--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/scheduledsendmtm/test/unit/src/t_schsend.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "t_schsend.h"
+#include <msvschedulesend.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <smss.rsg>
+#include <msvschedulesettings.h>
+#include <msvsysagentaction.h>
+#include <barsc.h>
+#include <msvoffpeaktime.h>
+#include <csmsaccount.h>
+RTest& operator<<(RTest& aTest, TTime t);
+CTrapCleanup* theCleanup;
+//_LIT(KSmsResourceFile, "z:\\System\\Data\\SMSS.RSC");
+//Horrible hack because nmake thinks &myFun is illegal but GCC needs the & sign
+#ifdef __WINS__
+#define PFUN
+#define PFUN &
+void doMainL(RTest& aTest)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler );
+ CSchSendTest* schSendTest = CSchSendTest::NewL(aTest);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(schSendTest);
+ schSendTest->StartL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //schSendTest, iScheduler
+ aTest.Printf(_L("\nWaiting 3 seconds before closing...\n"));
+ User::After(3000000);
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ RTest test(_L("Scheduled Sending Test Harness"));
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("Scheduled Sending Test Harness"));
+ theCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test(theCleanup !=NULL);
+ TRAPD(error,doMainL(test));
+ test(error==KErrNone);
+ delete theCleanup;
+ test.Printf(_L("Completed with return code %d"),error);
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+CSchSendTest* CSchSendTest::NewL(RTest& aTest)
+ {
+ CSchSendTest* self = new (ELeave) CSchSendTest(aTest);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
+ return self;
+ }
+CSchSendTest::CSchSendTest(RTest& aTest)
+: CSchSendTestUtils(aTest)
+ {
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestPackageL()
+ {
+ TMsvSchedulePackage pkg;
+ pkg.iCommandId = 100000;
+ pkg.iId = 123456;
+ TestPackageL(pkg);
+ pkg.iCommandId = 20000;
+ pkg.iPollProgress = 1000000;
+ TestPackageL(pkg);
+ pkg.iParameter.Append(_L8("Hello"));
+ TestPackageL(pkg);
+ pkg.iParameter.Fill('a');
+ TestPackageL(pkg);
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestPackageL(const TMsvSchedulePackage& aPackage)
+ {
+ TTaskInfo info;
+ TMsvSchedulePackage pkg;
+ HBufC* buf = NULL;
+ aPackage.PackLC(info, buf);
+ pkg.UnpackL(info, *buf);
+ AssertL(aPackage == pkg);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::RunAutoL()
+ {
+ // Two groups of tests
+ TestSendErrorActionsL();
+ TestOffPeakTimesL();
+ // Individual tests
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN CSchSendTest::TestPackageL, _L("Schedule Package")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSysAgentActionsL, _L("Sys Agent Actions")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestScheduleSettingsL, _L("Schedule Settings")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSchedulingMessagesL, _L("Scheduling Messages")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSchedulingOldMessagesL, _L("Scheduling Old Messages")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSchedulingMessagesTwiceL, _L("Scheduling Messages Twice")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestReschedulingMessagesL, _L("ReScheduling Messages")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestReschedulingNonScheduledMessagesL, _L("ReScheduling Non Scheduled Messages")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestDeletingMessagesL, _L("Deleting Messages")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestDeletingNonScheduledMessagesL, _L("Deleting Non Scheduled Messages")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSchedulingOffPeakMessagesL, _L("Off Peak Messages")));
+ //AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestCheckScheduleL, _L("CheckScheduleL")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestSysAgentActionsL, _L("Sys Agent Actions")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestSchedulingMessagesL, _L("Scheduling Messages")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestSchedulingOffPeakMessagesL, _L("Off Peak Messages")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestSchedulingOldMessagesL, _L("Scheduling Old Messages")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestSchedulingMessagesTwiceL, _L("Scheduling Messages Twice")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestReschedulingMessagesL, _L("ReScheduling Messages")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestReschedulingNonScheduledMessagesL, _L("ReScheduling Non Scheduled Messages")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestDeletingMessagesL, _L("Deleting Messages")));
+ AssertL(HeapTest(PFUN TestDeletingNonScheduledMessagesL, _L("Deleting Non Scheduled Messages")));
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSendErrorActionsL()
+ {
+ Public functions of TMsvSendErrorAction:
+ Tested Function
+ ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Yes TMsvSendErrorAction();
+ Yes void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream);
+ Yes void ExternalizeL(RWriRTestream& aWriRTestream) const;
+ Yes void Reset();
+ Yes void SetMaxRetries(const TInt16 aMaxRetries);
+ Yes TInt16 MaxRetries() const;
+ Public functions of CMsvSendErrorActions:
+ Tested Function
+ ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Yes static CMsvSendErrorActions* NewL();
+ Yes void AddSendErrorActionL(const TMsvSendErrorAction& aAction);
+ Yes const TInt RemoveSendErrorAction(const TInt aError);
+ Yes const TInt GetSendErrorAction(const TInt aError, TMsvSendErrorAction& aAction) const;
+ Yes void StoreL(CMsvStore& aStore) const;
+ Yes void RestoreL(CMsvStore& aStore);
+ void RestoreFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader);
+ Yes void SetErrorsL(const CArrayFixFlat<TMsvSendErrorAction>& aActions);
+ // but broken
+ Yes const CArrayFixFlat<TMsvSendErrorAction>& Errors() const;
+ Yes const TMsvSendErrorAction& Default() const;
+ Yes void SetDefault(const TMsvSendErrorAction& aAction);
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSendErrorActions1L, _L("TestSendErrorActions1")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestDefaultL, _L("TestDefault")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSendErrorActions3L, _L("TestSendErrorActions3")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestErrorsL, _L("TestErrors")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestStoringL, _L("TestStoring")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestRemovingL, _L("TestRemoving")));
+ //AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestSendErrorActions4L, _L("TestSendErrorActions4")));
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestOffPeakTimesL()
+ {
+ Public functions of TMsvOffPeakTime:
+ Tested Function
+ ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Yes TMsvOffPeakTime();
+ Yes TMsvOffPeakTime(const TDay aDay, const TInt aHour, const TInt aMinute, const TTimeIntervalMinutes aValidityPeriod);
+ Yes void ExternalizeL (RWriRTestream &) const;
+ Yes void InternalizeL (RReadStream &);
+ Yes void Reset();
+ Yes const TDay Day() const;
+ Yes void SetDay(const TDay aDay);
+ Yes const TInt Hour() const;
+ Yes void SetHour(const TInt aHour);
+ Yes const TInt Minute() const;
+ Yes void SetMinute(const TInt aMinute);
+ Yes const TTimeIntervalMinutes ValidityPeriod() const;
+ Yes void SetValidityPeriod(const TTimeIntervalMinutes aValidityPeriod);
+ Yes const TTime NextTimeInclusive(const TTime& aFromTime) const;
+ Public functions of CMsvOffPeakTimes:
+ Tested Function
+ ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Yes CMsvOffPeakTimes();
+ Yes void StoreL(CMsvStore& aStore) const;
+ Yes void RestoreL(CMsvStore& aStore);
+ const TInt GetNextOffPeakTime(const TTime& aFromTime, TMsvOffPeakTime& aNext, TTime& aNextTime) const;
+ // This last one tested by TestReschedulingMessagesL()
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestOffPeakTimes1L, _L("TestOffPeakTimes1L")));
+ AssertL(DoTest(PFUN TestOffPeakTimes3L, _L("TestOffPeakTimes3L")));
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSendErrorActions1L()
+ {
+// --- Testing TMsvSendErrorAction ---
+ iRTest.Next(_L("TestSendErrorActions1L()"));
+ TMsvSendErrorAction action1, action2;
+ action1.iAction = ESendActionRetryLater;
+ action1.iRetries = ESendRetriesFixed;
+ action1.iRetrySpacing = ESendRetrySpacingStatic;
+ action1.iError = KErrNotFound;
+ action1.SetMaxRetries(10);
+ action2 = action1;
+ AssertL(action1==action2);
+ action1.SetMaxRetries(1);
+ AssertL(action1.MaxRetries() == 1);
+ action1.SetMaxRetries(200);
+ AssertL(action1.MaxRetries() == 200);
+ action1.Reset();
+ TMsvSendErrorAction action3;
+ AssertL(action1==action3);
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSendErrorActions3L()
+ {
+ TMsvSendErrorAction action1, action2;
+ action1.iAction = ESendActionRetryLater;
+ action1.iRetries = ESendRetriesFixed;
+ action1.iRetrySpacing = ESendRetrySpacingStatic;
+ action1.iError = KErrNotFound;
+ action1.SetMaxRetries(10);
+ action1.Reset();
+ AssertL(action1==action2);
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestDefaultL()
+ {
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions);
+ TMsvSendErrorAction action1, action2;
+ action1.iAction = ESendActionRetryLater;
+ action1.iRetries = ESendRetriesFixed;
+ action1.iRetrySpacing = ESendRetrySpacingStatic;
+ action1.iError = KErrNotFound;
+ action1.SetMaxRetries(10);
+ actions->SetDefault(action1);
+ action2 = actions->Default();
+ AssertL(action2 == action1);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // actions
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSendErrorActions5L()
+ {
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions);
+ TMsvSendErrorAction action1, action2, action3;
+ action1.iError = KErrGeneral;
+ action2.iError = KErrNotSupported;
+ actions->AddSendErrorActionL(action1);
+ actions->AddSendErrorActionL(action2);
+ TInt error = actions->GetSendErrorAction(KErrNotSupported, action3);
+ AssertL(error == KErrNone);
+ AssertL(action3 == action2);
+ error = actions->GetSendErrorAction(KErrGeneral, action3);
+ AssertL(action3 == action1);
+ error = actions->GetSendErrorAction(KErrNotFound, action3);
+ AssertL(error == KErrNotFound);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // actions
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestErrorsL()
+ {
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TMsvSendErrorAction>* actionArray1 = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TMsvSendErrorAction>(20);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actionArray1);
+ TMsvSendErrorAction test1, test2;
+ test1.iError = KErrAbort;
+ test2.iError = KErrTooBig;
+ TInt offSet = _FOFF(TMsvSendErrorAction, iError);
+ TKeyArrayFix key(offSet, ECmpTInt);
+ actionArray1->InsertIsqL(test1, key);
+ actionArray1->InsertIsqL(test2, key);
+ actions->SetErrorsL(*actionArray1);
+ const CArrayFixFlat<TMsvSendErrorAction>& actionArray2 = actions->Errors();
+ AssertL(actionArray1->Count()==actionArray2.Count());
+ for(int i = 0; i < actionArray1->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ // VC can't find my operator== if I do this the obvious one-line way
+ TMsvSendErrorAction one = (*actionArray1)[i];
+ TMsvSendErrorAction two = actionArray2[i];
+ AssertL(one==two);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // actions, actionArray1
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestStoringL()
+ {
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions);
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions2 = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions2);
+ // access sms account settings
+ CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
+ CMsvScheduleSettings* scheduleSettings = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduleSettings);
+ CMsvOffPeakTimes* offPeakTimes = new(ELeave) CMsvOffPeakTimes;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(offPeakTimes);
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* errorActions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(errorActions);
+ CMsvSysAgentActions* sysAgentActions = new (ELeave) CMsvSysAgentActions();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(sysAgentActions);
+ // read existing settings
+ TRAPD(ignor, account->LoadSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions));
+ // write
+ account->SaveSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *actions, *sysAgentActions);
+ // read
+ account->LoadSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *actions2, *sysAgentActions);
+ // restore settings
+ account->SaveSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, scheduleSettings); // sysAgentActions, errorActions, offPeakTimes, scheduleSettings
+ AssertL(*actions==*actions2);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //actions, actions2, entry/account
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestRemovingL()
+ {
+ TMsvSendErrorAction a1, a2, a3;
+ a1.iError = -3;
+ a2.iError = -4;
+ a3.iError = -5;
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions1 = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions1);
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions2 = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions2);
+ actions1->AddSendErrorActionL(a1);
+ actions1->AddSendErrorActionL(a2);
+ actions1->AddSendErrorActionL(a3);
+ actions2->AddSendErrorActionL(a1);
+ actions2->AddSendErrorActionL(a3);
+ actions1->RemoveSendErrorAction(-4);
+ AssertL(*actions1==*actions2);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //actions1 and 2
+ }
+/*void CSchSendTest::TestSendErrorActions4L()
+ {
+// --- Reading CMsvSendErrorActions from a resource file ---
+ iRTest.Next(_L("TestSendErrorActions4L"));
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* actions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions);
+ TFileName fileName;
+ TParse parse;
+ parse.Set(KSmsResourceFile, &fileName, 0);
+ fileName=parse.FullName();
+ BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(iFs, fileName);
+ RResourceFile iResourceFile;
+ iResourceFile.OpenL(iFs, fileName);
+ TResourceReader reader;
+ HBufC8* rBuf = iResourceFile.AllocReadLC(ERROR_ACTIONS);
+ reader.SetBuffer(rBuf);
+ actions->RestoreFromResourceL(reader);
+ iResourceFile.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //actions, rBuf
+ } */
+void CSchSendTest::TestOffPeakTimes1L()
+ {
+ iRTest.Next(_L("TestOffPeakTimes1L"));
+ //Make an off peak time
+ TInt hour = 10;
+ TInt min = 10;
+ TDay day = EMonday;
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes valPrd = 5*60;
+ TMsvOffPeakTime offPeak;
+ offPeak.SetHour(hour);
+ offPeak.SetMinute(min);
+ offPeak.SetDay(day);
+// offPeak.SetValidityPeriod(-1); PASSED OK
+ offPeak.SetValidityPeriod(valPrd);
+ //Check that it worked
+ AssertL(offPeak.Hour() == hour);
+ AssertL(offPeak.Minute() == min);
+ AssertL(offPeak.Day() == day);
+ AssertL(offPeak.ValidityPeriod() == valPrd);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ TTime nextTime = now;
+ nextTime = offPeak.NextTimeInclusive(now);
+ TBuf<30> dateString;
+ now.FormatL(dateString,(_L("%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B")));
+ Printf(_L("Now: "));
+ Printf(dateString);
+ Printf(_L("\n"));
+ nextTime.FormatL(dateString,(_L("%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B")));
+ Printf(_L("Next Time: "));
+ Printf(dateString);
+ Printf(_L("\n"));
+ AssertL(StartsAt(offPeak, nextTime));
+ TTime fourHoursAgo = now - (TTimeIntervalHours) 4;
+ TDateTime dtFourHoursAgo = fourHoursAgo.DateTime();
+ hour = dtFourHoursAgo.Hour();
+ min = dtFourHoursAgo.Minute();
+ day = fourHoursAgo.DayNoInWeek();
+ valPrd = 8*60; // valid for eight hours
+ TMsvOffPeakTime nowIsOffPeak(day, hour, min, valPrd);
+ nextTime = nowIsOffPeak.NextTimeInclusive(now);
+ Printf(_L("Now: "));
+ iRTest<<now;
+ Printf(_L("\nFour Hours Ago: "));
+ iRTest<<fourHoursAgo;
+ Printf(_L("\nNext Time: "));
+ iRTest<<nextTime;
+ AssertL(nextTime < now);
+ AssertL(StartsAt(nowIsOffPeak, fourHoursAgo));
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestOffPeakTimes3L()
+ {
+ iRTest.Next(_L("TestOffPeakTimes3L"));
+ CMsvOffPeakTimes* offPeakTimes1 = new (ELeave) CMsvOffPeakTimes();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(offPeakTimes1);
+ CMsvOffPeakTimes* offPeakTimes2 = new (ELeave) CMsvOffPeakTimes();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(offPeakTimes2);
+ TMsvOffPeakTime offPeak1, offPeak2;
+ offPeakTimes1->AppendL(offPeak1);
+ offPeak2.SetDay(EWednesday);
+ offPeak2.SetHour(20);
+ offPeak2.SetMinute(30);
+ offPeak2.SetValidityPeriod(10);
+ offPeakTimes1->AppendL(offPeak2);
+ // access sms account settings
+ CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
+ CMsvScheduleSettings* scheduleSettings = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduleSettings);
+ CMsvOffPeakTimes* offPeakTimes = new(ELeave) CMsvOffPeakTimes;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(offPeakTimes);
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* errorActions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(errorActions);
+ CMsvSysAgentActions* sysAgentActions = new (ELeave) CMsvSysAgentActions();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(sysAgentActions);
+ // read existing settings
+ TRAPD(ignor, account->LoadSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions));
+ // write
+ account->SaveSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes1, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions);
+ // read
+ account->LoadSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes2, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions);
+ // restore settings
+ account->SaveSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, scheduleSettings);
+ AssertL(offPeakTimes1->Count()==offPeakTimes2->Count());
+ for(int i = 0; i < offPeakTimes1->Count(); i++)
+ AssertL((*offPeakTimes1)[i]==(*offPeakTimes2)[i]);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, offPeakTimes1); // offPeakTimes1, offPeakTimes2, entry/account
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestScheduleSettingsL()
+ {
+ Public functions of CMsvScheduleSettings:
+ Tested Function
+ ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Yes void StoreL(CMsvStore&) const;
+ Yes void RestoreL(CMsvStore&);
+ Yes void Reset();
+ Yes void SetSendExe(const TDesC&);
+ Yes const TDesC& SendExe() const;
+ Yes void SetPriority(const TInt);
+ Yes const TInt Priority() const;
+ Yes void SetValidityPeriod(const TTimeIntervalMinutes&);
+ Yes const TTimeIntervalMinutes& ValidityPeriod() const;
+ Yes void SetIntervalType(const TIntervalType);
+ Yes const TIntervalType IntervalType() const;
+ Yes void SetLongInterval(const TTimeIntervalSeconds&);
+ Yes const TTimeIntervalSeconds& LongInterval() const;
+ Yes void SetShortInterval(const TTimeIntervalSeconds&);
+ Yes const TTimeIntervalSeconds& ShortInterval() const;
+ Yes const CArrayFixFlat<TTimeIntervalSeconds>& VariableIntervals() const;
+ Yes void SetVariableIntervalsL(const CArrayFixFlat<TTimeIntervalSeconds>&);
+ Yes const TTimeIntervalSeconds& Latency() const;
+ Yes void SetLatency(const TTimeIntervalSeconds&);
+ iRTest.Next(_L("Schedule Settings Test - CMsvScheduleSettings"));
+ CMsvScheduleSettings* settings1 = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(settings1);
+ CMsvScheduleSettings* settings2 = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(settings2);
+ settings1->SetIntervalType(EDaily);
+ settings1->SetLatency(6);
+ settings1->SetLongInterval(6);
+ settings1->SetShortInterval(6);
+ settings1->SetValidityPeriod(6);
+ settings1->SetPriority(1);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TTimeIntervalSeconds>* times = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTimeIntervalSeconds>(20);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(times);
+ times->AppendL(6);
+ times->AppendL(6);
+ times->AppendL(6);
+ settings1->SetVariableIntervalsL(*times);
+ // access sms account settings
+ CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
+ CMsvScheduleSettings* scheduleSettings = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduleSettings);
+ CMsvOffPeakTimes* offPeakTimes = new(ELeave) CMsvOffPeakTimes;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(offPeakTimes);
+ CMsvSendErrorActions* errorActions = CMsvSendErrorActions::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(errorActions);
+ CMsvSysAgentActions* sysAgentActions = new (ELeave) CMsvSysAgentActions();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(sysAgentActions);
+ // read existing settings
+ TRAPD(ignor, account->LoadSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions));
+ // write
+ account->SaveSettingsL(*settings1, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions);
+ // read
+ account->LoadSettingsL(*settings2, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions);
+ // restore settings
+ account->SaveSettingsL(*scheduleSettings, *offPeakTimes, *errorActions, *sysAgentActions);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, scheduleSettings);
+// Not doing anything?
+// CMsvScheduleSettings* aDefaultSettings = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL();
+// CleanupStack::PushL(aDefaultSettings);
+// aSettings2->Reset();
+// AssertL(*aDefaultSettings==*aSettings2);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, settings1); // settings1, settings2, times, entry/account
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSysAgentActionsL()
+ {
+ CMsvSysAgentActions* actions = new (ELeave) CMsvSysAgentActions();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(actions);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(actions);
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSchedulingMessagesL()
+ {
+ //make a message and schedule it in 1 second
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+// t += TTimeIntervalSeconds(2);
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("Message created at "));
+ iRTest << t;
+ iSelection->ResizeL(0);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage);
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ AssertL(iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState() == 0);
+ TTime t2 = TestL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection).iTime;
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("Message scheduled at "));
+ iRTest << t2;
+ //Test that the time is still the same
+ //check that it worked
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("Message iDate "));
+ iRTest << iMsvEntry->Entry().iDate;
+ AssertL(CompareRoundedTimes(iMsvEntry->Entry().iDate, t2));
+ const TInt sendState = iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState();
+ AssertL(sendState == KMsvSendStateSent);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSchedulingOldMessagesL()
+ {
+ //Make a message and schedule it yesterday
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ t -= TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ iSelection->ResizeL(0);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage);
+ TTime t2(TestL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime);
+ //did it get scheduled?
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ AssertL(iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState() == KMsvSendStateScheduled);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ //should be scheduled in the future
+ iRTest << t2 << now;
+ AssertL(t2 > now);
+ ChangeMessageTimeL(testMessage, t);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSchedulingOffPeakMessagesL()
+ {
+ //make a message and schedule it for off-peak
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ t += TTimeIntervalSeconds(1);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("Trying to schedule at"));
+ iRTest<<t;
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t, ETrue);
+ iSelection->ResizeL(0);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetNowOffPeak, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ ChangeMessageTimeL(testMessage, t);
+ TTime t2 = TestL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ ChangeMessageTimeL(testMessage, t);
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ TMsvEntry resultingEntry = iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ AssertL(resultingEntry.SendingState() == KMsvSendStateScheduled);
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ AssertL(DiffInMins(t2, now) < 5); // About now
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetNowNotOffPeak, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ t2 = TestL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ AssertL(DiffInMins(t2, now) > (60 * 22)); // Tomorrow sometime
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetFirstOffPeakBest, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ t2 = TestL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ AssertL(DiffInMins(t2, now) > (60 * 22)); // Tomorrow sometime
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetLastOffPeakBest, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ t2 = TestL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ AssertL(DiffInMins(t2, now) > (60 * 22)); // Tomorrow sometime
+ //Tidy up after ourselves!
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EDeleteScheduleL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestReschedulingMessagesL()
+ {
+ //Make a message and schedule it in 1 second
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ t += TTimeIntervalSeconds(4);
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ iSelection->ResizeL(0);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //Set the retry time
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetRetryImmediately, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //Reschedule the message
+ TTime t2 = TestL(EReScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ //Still scheduled?
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ AssertL(iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState() == KMsvSendStateResend);
+ //Check the time is in KShortInterval seconds from t
+ TTime test = t + TTimeIntervalSeconds(KShortInterval);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("KShortInterval seconds different "));
+ iRTest<<t2<< test;
+ AssertL(DiffInSecs(test, t2) < 10);
+ //Resend several times. Each time AssertL that the time is correct.
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetRetryLater, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ t2 = TestL(EReScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ test = t + TTimeIntervalSeconds(KLongInterval);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("KLongInterval seconds different"));
+ iRTest<< t2 << test;
+ AssertL(DiffInSecs(test,t2)< 5);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetNoRetry, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EReScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetRetryVariable, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ t2 = TestL(EReScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ test = t + TTimeIntervalSeconds(KFirstInterval);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("KFirstInterval seconds different"));
+ iRTest<< t2 << test;
+ AssertL(DiffInSecs(test, t2) < 5);
+ t2 = TestL(EReScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ test = t + TTimeIntervalSeconds(KSecondInterval);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("KSecondInterval seconds different"));
+ iRTest<<t2<< test;
+ AssertL(DiffInSecs(test, t2) < 5);
+ t2 = TestL(EReScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue).iTime;
+ test = t + TTimeIntervalSeconds(KThirdInterval);
+ iRTest.Printf(_L("KThirdInterval seconds different"));
+ iRTest<<t2<< test;
+ AssertL(DiffInSecs(test, t2) < 5);
+ //Tidy up.
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EDeleteScheduleL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestReschedulingNonScheduledMessagesL()
+ {
+ //Make a message and schedule it in 1 second
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ t += TTimeIntervalSeconds(1);
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage);
+ //Reschedule the message
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EReScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //Are we scheduled now?
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ AssertL(iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState() == KMsvSendStateResend);
+ //Tidy up.
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EDeleteScheduleL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestSchedulingMessagesTwiceL()
+ {
+ //make a message
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ t += TTimeIntervalSeconds(1);
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ //schedule it for real soon now
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //schedule it for tomorrow too
+ t += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+ ChangeMessageTimeL(testMessage, t);
+ //TTime t2 = TestL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue));
+ //assert message scheduled.
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ AssertL(iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState() == KMsvSendStateScheduled);
+ //look for the message
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ //check its time is tomorrow
+// AssertL(DiffInMins(t2,now) > (23*60));
+ //Get rid of it
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EDeleteScheduleL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestDeletingMessagesL()
+ {
+ //make a message and schedule it for tomorrow
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ t += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+ iSelection->Reset();
+ TMsvId testMessage1 = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage1);
+ TMsvId testMessage2 = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage2);
+ TMsvId testMessage3 = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage3);
+ TInt schCountOld, schCountNew;
+ TInt schSize;
+ DisplayAllSchedulesL(schCountOld, schSize);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //delete the schedule
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EDeleteScheduleL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ DisplayAllSchedulesL(schCountNew, schSize);
+// AssertL (schCountNew <= schCountOld);
+ //deleted message should now be suspended
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage1);
+ AssertL (iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState()==KMsvSendStateSuspended);
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage2);
+ AssertL (iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState()==KMsvSendStateSuspended);
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage3);
+ AssertL (iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState()==KMsvSendStateSuspended);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//testMessages
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestDeletingNonScheduledMessagesL()
+ {
+ //make a message but don't schedule it
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ t += TTimeIntervalDays(1);
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t);
+ //delete the message from the scheduler
+ iSelection->ResizeL(0);
+ iSelection->AppendL(testMessage);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EDeleteScheduleL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //deleted message should now be suspended
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ AssertL (iMsvEntry->Entry().SendingState()==KMsvSendStateSuspended);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+void CSchSendTest::TestCheckScheduleL()
+ {
+ //make a message and schedule it at T1
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ TTime t1;
+ t1.HomeTime();
+ t1 += TTimeIntervalHours(1);
+ TMsvId testMessage = CreateMessageLC(entry, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, t1);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(EScheduleAllL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //change the date in the message to T2
+ TTime t2 = t1 + TTimeIntervalHours(1);
+ ChangeMessageTimeL(testMessage, t2);
+ //check the schedule
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ECheckScheduleL, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ //the date should now be T1
+ iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(testMessage);
+ //TMsvEntry newEntry = iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ //AssertL(newEntry.iDate == t1); // not implemented yet
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//testMessage
+ }
+// leaves unless the test leaves with KErrNoMemory for every memory failure
+const TSchSendTestProgress& CSchSendTest::TestL(TSchSendTestOperation aOp,
+ CMsvEntrySelection& aSel,
+ TBool aBool /*= EFalse*/)
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ if (iHeapTest)
+ {
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ESetIncrementalHeapFailure, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ do
+ {
+ TRAP(error,
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(aOp, aSel, aBool);
+ );
+ } while(error == KErrNoMemory);
+ iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(ENoIncrementalHeapFailure, *iSelection, ETrue);
+ User::LeaveIfError(error);
+ return iSchTestActive->Progress();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return iSchTestActive->TransferCommandSyncL(aOp, aSel, aBool);
+ }
+ }
+// Returns true if the test does not leave
+// Also if the test leaves with KErrNone, but that would be pathological.
+// Logs the test start/finish messages
+TBool CSchSendTest::DoTest(void (CSchSendTest::*aTest)(), TPtrC aText)
+ {
+ TestStart(++iCurrentTest, aText);
+ TRAPD(err, (this->*aTest)());
+ TestFinish(iCurrentTest, err);
+ return (err == KErrNone);
+ }
+TBool CSchSendTest::HeapTest(void (CSchSendTest::*aTest)(), TPtrC aText)
+ {
+ TestStart(++iCurrentTest, aText);
+// WriteComment(aText);
+ iHeapTest = ETrue;
+ TRAPD(err, (this->*aTest)());
+ TestFinish(iCurrentTest, err);
+ iHeapTest = EFalse;
+ return (err == KErrNone);
+ }