--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgtest/testutils/base/src/msvtestutils.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// msvtestutils.cpp
+#include "msvtestutils.h"
+#include "MSVSERV.H"
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include <mtsr.h>
+#include <msvruids.h>
+#include <txtfmlyr.h>
+#include <txtetext.h>
+#include <txtrich.h>
+#include <miuthdr.h>
+#include <mtclbase.h>
+#include <flogger.h>
+#include <msventryscheduledata.h>
+#include <csch_cli.h>
+#include <sqldb.h>
+#include "msvconsts.h"
+#include "timrfc822datefield.h"
+_LIT(KStoreInitFileName, "\\private\\1000484b\\StoreInit.tmp");
+_LIT(KDbFileName, "\\messaging.db");
+_LIT(KDbFileName, "[1000484B]messaging.db");
+// TestMsvOperationTimer
+EXPORT_C TestMsvOperationTimer* TestMsvOperationTimer::NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole, CMsvOperation* aMsvOperation, RTest& aRTest)
+ {
+ TestMsvOperationTimer* self = new(ELeave) TestMsvOperationTimer(aConsole, aMsvOperation, aRTest);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TestMsvOperationTimer::TestMsvOperationTimer(CConsoleBase* aConsole, CMsvOperation* aMsvOperation, RTest& aRTest)
+ : CTimer(EPriorityStandard+3), iMsvOperation(aMsvOperation), iRTest(aRTest)
+ {
+ iConsole = aConsole;
+ iPeriod = KPeriod;
+ iClosing = EFalse;
+ iCount = 0;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void TestMsvOperationTimer::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CTimer::ConstructL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void TestMsvOperationTimer::IssueRequest()
+ {
+ After(iPeriod);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void TestMsvOperationTimer::DoCancel()
+ {
+ CTimer::DoCancel();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void TestMsvOperationTimer::RunL()
+ {
+ // display the current progress
+ TMsvId temp;
+ TPckgC<TMsvId> paramPack(temp);
+ const TDesC8& progBuf = iMsvOperation->ProgressL();
+ paramPack.Set(progBuf);
+ TMsvId progress=paramPack();
+ iRTest.Console()->SetPos(0, 10);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L(" MessageId %d \n"),progress);
+ IssueRequest();
+ };
+// CMsvTestUtils
+EXPORT_C CMsvTestUtils::CMsvTestUtils(RTest& aRTest)
+: CTestUtils(aRTest)
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CMsvTestUtils::~CMsvTestUtils()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ delete iServerMtmDllRegistry;
+ delete iMtmRegistryControl;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::Reset()
+ {
+ delete iMsvEntry;
+ iMsvEntry = NULL;
+ delete iServerEntry;
+ iServerEntry = NULL;
+ delete iMsvServer;
+ iMsvServer = NULL;
+ delete iClientMtmRegistry;
+ iClientMtmRegistry = NULL;
+ if(iMsvSession!=NULL)
+ {
+ iMsvSession->CloseMessageServer();
+ }
+ delete iMsvSession;
+ iMsvSession = NULL;
+ delete iDummyObserver;
+ iDummyObserver = NULL;
+ iClientServer = ENeither;
+ SpecifyRfc822Dir(KRfc822Files);
+ }
+EXPORT_C CBaseMtm* CMsvTestUtils::InstantiateClientMtmL(TUid aMtmType, TMsvId aServiceId)
+ {
+ // client side
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iClientServer == EClientSide, Panic(KErrGeneral));
+ if (!iClientMtmRegistry)
+ {
+ iClientMtmRegistry = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL(*iMsvSession);
+ }
+ CBaseMtm* newMtm = iClientMtmRegistry->NewMtmL(aMtmType);
+ CMsvEntry* entry = iMsvSession->GetEntryL(aServiceId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
+ newMtm->SetCurrentEntryL(entry);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); //entry
+ return newMtm;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CBaseServerMtm* CMsvTestUtils::InstantiateServerMtmL(TUid aMtmType, TMsvId aServiceId)
+ {
+ // server side
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iServerMtmDllRegistry, Panic(KErrGeneral));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iClientServer == EServerSide, Panic(KErrNotSupported));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iServerEntry->SetEntry(aServiceId));
+ CBaseServerMtm* newMtm = iServerMtmDllRegistry->NewServerMtmL(aMtmType, iServerEntry);
+ return newMtm;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::GoClientSideL()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ iFs.SetSessionPath(iDriveName);
+ iDummyObserver = new (ELeave) TMsvDummyObserver;
+ iMsvSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL(*iDummyObserver);
+ iMsvEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iMsvSession, KMsvRootIndexEntryId, TMsvSelectionOrdering());
+ iClientServer = EClientSide;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::GoServerSideL()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ _LIT(KMsvServerPattern, "!MsvServer*");
+ TFindProcess findprocess(KMsvServerPattern);
+ TFullName name;
+ // wait for the server to close before trying to start
+ // one within this process.
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ TFindServer find(KMsvServerPattern);
+ if (find.Next(name) != KErrNone)
+ break;
+ User::After(100000);
+ }
+ iMsvServer = CMsvServer::NewL();
+ // wait a couple of seconds
+ CTestTimer* timer = CTestTimer::NewL();
+ timer->After(5000000);
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete timer;
+ iServerEntry = CMsvServerEntry::NewL(*iMsvServer, KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
+ iClientServer = EServerSide;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::CreateServerMtmRegL(const TUid aMsgType, const TDesC& aHumanReadableName, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aServerMtm, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aClientMtm, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aUiMtm, const TMsvTestDllInfo& aUiDataMtm, const TUid aGroup, const TDesC& aDatFile)
+ {
+ CMtmDllInfoArray* mtmdllinfoarray=new(ELeave) CMtmDllInfoArray();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(mtmdllinfoarray);
+ CMtmDllInfo* mtmdllinfo1=CMtmDllInfo::NewL(aHumanReadableName,TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidMtmServerComponent,TUid::Uid(KUidMtmDefaultSpecificVal)),aServerMtm.iFileName,aServerMtm.iOrdinal,aServerMtm.iVersion);
+ mtmdllinfoarray->AddMtmDllInfoL(mtmdllinfo1);
+ CMtmDllInfo* mtmdllinfo2=CMtmDllInfo::NewL(aHumanReadableName,TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidMtmClientComponent,TUid::Uid(KUidMtmDefaultSpecificVal)),aClientMtm.iFileName,aClientMtm.iOrdinal,aClientMtm.iVersion);
+ mtmdllinfoarray->AddMtmDllInfoL(mtmdllinfo2);
+ CMtmDllInfo* mtmdllinfo3=CMtmDllInfo::NewL(aHumanReadableName,TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidMtmUiComponent,TUid::Uid(KUidMtmDefaultSpecificVal)),aUiMtm.iFileName,aUiMtm.iOrdinal,aUiMtm.iVersion);
+ mtmdllinfoarray->AddMtmDllInfoL(mtmdllinfo3);
+ CMtmDllInfo* mtmdllinfo4=CMtmDllInfo::NewL(aHumanReadableName,TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidMtmUiDataComponent,TUid::Uid(KUidMtmDefaultSpecificVal)),aUiDataMtm.iFileName,aUiDataMtm.iOrdinal,aUiDataMtm.iVersion);
+ mtmdllinfoarray->AddMtmDllInfoL(mtmdllinfo4);
+ // Create an empty capability set for creating a new group data object
+ TCapabilitySet capSet;
+ capSet.SetEmpty();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(mtmdllinfoarray); // next line takes ownership
+ CMtmGroupData* mtmgroupdata=CMtmGroupData::NewL(aMsgType, aGroup, mtmdllinfoarray, capSet);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(mtmgroupdata);
+ CFileStore* filestore = CPermanentFileStore::ReplaceLC(FileSession(), aDatFile, EFileShareExclusive|EFileStream|EFileWrite);
+ TUidType uidtype(KPermanentFileStoreLayoutUid, KUidMsvDataComponent, aMsgType);
+ filestore->SetTypeL(uidtype);
+ RStoreWriteStream out;
+ TStreamId streamid=out.CreateLC(*filestore); // Push to stack
+ mtmgroupdata->ExternalizeL(out);
+ out.CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // out
+ filestore->SetRootL(streamid);
+ filestore->CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, mtmgroupdata); // filestore, mtmgroupdata
+ }
+EXPORT_C TMsvId CMsvTestUtils::CreateServiceL(const TUid aMtm, TBool aReadOnly, TBool aVisible)
+ {
+ TMsvId id = 0;
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ entry.iMtm = aMtm;
+ entry.iType = KUidMsvServiceEntry;
+ entry.SetReadOnly(aReadOnly);
+ entry.SetVisible(aVisible);
+ SetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
+ CreateEntryL(entry);
+ id = entry.Id();
+ SetEntryL(id);
+ return id;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::CreateRegistryObjectAndControlL()
+ {
+ // Create the registry object
+ if (!iServerMtmDllRegistry)
+ iServerMtmDllRegistry = CServerMtmDllRegistry::NewL(iFs);
+ // Create the registry control..
+ if (!iMtmRegistryControl)
+ iMtmRegistryControl = CMtmRegistryControl::NewL(iFs, *iServerMtmDllRegistry);
+ iRegistryObjectAndControlCreated = ETrue;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::InstallMtmGroupL(const TDesC& aDatFile)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if (iClientServer == EClientSide)
+ {
+ err = iMsvSession->InstallMtmGroup(aDatFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfNull(iServerMtmDllRegistry);
+ User::LeaveIfNull(iMtmRegistryControl);
+ // Actually load the group data...
+ TUid aUid;
+ err = iMtmRegistryControl->InstallMtmGroup(aDatFile, aUid);
+ }
+ if (err != KErrAlreadyExists)
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::CleanMessageFolderL()
+ {
+ //Kill the message server if its running
+ _LIT(KMsvServerPattern, "!MsvServer*");
+ TFindProcess findprocess(KMsvServerPattern);
+ TFullName name;
+ if(findprocess.Next(name)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ RProcess process;
+ User::LeaveIfError(process.Open(findprocess));
+ process.Kill(KErrCancel) ;
+ process.Close() ;
+ }
+ // Wait for the server to close before trying to remove
+ // the message folder
+ TInt loopCount = 0;
+ {
+ TFindServer find(KMsvServerPattern);
+ if (find.Next(name) != KErrNone)
+ break;
+ User::After(1000000);
+ ++loopCount;
+ if(loopCount > 5)
+ {
+ User::Invariant();
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the drive from the system ini
+ CDictionaryFileStore* store = CDictionaryFileStore::SystemLC(iFs);
+ if (store->IsPresentL(KUidMsvMessageDriveStream))
+ {
+ store->RemoveL(KUidMsvMessageDriveStream);
+ store->CommitL();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // store
+ CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(fileMan);
+ TParse parse;
+ TInt error;
+ TFileName fileName(KMsvDefaultFolder2);
+ TChar driveChar=FileSession().GetSystemDriveChar();
+ TBuf<2> systemDrive = iDriveName;
+ parse.Set(fileName, &systemDrive, NULL);
+ error = fileMan->RmDir(parse.DriveAndPath());
+ error = iFs.RmDir(parse.DriveAndPath());
+ if (!(error==KErrNotFound||error==KErrNone || error == KErrPathNotFound))
+ {
+ TPtrC driveAndPath = parse.DriveAndPath();
+ Printf(_L("Directory %S cannot be removed. "), &driveAndPath);
+ Printf(_L("Please ensure directory is not in use.\n"));
+ User::Leave(KErrAccessDenied);
+ }
+ //delete DBs in C:, D: and E:.
+ TPath pathNameTemp(iDriveName);
+ pathNameTemp.Append(KDbFileName);
+ RSqlDatabase::Delete(pathNameTemp);
+ pathNameTemp = _L("D:");
+ pathNameTemp.Append(KDbFileName);
+ RSqlDatabase::Delete(pathNameTemp);
+ pathNameTemp = _L("E:");
+ pathNameTemp.Append(KDbFileName);
+ RSqlDatabase::Delete(pathNameTemp);
+ // delete "StoreInit.tmp"
+ TPath pathName(iDriveName);
+ pathName.Append(KStoreInitFileName);
+ iFs.Delete(pathName);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileMan);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::FindChildrenL(TMsvId aFolderToTraverse, const TFileName& aFilepath, TBool aReplace, TBool aOtherFiles)
+ {
+ SpecifyLogsDir(aFilepath);
+ FindChildrenL(aFolderToTraverse, aReplace, aOtherFiles);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::FindChildrenL(TMsvId aFolderToTraverse, TBool aReplace, TBool aOtherFiles)
+ {
+ iFileCount=0;
+ CDir* rfcFileList;
+ // Loads the any test files into an EntryList
+ iFs.GetDir(iRfc822Dir, KEntryAttNormal, ESortByName, rfcFileList);
+ TMsvSelectionOrdering ordering;
+ ordering.SetShowInvisibleEntries(ETrue);
+ TMsvId entryId;
+ if (iClientServer==EClientSide)
+ {
+ entryId=iMsvEntry->Entry().Id();
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aFolderToTraverse);
+ iMsvEntry->SetSortTypeL(ordering);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entryId=iServerEntry->Entry().Id();
+ iServerEntry->SetEntry(aFolderToTraverse);
+ iServerEntry->SetSort(ordering);
+ }
+ RFile file;
+ TFileName filename(iLogsDir);
+ filename.Append(KFileNameEntryStructure);
+ // Print out Hierarchy - Save to file
+ if (aReplace)
+ {
+ // replace both Entry_Structure.txt and Entry_RichTextBodies.txt
+ TInt err1 = file.Replace(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ if (err1==KErrNotFound) // file does not exist - create it
+ err1=file.Create(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ if (err1 == KErrNone)
+ ListChildrenL(aReplace, aOtherFiles, file, *rfcFileList);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt err1 = file.Open(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ if (err1==KErrNotFound)
+ file.Create(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ else if (err1 != KErrNone)
+ User::Leave(err1);
+ TInt position=1;
+ User::LeaveIfError(file.Seek(ESeekEnd, position));
+ ListChildrenL(aReplace, aOtherFiles, file, *rfcFileList);
+ }
+ file.Close();
+ if (iClientServer==EClientSide)
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(entryId);
+ else
+ iServerEntry->SetEntry(entryId);
+ delete rfcFileList;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::WriteBodyDataL(TMsvId aId, const TFileName& aFilepath, CMsvStore& fileStore, TBool aReplace)
+ {
+ CParaFormatLayer* paraLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CCharFormatLayer* charLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CRichText* body = CRichText::NewL(paraLayer,charLayer);
+ fileStore.RestoreBodyTextL(*body);
+ HBufC* pBodyText = HBufC::NewLC(body->DocumentLength()+(body->DocumentLength()/70)+1);
+ TPtr pBody = pBodyText->Des();
+ body->Extract(pBody, 0);
+ RFile file;
+ TFileName filename(aFilepath);
+ filename.Append(KFileNameBodies);
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if (aReplace)
+ err = file.Replace(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ else
+ err = file.Open(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ if(err==KErrNotFound) // file does not exist - create it
+ err=file.Create(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ TInt offset=0;
+ iRTest(file.Seek(ESeekEnd, offset)==KErrNone);
+ TBuf<100> buf;
+ buf.Zero();
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("*** %d *************** RichText Data ***************\n"), aId);
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("Size >>> %d\n"), body->DocumentLength());
+ WriteToFileL(file, buf);
+ RemoveRichtextFormating(pBody);
+ WriteToFileL(file, pBody);
+ buf.Zero();
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("\n********************* end of Body ***********************\n"));
+ WriteToFileL(file, buf);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pBodyText
+ file.Close();
+ delete paraLayer;
+ delete charLayer;
+ delete body;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::WriteFileDataL(TMsvId aId, const TFileName& aFileName, const TFileName& aLogFilepath, TBool aReplace)
+ {
+ TParse dirPath;
+ RFile attach;
+ dirPath.Set(aFileName, NULL, NULL);
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if (attach.Open(iFs, dirPath.FullName(), KEntryAttNormal) != KErrNone)
+ return; // failed to find attachment
+ TFileName filename(aLogFilepath);
+ filename.Append(KFileNameFiles);
+ RFile file;
+ if (aReplace)
+ err = file.Replace(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ else
+ err = file.Open(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ if(err==KErrNotFound) // file does not exist - create it
+ err=file.Create(iFs, filename, EFileShareAny | EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
+ TInt offset=0;
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(file.Seek(ESeekEnd, offset)==KErrNone, Panic(KErrGeneral));
+ TBuf<100> buf;
+ buf.Zero();
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("\n*** %d *************** File Data ***************\n"), aId);
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("Filename >>> "));
+ WriteToFileL(file, buf);
+ WriteToFileL(file, dirPath.NameAndExt());
+ WriteToFileL(file,_L("\n"));
+ HBufC8* buffer8 = HBufC8::NewLC(1024);
+ TPtr8 buf8 = buffer8->Des();
+ do {
+ attach.Read(buf8);
+ WriteToFileL(file, buf8);
+ } while (buf8.Length());
+ buf.Zero();
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("\n********************* end of File ***********************\n"));
+ WriteToFileL(file, buf);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer8
+ attach.Close();
+ file.Close();
+ }
+void CMsvTestUtils::ListChildrenL(TBool aReplace, TBool aOtherFiles, RFile& file, CDir& rfcFileList)
+ {
+ TInt count = 0;
+ TInt entryCount = 0;
+ ListChildrenL(file, rfcFileList, count, entryCount, aReplace, aOtherFiles);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::SetFolderType(TMsvEntry& entry, TPtrC& type)
+ {
+ if(entry.iType == KUidMsvRootEntry)
+ type.Set(_L("ROOT"));
+ else if(entry.iType == KUidMsvServiceEntry)
+ type.Set(_L("SERVICE"));
+ else if(entry.iType == KUidMsvFolderEntry)
+ type.Set(_L("FOLDER"));
+ else if(entry.iType == KUidMsvMessageEntry)
+ type.Set(_L("MESSAGE"));
+ else if(entry.iType == KUidMsvEmailTextEntry)
+ type.Set(_L("TEXT"));
+ else if(entry.iType == KUidMsvEmailHtmlEntry)
+ type.Set(_L("HTML"));
+ else if(entry.iType == KUidMsvAttachmentEntry)
+ type.Set(_L("ATTACHMENT"));
+ else
+ type.Set(_L("UNKNOWN"));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::ListChildrenL(RFile& aFile, CDir& rfcFileList, TInt& aCount, TInt& aEntryCount, TBool aReplace, TBool aOtherFiles)
+ {
+ // Check details of attachments on current context entry
+ // Get list of children IDs
+ CMsvEntrySelection* msvSelection = NULL;
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ if (iClientServer==EClientSide)
+ {
+ entry = iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ msvSelection = iMsvEntry->ChildrenL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entry = iServerEntry->Entry();
+ msvSelection = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
+ iServerEntry->GetChildren(*msvSelection);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msvSelection);
+ TInt attachCount = msvSelection->Count(); // For each child ..
+ TPtrC type;
+ SetFolderType(entry, type);
+ TPtrC priority;
+ TMsvPriority temp=entry.Priority();
+ if(temp==EMsvHighPriority)
+ priority.Set(_L("High "));
+ else if(temp==EMsvMediumPriority)
+ priority.Set(_L("Medium"));
+ else if(temp==EMsvLowPriority)
+ priority.Set(_L("Low "));
+ else
+ priority.Set(_L("None "));
+ TBuf<11> other=_L("------- ");
+ TBuf<6> streams=_L("------");
+ if ((iClientServer==EClientSide && iMsvEntry->HasStoreL()) ||
+ (iClientServer==EServerSide && iServerEntry->HasStoreL()))
+ {
+ CMsvStore* fileStore;
+ fileStore = (iClientServer==EClientSide) ? iMsvEntry->ReadStoreL() : iServerEntry->ReadStoreL();
+ if(aOtherFiles && fileStore->IsPresentL(KMsvEntryRichTextBody))
+ {
+ WriteBodyDataL(entry.Id(), iLogsDir, *fileStore, aReplace);
+ streams.Replace(2, 1, _L("B"));
+ }
+ delete fileStore;
+ }
+ if(entry.Attachment())
+ streams.Replace(3, 1, _L("A"));
+ if (entry.New())
+ other.Replace(1, 1, _L("N"));
+ if (entry.Unread())
+ other.Replace(2, 1, _L("U"));
+ if (entry.Complete())
+ other.Replace(3, 1, _L("C"));
+ TBuf<600> outputLine;
+ // Put details into output string buffer
+ TMsvId current=entry.Id();
+ if (iClientServer==EClientSide)
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(current);
+ else
+ iServerEntry->SetEntry(current);
+ for(TInt i=0; i<aCount; i++)
+ outputLine.AppendFormat(_L(" "));
+ outputLine.AppendFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%S, 00%x, Children=%d, Size=%d, Store=%S, P=%S, Other=%S, Det:%S\r\n"),
+ &type,
+ entry.Id(),
+ attachCount,
+ entry.iSize,
+ &streams,
+ &priority,
+ &other,
+ &entry.iDetails);
+ HBufC8* pOutputLine8 = HBufC8::NewLC(outputLine.Length());
+ pOutputLine8->Des().Copy(outputLine);
+ aFile.Write(pOutputLine8->Des());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pBuf16
+ for(TInt j=0; j<attachCount; j++)
+ {
+ // Get Context of current message
+ if (iClientServer==EClientSide)
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL((*msvSelection)[j]);
+ else
+ iServerEntry->SetEntry((*msvSelection)[j]);
+ aEntryCount++;
+ aCount++;
+ ListChildrenL(aFile, rfcFileList, aCount, aEntryCount, aReplace);
+ aCount--;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // msvSelection
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::CreateAllTestDirectories()
+ {
+ CTestUtils::CreateAllTestDirectories();
+ iFs.SetSessionPath(iDriveName);
+ if (!iFs.MkDir(KMsvDefaultFolder2))
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Created mail directory\n"));
+ }
+ if (!iFs.MkDir(KMtmDir))
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Created mtm directory\n"));
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::ConstructL(TUint aFlags)
+ {
+ if (aFlags & ETuKeepLogFile)
+ CTestUtils::ConstructKeepLogFileL();
+ else
+ CTestUtils::ConstructL();
+ FileSession().SetSessionPath(iDriveName);
+ if (aFlags & ETuCleanMessageFolder)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Clean Message Folder\n"));
+ CleanMessageFolderL();
+ }
+ if (aFlags & ETuCreateTestDirectories)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Create All Test Directories\n"));
+ CreateAllTestDirectories();
+ }
+ if (aFlags & ETuDeleteMtmRegistry)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Delete Mtm Registry\n"));
+ _LIT(KSystemMTMRegister, "\\system\\mtm\\MTM Registry");
+ TPath pathNameTemp(iDriveName) ;
+ pathNameTemp.Append(KSystemMTMRegister);
+ FileSession().Delete(pathNameTemp);
+ }
+ CreateRegistryObjectAndControlL();
+ if (aFlags & ETuCreateServerMtmReg)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Create Server Mtm Regs\n"));
+ CreateServerMtmRegsL();
+ }
+ if (aFlags & ETuGoClientSide)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Go Client Side\n"));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!(aFlags & ETuGoServerSide), Panic(KErrGeneral));
+ GoClientSideL();
+ }
+ if (aFlags & ETuGoServerSide)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Go Server Side\n"));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!(aFlags & ETuGoClientSide), Panic(KErrGeneral));
+ GoServerSideL();
+ }
+ if (aFlags & ETuInstallMtmGroup)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Install Mtm Groups\n"));
+ InstallMtmGroupsL();
+ }
+ if (aFlags & ETuDeleteService)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Delete Existing Services\n"));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iClientServer, Panic(KErrGeneral));
+ DeleteServicesL();
+ }
+ else if (iClientServer)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Find Existing Services\n"));
+ FindExistingServicesL();
+ }
+ if (aFlags & ETuCreateService)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Create Services\n"));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iClientServer, Panic(KErrGeneral));
+ CreateServicesL();
+ }
+ TChar driveChar=RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
+ iDriveName.Append(driveChar);
+ iDriveName.Append(KDriveDelimiter);
+ SpecifyLogsDir(KLogsDir);
+ FileSession().SetSessionPath(iDriveName);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::ServiceIdL(TUid aMtm, TMsvId& rFirstId, CMsvEntrySelection* rServiceIds)
+ {
+//Returns the Service IDs of MTM aMtm
+ rFirstId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
+ SetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
+// TMsvSelectionOrdering oldOrder = aEntry.SortType();
+ TMsvSelectionOrdering order;
+ order.SetShowInvisibleEntries(ETrue);
+ SetSortTypeL(order);
+ //Get the children on the Root Index Entry
+ CMsvEntrySelection* selection = ChildrenWithTypeLC(KUidMsvServiceEntry);
+ TInt count = selection->Count();
+ //Find an entry for MTM aMtm
+ for (TInt curChild = 0; curChild < count && (rFirstId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId || rServiceIds); curChild++)
+ {
+ SetEntryL(selection->At(curChild));
+ if (Entry().iMtm == aMtm)
+ {
+ TMsvId id = Entry().Id();
+ if (rFirstId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
+ rFirstId = id;
+ if (rServiceIds)
+ rServiceIds->AppendL(id);
+ }
+ }
+ //Leave if no Service Entry found for MTM aMtm
+ if (rFirstId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //selection
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //selection
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::DeleteServiceL(TUid aMtm)
+ {
+ CMsvEntrySelection* sel = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(sel);
+ TMsvId firstId = 0;
+ TRAPD(err, ServiceIdL(aMtm, firstId, sel));
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ TInt count = sel->Count();
+ while (count--)
+ {
+ TMsvId del = sel->At(count);
+ TRAP(err, SetEntryL(del));
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ TRAP(err, SetEntryL(Entry().Parent()));
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ TRAP(err, DeleteEntryL(del));
+ }
+ }
+ if (err)
+ {
+ Printf(_L("Error deleting service entry\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //sel
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::SpecifyLogsDir(const TFileName& aFilePath)
+ {
+ iLogsDir.Copy(aFilePath);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::SpecifyRfc822Dir(const TFileName& aFilePath)
+ {
+ iRfc822Dir.Copy(aFilePath);
+ }
+//Returns TMsvEntry.iDate for aEntryId, and the time it is scheduled for on the task scheduler
+EXPORT_C TInt CMsvTestUtils::ScheduleTime(TMsvId aEntryId, TTime& rEntryTime, TTime& rTaskSchedulerTime, TTaskInfo& rTaskInfo)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, DoScheduleTimeL(aEntryId, rEntryTime, rTaskSchedulerTime, rTaskInfo));
+ return err;
+ }
+void CMsvTestUtils::DoScheduleTimeL(TMsvId aEntryId, TTime& rEntryTime, TTime& rTaskSchedulerTime, TTaskInfo& rTaskInfo)
+ {
+ SetEntryL(aEntryId);
+ rEntryTime = Entry().iDate;
+ CMsvStore* store = ReadStoreL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+ TMsvEntryScheduleData data;
+ data.RestoreL(*store);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //store
+ if (data.iTaskId == KErrNotFound)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ RScheduler scheduler;
+ User::LeaveIfError(scheduler.Connect());
+ // Make sure that scheduler connection
+ // is closed if anything fails (and we leave) in this method.
+ CleanupClosePushL(scheduler);
+ TSchedulerItemRef ref;
+ TInt size = 0;
+ User::LeaveIfError(scheduler.GetTaskDataSize(data.iTaskId, size));
+ HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(size);
+ TPtr ptr = buf->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(scheduler.GetTaskInfoL(data.iTaskId, rTaskInfo, ptr, ref, rTaskSchedulerTime));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,&scheduler); //buf,scheduler.
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CMsvTestUtils::AppendScheduleTimeL(TMsvId aEntryId, TDes& rOutput)
+ {
+ TTime entryTime, schTime;
+ TTaskInfo info;
+ TInt err = ScheduleTime(aEntryId, entryTime, schTime, info);
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ TBuf<128> dateString;
+ entryTime.FormatL(dateString, _L("\tEntry: %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B"));
+ rOutput.Append(dateString);
+ schTime.FormatL(dateString, _L("\n\tSched: %D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B"));
+ rOutput.Append(dateString);
+ rOutput.AppendFormat(_L(" (taskId %d)\n"), info.iTaskId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rOutput.AppendFormat(_L("\tError %d: Cannot read schedule time for msg %d\n"), err, aEntryId);
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::NavigateMessageStoreL(TMsvId aParent)
+ {
+ //Allows the user to navigate through the message store
+ if (iClientServer != EClientSide)
+ return;
+ TInt count = 0;
+ TInt start = 0;
+ while (count < 3)
+ {
+ TInt err = DoNavigateMessageStoreL(aParent, start);
+ if (err == KErrDied)
+ break;
+ else if (err)
+ count++;
+ else
+ count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+TInt CMsvTestUtils::DoNavigateMessageStoreL(TMsvId& aParent, TInt& aStart)
+ {
+ TMsvSelectionOrdering order;
+ order.SetShowInvisibleEntries(ETrue);
+ CMsvEntry* parent = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iMsvSession, aParent, order);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(parent);
+ iRTest.Printf(KMsvTestUtilsNewLine);
+ TInt more = 0;
+ const TInt KMax = 10;
+ ShowChildrenL(*parent, aStart, more, KMax);
+ iRTest.Printf(KMsvTestUtilsNewLine);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("Select a message or '.' (for parent) or 'N'ext or 'P'revious or e'X'it\n"));
+ const TInt count = Min(KMax, parent->Count() - aStart);
+ const TChar startChar = '0';
+ const TChar endChar = startChar + count - 1;
+ const TChar key = iRTest.Getch();
+ TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
+ if (key >= '0' && key <= endChar)
+ {
+ iRTest.Printf(KMsvTestUtilsNewLine);
+ TMsvEntry entry((*parent)[key - startChar + aStart]);
+ if (entry.Owner())
+ {
+ aStart = 0;
+ aParent = entry.Id();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DisplayChildDetailsL(entry);
+ }
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ else if (key == '.')
+ {
+ aStart = 0;
+ if (aParent != KMsvRootIndexEntryId)
+ aParent = parent->Entry().Parent();
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ else if (key == 'n' || key == 'N')
+ {
+ if (more > 0)
+ {
+ aStart += KMax;
+ }
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ else if (key == 'p' || key == 'P')
+ {
+ if (aStart > 0)
+ {
+ aStart -= KMax;
+ }
+ ret = KErrNone;
+ }
+ else if (key == 'x' || key == 'X')
+ {
+ ret = KErrDied;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parent);
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CMsvTestUtils::ShowChildrenL(const CMsvEntry& aEntry, TInt aStart, TInt& aMore, TInt aMaxCount)
+ {
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("Parent: "));
+ DisplayChildL(aEntry.Entry());
+ iRTest.Printf(KMsvTestUtilsNewLine);
+ iRTest.Printf(KMsvTestUtilsNewLine);
+ if (!aEntry.Entry().Owner())
+ return;
+ TInt count = aEntry.Count() - aStart;
+ if (aMaxCount > 0)
+ count = Min(count, aMaxCount);
+ for (TInt i = aStart; i < count + aStart; i++)
+ {
+ TBuf<16> prefix;
+ prefix.Zero();
+ prefix.AppendNum(i - aStart);
+ prefix.Append(_L(". ("));
+ prefix.AppendFormat(_L("%2d"), i + 1),
+ prefix.Append(_L("/"));
+ prefix.AppendFormat(_L("%2d"), aEntry.Count()),
+ prefix.Append(_L(")"));
+ iRTest.Printf(prefix);
+ DisplayChildL(aEntry[i]);
+ iRTest.Printf(KMsvTestUtilsNewLine);
+ }
+ aMore = aEntry.Count() - aStart - aMaxCount;
+ if (aMore > 0)
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("...%d more...\n"), aMore);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CMsvTestUtils::DisplayChildL(const TMsvEntry& entry)
+ {
+ _LIT(KSpace, " ");
+ _LIT(KQuote, "\"");
+ HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(entry.iDetails.Length() + entry.iDescription.Length() + 100);
+ TPtr temp(buf->Des());
+ temp.AppendFormat(_L("%7.7d"), entry.Id());
+ temp.Append(KSpace);
+ switch (entry.iType.iUid)
+ {
+ case KUidMsvServiceEntryValue:
+ temp.Append(_L("Serv"));
+ break;
+ case KUidMsvRootEntryValue:
+ temp.Append(_L("Root"));
+ break;
+ case KUidMsvFolderEntryValue:
+ temp.Append(_L("Fold"));
+ break;
+ case KUidMsvMessageEntryValue:
+ temp.Append(_L("Mesg"));
+ break;
+ case KUidMsvAttachmentEntryValue:
+ temp.Append(_L("Atch"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ temp.Append(_L("Othr"));
+ break;
+ }
+ temp.Append(KSpace);
+ temp.Append(KQuote);
+ temp.Append(entry.iDetails);
+ temp.Append(KQuote);
+ temp.Append(_L(" Mtm: "));
+ temp.AppendNum((TInt) entry.iMtm.iUid);
+ temp.Append(_L(" Des: "));
+ temp.Append(entry.iDescription.Left(10));
+ iRTest.Printf(temp);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
+ }