--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/suplsmshandler/test/testserver/src/Te_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This is an integration unit test class for the SUPL Sms Trigger Plug-in
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @prototype
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <wapmessage.h>
+#include "lbssuplpushprops.h"
+#include "lbsrootcenrepdefs.h"
+#include "Te_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep.h"
+#include "Te_SuplWdpWatcher.h"
+#include "Te_LbsSuplPush.h"
+#include "Te_LbsSuplSmsTriggerCommon.h"
+#include "Te_ErrorPattern.h"
+/** The port on which test SMS messages sent*/
+const TInt KSuplSmsTriggerTestPort = 7276;
+ * Constructor. It must call the SetTestStepName as the controlling
+ * framework uses the test step name immediately following construction to set
+ * up the step's unique logging ID.
+ */
+ {
+ SetTestStepName(KLbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep);
+ CTe_LbsSuplPush::SetTestObserver(this);
+ }
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ {
+ delete iSender;
+ delete iReceiver;
+ delete iWatcherLog;
+ }
+Creates the test step environment: the UDP message sender, the receiver part of the SUPL Push API,
+and the Watcher Framework logger.
+@return - always returns EPass.
+@leave If a error happens, it leaves with one of the system error codes.
+@see CTe_BaseStep::doTestStepPreambleL
+ */
+TVerdict CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::doTestStepPreambleL()
+ {
+ CTe_BaseStep::doTestStepPreambleL();
+ iSender = CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerSender::NewL(KSuplSmsTriggerTestPort , *this);
+ iReceiver = CLbsSuplPushRec::NewL(*this);
+ iWatcherLog = CTe_WatcherLog::NewL();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+Overrides pure virtual CTe_BaseStep::ReallyDoTestStepL. The test code is run here.
+@leave If a error happens, it leaves with one of the system error codes or EFail.
+void CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::ReallyDoTestStepL()
+ {
+ // Get the CategoryUid from the cenrep file owned by LbsRoot.
+ TInt category;
+ CRepository* rep = CRepository::NewLC(KLbsCenRepUid);
+ User::LeaveIfError(rep->Get(KSuplPushAPIKey, category));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rep);
+ TUid propOwnerSecureId = TUid::Uid(category);
+ //Reset the values set by previous tests
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(propOwnerSecureId, KLbsSuplPushSmsBusyKey, 1));
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(propOwnerSecureId, KLbsSuplPushSmsAckKey, 0));
+ User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(propOwnerSecureId, KLbsSuplPushSmsInitKey, KNullDesC8));
+ iMsgMaxCount = 1;
+ //Successfuly send/receive a single message
+ CLbsSuplWdpWatcher* wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ CTe_LbsSuplWdpWatcher::DisableAsserts();
+ wdpWatcher->OnTimerError(0, KErrGeneral); //Just to improve code coverage
+ CTe_LbsSuplWdpWatcher::EnableAsserts();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ //Successfuly send/receive several messages
+ wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ for(TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+ {
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ //Memory allocation failure test - creation of WdpWatcher
+ User::__DbgSetAllocFail(EFalse ,RAllocator::EFailNext, 1);
+ TInt* marker = new TInt(0);
+ delete marker;
+ if(!marker) //We only do memory failure tests for the udeb build of the OS
+ {
+ marker = new TInt(0);
+ delete marker;
+ for(TInt i=1; marker; i++)
+ {
+ User::__DbgSetAllocFail(EFalse ,RAllocator::EFailNext, i);
+ TRAPD(err, wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog); CleanupStack::Pop(wdpWatcher));
+ marker = new TInt(0);
+ delete marker;
+ if(!marker || (marker && err==KErrNone))
+ {
+ if(wdpWatcher==0)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(wdpWatcher);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected | CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ }
+ }
+ //Memory allocation failure test - CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::RunL method
+ marker = new TInt(0);
+ delete marker;
+ for(TInt i=1; marker; i++)
+ {
+ //reset the previous errors and reset the message counter
+ iUnexpectedError = KErrNone;
+ iRecvFillDigit=iSendFillDigit;
+ wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ User::__DbgSetAllocFail(EFalse ,RAllocator::EFailNext, i);
+ //we have to set time limitation here if leave occurs and the msg is not processed
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(15000000);
+ marker = new TInt(0);
+ delete marker;
+ if(marker) //memory leak occurs in our code or in the ActiveScheduler
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize));
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(11000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ }
+ }
+ else //memory leak does not occur in our code
+ {
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ }
+ }
+ //Error on starting listening for new messages and restoring the connection afterwards
+ wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ //The port is occupied here
+ CLbsSuplWdpWatcher* wdpWatcher2 = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(wdpWatcher2);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(wdpWatcher2);
+ wdpWatcher2->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ wdpWatcher2->Cancel(); //This is added to test CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::DoCancel method
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(5000000);
+ wdpWatcher2->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(10000000);
+ wdpWatcher2->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ wdpWatcher2->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher2);
+ //Sync error while receiving message size
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::AppendErrorL(KModuleUid, ECWapBoundDatagramService_AwaitRecvDataSize,
+ 1, KErrGeneral, EFalse);
+ wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(5000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(10000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::Reset();
+ //Sync error while receiving message size - on the second message
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::AppendErrorL(KModuleUid, ECWapBoundDatagramService_AwaitRecvDataSize,
+ 2, KErrGeneral, EFalse);
+ wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(5000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(10000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::Reset();
+ //Async error while receiving message size
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::AppendAsyncErrorL(KModuleUid, ECWapBoundDatagramService_AwaitRecvDataSize,
+ 1, KErrGeneral, EFalse);
+ wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(5000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(10000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::Reset();
+ //Sync error while receiving message
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::AppendErrorL(KModuleUid, ECWapBoundDatagramService_RecvFrom,
+ 1, KErrGeneral, EFalse);
+ wdpWatcher = CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::NewLC(iWatcherLog);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(5000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EDisconnected);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start(10000000);
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ iRecvFillDigit=iSendFillDigit;
+ SendMessage(iSendFillDigit++);
+ iSchedulerWait->Start();
+ wdpWatcher->CheckStateL(CLbsSuplWdpWatcher::EAwaitingDataSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iUnexpectedError);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wdpWatcher);
+ RTe_ErrorPattern::Reset();
+ }
+Overrides the pure virtual MTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerSenderObserver::OnMessageSent. Receives the result
+of the message sending.
+@param aError [In] The error code or KErrNone if successful.
+@see MTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerSenderObserver::OnMessageSent
+@see CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerSender::SendMessage
+void CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::OnMessageSent(TInt aError)
+ {
+ if(aError!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ iUnexpectedError = aError;
+ iSchedulerWait->AsyncStop();
+ return;
+ }
+ iMsgCount++;
+ if(iMsgCount<iMsgMaxCount) //continue to send messages
+ {
+ SendMessage(iMsgCount);
+ }
+ else //create the receiver and start to process messages
+ {
+ if(iMsgMaxCount>1)
+ {
+ User::After(5000000);
+ }
+ iMsgCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+Overrides the pure virtual MLbsSuplPushRecObserver::OnSuplInit. Receives notifications about
+incoming SUPL INIT messages.
+@param aChannel [In] The channel the call-back is related to.
+@param aReqId [In] An Id of the request the call-back is related to.
+@param aMsg [In] A buffer containing a SUPL INIT message.
+@see MLbsSuplPushRecObserver::OnSuplInit
+@see CLbsSuplPushRec
+void CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::OnSuplInit(TLbsSuplPushChannel aChannel,
+ TLbsSuplPushRequestId /*aReqId*/, TDesC8& aMsg)
+ {
+ if(aChannel!=ELbsSuplPushChannelSMS || !CompareMessage(iRecvFillDigit++, aMsg))
+ {
+ if(aChannel!=ELbsSuplPushChannelSMS)
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::OnSuplInit: aChannel!=ELbsSuplPushChannelSMS"));
+ }
+ iUnexpectedError = KErrGeneral;;
+ iSchedulerWait->AsyncStop();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Overrides the pure virtual MLbsSuplPushObserver::OnSuplInitComplete. Receives message delivery
+@param aChannel [In] The channel the call-back is related to.
+@param aReqId [In] An Id of the request the call-back is related to.
+@param aError [In] KErrNone if successful, KErrTimeout if it was not possible to deliver
+ the request before the timeout period, KErrArgument if the structure
+ or content of the SUPL INIT message was incorrect.
+ Any system wide error code otherwise.
+@param aReserved [In] Reserved for future use.
+@see MLbsSuplPushObserver::OnSuplInitComplete
+@see CLbsSuplPush
+void CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::OnSuplInitComplete(TLbsSuplPushChannel aChannel,
+ TLbsSuplPushRequestId /*aReqId*/, TInt /*aError*/, TInt /*aReserved*/)
+ {
+ if(aChannel!=ELbsSuplPushChannelSMS)
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::OnSuplInit: aChannel!=ELbsSuplPushChannelSMS"));
+ iUnexpectedError = KErrGeneral;;
+ iSchedulerWait->AsyncStop();
+ return;
+ }
+ iMsgCount++;
+ if(iMsgCount==iMsgMaxCount)
+ {
+ iSchedulerWait->AsyncStop();
+ }
+ }
+Generates and sends a UDP message using the CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerSender object.
+@param aNum [In] The number used to fill the message.
+@see CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::OnMessageSent
+@see CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::CompareMessage
+void CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::SendMessage(TUint aNum)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::SendMessage: msg %d"), aNum);
+ aNum = aNum%10;
+ iMessage.Zero();
+ TInt maxLength = iMessage.MaxLength();
+ for(TInt i=0;i<maxLength;i++)
+ {
+ iMessage.AppendNum(aNum);
+ }
+ iMessage[0] = 0;
+ iMessage[1] = 0;
+ // set the encoded length field
+ iMessage[0] |= (TUint8)( maxLength >> 8 );
+ iMessage[1] |= (TUint8)( maxLength );
+ iSender->SendMessage(iMessage);
+ }
+Generates a message using the pattern specified and compares it with the given message.
+@param aNum [In] The number used to fill the generated message.
+@return ETrue if the messages are identical, EFalse otherwise.
+@see CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::OnSuplInit
+@see CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::SendMessage
+TBool CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::CompareMessage(TUint aNum, TDesC8& aMsg)
+ {
+ aNum = aNum%10;
+ iMessage.Zero();
+ TInt maxLength = iMessage.MaxLength();
+ for(TInt i=0;i<maxLength;i++)
+ {
+ iMessage.AppendNum(aNum);
+ }
+ iMessage[0] = 0;
+ iMessage[1] = 0;
+ // set the encoded length field
+ iMessage[0] |= (TUint8)( maxLength >> 8 );
+ iMessage[1] |= (TUint8)( maxLength );
+ if(aMsg.Compare(iMessage)==0)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CTe_LbsSuplSmsTriggerIntegStep::CompareMessage: aMsg!=iMessage"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }