--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/wappushfw/tpushscriptbased/t_utils/httptestutils.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "httptestutils.h"
+#include "httptestcore.h"
+#if !defined __E32BASE_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+// for StartC32()
+#if !defined __C32COMM_H__
+#include <c32comm.h>
+#if !defined __IN_SOCK_H__
+#include <in_sock.h>
+// Constants
+_LIT(KTestPanic, "HttpTestUtils");
+const TInt KFailedTestsGranularity = 10;
+const TInt KMaxLogEntrySize = 256;
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+#define PDD_NAME _L("ECDRV")
+#define PDD_NAME _L("EUART1")
+#define PDD2_NAME _L("EUART2")
+#define PDD3_NAME _L("EUART3")
+#define PDD4_NAME _L("EUART4")
+#define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
+const TInt KMaxTempBuffize = 256;
+_LIT(KTestFileInputBase, "HttpTest");
+// CHTTPTestUtils
+CHTTPTestUtils::CHTTPTestUtils(const TDesC& aTitle)
+ : iTest(aTitle)
+// Default c'tor
+ {
+ iTest.Title();
+ iCanStartTest = ETrue;
+ }
+// D'tor
+ {
+ TTime endtime;
+ endtime.UniversalTime();
+ // Do resource handle leak test?
+ if (iDoResourceLeakTest)
+ ResourceLeakTest();
+ // End of tests - see if failed or ok
+ if (iFailedTests->Count())
+ {
+ TestHarnessFailed();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TestHarnessComplete();
+ }
+ // Log finish time
+ TDateTime t = endtime.DateTime();
+ LogIt(_L("Ended @ %d:%d:%d:%d"),t.Hour(),t.Minute(),t.Second(),t.MicroSecond());
+ TTime difftime(endtime.Int64() - iStartTime.Int64());
+ t = difftime.DateTime();
+ LogIt(_L("Execution time %d:%d:%d:%d"),t.Hour(),t.Minute(),t.Second(),t.MicroSecond());
+ // Close test harness
+ iTest.Close();
+ // Cleanup
+ iFailedTests->ResetAndDestroy();
+ delete iFailedTests;
+ // Close fileserver connection
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+EXPORT_C CHTTPTestUtils* CHTTPTestUtils::NewLC(const TDesC& aTitle)
+// Static factory c'tor
+ {
+ CHTTPTestUtils* self = new (ELeave) CHTTPTestUtils(aTitle);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aTitle);
+ return self;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CHTTPTestUtils* CHTTPTestUtils::NewL(const TDesC& aTitle)
+// Static factiry c'tor
+ {
+ CHTTPTestUtils* self = CHTTPTestUtils::NewLC(aTitle);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::CreateLogFiles(const TDesC& aTestName)
+ {
+ TBuf<128> logName(aTestName);
+ DefaultLogFileName(logName);
+ __OPEN_LOG2(logName);
+ logName.Append(_L(".SUMMARY"));
+ TInt error = iTestSummaryLogger.Connect();
+ if(error == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TParse p;
+ p.Set(logName, NULL, NULL);
+ iTestSummaryLogger.CreateLog(KHttpLogsDirName, p.NameAndExt(), EFileLoggingModeOverwrite);
+ iTestSummaryLogger.SetDateAndTime(ETrue, ETrue);
+ iTestSummaryLogger.Write(KTestHeader);
+ }
+ else
+ User::InfoPrint(_L("Log file create failed"));
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::ConstructL(const TDesC& aTitle)
+// Non-trivial c'tor
+ {
+ iCurrentTest=NULL;
+ // Create iFailedTests
+ iFailedTests = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CTestInfo> (KFailedTestsGranularity);
+ // Start up logging server connection
+ CreateLogFiles(aTitle);
+ iStartTime.UniversalTime();
+ TDateTime t = iStartTime.DateTime();
+ LogIt(_L("Started @ %d:%d:%d:%d"),t.Hour(),t.Minute(),t.Second(),t.MicroSecond());
+ // Find number of open resource handles
+ TInt processHandleCount=0;
+ RThread().HandleCount(processHandleCount,iStartHandleCount);
+ // Connect to file server for test scripts, ini-files etc.
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::JustStartTestL(const TDesC& aName)
+ {
+ if (iCanStartTest)
+ {
+ iCurrentTest= CTestInfo::NewL(aName, iTestCount, 0);
+ // Stop new test being started until this one has ended
+ iCanStartTest = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Panic client - bad usage - not allowed to nest tests
+ Panic(EBadStartTest);
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::StartTestL(const TDesC& aName)
+// Logs start of test aName
+ {
+ if (iCanStartTest)
+ {
+ // Add this test to failed test list - set errorcode to zero
+ CTestInfo* temp = CTestInfo::NewLC(aName, iTestCount + 1, 0);
+ iFailedTests->AppendL(temp);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // temp
+ iCurrentTest= temp;
+ // Increase RTest's test depth by Start-ing - increment test count
+ iTest.Start(aName);
+ ++iTestCount;
+ // Stop new test being started until this one has ended
+ iCanStartTest = EFalse;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName + 4> buf;
+ buf.Format(KTestStartingWithDesc, iTestCount, &aName);
+ WriteComment(buf);
+ // Reset iStepNumber - start at 1
+ iStepNumber = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Panic client - bad usage - not allowed to nest tests
+ Panic(EBadStartTest);
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::NextStep(const TDesC& aStepName)
+// Logs the next step in a test - for informative use.
+ {
+ if (!iCanStartTest)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName + 4> buf;
+ buf.Format(KNextTestStepWithDesc, iTestCount, iStepNumber, &aStepName);
+ WriteComment(buf);
+ iTest.Next(aStepName);
+ ++iStepNumber;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Panic client - bad usage - test not started
+ Panic(EBadStartTest);
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::JustEndTest()
+ {
+ // Allow new test to start
+ iCurrentTest = NULL;
+ iCanStartTest = ETrue;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::EndTest(TInt aErrorCode)
+// Logs end of test
+ {
+ if (!iCanStartTest)
+ {
+ // Get ptr to this test's entry in failed list - will be the last entry
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName + 4> buf;
+ TInt index = iFailedTests->Count();
+ CTestInfo* ptr = iFailedTests->At(--index);
+ if (aErrorCode)
+ {
+ // Set the error code
+ ptr->SetErrorCode(aErrorCode);
+ buf.Format(KTestFailed, iTestCount, aErrorCode);
+ iTest.Printf(KRTestFailed, aErrorCode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Remove entry from list of failed tests
+ delete ptr;
+ iFailedTests->Delete(index);
+ buf.Format(KTestPassed, iTestCount);
+ }
+ WriteComment(buf);
+ // Decrease RTest's test depth by End-ing
+ iTest.End();
+ // Allow new test to start. There's no iCurrentTest until StartTestL is invoked again
+ iCurrentTest = NULL;
+ iCanStartTest = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Panic client - bad usage - test not started
+ Panic(EBadEndTest);
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::LogIt(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...)
+// Messages to the front end emulator and to the WAP log
+ {
+ VA_LIST list;
+ VA_START(list,aFmt);
+ TBuf<2*KMaxFileName> buf;
+ buf.Zero();
+ if(iCurrentTest)
+ buf.Append(iCurrentTest->Name());
+ buf.Append(_L("> "));
+ buf.AppendFormatList(aFmt,list,this);
+ VA_END(list);
+ //write to the console and file, if not silent
+ if (!iSilent)
+ WriteComment(buf);
+ else // otherwise log to the file only
+ __LOG(buf);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::Overflow(TDes& aDes)
+ {
+ _LIT(KErrOverflowMsg, "...");
+ if( aDes.MaxLength() >= KErrOverflowMsg().Length() + aDes.Length() )
+ aDes.Append(KErrOverflowMsg);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::operator()(TInt aResult,TInt aLineNum)
+// Overload operator ()
+ {
+ iTest(aResult, aLineNum);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::operator()(TInt aResult)
+// Overload operator ()
+ {
+ iTest(aResult);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::PressAnyKey()
+// Request a key press from user and wait - unless we are running a script or we are being silent
+ {
+ if (!iScriptRunning && !iSilent)
+ {
+ iTest.Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("\nPress a key"));
+ iTest.Getch();
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::DumpData(const TDesC8& aData, TBool logIt)
+// Do a formatted dump of binary data, optionally logging it
+ {
+ // Iterate the supplied block of data in blocks of 16 bytes
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ TBuf<KMaxLogEntrySize> logLine;
+ TBuf<KMaxLogEntrySize> anEntry;
+ while (pos < aData.Length())
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%04x : "), pos);
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ // Hex output
+ TInt offset;
+ for (offset = 0; offset < 16; offset++)
+ {
+ if (pos + offset < aData.Length())
+ {
+ TInt nextByte = aData[pos + offset];
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%02x "), nextByte);
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L(" "));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L(": "));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ // Char output
+ for (offset = 0; offset < 16; offset++)
+ {
+ if (pos + offset < aData.Length())
+ {
+ TInt nextByte = aData[pos + offset];
+ if ((nextByte >= 32) && (nextByte <= 127))
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%c"), nextByte);
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("."));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L(" "));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ if (logIt)
+ {
+ LogIt(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%S"), &logLine);
+ }
+ else if (!iSilent)
+ {
+ iTest.Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%S\n"), &logLine);
+ }
+ logLine.Zero();
+ // Advance to next 16 byte segment
+ pos += 16;
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::GetAnEntry(const TDesC& ourPrompt, TDes& currentstring)
+// Get an input string from the user, displaying a supplied prompt and default string value
+ {
+ // If we're scripting, try reading from script first
+ TInt readScriptErr = KErrNotFound;
+ if (iScriptRunning)
+ {
+ readScriptErr = ReadLineFromScript(currentstring);
+ }
+ if (!readScriptErr)
+ return;
+ // Either not scripting, or hit end of script - continue with user input
+ TBuf16<KMaxUserEntrySize> ourLine;
+ TBuf<KMaxUserEntrySize> tempstring; //tempstring is a unicode descriptor
+ //create a temporary buffer where the
+ //unicode strings are stored in order to
+ //be displayed
+ ourLine.Zero ();
+ tempstring.Copy(currentstring); //Copy current string to Unicode buffer
+ TKeyCode key = EKeyNull; //current string buffer is 8 bits wide.
+ //Unicode string bufffer (tempstring) is 16 bits wide.
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (ourLine.Length () == 0)
+ {
+ iTest.Console()->SetPos (0, iTest.Console()->WhereY ());
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L ("%S"), &ourPrompt);
+ if (tempstring.Length () != 0) //get tempstring's number of items
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L (" = %S"), &tempstring); //if not zero print them to iTest.Console()
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L (" : "));
+ iTest.Console()->ClearToEndOfLine ();
+ }
+ key = iTest.Getch();
+ if (key == EKeyBackspace)
+ {
+ if (ourLine.Length() !=0)
+ {
+ ourLine.SetLength(ourLine.Length()-1);
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L ("%c"), key);
+ iTest.Console()->SetPos(iTest.Console()->WhereX(),iTest.Console()->WhereY());
+ iTest.Console()->ClearToEndOfLine();
+ } // end if (ourLine.Length() !=0)
+ } // end if (key == KeyBackSpace)
+ if (key == EKeyDelete)
+ {
+ ourLine.Zero();
+ iTest.Console()->SetPos (0, iTest.Console()->WhereY ());
+ iTest.Console()->ClearToEndOfLine ();
+ tempstring.Copy(ourLine);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (key == EKeyEnter)
+ break;
+ if (key < 32)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ourLine.Append (key);
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L ("%c"), key);
+ iTest.Console()->SetPos(iTest.Console()->WhereX(),iTest.Console()->WhereY());
+ iTest.Console()->ClearToEndOfLine();
+ if (ourLine.Length () == ourLine.MaxLength ())
+ break;
+ } // end of for statement
+ if ((key == EKeyEnter) && (ourLine.Length () == 0))
+ tempstring.Copy (currentstring); //copy contents of 8 bit "ourLine" descriptor
+ iTest.Console()->SetPos (0, iTest.Console()->WhereY ());
+ iTest.Console()->ClearToEndOfLine ();
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L ("%S"), &ourPrompt);
+ if ((key == EKeyEnter) && (ourLine.Length() !=0))
+ tempstring.Copy(ourLine);
+ if (tempstring.Length () != 0) //if temstring length is not zero
+ {
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L (" = %S\n"), &tempstring); //print the contents to iTest.Console()
+ LogIt(_L ("%S = %S\n"), &ourPrompt, &tempstring);
+ }
+ else
+ //iTest.Console()->Printf (_L (" is empty"));
+ iTest.Console()->Printf (_L ("\n"));
+ currentstring.Copy(tempstring); //copy 16 bit tempstring descriptor back
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CHTTPTestUtils::GetSelection(const TDesC& ourPrompt, const TDesC& validChoices)
+// Present the user with a list of options, and get their selection
+ {
+ // If we're scripting, try reading from script first
+ TInt readScriptErr = KErrNotFound;
+ if (iScriptRunning)
+ {
+ TBuf<1> oneCharBuf;
+ readScriptErr = ReadLineFromScript(oneCharBuf);
+ if (!readScriptErr)
+ {
+ return validChoices.Locate((TChar)oneCharBuf[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Either not scripting, or hit end of script - continue with user input
+ TKeyCode key = EKeyNull;
+ iTest.Console()->SetPos (0, iTest.Console()->WhereY ());
+ Print(ourPrompt);
+ iTest.Console()->Printf(_L("[%S] :"), &validChoices);
+ TInt retVal = KErrNotFound;
+ while (retVal == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ key = iTest.Getch();
+ // Check that key is in the list of valid choices
+ retVal = validChoices.Locate((TChar)key);
+ }
+ iTest.Console()->Printf(_L("%c\n\n"), key);
+ return retVal;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::SetScript(RFile& scriptFile)
+// Sets the file to be used for a test script - ie. a file that contains commands used by
+// GetEntry() and GetSelection()
+ {
+ iScriptFile = &scriptFile;
+ iScriptRunning = ETrue;
+ LogIt(_L("***SCRIPT STARTING***\n"));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::InitCommsL()
+ {
+ TInt ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD_NAME);
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret == KErrAlreadyExists?KErrNone:ret);
+#ifndef __WINS__
+ ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD2_NAME);
+ ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD3_NAME);
+ ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD4_NAME);
+ ret = User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret == KErrAlreadyExists?KErrNone:ret);
+ ret = StartC32();
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret == KErrAlreadyExists?KErrNone:ret);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::HoldOpenConnectionL()
+ {
+ RSocketServ sockSrvHnd;
+ TInt err = sockSrvHnd.Connect();
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ // Start UDP protocol stack
+ TProtocolDesc desc;
+ _LIT(KUdp, "udp");
+ err = sockSrvHnd.FindProtocol(KUdp(), desc);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ sockSrvHnd.StartProtocol(desc.iAddrFamily, desc.iSockType, desc.iProtocol, stat);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CHTTPTestUtils::ReleaseConnectionL()
+ {
+ RSocketServ sockSrvHnd;
+ TInt err = sockSrvHnd.Connect();
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ // Stop UDP protocol stack
+ TProtocolDesc desc;
+ _LIT(KUdp, "udp");
+ err = sockSrvHnd.FindProtocol(KUdp(), desc);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ sockSrvHnd.StopProtocol(desc.iAddrFamily, desc.iSockType, desc.iProtocol, stat);
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ }
+TInt CHTTPTestUtils::ReadLineFromScript(TDes& aBuffer)
+// Reads the next line from the script file, and sets the passed-in descriptor with its contents.
+// Returns KErrNone if reading succeeded; KErrNotFound if the EOF was reached. When EOF is reached,
+// the file is closed.
+ {
+ // *********************************
+ // Assume script is 8-bit text file
+ // *********************************
+ TBool isAComment = ETrue;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ TBuf<512> line;
+ while (isAComment && !err)
+ {
+ TFileText text;
+ text.Set(*iScriptFile);
+ line.SetLength(0);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ TBuf8<2> c;
+ err = iScriptFile->Read(c,1);
+ if (err && err != KErrEof)
+ {
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Error reading file: %d\n"), err);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (c.Length() == 0)
+ {
+ err = KErrEof;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (c[0] == '\n') // break out if it is CR
+ break;
+ else if (c[0] != 0x0d) // otherwise append the char, _unless_ it is a LF
+ line.Append(c[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone && line.Locate('/') != 0) // comment (only works if it's the first character)
+ {
+ isAComment = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ // The line read is not a comment, or have hit end of file
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ // copy to passed in descriptor, but do not allow an overflow
+ aBuffer.Copy(line.Left(aBuffer.MaxLength()));
+ LogIt(_L("***SCRIPT : read command '%S' ***\n"), &aBuffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iScriptFile->Close();
+ err = KErrNotFound;
+ iScriptRunning = EFalse;
+ LogIt(_L("***SCRIPT ENDED***\n"));
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::Panic(TInt aPanic)
+// Panic the client program.
+ {
+ User::Panic(KTestPanic,aPanic);
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::TestHarnessComplete()
+// Test harness completed without failures
+ {
+ WriteComment(KTestHarnessCompleted);
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::TestHarnessFailed()
+// Test harness has a failure - log information
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName + 4> buf;
+ buf.Format(KTestHarnessFailed, iFailedTests->Count());
+ WriteComment(buf);
+ // Log fialed tests' information
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<iFailedTests->Count(); ++ii)
+ {
+ CTestInfo* failed = iFailedTests->At(ii);
+ TPtrC name = failed->Name();
+ LogIt(KTestFailInfo, failed->Number(), &name, failed->ErrorCode());
+ }
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::ResourceLeakTest()
+// Creates a new test that fails if any there are any leaked resource handles
+ {
+ // Start new test
+ _LIT(KResourceTestName, "Resource Handle Leak Test");
+ TRAPD(error,StartTestL(KResourceTestName));
+ if (error !=KErrNone)
+ Panic(EBadStartTest);
+ // Find number of opened handles
+ TInt processHandleCount=0;
+ TInt threadHandleCount=0;
+ RThread().HandleCount(processHandleCount,threadHandleCount);
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ TInt openHandleCount = iStartHandleCount-threadHandleCount;
+ if ( openHandleCount !=0)
+ {
+ err = KErrGeneral;
+ LogIt(_L("Number leaked handles is %D"), openHandleCount);
+ }
+ EndTest(err);
+ }
+TInt CHTTPTestUtils::ResolveFile(const TDesC& aComponent, const TDesC& aFileName, TParse& aParseOut)
+ {
+ TFileName* savedPath = new TFileName;
+ TFileName* fileName = new TFileName;
+ if ((savedPath == NULL) || (fileName == NULL))
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ fileName->Append(KPathSep);
+ fileName->Append(KTestFileInputBase);
+ fileName->Append(KPathSep);
+ fileName->Append(aComponent);
+ fileName->Append(KPathSep);
+ fileName->Append(aFileName);
+ // file finder will look in the session drive first, then Y->A,Z
+ // so set session drive to Y (save old and restore it afterwards)
+ iFs.SessionPath(*savedPath);
+ _LIT(KTopDrive,"Y:\\");
+ iFs.SetSessionPath(KTopDrive);
+ TFindFile file_finder(iFs);
+ TInt err = file_finder.FindByDir(*fileName,KNullDesC);
+ if(err==KErrNone)
+ aParseOut.Set(file_finder.File(),NULL,NULL);
+ iFs.SetSessionPath(*savedPath);
+ delete savedPath;
+ delete fileName;
+ return(err);
+ }
+HBufC8* CHTTPTestUtils::ReadFileLC(const TDesC& aFile)
+ {
+ //Returns a HBufC8 with the contents of aFile
+ RFile file;
+ User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFs, aFile, EFileShareAny | EFileRead));
+ CleanupClosePushL(file);
+ TInt size = 0;
+ TInt err = file.Size(size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ iTest.Printf(_L("ReadFileLC(%S) leaving with %d. Unable to size file\n"), &aFile, err);
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ HBufC8* contents = HBufC8::NewLC(size + 4);
+ TPtr8 contentsPtr(contents->Des());
+ err = file.Read(0, contentsPtr);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ iTest.Printf(_L("ReadFileLC(%S) leaving with %d. Unable to read file\n"), &aFile, err);
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); //contents
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //file
+ CleanupStack::PushL(contents);
+ return contents;
+ }
+// CTestInfo
+// Default c'tor
+ {
+ }
+// D'tor
+ {
+ delete iName;
+ }
+CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo* CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo::NewLC(const TDesC& aName, TInt aNumber, TInt aErrorCode)
+// Static factory c'tor
+ {
+ CTestInfo* self = new (ELeave) CTestInfo();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aName, aNumber, aErrorCode);
+ return self;
+ }
+CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo* CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo::NewL(const TDesC& aName, TInt aNumber, TInt aErrorCode)
+// Static factory c'tor
+ {
+ CTestInfo* self = NewLC(aName, aNumber, aErrorCode);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
+ return self;
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo::ConstructL(const TDesC& aName, TInt aNumber, TInt aErrorCode)
+// Non-trivial c'tor
+ {
+ iName = aName.AllocLC();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // iName
+ iNumber = aNumber;
+ iErrorCode = aErrorCode;
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo::SetNameL(const TDesC& aName)
+// Sets iName
+ {
+ HBufC* temp = aName.AllocLC();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // temp
+ delete iName;
+ iName = temp;
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo::SetNumber(TInt aNumber)
+// Sets iNumber
+ {
+ iNumber = aNumber;
+ }
+void CHTTPTestUtils::CTestInfo::SetErrorCode(TInt aErrorCode)
+// Sets iErrorCode
+ {
+ iErrorCode = aErrorCode;
+ }
+#ifndef EKA2
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason /*aReason*/)
+// Main Dll entry point
+ {
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+#endif // EKA2
+void CHTTPTestUtils::Print(const TDesC& aDescriptor)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxTempBuffize> chunkOfPrompt;
+ TInt length = aDescriptor.Length();
+ TInt num=length/KMaxTempBuffize;
+ TInt rest=length%KMaxTempBuffize;
+ TInt iter;
+ if(num>0)
+ for(iter=0;iter<num;++iter)
+ {
+ chunkOfPrompt.Copy(aDescriptor.Mid(iter*KMaxTempBuffize,KMaxTempBuffize-1));
+ iTest.Console()->Printf(_L("%S "), & chunkOfPrompt);
+ }
+ chunkOfPrompt.Copy(aDescriptor.Mid(length-rest,rest));
+ iTest.Console()->Printf(_L("%S "), & chunkOfPrompt);
+ }