PERCENTAGE_TO_SWAP_OUT*iMsvMaxEntries/100);					
+				}
+			//Otherwise calculate the number of entries in the increment and allocate.
+			else
+				{
+				TInt previousPercent = iMsvPercentageAllocated;
+				iMsvPercentageAllocated += iMsvCacheIncrement;
+				if(PERCENTAGE_VALUE < iMsvPercentageAllocated)
+					{
+					iMsvPercentageAllocated = PERCENTAGE_VALUE;
+					}
+				memoryDiff = iMsvMaximumCacheSize*1024*(iMsvPercentageAllocated - previousPercent)/100;
+				TInt entriesToCreate = ConvertMemToEntry(memoryDiff); 
+				for(TInt index = 0; index < entriesToCreate; ++index)
+					{
+					iMsvEntries->AppendL(CMsvCacheEntry::NewL());
+					++iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated;
+					}		
+				}
+			}		
+		}	
+	else
+		{
+		//All of the cache memory has been used. Go for swapping out of entries from the 
+		//cache data structure to free up memory.
+		SwapEntriesL(PERCENTAGE_TO_SWAP_OUT*iMsvMaxEntries/100);
+		}	
+	//Calculate the number of entries that can be formed from the remaining memory.
+	if( PERCENTAGE_VALUE == iMsvPercentageAllocated )
+		{
+		iMsvMaxEntries = iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iMsvMaxEntries = iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated + ConvertMemToEntry((iMsvMaximumCacheSize * 1024) * (100-iMsvPercentageAllocated)/100);
+		}
+	}
+ * FlushExcessMemory()
+ */
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::FlushExcessMemory()
+	{
+	TInt count = iUsedCacheEntries.Count();
+	if(count)
+		{
+		CMsvCacheEntry *entry = NULL;
+		while(count)
+			{
+			entry = iUsedCacheEntries[0];
+			iUsedCacheEntries.Remove(0);
+			if(iMsvMaxEntries < iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated)
+				{
+				delete entry;
+				iMsvCacheNumberOfEntriesCreated--;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				entry->ResetEntry();
+				iMsvEntries->Append(entry);
+				}
+			--count;
+			}
+		iUsedCacheEntries.Reset();
+		}
+	}
+void CMsvEntryFreePool::RoutineFreePoolCleanUpL()
+	{
+	FlushExcessMemory();
+	TInt excessMemory = ExcessMemoryAllocated();
+	if(excessMemory)
+		{
+		SwapEntriesL(excessMemory);
+		}	
+	}