--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgtest/testutils/base/inc/MsvTestUtils.h Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef MSV_TEST_UTILS_H_
+#define MSV_TEST_UTILS_H_
+#include "msvtestutilsbase.h"
+#include <mtclreg.h>
+#include <msventry.h>
+#include <msvids.h>
+// Forward Declarations
+class CBaseServerMtm;
+class CServerMtmDllRegistry;
+class CMtmRegistryControl;
+class TTaskInfo;
+// Constants
+#define KMtmDir _L("c:\\system\\mtm\\")
+// used for writing to logs
+#define KFileNameBodies _L("Entry_RichTextBodies.txt")
+#define KFileNameFiles _L("Entry_Files.txt")
+#define KFileNameEntryStructure _L("Entry_Structure.txt")
+#define KRfc822Files _L("c:\\mailtest\\rfc822\\Rfc_*.txt")
+_LIT(KMsvTestUtilsNewLine, "\n");
+const TInt KMsvTestUidPhonePwrValue=0x100052C5;
+const TUid KMsvTestUidPhonePwr={KMsvTestUidPhonePwrValue};
+enum TMsvTestPhoneStatus
+ {
+ EMsvTestPhoneOff = 0,
+ EMsvTestPhoneOn
+ };
+const TInt KMsvTestUidSIMStatusValue =0x100052C6;
+const TUid KMsvTestUidSIMStatus ={KMsvTestUidSIMStatusValue};
+enum TMsvTestSIMStatus
+ {
+ EMsvTestSimOk,
+ EMsvTestSimNotPresent,
+ EMsvTestSimRejected
+ };
+const TInt KMsvTestUidNetworkStatusValue=0x100052C7;
+const TUid KMsvTestUidNetworkStatus ={KMsvTestUidNetworkStatusValue};
+enum TMsvTestNetworkStatus
+ {
+ EMsvTestNetworkAvailable,
+ EMsvTestNetworkUnAvailable
+ };
+// TestMsvOperationTimer
+class TestMsvOperationTimer : public CTimer
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static TestMsvOperationTimer* NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole, CMsvOperation* aMsvOperation, RTest& aRTest);
+ IMPORT_C void RunL();
+ IMPORT_C void DoCancel();
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+ IMPORT_C void IssueRequest();
+ CConsoleBase* iConsole;
+ CMsvOperation* iMsvOperation;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iPeriod;
+ TInt iCount;
+ TBool iClosing;
+ RTest iRTest;
+ IMPORT_C TestMsvOperationTimer(CConsoleBase* aConsole, CMsvOperation* aMsvOperation, RTest& aRTest);
+ };
+// TMsvTestDllInfo
+class TMsvTestDllInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ inline TMsvTestDllInfo(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aOrdinal = 1, TVersion aVersion = TVersion(2,0,0));
+ TFileName iFileName;
+ TInt iOrdinal;
+ TVersion iVersion;
+ };
+// enum TMsvTestUtilsCreationFlags
+enum TMsvTestUtilsCreationFlags
+ {
+ ETuNone = 0x0000,
+ ETuCreateTestDirectories = 0x0001,
+ ETuCleanMessageFolder = 0x0002,
+ ETuDeleteMtmRegistry = 0x0004,
+ ETuCreateServerMtmReg = 0x0008,
+ ETuInstallMtmGroup = 0x0010,
+ ETuDeleteService = 0x0020,
+ ETuCreateService = 0x0040, //NewL may leave if service already exists
+ ETuGoClientSide = 0x0080,
+ ETuGoServerSide = 0x0100,
+ ETuAllClientSide = ETuCleanMessageFolder
+ | ETuDeleteMtmRegistry
+ | ETuCreateTestDirectories
+ | ETuDeleteService
+ | ETuCreateService
+ | ETuGoClientSide,
+ ETuAllServerSide = ETuAllClientSide
+ & ~ETuGoClientSide
+ | ETuGoServerSide,
+ ETuMinimalClientSide = ETuCreateTestDirectories
+ | ETuDeleteService
+ | ETuCreateService
+ | ETuGoClientSide,
+ ETuMinimalServerSide = ETuMinimalClientSide
+ & ~ETuGoClientSide
+ | ETuGoServerSide,
+ ETuKeepLogFile = 0x10000
+ };
+// CMsvTestUtils
+class CMsvTestUtils : public CTestUtils
+ {
+ IMPORT_C void GoClientSideL();
+ IMPORT_C void GoServerSideL();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Reset();
+ IMPORT_C void CreateRegistryObjectAndControlL();
+ IMPORT_C void CleanMessageFolderL();
+ IMPORT_C void CreateAllTestDirectories();
+ IMPORT_C void FindChildrenL(TMsvId aFolderToTraverse, TBool aReplace = ETrue, TBool aOtherFiles = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void FindChildrenL(TMsvId aFolderToTraverse, const TFileName& aFilepath, TBool aReplace = ETrue, TBool aOtherFiles = ETrue);
+ //CMsvEntry and CMsvServerEntry functions
+ inline void CreateEntryL(TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+ inline void CreateAndSetEntryL(TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+ inline void DeleteEntryL(TMsvId aId);
+ inline void ChangeEntryL(TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+ inline void SetEntryL(TMsvId aId);
+ inline TMsvEntry Entry();
+ inline CMsvStore* EditStoreL();
+ inline CMsvStore* ReadStoreL();
+ inline CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithTypeLC(TUid aType);
+ inline CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithMtmLC(TUid aMtm);
+ inline void SetSortTypeL(TMsvSelectionOrdering aOrder);
+ virtual void InstantiateClientMtmsL() = 0;
+ virtual void InstantiateServerMtmsL() = 0;
+ virtual void DeleteServicesL() = 0;
+ virtual void CreateServicesL() = 0;
+ virtual void FindExistingServicesL() = 0;
+ virtual void InstallMtmGroupsL() = 0;
+ virtual void CreateServerMtmRegsL() = 0;
+ //Returns TMsvEntry.iDate for aEntryId, and the time it is scheduled for on the task scheduler
+ IMPORT_C TInt ScheduleTime(TMsvId aEntryId, TTime& rEntryTime, TTime& rTaskSchedulerTime, TTaskInfo& rTaskInfo);
+ IMPORT_C TInt AppendScheduleTimeL(TMsvId aEntryId, TDes& rOutput);
+ IMPORT_C void SpecifyRfc822Dir(const TFileName& aFilePath);
+ IMPORT_C void NavigateMessageStoreL(TMsvId aStart = KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
+ IMPORT_C CMsvTestUtils(RTest& aRTest);
+ IMPORT_C ~CMsvTestUtils();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL(TUint aCreationFlags = ETuNone);
+ //MTM Functions
+ IMPORT_C void InstallMtmGroupL(const TDesC& aDatFile);
+ IMPORT_C void CreateServerMtmRegL(const TUid aMsgType, const TDesC& aHumanReadableName, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aServerMtm, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aClientMtm, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aUiMtm, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aUiDataMtm, const TUid aGroup, const TDesC& aDatFile);
+ IMPORT_C CBaseMtm* InstantiateClientMtmL(TUid aMtmType, TMsvId aServiceId);
+ IMPORT_C CBaseServerMtm* InstantiateServerMtmL(TUid aMtmType, TMsvId aServiceId);
+ //Service Functions
+ IMPORT_C TMsvId CreateServiceL(const TUid aMtm, TBool aReadOnly = EFalse, TBool aVisible = EFalse);
+ IMPORT_C void DeleteServiceL(TUid aMtm);
+ IMPORT_C void ServiceIdL(TUid aMtm, TMsvId& rFirstId, CMsvEntrySelection* rServiceIds = NULL);
+ IMPORT_C void WriteBodyDataL(TMsvId aId, const TFileName& aFilepath, CMsvStore& fileStore, TBool aReplace);
+ IMPORT_C void WriteFileDataL(TMsvId aId, const TFileName& aFileName, const TFileName& aLogFilepath, TBool aReplace);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ListChildrenL(RFile& aFile, CDir& rfcFileList, TInt& aCount, TInt& aEntryCount, TBool aReplace = ETrue, TBool aOtherFiles = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void SpecifyLogsDir(const TFileName& aFilePath);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetFolderType(TMsvEntry& entry, TPtrC& type);
+ virtual void DisplayChildDetailsL(const TMsvEntry& /*aEntry*/) {};
+ IMPORT_C void DisplayChildL(const TMsvEntry& entry);
+ void ListChildrenL(TBool aReplace, TBool aOtherFiles, RFile& aFile, CDir& rfcFileList);
+ void DoScheduleTimeL(TMsvId aEntryId, TTime& rEntryTime, TTime& rTaskSchedulerTime, TTaskInfo& rTaskInfo);
+ void ShowChildrenL(const CMsvEntry& aEntry, TInt aStart, TInt& aMore, TInt aMaxCount = 10);
+ TInt DoNavigateMessageStoreL(TMsvId& aParent, TInt& aStart);
+ CMsvSession* iMsvSession;
+ CMsvEntry* iMsvEntry;
+ CMsvServerEntry* iServerEntry;
+ CClientMtmRegistry* iClientMtmRegistry;
+ TBuf<2> iDriveName ;
+ enum TClientOrServerSide
+ {
+ ENeither,
+ EClientSide,
+ EServerSide
+ } iClientServer;
+ TBool iRegistryObjectAndControlCreated;
+ CMsvServer* iMsvServer;
+ CServerMtmDllRegistry* iServerMtmDllRegistry;
+ CMtmRegistryControl* iMtmRegistryControl;
+ TMsvDummyObserver* iDummyObserver;
+ TFileName iLogsDir;
+ TFileName iRfc822Dir;
+ TInt iFileCount;
+ };
+#include <msvtestutils.inl>