--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/scheduledsendmtm/test/unit/src/t_schedulesend.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1444 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "t_schedulesend.h"
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <msvuids.h>
+#include "pigeonservermtm.h"
+#include <msvsysagentaction.h>
+#include <msvschedulesettings.h>
+#include <tmsvschedulesettingsutils.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include "t_schsendshare.h"
+#include <e32property.h>
+TBool definedPhonePwrValue = EFalse;
+TBool definedSIMStatusValue = EFalse;
+TBool definedNetworkStatusValue = EFalse;
+_LIT(KPigeonDataComponentFileName, "z:\\resource\\messaging\\mtm\\pigeon.rsc");
+_LIT(KFailed,"Failed to complete tests.");
+_LIT(KScheduleSendTestPanic, "SchSendTst");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendScheduleMultiple, "Schedule multiple messages");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendReScheduleTime_1, "ReSechedule multiple messages, for same time");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendReScheduleTime_2, "ReSechedule multiple messages, for differnt times");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendReScheduleConditions_1, "ReSechedule multiple messages, for conditions, no timeout - conditions met");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendReScheduleConditions_2, "ReSechedule multiple messages, for conditions, with timeout - conditions met");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendReScheduleConditions_3, "ReSechedule multiple messages, for conditions, with timeout - timeout will occur");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendReScheduleMixed_1, "ReSechedule multiple messages, for time and conditions, with timeout - conditions met");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendFailed_1, "Fail multiple messages");
+_LIT(KTestScheduleSendFailed_2, "Fail multiple messages after second re-schedule");
+_LIT(KStateUnknown, "KMsvSendStateUnknown");
+_LIT(KStateUponRequest, "KMsvSendStateUponRequest");
+_LIT(KStateWaiting, "KMsvSendStateWaiting");
+_LIT(KStateSending, "KMsvSendStateSending");
+_LIT(KStateScheduled, "KMsvSendStateScheduled");
+_LIT(KStateResend, "KMsvSendStateResend");
+_LIT(KStateSuspended, "KMsvSendStateSuspended");
+_LIT(KStateFailed, "KMsvSendStateFailed");
+_LIT(KStateSent, "KMsvSendStateSent");
+_LIT(KStateNotApplicable, "KMsvSendStateNotApplicable");
+_LIT(KBoolTrue, "ETrue");
+_LIT(KBoolFalse, "EFalse");
+RTest test(_L("T_ScheduleSend Test Harness"));
+LOCAL_C void CreateVariablesL()
+ {
+ TInt testState;
+ if(KErrNone != RProperty::Get(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidPhonePwrValue, testState))
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Define(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidPhonePwrValue, RProperty::EInt)); // Qualified: No leavescan error
+ definedPhonePwrValue = ETrue;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != RProperty::Get(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidSIMStatusValue, testState))
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Define(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidSIMStatusValue, RProperty::EInt)); // Qualified: No leavescan error
+ definedSIMStatusValue = ETrue;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != RProperty::Get(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidNetworkStatusValue, testState))
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Define(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidNetworkStatusValue, RProperty::EInt)); // Qualified: No leavescan error
+ definedNetworkStatusValue = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DeleteVariablesL()
+ {
+ if(definedPhonePwrValue)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Delete(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidPhonePwrValue));
+ }
+ if(definedSIMStatusValue)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Delete(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidSIMStatusValue));
+ }
+ if(definedNetworkStatusValue)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Delete(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidNetworkStatusValue));
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoTestsL()
+ {
+ // Create and install the active scheduler
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+ // Create the test engine
+ CTestEngine* testEngine = CTestEngine::NewL(test);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testEngine);
+ CreateVariablesL();
+ // Do tests...
+ testEngine->DoTestsL();
+ DeleteVariablesL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, scheduler);
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* tc=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAPD(err,DoTestsL());
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ User::Panic(KFailed, err);
+ delete tc;
+ test.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ * CScheduleSendTestUtils
+ */
+CScheduleSendTestUtils* CScheduleSendTestUtils::NewL(RTest& aTest, TUint aCreationFlags)
+ {
+ CScheduleSendTestUtils* self = new (ELeave) CScheduleSendTestUtils(aTest);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aCreationFlags);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ CMsvTestUtils::Reset();
+ }
+CScheduleSendTestUtils::CScheduleSendTestUtils(RTest& aTest)
+: CMsvTestUtils(aTest)
+ {
+ }
+TMsvId CScheduleSendTestUtils::ServiceId()
+ {
+ return iServiceId;
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::ConstructL(TUint aCreationFlags)
+ {
+ CMsvTestUtils::ConstructL(aCreationFlags);
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::InstallPigeonMtmGroupL()
+ {
+ InstallMtmGroupL(KPigeonDataComponentFileName);
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::CreatePigeonServerMtmRegL()
+ {
+ // Don't bother - use resource file!
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::DeletePigeonMessagesL(TMsvId aFolder)
+ {
+ SetEntryL(aFolder);
+ CMsvEntrySelection* sel = ChildrenWithMtmLC(KUidMsgTypePigeon);
+ TInt count = sel->Count();
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ DeleteEntryL(sel->At(count));
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sel);
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::NotifySaPhoneOnL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidPhonePwrValue, EMsvTestPhoneOn));
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::NotifySaPhoneOffL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidPhonePwrValue, EMsvTestPhoneOff));
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::NotifySaSimOkL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidSIMStatusValue, EMsvTestSimOk));
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::NotifySaSimNotPresentL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidSIMStatusValue, EMsvTestSimNotPresent));
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::NotifySaNetworkAvailableL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidNetworkStatusValue, EMsvTestNetworkAvailable));
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::NotifySaNetworkUnAvailableL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidSystemCategory, KMsvTestUidNetworkStatusValue, EMsvTestNetworkUnAvailable));
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::UpdateSysAgentConditionsL()
+ {
+ CMsvSysAgentActions* actions = new (ELeave) CMsvSysAgentActions();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions);
+ CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC(KUidMsgTypePigeon);
+ // load existing settings
+ TRAPD(error, TMsvScheduleSettingsUtils::LoadSysAgentSettingsL(*actions, *repository));
+ if( error==KErrNone )
+ {
+ // Reset the conditions - leave the default action.
+ actions->Reset();
+ }
+ // Add the conditions
+ TMsvSysAgentConditionAction condAction;
+ condAction.iUseDefaultSysAgentAction = ETrue;
+ condAction.iCondition.iVariable = KMsvTestUidSIMStatus;
+ condAction.iCondition.iState = EMsvTestSimOk;
+ condAction.iCondition.iType = TMsvCondition::EMsvSchSendEquals;
+ actions->AppendL(condAction);
+ condAction.iCondition.iVariable = KMsvTestUidNetworkStatus;
+ condAction.iCondition.iState = EMsvTestNetworkAvailable;
+ condAction.iCondition.iType = TMsvCondition::EMsvSchSendEquals;
+ actions->AppendL(condAction);
+ // save these settings
+ TMsvScheduleSettingsUtils::SaveSysAgentSettingsL(*actions, *repository);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, actions);
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::UpdatePendingConditionsTimeoutL(TTimeIntervalMinutes aTimeout)
+ {
+ CMsvScheduleSettings* settings = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(settings);
+ // access sms account settings
+ CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC(KUidMsgTypePigeon);
+ TMsvScheduleSettingsUtils::LoadScheduleSettingsL(*settings, *repository);
+ // Store the pending conditions timeout
+ settings->SetPendingConditionsTimeout(aTimeout);
+ // save these settings
+ TMsvScheduleSettingsUtils::SaveScheduleSettingsL(*settings, *repository);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, settings);
+ }
+// Methods from CMsvTestUtils
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::CreateServicesL()
+ {
+ iServiceId = CreateServiceL(KUidMsgTypePigeon, EFalse, ETrue);
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::DeleteServicesL()
+ {
+ DeleteServiceL(KUidMsgTypePigeon);
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::InstallMtmGroupsL()
+ {
+ InstallPigeonMtmGroupL();
+ }
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::CreateServerMtmRegsL()
+ {
+ CreatePigeonServerMtmRegL();
+ }
+// Methods from CTestUtils
+void CScheduleSendTestUtils::Panic(TInt aPanic)
+ {
+ User::Panic(KScheduleSendTestPanic, aPanic);
+ }
+ * CTestEngine
+ */
+CTestEngine* CTestEngine::NewL(RTest& aTest)
+ {
+ CTestEngine* self = new (ELeave) CTestEngine();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aTest);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ delete iTestUtils;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CTestEngine::ConstructL(RTest& aTest)
+ {
+ iTestUtils = CScheduleSendTestUtils::NewL(aTest);
+ // Install the pigeon MTM.
+ iTestUtils->InstallMtmGroupsL();
+ }
+void CTestEngine::DoTestsL()
+ {
+ CTestScheduleSendBase* testCase = NULL;
+ testCase = CTestSchedule::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ testCase = CTestReScheduleTime_1::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ testCase = CTestReScheduleTime_2::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ testCase = CTestRescheduleConditions_1::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ testCase = CTestRescheduleConditions_2::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ testCase = CTestRescheduleConditions_3::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ testCase = CTestRescheduleMixed_1::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ testCase = CTestFailed_1::NewL(*iTestUtils);
+ testCase->Start();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ delete testCase;
+ iTestUtils->TestHarnessCompleted();
+ }
+ * CTestFolderObserver
+ */
+CTestFolderObserver* CTestFolderObserver::NewL(MTestFolderObserverCallback& aCallback, TMsvId aFolderId)
+ {
+ CTestFolderObserver* self = new (ELeave) CTestFolderObserver(aCallback, aFolderId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ delete iEntryForObserver;
+ }
+CTestFolderObserver::CTestFolderObserver(MTestFolderObserverCallback& aCallback, TMsvId aFolderId)
+: CBase(), iCallback(aCallback), iFolderId(aFolderId)
+ {
+ }
+void CTestFolderObserver::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iEntryForObserver = iCallback.CreateEntryL(iFolderId);
+ }
+void CTestFolderObserver::StartObserverL()
+ {
+ iEntryForObserver->AddObserverL(*this);
+ }
+void CTestFolderObserver::StopObserver()
+ {
+ iEntryForObserver->RemoveObserver(*this);
+ }
+// methods from MMsvEntryObserver
+void CTestFolderObserver::HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* /*aArg2*/, TAny* /*aArg3*/)
+ {
+ CMsvEntrySelection* sel = (CMsvEntrySelection*)(aArg1);
+ // The messages in the outbox have been updated - check them.
+ if( aEvent == EMsvNewChildren )
+ {
+ TInt count = sel->Count();
+ for( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ // Notify the callback
+ iCallback.UpdatedMessageL(iFolderId, sel->At(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * CTestScheduleSendBase
+ */
+ {
+ delete iSelection;
+ delete iPendingSent;
+ delete iOutboxObserver;
+ delete iSentFolderObserver;
+ delete iOperation;
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::Start()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Starting %S\n"), &TestName());
+ iState = EClearFolders;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+CTestScheduleSendBase::CTestScheduleSendBase(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iTestUtils(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iSelection = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection();
+ iPendingSent = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection();
+ iOutboxObserver = CTestFolderObserver::NewL(*this, KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ iSentFolderObserver = CTestFolderObserver::NewL(*this, KMsvSentEntryId);
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::CompleteSelf()
+ {
+ TRequestStatus* pStat = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(pStat, KErrNone);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+CMsvSession& CTestScheduleSendBase::Session()
+ {
+ return *iTestUtils.iMsvSession;
+ }
+CMsvEntry& CTestScheduleSendBase::MsvEntry()
+ {
+ return *iTestUtils.iMsvEntry;
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::ClearFoldersL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.DeletePigeonMessagesL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ iTestUtils.DeletePigeonMessagesL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+ iTestUtils.DeletePigeonMessagesL(KMsvSentEntryId);
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::TestComplete()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Test Complete\n"));
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+TMsvId CTestScheduleSendBase::CreateMessageL(TTime& aTime, TInt aError)
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Creating message...\n"));
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ entry.SetVisible(ETrue);
+ entry.SetInPreparation(EFalse);
+ entry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId;
+ entry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry;
+ entry.iMtm = KUidMsgTypePigeon;
+ entry.iDate = aTime;
+ entry.iSize = 0;
+ entry.iDescription.Set(KNullDesC);
+ entry.iDetails.Set(KNullDesC);
+ entry.iError = aError;
+ entry.SetOffPeak(EFalse);
+ entry.SetScheduled(EFalse);
+ entry.SetSendingState(KMsvSendStateWaiting);
+ // Create the entry - set context to the global outbox.
+ MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ MsvEntry().CreateL(entry);
+ return entry.Id();
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::TransferCommandL(TInt aCommand)
+ {
+ delete iOperation;
+ iOperation = NULL;
+ iOperation = Session().TransferCommandL(*iSelection, aCommand, _L8("aaaa"), iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::UpdateSysAgentConditionsL()
+ {
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+Notifies the test case that the messages have been scheduled successfully.
+The test case can indicate whether this is the end of the test.
+A value of ETrue if this is the end of the test.
+TBool CTestScheduleSendBase::NotifyMessagesScheduledL()
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestScheduleSendBase::GetStateText(TInt aState) const
+ {
+ switch( aState )
+ {
+ case KMsvSendStateUnknown:
+ return KStateUnknown();
+ case KMsvSendStateUponRequest:
+ return KStateUponRequest();
+ case KMsvSendStateWaiting:
+ return KStateWaiting();
+ case KMsvSendStateSending:
+ return KStateSending();
+ case KMsvSendStateScheduled:
+ return KStateScheduled();
+ case KMsvSendStateResend:
+ return KStateResend();
+ case KMsvSendStateSuspended:
+ return KStateSuspended();
+ case KMsvSendStateFailed:
+ return KStateFailed();
+ case KMsvSendStateSent:
+ return KStateSent();
+ case KMsvSendStateNotApplicable:
+ return KStateNotApplicable();
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return KNullDesC();
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestScheduleSendBase::GetBoolText(TBool aBool) const
+ {
+ if( aBool )
+ return KBoolTrue();
+ return KBoolFalse();
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::CheckMessageDetailsL(TMsvId aId, TInt aState, TBool aScheduled, TBool aCheckPendingConditions)
+ {
+ // Need to check the following details on the message -
+ // 1. Correct sending state.
+ // 2. Scheduled flag.
+ // 3. Pending conditions flag
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("!!Checking message %d...\n"), aId);
+ MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ MsvEntry().SetEntryL(aId);
+ TMsvEntry entry = MsvEntry().Entry();
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Sending state is %S (%d) - should be %S (%d)\n"), &GetStateText(entry.SendingState()), entry.SendingState(), &GetStateText(aState), aState);
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.SendingState() == (TUint) aState);
+ if( aScheduled )
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Scheduled flag is %S (%d) - should be %S\n"), &GetBoolText(entry.Scheduled()), entry.Scheduled(), &GetBoolText(ETrue));
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.Scheduled() != EFalse);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Scheduled flag is %S (%d) - should be %S\n"), &GetBoolText(entry.Scheduled()), entry.Scheduled(), &GetBoolText(EFalse));
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.Scheduled() == EFalse);
+ }
+ // The pending conditons flag should be true if aCheckPendingConditions is
+ // true and the entry error is KErrorActionConditions
+ if( aCheckPendingConditions && entry.iError == KErrorActionConditions && entry.SendingState()!= KMsvSendStateSent && entry.SendingState()!=KMsvSendStateResend)
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Pending conditions flag is %S (%d) - should be %S\n"), &GetBoolText(entry.PendingConditions()), entry.PendingConditions(), &GetBoolText(ETrue));
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.PendingConditions() != EFalse);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Pending conditions flag is %S (%d) - should be %S\n"), &GetBoolText(entry.PendingConditions()), entry.PendingConditions(), &GetBoolText(EFalse));
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.PendingConditions() == EFalse);
+ }
+ // Check the scheduled time - do this if sending state is KMsvSendStateSent
+ if( aState == KMsvSendStateSent )
+ {
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ _LIT(KTimeFormat, "%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%+B");
+ TBuf<32> scheduledTime;
+ entry.iDate.FormatL(scheduledTime, KTimeFormat);
+ TBuf<32> currentTime;
+ now.FormatL(currentTime, KTimeFormat);
+ if( entry.PendingConditions() )
+ {
+ if( ConditionsMet() )
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Message scheduled for conditions -> met, timeout is %S - should be after current time %S\n"), &scheduledTime, ¤tTime);
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.iDate > now);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Message scheduled for conditions -> not met, timeout is %S - should be same or before current time %S\n"), &scheduledTime, ¤tTime);
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.iDate <= now);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Message scheduled for %S - should be same or before current time %S\n"), &scheduledTime, ¤tTime);
+ iTestUtils.Test()(entry.iDate <= now);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::CheckCreatedMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Need to check the following on all pigeon messages in the outbox -
+ // 1. Correct sending state - KMsvSendStateWaiting.
+ // 2. Scheduled flag is false.
+ // 3. Pending conditions is false.
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking for new pigeon messages in the outbox...\n"));
+ MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ CMsvEntrySelection* sel = iTestUtils.ChildrenWithMtmLC(KUidMsgTypePigeon);
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Number of pigeon messages is %d - should be %d\n"), sel->Count(), iSelection->Count());
+ iTestUtils.Test()(sel->Count() == iSelection->Count());
+ TInt count = sel->Count();
+ for( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ CheckMessageDetailsL(sel->At(i), KMsvSendStateWaiting, EFalse, EFalse);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sel);
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::CheckScheduledMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Need to check the following on all pigeon messages in the outbox -
+ // 1. Correct sending state - ask derived class
+ // 2. Scheduled flag is not false.
+ // 3. Pending conditions is not false if the message error code is KErrorActionConditions.
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Checking for scheduled pigeon messages in the outbox...\n"));
+ MsvEntry().SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ CMsvEntrySelection* sel = iTestUtils.ChildrenWithMtmLC(KUidMsgTypePigeon);
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("->Number of pigeon messages is %d - should be %d\n"), sel->Count(), iSelection->Count());
+ iTestUtils.Test()(sel->Count() == iSelection->Count());
+ TInt count = sel->Count();
+ for( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ TInt state = ScheduledState();
+ TBool scheduled = state == KMsvSendStateResend || state == KMsvSendStateScheduled;
+ CheckMessageDetailsL(sel->At(i), state, scheduled, ETrue);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sel);
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::CheckPreSendMessageL(TMsvId aId)
+ {
+ // Need to check the following on all pigeon messages in the outbox -
+ // 1. Correct sending state - ask derived class (noramlly KMsvSendStateWaiting).
+ // 2. Scheduled flag is not false.
+ // 3. Pending conditions is not false if the message error code is KErrorActionConditions.
+ CheckMessageDetailsL(aId, PreSendState(), ETrue, ETrue);
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::CheckSentMessageL(TMsvId aId)
+ {
+ // Need to check the following on the supplied message -
+ // 1. Correct sending state - ask derived class (noramlly KMsvSendStateSent).
+ // 2. Scheduled flag is not false.
+ // 3. Pending conditions is not false if the message error code is KErrorActionConditions.
+ CheckMessageDetailsL(aId, SentState(), ETrue, ETrue);
+ }
+TInt CTestScheduleSendBase::PreSendState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateWaiting;
+ }
+TInt CTestScheduleSendBase::SentState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateSent;
+ }
+TBool CTestScheduleSendBase::ConditionsMet() const
+ {
+ return iConditionsMet;
+ }
+// methods from CActive
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::RunL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
+ switch( iState )
+ {
+ case EClearFolders:
+ {
+ ClearFoldersL();
+ iState = EUpdateSysAgentConditions;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ } break;
+ case EUpdateSysAgentConditions:
+ {
+ UpdateSysAgentConditionsL();
+ iState = ECreateMessages;
+ } break;
+ case ECreateMessages:
+ {
+ CreateMessagesL();
+ iState = ECheckCreatedMessages;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ } break;
+ case ECheckCreatedMessages:
+ {
+ CheckCreatedMessagesL();
+ iState = EScheduleMessages;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ } break;
+ case EScheduleMessages:
+ {
+ ScheduleMessagesL();
+ iState = ECheckScheduledMessages;
+ } break;
+ case ECheckScheduledMessages:
+ {
+ CheckScheduledMessagesL();
+ // Get outbox observer to start observing...
+ iOutboxObserver->StartObserverL();
+ iSentFolderObserver->StartObserverL();
+ TBool done = NotifyMessagesScheduledL();
+ if( done )
+ {
+ // No more to do - end the test
+ TestComplete();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Waiting for the messages to be scheduled and sent.
+ iState = EPendingMessagesSent;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case EPendingMessagesSent:
+ {
+ // End the test...
+ TestComplete();
+ } break;
+ default:
+ User::Invariant();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::DoCancel()
+ {
+ }
+TInt CTestScheduleSendBase::RunError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("!!!RunL leave with error code : %d...\n"), aError);
+ User::Invariant();
+ return aError;
+ }
+// methods from MTestFolderObserverCallback
+void CTestScheduleSendBase::UpdatedMessageL(TMsvId aFolderId, TMsvId aMessageId)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EPendingMessagesSent, User::Invariant() );
+ if( aFolderId == KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId )
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Outbox has been updated...\n"));
+ // This message has just been scheduled to be sent - check it has been
+ // updated correctly..
+ CheckPreSendMessageL(aMessageId);
+ }
+ else if( aFolderId == KMsvSentEntryId )
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Sent folder has been updated...\n"));
+ // This message has just been sent - check it has been updated correctly.
+ CheckSentMessageL(aMessageId);
+ ++iMessagesDone;
+ }
+ if( iMessagesDone == iSelection->Count() )
+ {
+ // Test is ended as all messges have been sent - complete-self to end.
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+ }
+CMsvEntry* CTestScheduleSendBase::CreateEntryL(TMsvId aFolderId)
+ {
+ return Session().GetEntryL(aFolderId);
+ }
+ * CTestSchedule
+ */
+CTestSchedule* CTestSchedule::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestSchedule* self = new (ELeave) CTestSchedule(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestSchedule::CTestSchedule(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+void CTestSchedule::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ now.RoundUpToNextMinute();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrNone));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrNone));
+ }
+void CTestSchedule::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Scheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestSchedule::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateScheduled;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestSchedule::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendScheduleMultiple();
+ }
+ * CTestReScheduleTime_1
+ */
+CTestReScheduleTime_1* CTestReScheduleTime_1::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestReScheduleTime_1* self = new (ELeave) CTestReScheduleTime_1(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestReScheduleTime_1::CTestReScheduleTime_1(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+void CTestReScheduleTime_1::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionImmediately));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionImmediately));
+ }
+void CTestReScheduleTime_1::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestReScheduleTime_1::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestReScheduleTime_1::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendReScheduleTime_1();
+ }
+ * CTestReScheduleTime_2
+ */
+CTestReScheduleTime_2* CTestReScheduleTime_2::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestReScheduleTime_2* self = new (ELeave) CTestReScheduleTime_2(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestReScheduleTime_2::CTestReScheduleTime_2(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+void CTestReScheduleTime_2::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionImmediately));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionLater));
+ }
+void CTestReScheduleTime_2::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestReScheduleTime_2::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestReScheduleTime_2::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendReScheduleTime_2();
+ }
+ * CTestRescheduleConditions_1
+ */
+CTestRescheduleConditions_1* CTestRescheduleConditions_1::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestRescheduleConditions_1* self = new (ELeave) CTestRescheduleConditions_1(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestRescheduleConditions_1::CTestRescheduleConditions_1(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_1::UpdateSysAgentConditionsL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.UpdateSysAgentConditionsL();
+ iTestUtils.UpdatePendingConditionsTimeoutL(0);
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+TBool CTestRescheduleConditions_1::NotifyMessagesScheduledL()
+ {
+ // Messages have been scheduled - meet the conditions; SIM ok, network available.
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimOkL();
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaNetworkAvailableL();
+ iConditionsMet = ETrue;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_1::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionConditions));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionConditions));
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_1::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ // First fail to meet conditions - SIM not present + network unavailable.
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimNotPresentL();
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaNetworkUnAvailableL();
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestRescheduleConditions_1::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestRescheduleConditions_1::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendReScheduleConditions_1();
+ }
+ * CTestRescheduleConditions_2
+ */
+CTestRescheduleConditions_2* CTestRescheduleConditions_2::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestRescheduleConditions_2* self = new (ELeave) CTestRescheduleConditions_2(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestRescheduleConditions_2::CTestRescheduleConditions_2(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_2::UpdateSysAgentConditionsL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.UpdateSysAgentConditionsL();
+ iTestUtils.UpdatePendingConditionsTimeoutL(1);
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+TBool CTestRescheduleConditions_2::NotifyMessagesScheduledL()
+ {
+ // Messages have been scheduled - meet the conditions; SIM ok, network available.
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimOkL();
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaNetworkAvailableL();
+ iConditionsMet = ETrue;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_2::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionConditions));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionConditions));
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_2::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ // First fail to meet conditions - SIM not present + network unavailable.
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimNotPresentL();
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaNetworkUnAvailableL();
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestRescheduleConditions_2::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestRescheduleConditions_2::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendReScheduleConditions_2();
+ }
+ * CTestRescheduleConditions_3
+ */
+CTestRescheduleConditions_3* CTestRescheduleConditions_3::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestRescheduleConditions_3* self = new (ELeave) CTestRescheduleConditions_3(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestRescheduleConditions_3::CTestRescheduleConditions_3(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_3::UpdateSysAgentConditionsL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.UpdateSysAgentConditionsL();
+ iTestUtils.UpdatePendingConditionsTimeoutL(1);
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+TBool CTestRescheduleConditions_3::NotifyMessagesScheduledL()
+ {
+ // Messages have been scheduled - meet only one of the conditions; SIM ok.
+ // This should imply that timeout should occur
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimOkL();
+ iConditionsMet = EFalse;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_3::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionConditions));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionConditions));
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleConditions_3::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ // First fail to meet conditions - phone off + network unavailable.
+ // NOTE - no need to meet conditions, let timeout happen.
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimNotPresentL();
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaNetworkUnAvailableL();
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestRescheduleConditions_3::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestRescheduleConditions_3::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendReScheduleConditions_3();
+ }
+ * CTestRescheduleMixed_1
+ */
+CTestRescheduleMixed_1* CTestRescheduleMixed_1::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestRescheduleMixed_1* self = new (ELeave) CTestRescheduleMixed_1(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestRescheduleMixed_1::CTestRescheduleMixed_1(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+void CTestRescheduleMixed_1::UpdateSysAgentConditionsL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.UpdateSysAgentConditionsL();
+ iTestUtils.UpdatePendingConditionsTimeoutL(1);
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+TBool CTestRescheduleMixed_1::NotifyMessagesScheduledL()
+ {
+ // Messages have been scheduled - meet the conditions; SIM ok, network available.
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimOkL();
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaNetworkAvailableL();
+ iConditionsMet = ETrue;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleMixed_1::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionImmediately));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionConditions));
+ }
+void CTestRescheduleMixed_1::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ // First fail to meet conditions - SIM not present + network unavailable.
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaSimNotPresentL();
+ iTestUtils.NotifySaNetworkUnAvailableL();
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestRescheduleMixed_1::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestRescheduleMixed_1::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendReScheduleMixed_1();
+ }
+ * CTestFailed_1
+ */
+CTestFailed_1* CTestFailed_1::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestFailed_1* self = new (ELeave) CTestFailed_1(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestFailed_1::CTestFailed_1(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+TBool CTestFailed_1::NotifyMessagesScheduledL()
+ {
+ // Messages are not scheduled - end test.
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+void CTestFailed_1::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionFail));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionFail));
+ }
+void CTestFailed_1::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestFailed_1::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestFailed_1::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendFailed_1();
+ }
+ * CTestFailed_2
+ */
+CTestFailed_2* CTestFailed_2::NewL(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+ {
+ CTestFailed_2* self = new (ELeave) CTestFailed_2(aTestUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CTestFailed_2::CTestFailed_2(CScheduleSendTestUtils& aTestUtils)
+: CTestScheduleSendBase(aTestUtils)
+ {
+ }
+// methods from CTestScheduleSendBase
+TBool CTestFailed_2::NotifyMessagesScheduledL()
+ {
+ // Messages are scheduled.
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CTestFailed_2::CreateMessagesL()
+ {
+ // Create two pigeon messages in the inbox.
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->SetReserveL(2);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionRetryFail));
+ iSelection->AppendL(CreateMessageL(now, KErrorActionRetryFail));
+ }
+void CTestFailed_2::ScheduleMessagesL()
+ {
+ iTestUtils.Printf(_L("Rescheduling (for retries) %d messages\n"), iSelection->Count());
+ TransferCommandL(EReScheduleRetryAllL);
+ }
+TInt CTestFailed_2::ScheduledState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateResend;
+ }
+TInt CTestFailed_2::SentState()
+ {
+ return KMsvSendStateWaiting;
+ }
+const TDesC& CTestFailed_2::TestName()
+ {
+ return KTestScheduleSendFailed_2();
+ }