changeset 0 8e480a14352b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgtest/testutils/email/src/ScriptTestUtils.cpp	Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "emailtestutils.h"
+#include "scripttestutils.h"
+_LIT8(K_IM_CR_LF, "\r\n");
+_LIT(K_IM_LOG_FILE_NAME, "c:\\logs\\email\\imlog%d.txt");
+_LIT(K_IM_LOG_TEMP_FILE_NAME, "temp.out");
+_LIT8(K_IM_READ_CANCELLED, "** Read cancelled");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_DATE, "Date: ");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_DATE_REPLACEMENT, "date-replacement-string-");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_MESSAGE_ID, "Message-ID: ");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_MESSAGE_ID_REPLACEMENT, "message-id-replacement-string-");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_CONTENT_ID, "Content-ID: ");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_CONTENT_ID_REPLACEMENT, "content-id-replacement-string-");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_BOUNDARY, "  boundary=");
+_LIT8(K_IM_TEST_BOUNDARY_REPLACEMENT, "boundary-replacement-string-");
+const TInt K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX = 128;
+const TInt K_IM_TEST_ID_LEN = 5;
+	{
+	delete iFieldName;
+	delete iReplacementString;
+	}
+	{
+	delete iFind;
+	delete iReplace;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CScriptTestUtils::LogToInputFileL(const TDesC& aSourceFileName, const TDesC& aDestFileName, TBool aStandardiseDateFields)
+// Create an email script file from a log file.
+	{
+	StripLogFileL(aSourceFileName, aDestFileName, aStandardiseDateFields, EImLogLineIn);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CScriptTestUtils::LogToOutputFileL(const TDesC& aSourceFileName, const TDesC& aDestFileName, TBool aStandardiseDateFields)
+// Create an email output file from a log file.
+	{
+	StripLogFileL(aSourceFileName, aDestFileName, aStandardiseDateFields, EImLogLineOut);
+	}
+CScriptTestUtils::CImFindReplace* CScriptTestUtils::FindVariableDataL(TDes8& aLine)
+// Find any variable data fields in the given line.
+// The field value and its replacement is returned.
+// If the line doesn't contain any variable data then a NULL pointer is returned.
+	{
+	CImFindReplace* replacement = NULL;
+	TInt index = iFieldList->Count();
+	HBufC8* fieldName;
+	TPtrC8 startOfLine;
+	TInt lineIndex = 0;
+	while (index--)
+	// Look for each variable field in turn.
+		{
+		fieldName = ((*iFieldList)[index]->iFieldName);
+		lineIndex = fieldName->Des().Size();
+		if (lineIndex <= aLine.Size())
+			{
+			startOfLine.Set(aLine.Left(lineIndex));
+			if (fieldName->Des().CompareF(startOfLine) == 0)
+				{
+				TPtrC8 fieldValue;
+				fieldValue.Set(aLine.Mid(lineIndex, aLine.Size() - lineIndex));
+				if (fieldValue.Size() > 1)
+				// Don't include enclosing '<' '>' '"' characters in the value part.
+					{
+					if (((fieldValue[0] == '<') && (fieldValue[fieldValue.Size() - 1] == '>'))
+						|| ((fieldValue[0] == '"') && (fieldValue[fieldValue.Size() - 1] == '"'))
+						|| ((fieldValue[0] == '[') && (fieldValue[fieldValue.Size() - 1] == ']')))
+						{
+						fieldValue.Set(fieldValue.Mid(1, fieldValue.Size() - 2));
+						}
+					}
+				// Set 
+				if (fieldValue.Size() > 0)
+					{
+					replacement = new (ELeave) CImFindReplace;
+					replacement->iFind = HBufC8::NewL(fieldValue.Size());
+					*(replacement->iFind) = fieldValue;
+					replacement->iReplace = HBufC8::NewL((*iFieldList)[index]->iReplacementString->Des().Size() + K_IM_TEST_ID_LEN);
+					*(replacement->iReplace) = (*iFieldList)[index]->iReplacementString->Des();
+					// Append the ID number to the replacement string.
+					TPtr8 replacementString = replacement->iReplace->Des();
+					TBuf8<K_IM_TEST_ID_LEN> numberString;
+					(*iFieldList)[index]->iNumberFound++;
+					numberString.Num((*iFieldList)[index]->iNumberFound);
+					if ((replacementString.Size() != 0) && (index != 0))
+						replacementString.Append(numberString);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return replacement;
+	}
+void CScriptTestUtils::ReplaceVariableFields(TDes8& aLine)
+// Replaces any variable data in the given descriptor with a standard equivalent.
+	{
+	TInt index = 0;
+	index = iFindReplaceList->Count();
+	TInt stringPosition;
+	HBufC8* findString;
+	HBufC8* replaceString;
+	while (index--)
+	// Search for each bit of variable data in turn
+		{
+		findString = (*iFindReplaceList)[index]->iFind;
+		replaceString = (*iFindReplaceList)[index]->iReplace;
+		stringPosition = aLine.FindF(findString->Des());
+		if (stringPosition != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			aLine.Replace(stringPosition, findString->Des().Size(), replaceString->Des());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CScriptTestUtils::StandardiseVariableFieldsL(const TDesC& aSourceFileName)
+// Write over all the MIME variable field values with standard values.
+	{
+	TInt index = 0;
+	index = iFieldList->Count();
+	while (index--)
+		{
+		(*iFieldList)[index]->iNumberFound = 0;
+		}
+	// Open and create the files
+	RFile sourceFile;
+	RFile tempFile;
+	TFileName tempFileName;
+	index = 0;
+	while (aSourceFileName[index] != L'.')
+		{
+		tempFileName.Append(aSourceFileName[index]);
+		index++;
+		}
+	tempFileName.Append(_L(".tmp"));
+	TInt err = tempFile.Replace(iTestUtils.FileSession(), tempFileName, EFileShareAny);
+	// Open the log file.
+	err = sourceFile.Open(iTestUtils.FileSession(), aSourceFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	TFileReader fileReader(sourceFile);
+	HBufC8* sourceLine = GetLineL(fileReader);
+	CImFindReplace* findReplace;
+	while (0 != sourceLine)
+	// Fill in the find and replace table.
+		{
+		TPtr8 linePtr = sourceLine->Des();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(sourceLine);
+		findReplace = FindVariableDataL(linePtr);
+		if (findReplace)
+		// Add the find and replace strings to the list
+			{
+			iFindReplaceList->AppendL(findReplace);
+			}
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // sourceLine
+		sourceLine = GetLineL(fileReader);
+		}
+	// Go back to the begining of the source file.
+	fileReader.Seek(0);
+	sourceLine = GetLineL(fileReader);
+	// Replace all of the variable field values with the appropriate fixed string.
+	while (0 != sourceLine)
+		{
+		TPtr8 linePtr = sourceLine->Des();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(sourceLine);
+		TPtr8 sourceLinePtr = sourceLine->Des();
+		ReplaceVariableFields(sourceLinePtr);
+		tempFile.Write(sourceLinePtr);
+		tempFile.Write(K_IM_CR_LF);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // sourceLine
+		sourceLine = GetLineL(fileReader);
+		if (sourceLine)
+			linePtr = sourceLine->Des();
+		}
+	// Close the files.
+	sourceFile.Close();
+	tempFile.Close();
+	// Delete the source file.
+	err = iTestUtils.FileSession().Delete(aSourceFileName);
+	// Rename the temp file as the source file.
+	err = iTestUtils.FileSession().Rename(tempFileName, aSourceFileName);
+	}
+void CScriptTestUtils::StripLogFileL(const TFileName& aSourceFileName, const TFileName& aDestFileName, TBool aStandardiseDateFields, TImLogLineType aLogLineType)
+	{
+	TBuf8<2> crlf = _L8("\r\n");
+	RFile rSourceFile;
+	RFile rOutputFile;
+	User::LeaveIfError(rOutputFile.Replace(iTestUtils.FileSession(), aDestFileName, EFileShareAny));
+	// Open the log file.
+	User::LeaveIfError(rSourceFile.Open(iTestUtils.FileSession(), aSourceFileName, EFileShareAny));
+	TBuf8<2048> scriptLine;
+	TFileReader fileReader(rSourceFile);
+	// Copy the incoming data from the log to the script file, removing any formatting.
+	TInt lineCounter = 0;
+	TInt lineIndex;
+	TImLogLineType lastLineType = aLogLineType;
+	TBool waitingForCrLf = EFalse;
+	HBufC8* logLine = GetLineL(fileReader);
+	while (logLine != 0)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(logLine);
+		lineCounter++;
+		lineIndex = 0;
+		scriptLine.Zero();
+		TImLogLineType lineType = LineType(logLine);
+		if (EImEmptyLine == lineType)
+			{
+			if (waitingForCrLf)
+				{
+				waitingForCrLf = EFalse;
+				rOutputFile.Write(crlf);
+				}
+			}
+		else if (aLogLineType == lineType)
+			{
+			if ((lastLineType != EImLogLineComment) && (waitingForCrLf))
+				{
+				rOutputFile.Write(crlf);
+				}
+			// Copy the line of incoming data to the script file.
+			if (logLine->Size() > 21)
+				{
+				// Copy the logLine from character 20 to the end into the output line.
+				lineIndex = 21;
+				while (lineIndex < logLine->Size())
+					{
+					scriptLine.Append((*logLine)[lineIndex]);
+					lineIndex++;
+					}
+				// Write the stripped line to the script file
+				User::LeaveIfError(rOutputFile.Write(scriptLine));
+				}
+			waitingForCrLf = ETrue;
+				// 
+			}
+		else if (EImLogLineComment == lineType)
+			{}
+		else if (EImReadCancelled == lineType)
+			{
+			if (EImLogLineIn == aLogLineType)
+				{
+				User::LeaveIfError(rOutputFile.Write(K_IM_READ_CANCELLED));
+				rOutputFile.Write(crlf);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// If we're waiting for a crlf then write one regardless of the last line...
+			if (waitingForCrLf)
+				{
+				rOutputFile.Write(crlf);
+				}
+			}
+		lastLineType = LineType(logLine);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // logLine
+		logLine = GetLineL(fileReader);
+		}
+	if (waitingForCrLf)
+		{
+		rOutputFile.Write(crlf);
+		}
+	rSourceFile.Close();
+	rOutputFile.Close();
+	if (aStandardiseDateFields)
+		{
+		StandardiseVariableFieldsL(aDestFileName);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CScriptTestUtils* CScriptTestUtils::NewLC(CEmailTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+	{
+	CScriptTestUtils* self = new (ELeave) CScriptTestUtils(aTestUtils);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+void CScriptTestUtils::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iFieldList =  new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CImTestField>(6);
+	CImTestField* removeReplaceItem = new (ELeave) CImTestField;
+	removeReplaceItem->iFieldName = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iFieldName) = K_IM_TEST_DATE;
+	removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString) = K_IM_TEST_DATE_REPLACEMENT;
+	removeReplaceItem->iNumberFound=0;
+	iFieldList->AppendL(removeReplaceItem);
+	removeReplaceItem = new (ELeave) CImTestField;
+	removeReplaceItem->iFieldName = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iFieldName) = K_IM_TEST_MESSAGE_ID;
+	removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString) = K_IM_TEST_MESSAGE_ID_REPLACEMENT;
+	removeReplaceItem->iNumberFound=0;
+	iFieldList->AppendL(removeReplaceItem);
+	removeReplaceItem = new (ELeave) CImTestField;
+	removeReplaceItem->iFieldName = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iFieldName) = K_IM_TEST_CONTENT_ID;
+	removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString) = K_IM_TEST_CONTENT_ID_REPLACEMENT;
+	removeReplaceItem->iNumberFound=0;
+	iFieldList->AppendL(removeReplaceItem);
+	removeReplaceItem = new (ELeave) CImTestField;
+	removeReplaceItem->iFieldName = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iFieldName) = K_IM_TEST_BOUNDARY;
+	removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString) = K_IM_TEST_BOUNDARY_REPLACEMENT;
+	removeReplaceItem->iNumberFound=0;
+	iFieldList->AppendL(removeReplaceItem);
+	removeReplaceItem = new (ELeave) CImTestField;
+	removeReplaceItem->iFieldName = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iFieldName) = K_IM_TEST_HELO;
+	removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString = HBufC8::NewL(K_IM_TEST_STRING_MAX);
+	*(removeReplaceItem->iReplacementString) = K_IM_TEST_HELO_REPLACEMENT;
+	removeReplaceItem->iNumberFound=0;
+	iFieldList->AppendL(removeReplaceItem);
+	iFindReplaceList = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CImFindReplace>(6);
+	}
+CScriptTestUtils::CScriptTestUtils(CEmailTestUtils& aTestUtils) : iTestUtils(aTestUtils)
+	{}
+CScriptTestUtils::TImLogLineType CScriptTestUtils::LineType(const HBufC8* aLine)
+	{
+	TImLogLineType lineType = EImLogLineComment;
+	if (aLine->Size() == 0)
+		{
+		lineType = EImEmptyLine;
+		}
+	else if (aLine->Size() > 19)
+		{
+		if ((((*aLine)[18]) == '<')
+			&& (((*aLine)[19]) == '<'))
+			{
+			lineType = EImLogLineIn;
+			}
+		else if ((((*aLine)[18]) == '>')
+			&& (((*aLine)[19]) == '>'))
+			{
+			lineType = EImLogLineOut;
+			}
+		else if ((aLine->Right(17)).Compare(K_IM_READ_CANCELLED) == 0)
+			{
+			lineType = EImReadCancelled;
+			}
+		}
+	return lineType;
+	}
+HBufC8* CScriptTestUtils::GetLineL(TFileReader& aFileReader)
+	{
+	TBuf8<2048> currentLine;
+	char character;
+	currentLine.Zero();
+	TBool crlfFound = EFalse;
+	TBool read = ETrue;
+	// Append characters one at a time until we reach a cr/lf pair or the end of the file.
+	while ((read) && (crlfFound == EFalse))
+		{
+		read = aFileReader.Read(character);
+		if (read)
+			{
+			if (0x0D == character)
+				{
+				read = aFileReader.Read(character);
+				if (read)
+					{
+					if (character == 0x0A)
+						{
+						crlfFound = ETrue;
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						// The cr was not part of the cr/lf pair so go back one space.
+						aFileReader.SeekCurrent(-1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			if ((read) && (EFalse == crlfFound))
+				{
+				currentLine.Append(character);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	HBufC8* lineCopy;
+	if ((currentLine.Size() != 0) || (read))
+		{
+		lineCopy = HBufC8::NewL(2048);
+		(*lineCopy) = currentLine;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		lineCopy = 0;
+		}
+	return lineCopy;
+	}
+CScriptTestUtils::TFileReader::TFileReader(RFile &rFile) : iFile(rFile), iBufferIndex(0), iBufferStart(0)
+	{
+	}
+TBool CScriptTestUtils::TFileReader::Read(char &rChar)
+	{
+	// Is the character we want not in the buffer ?
+	TBool read = ETrue;
+	if ((iBufferIndex >= iBuffer.Size()) 
+		|| (iBufferIndex < 0))
+		// If it's not then get a new buffer starting at this position.
+		{
+		TInt seekPosition = iBufferIndex + iBufferStart;
+		TInt err = iFile.Seek(ESeekStart, seekPosition);
+		if (KErrNone != err)
+			{
+			iBuffer.SetLength(0);
+			read = EFalse;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iFile.Read(iBuffer);
+			if (iBuffer.Size() == 0)
+				{
+				read = EFalse;
+				}
+			iBufferStart += iBufferIndex;
+			iBufferIndex = 0;
+			}
+		if (iBuffer.Size() > 0)
+			{
+			rChar = iBuffer[0];
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		rChar = iBuffer[iBufferIndex];
+		}
+	if (read)
+		{
+		iBufferIndex++;
+		}
+	return read;
+	}
+void CScriptTestUtils::TFileReader::Seek(TInt aOffset)
+	{
+	iBufferIndex = aOffset;
+	iBuffer.Zero();
+	iBufferStart = 0;
+	}
+void CScriptTestUtils::TFileReader::SeekCurrent(TInt aOffset)
+	{
+	iBufferIndex += aOffset;
+	}
+	{
+	delete iExpectedLine;
+	delete iActualLine;
+	iFieldList->ResetAndDestroy();
+	delete iFieldList;
+	iFindReplaceList->ResetAndDestroy();
+	delete iFindReplaceList;
+	}
+// Functions for checking the IM output.
+EXPORT_C TBool CScriptTestUtils::CheckLogOutputL(TInt aPortNumber, const TDesC& aTestFileName)
+	{
+	TBool matched = ETrue;
+	// Clear the old error values
+	delete iExpectedLine;
+	iExpectedLine = 0;
+	delete iActualLine;
+	iActualLine = 0;
+	RFile testFile; // The file to test against
+	RFile tempFile; // The stripped-down log file to test
+	// Create a temporary .out file from the log file.
+	TFileName logFileName;
+	logFileName.Format(K_IM_LOG_FILE_NAME, aPortNumber);
+	TParse tempFileName;
+	iTestUtils.ResolveLogFile(K_IM_LOG_TEMP_FILE_NAME, tempFileName);
+	LogToOutputFileL(logFileName, tempFileName.FullName(), ETrue);
+	tempFile.Close();
+	// Open the test file.
+	TInt err = testFile.Open(iTestUtils.FileSession(), aTestFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	TFileReader testFileReader(testFile);
+	// Open the temp file.
+	TParse tempLogFileName;
+	iTestUtils.ResolveLogFile(K_IM_LOG_TEMP_FILE_NAME, tempLogFileName);
+	err = tempFile.Open(iTestUtils.FileSession(), tempFileName.FullName(), EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	TFileReader tempFileReader(tempFile);
+	HBufC8* testLine = GetLineL(testFileReader);
+	if (testLine)
+		CleanupStack::PushL(testLine);
+	HBufC8* tempLine = GetLineL(tempFileReader);
+	if (tempLine)
+		CleanupStack::PushL(tempLine);
+	TInt lineNumber = 1;
+	while ((testLine != 0) && (tempLine != 0) && matched)
+	// Compare the specified .out file to the temporary one, line-by-line.
+		{
+		if (testLine->Des().Compare(tempLine->Des()) != 0)
+			{
+			matched = EFalse;
+			}
+		if (matched)
+			// If the lines didn't match then save the strings for later.
+			{
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // testLine
+			testLine = 0;
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // tempLine
+			tempLine = 0;
+			// Get the next line
+			testLine = GetLineL(testFileReader);
+			if (testLine)
+				CleanupStack::PushL(testLine);
+			tempLine = GetLineL(tempFileReader);
+			if (tempLine)
+				CleanupStack::PushL(tempLine);
+			lineNumber++;
+			}
+		}
+	if ((!matched) || (testLine != 0) || (tempLine != 0))
+	// Store the details if the files don't match.
+		{
+		// Set up the new error values
+		matched = EFalse;
+		iErrorLine = lineNumber;
+		TInt stringIndex;
+		if (testLine)
+			{
+			iExpectedLine = HBufC::NewL(testLine->Size());
+			// Copy the 8 bit buffer to the 16 bit buffer.
+			stringIndex = 0;
+			while (stringIndex < testLine->Size())
+				{
+				iExpectedLine->Des().Append((*testLine)[stringIndex]);
+				stringIndex++;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iExpectedLine = HBufC::NewL(((TDesC)K_IM_END_OF_FILE).Size());
+			(*iExpectedLine) = K_IM_END_OF_FILE;
+			}
+		if (tempLine)
+			{
+			iActualLine = HBufC::NewL(tempLine->Size());
+			// Copy the 8 bit buffer to the 16 bit buffer.
+			stringIndex = 0;
+			while (stringIndex < tempLine->Size())
+				{
+				iActualLine->Des().Append((*tempLine)[stringIndex]);
+				stringIndex++;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iActualLine = HBufC::NewL(((TDesC)K_IM_END_OF_FILE).Size());
+			(*iActualLine) = K_IM_END_OF_FILE;
+			}
+		}
+	if (tempLine)
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // tempLine
+	if (testLine)
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // testLine
+	testFile.Close();
+	tempFile.Close();
+	return matched;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CScriptTestUtils::ErrorLineNumber()
+	{
+	return iErrorLine;
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC* CScriptTestUtils::ErrorExpectedL()
+	{
+	HBufC* stringCopy = HBufC::NewL(iExpectedLine->Size());
+	(*stringCopy) = (*iExpectedLine);
+	return stringCopy;
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC* CScriptTestUtils::ErrorActualL()
+	{
+	HBufC* stringCopy = HBufC::NewL(iActualLine->Size());
+	(*stringCopy) = (*iActualLine);
+	return stringCopy;
+	}