changeset 22 bde600d88860
parent 0 8e480a14352b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgsrvnstore/server/inc/msvindexadapter.h	Fri Jun 04 10:32:16 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ */
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <msvuids.h>
+#include <msvipc.h>
+#include "msvdbadapter.h"
+#include "msvcachevisiblefolder.h"
+	#include "msvpreferreddrivelist.h"	
+ */
+class CMsvEntryArray;
+class CMsvServer;
+class CMsvCacheEntry;
+class CMsvCacheVisibleFolder;
+class CMsvEntryFreePool;
+class CMsvSearchSortDeltaCache;
+ * Class: CMsvIndexAdapter
+ * 
+ * The class encapsulates DB adapter class (which queries the database
+ * for index entries) and cache (which stores recently accessed entry in
+ * memory). The class also manages the data structure for cache and also 
+ * works as background active object to perform low-priority job required
+ * for cache management. 
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CMsvIndexAdapter) : public CActive
+	{
+// Interfaces
+	class TMsvServerEntryInfo
+		{
+	public:
+		TMsvServerEntryInfo();
+		void Reset();
+	public:
+		TMsvId			iId;				// Masked TMsvId in PREQ 557.
+		TMsvId			iTopFolder;			// Masked TMsvId in PREQ 557.
+		TMsvId			iService;			// Unmasked TMsvId in PREQ 557.
+		TUid			iMtm;
+		TUid			iType;
+		TUid			iServiceMtm;
+		TSecureId		iEntryOwnerId;
+		TSecureId		iParentOwnerId;
+		TBool			iPartOfMessage;
+		};
+	class CNonCommittedAddedEntries
+		{
+	public:	
+		CNonCommittedAddedEntries(TMsvId aId, CMsvCacheEntry *aEntry):iVisibleFolder(aId),entry(aEntry)  {}
+		TMsvId iVisibleFolder;
+		CMsvCacheEntry *entry;
+		};
+	class TNonCommittedChangedEntries
+		{
+		public:	
+            TNonCommittedChangedEntries(CMsvCacheVisibleFolder *aOldFolderNode, CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* aNewFolderNode, 
+                                        CMsvCacheEntry *aEntry, CMsvCacheEntry* aBkpEntry, 
+                                        CMsvCacheEntry *aOldParentEntry, CMsvCacheEntry* aNewParentEntry, 
+                                        CMsvEntrySelection* aDescendentList, TBool aResetOldParentOwnerFlag)
+				:iOldVisibleFolderNode(aOldFolderNode),iNewVisibleFolderNode(aNewFolderNode), iEntry(aEntry), 
+				 iBkpEntry(aBkpEntry), iOldParentEntry(aOldParentEntry), iNewParentEntry(aNewParentEntry),
+				 iDescendentList(aDescendentList), iResetOldParentOwnerFlag(aResetOldParentOwnerFlag)  {}
+			CMsvCacheVisibleFolder *iOldVisibleFolderNode;
+			CMsvCacheVisibleFolder *iNewVisibleFolderNode;
+			CMsvCacheEntry *iEntry;
+			CMsvCacheEntry *iBkpEntry;
+			CMsvCacheEntry *iOldParentEntry;
+			CMsvCacheEntry *iNewParentEntry;
+			CMsvEntrySelection* iDescendentList;
+			TBool iResetOldParentOwnerFlag;
+		};
+	// New API added in PREQ 557.
+	static CMsvIndexAdapter* NewL(CMsvServer& aServer);
+	void GetChildrenAllL(TMsvId aId, CArrayPtr<const TMsvEntry>& aSelection, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, TUid aMtm, TBool aFilterByOwnerId, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	TInt GetChildrenIdAll(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);	
+	TInt GetChildrenIdAll(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TBool aFilterByOwnerId, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	void RemoveDriveL(TUint aDriveId, TUint aDriveIndex, TBool aIsStdFolderVisible = ETrue);
+	void GetInPreparationIds(CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TUint aDriveId = 0 /* All Drives */);
+	void AddDriveL(TUint aDrivePriority);
+	void ChangeDriveL(TUint aNewDriveIndex, TBool aIsStdFolderVisible = ETrue);	
+	inline TMsvId NextId(TUint aDriveId);
+	void ReloadCacheL();
+	// Functions to create class instance
+	static CMsvIndexAdapter* NewL(CMsvServer& aServer, const TFileName& aFileName);
+	static CMsvIndexAdapter* OpenL(CMsvServer& aServer, const TFileName& aFileName);	
+	inline TMsvId NextId();
+	void GetInPreparationIds(CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	inline void OpenclosedL(const TFileName& aDbFileName);
+	~CMsvIndexAdapter();
+	void SetLocalServiceComplete();
+	TInt AddEntry(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TBool aAutoAssignId);
+	TInt AddEntryToCommitListL(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TBool aAutoAssignId);
+	TInt AddEntryNoCommit(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TBool aAutoAssignId);
+	TInt DeleteEntry(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt DeleteSelection(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	TInt ExpandSelectionRecursively(CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	TInt ChangeEntry(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TBool aForcedUpdate);
+	TInt ChangeEntryNoCommit(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TBool aForcedUpdate);
+	TInt ChangeEntryInternal(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	TInt GetEntry(TMsvId aId, TMsvEntry*& aEntry);
+	TInt GetEntry(TMsvId aId, TMsvEntry*& aEntry, TSecureId& aOwnerId);
+	TInt GetEntryNoCache(TMsvId aId, TMsvEntry* aEntry);
+	void GetChildrenL(TMsvId aId, CArrayPtr<const TMsvEntry>& aSelection, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, TUid aMtm=KUidMsvNullEntry);
+	TInt GetChildrenId(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	void GetChildrenL(TMsvId aId, CArrayPtr<const TMsvEntry>& aSelection, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, TUid aMtm, TBool aFilterByOwnerId, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	TInt GetChildrenId(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TBool aFilterByOwnerId, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	TInt LockEntry(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt ReleaseEntry(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt IsEntryLocked(TMsvId aId, TBool& aLocked);
+	TInt LockStore(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt ReleaseStore(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt IsStoreLocked(TMsvId aId, TBool& aLocked);
+	TInt LockEntryAndStore(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt ReleaseEntryAndStore(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt IsEntryOrStoreLocked(TMsvId aId, TBool& aLocked);
+	TInt IsStoreReadingLocked(TMsvId aId, TBool& aLocked);
+	TInt IncStoreReaderCount(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt DecStoreReaderCount(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt OwningService(TMsvId aId, TMsvId& aService);
+	TInt IsLocal(TMsvId aId, TBool& aLocal);
+	TInt MoveEntry(TMsvId aId, TMsvId aTarget, CMsvEntrySelection* aDescendents = NULL);
+	TInt IsADescendent(TMsvId aAscendentId, TMsvId aDescendentId, TBool& aDescendent);
+	TBool EntryExists(TMsvId aId);
+	TInt ChangeTemporaryData(const TMsvEntry& aNewEntryContents);
+	TInt ChangeAttributes(CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes);
+	inline void SetNextId(TMsvId aSeedId);
+	inline void SetErrorState(TInt aError);
+	inline TInt ErrorState();
+	inline void DeleteDbAdapter();
+	TMsvIndexProgress& Progress();
+	TInt EntryTreeInfo(TMsvId aId, TMsvServerEntryInfo& aEntryInfo);
+	void CommitNonCommitedEntries();
+	TInt GetInternalEntry(TMsvId aId, CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry) ;
+	TBool GetNextSiblingL(TMsvId aId,TMsvId aParentId,TMsvId& aNextSiblingId);
+	TBool GetFirstChildIdL(TMsvId aParentId,TMsvId& aFirstChild);	
+	void UpdateDBWithCommitListL();	
+	TBool IsEntryOrStoreLocked(TMsvId aId);
+	void AddEntryNoVisibleL(CMsvCacheEntry* aEntry);
+	TInt DeleteSelectionUsingTransaction(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	TInt ForceDeleteEntry(TMsvId aId);
+	void BeginTransaction();
+	void CommitTransaction();
+	CMsvDBAdapter* GetDbAdapter();
+	void BackupDbAdpter();
+	void RestoreDbAdpter();
+	inline TDblQueIter<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder> GetVisibleFolderQueue();
+	void GetNonComittedAddedEntry(RPointerArray<CNonCommittedAddedEntries>*& a)	{a=&iNonCommittedAddedEntryList;}
+	RArray<TNonCommittedChangedEntries>& GetNonComittedChangedEntry()	{return iNonCommittedChangedEntryList;}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	void PrintL();
+#endif		// #ifdef _DEBUG
+	// Constructors
+	CMsvIndexAdapter(CMsvServer& aServer);
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	void ConstructL();
+	TUint GetNextAvailableDriveId();
+	void ConstructNewL(const TFileName& aDbFileName);
+	void ConstructOpenL(const TFileName& aDbFileName);
+	void CreateInitialSetOfEntriesL();
+	void CreateInitialCacheL();
+	void GetChildrenIdL(TMsvId aId, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	TBool NewAttributes(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TInt32& aNewData, TInt32& aNewPcSyncCount, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes, TBool& aPersistedFlagsChanged);
+	TBool FindEntryInCache(TMsvId aId, CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry);
+	TBool FindEntryL(TMsvId aId, CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry, TBool aAddEntryToCache = ETrue);
+	CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* AddEntryToCacheL(TMsvId aVisibleEntryId, CMsvCacheEntry* aEntry);
+	void DoAddEntryL(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TBool aAutoAssignId, TBool aCommitToDb = ETrue);
+	TBool GetVisibleFolderId(TMsvId aParentId, TMsvId& aVisibleFolderId);
+	CMsvEntryArray* DoGetChildrenL(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, TBool aFilterByOwnerId, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	void FilterChildrenListL(TMsvId aId, RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry> aChacheEntry, CMsvEntryArray& aEntryArray, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, TBool aFilterByOwnerId, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	void DoChangeAttributesL(CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes);
+	void DoChangeEntryL(const TMsvEntry& aNewEntryContents, TSecureId aOwnerId, TBool aChangeStandardFolder, TBool aForcedUpdate, TBool aCommitToFile);
+	void DoExpandSelectionRecursivelyL(TMsvId aId);
+	void DoDeleteSelectionL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	void UpdateDates(CMsvCacheEntry& aEntry, TBool aSetCreatedDate);
+	void DoMoveEntryL(TMsvId aId, TMsvId aTarget, CMsvEntrySelection* aDescendents = NULL);
+	void RollbackAdditions();
+	void RollbackChanges();
+	void ShiftEntryFolderL(TMsvId aNewVisibleFolderId, CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* aOldFolderNode, CMsvCacheEntry* aNewEntry);
+	void UpdateEntryInCacheL(CMsvCacheVisibleFolder*, TMsvId, TMsvId, CMsvCacheEntry*);
+	CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* UpdateCacheForMoveEntryL(TMsvId aNewVisibleFolderId, CMsvCacheEntry*& aOrigEntry, CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* aOldVisibleFolderNode, CMsvEntrySelection* aDescendents, TBool& aIsChildEntriesNeedsUpdation);
+	CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* DoChangeEntryPreambleL(CMsvCacheEntry*& aOldEntry, TMsvId aNewParentId, CMsvCacheEntry*& aOldParentEntry, CMsvCacheEntry*& aNewParentEntry, TMsvId aOldVisibleFolderId, TBool& aResetOldParentOwnerFlag, CMsvEntrySelection*& aDescendentList);
+	void DoChangeEntryPostamble(CMsvCacheVisibleFolder* aOldFolderNode, TMsvId aNewVisibleFolderId, TMsvId aEntryId, CMsvEntrySelection* aDescendentList, CMsvCacheEntry* aNewParentEntry, CMsvCacheEntry* aOldParentEntry, TBool aResetOldParentOwnerFlag);
+	void GetVisibleFolderDetailsL(TMsvId aEntryId, CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry, CMsvCacheVisibleFolder*& aVisibleFolder);
+	void DoDeleteSelectionUsingTransactionL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	void DoForceDeleteEntryL(TMsvId aId);
+	static TBool BackGroundOperations(TAny* aPtr);
+	TBool DoBackGroundOperations();
+	void DoBackGroundOperationsL(TBool& aStopBackgroundOperation);
+	TBool DoRemoveDeletedEntriesL();
+	TBool CheckAndAllocateMemoryL();
+	void SplitBlockL();
+	void CompleteSelf();
+// Data
+	// Required for server logging and file handling.
+	CMsvServer& 					iServer;
+	// Global Error for the class.
+	TInt 							iErrorState;
+	// Entry Cache
+	TDblQue<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder> iFolderListHeader;
+	// Reference to freepool object.
+	CMsvEntryFreePool* 				iFreePoolInstance;
+	// The database pointer for DB operation.
+	CMsvDBAdapter* 					iDbAdapter;
+	// It's just a temporary iDbAdapter pointer to handle backup/restore scenario's
+	CMsvDBAdapter* 					iTempDbAdapter;
+	TInt 							iOrigEntryPos;
+	CMsvEntrySelection*				iRecursionSelection;
+	TInt 							iRecursionIndex;
+	// List of newly added non committed entries.
+	RPointerArray<CNonCommittedAddedEntries> iNonCommittedAddedEntryList;
+	// List of newly changed non committed entries.
+	RArray<TNonCommittedChangedEntries> iNonCommittedChangedEntryList;
+	CIdle* 							iIdle;	
+	CMsvCacheEntry*					iRootEntry;
+	TMsvIndexProgress 				iProgress;
+	TInt 							iBackgroundOperationPerformed;
+	enum  {
+		   ENoOperation,
+		   ERemoveDeletedEntries,
+		   EAllocateMemoryOperation,
+		   ECheckBlockSize
+		   } iBackgroundOperationState;
+	TUint 							iFirstFreeDriveId;
+	RArray<TMsvId>					iMaxMsvIdList;
+	CMsvCacheVisibleFolder*			iRootNode;
+	// Next unused TMsvId. To be used while creating new entry.
+	TMsvId 							iNextCreateId;
+	friend class CMsvSearchSortCacheEntry;
+	friend class CTestIndexAdapter;
+	friend class CTestIndexContext;
+	};
+ ***********  INLINE FUNCTIONS   ************
+ */
+inline void CMsvIndexAdapter::SetErrorState(TInt aError)
+	{
+	iErrorState = aError;
+	}
+inline TInt CMsvIndexAdapter::ErrorState()
+	{
+	return iErrorState;
+	}
+inline CMsvDBAdapter* CMsvIndexAdapter::GetDbAdapter()
+	{
+	return iDbAdapter;
+	}
+inline void CMsvIndexAdapter::DeleteDbAdapter()
+	{
+	delete iDbAdapter;
+	iDbAdapter = NULL;
+	}
+// Code added for PREQ 557.
+inline TMsvId CMsvIndexAdapter::NextId(TUint aDriveId)
+	{
+	aDriveId = (aDriveId == 0)? KCurrentDriveId : aDriveId;
+	return iMaxMsvIdList[aDriveId]++;
+	}
+inline TUint GetDriveId(TMsvId aMaskedId)
+	{
+	TUint driveId = ( (aMaskedId & ~KDriveMask) >> 28);
+	if(0 == driveId)
+		{
+		driveId = KCurrentDriveId;	
+		}
+	return driveId;
+	}
+inline TMsvId UnmaskTMsvId(TMsvId aMaskedId)
+	{
+	return (aMaskedId & KDriveMask);
+	}
+inline TBool IsStandardId(TMsvId aId)
+	{
+	if(UnmaskTMsvId(aId) < KMsvUnkownServiceIndexEntryIdValue)
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+inline TBool IsStandardFolder(TMsvId aId)
+	{
+	if(UnmaskTMsvId(aId) < KMsvUnkownServiceIndexEntryIdValue &&
+	   UnmaskTMsvId(aId) > KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryIdValue )
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+inline TMsvId MaskTMsvId(TUint aDriveId, TMsvId aUnmaskedId)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDriveId <= 7, User::Invariant());
+	return (UnmaskTMsvId(aUnmaskedId) | (aDriveId << 28));
+	}
+// Wrap DB error and return KErrGeneral instead.
+inline void WrapDBErrorL(TInt err)
+	{	
+	// Do not return DB error.
+	if(err <= KSqlErrGeneral)
+		{
+		// If DB Error, return KErrGeneral.
+		User::LeaveIfError(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::LeaveIfError(err);
+		}
+	}
+inline void CMsvIndexAdapter::BackupDbAdpter()
+	{
+	iTempDbAdapter = iDbAdapter;
+	iDbAdapter = NULL;
+	}
+inline void CMsvIndexAdapter::RestoreDbAdpter()
+	{
+	iDbAdapter = iTempDbAdapter;
+	iTempDbAdapter = NULL;
+	}
+inline TMsvId CMsvIndexAdapter::NextId()
+	{
+	return iNextCreateId++;
+	}
+inline void CMsvIndexAdapter::OpenclosedL(const TFileName& aDbFileName)
+	{
+	iDbAdapter = CMsvDBAdapter::OpenL(aDbFileName);
+	}
+inline TDblQueIter<CMsvCacheVisibleFolder> CMsvIndexAdapter::GetVisibleFolderQueue()
+	{
+	return iFolderListHeader;	
+	}	
+#endif // __MSVINDEXADAPTER_H__