changeset 22 bde600d88860
parent 0 8e480a14352b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgsrvnstore/server/src/msvmessagedbadapter.cpp	Fri Jun 04 10:32:16 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1457 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors: Neeraj Nayan
+// Description: The class provides interface to read/write header and
+// body entry from the database.
+ */
+#include "msvpreferreddrivelist.h"		// Preferred drive list.
+#include "msvmessagedbadapter.h"		// Header file for this class.
+#include "msvindexadapter.h"			// For GetDriveId()
+#include "msvdbadapter.h"				// For BindL() and handle to CMsvDBAdapter while constructing
+ */
+const TInt KMaxQueryLength = 1000;
+// Macros to wrap DB error. KErrGeneral is thrown for
+// all DB error. Make sure you declare 'err' before 
+// using these macros.
+#define MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(x) TRAP(err, x); \
+							 if(err<=KSqlErrGeneral) User::Leave(KErrGeneral); \
+							 User::LeaveIfError(err);							 
+#define MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(errTxt) err = errTxt; \
+							if(err<=KSqlErrGeneral) User::Leave(KErrGeneral); \
+							else User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ */
+ * CMsvMessageDBAdapter()
+ * The default Constructor. 
+ */
+CMsvMessageDBAdapter::CMsvMessageDBAdapter(CMsvDBAdapter* aDBAdapter):
+		iDBAdapter(aDBAdapter), iDatabaseRef(aDBAdapter->iDatabase)
+	{
+	}
+ * ~CMsvMessageDBAdapter()
+ * The default Destructor. 
+ */
+	{
+	iHeaderDataList.ResetAndDestroy();
+	}
+ * NewL()
+ * 
+ * @param CMsvDBAdapter* : A reference to database adapter class.
+ * @return CMsvMessageDBAdapter* : A reference to CMsvMessageDBAdapter
+ * class.
+ * 
+ * Allocates and constructs a new CMsvMessageDBAdapter object.
+ */
+CMsvMessageDBAdapter* CMsvMessageDBAdapter::NewL(CMsvDBAdapter* aDBAdapter,TBool aDbInCurrentDrive)
+	{
+	//Create the DBAdapter object.
+	CMsvMessageDBAdapter* self = new(ELeave) CMsvMessageDBAdapter(aDBAdapter);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aDbInCurrentDrive);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+ * ConstructL()
+ * 
+ * The function populates metadata structure. A metadata structure
+ * contains information about metadata table which is later used to 
+ * create and update header entries. The structure is updated whenever
+ * a new header table is created in the database.
+ */ 
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::ConstructL(TBool aDbInCurrentDrive)
+	{
+	// check if the operation are required for only single drive
+	// This is required for message store converter as it works only on 1 drive.
+	if(aDbInCurrentDrive)
+		{
+		iNonAttachedDrive = ETrue;
+		UpdateMetadataStructureL(KCurrentDriveId);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iNonAttachedDrive = EFalse;
+		for(TInt index=1; index<KMaxNumberOfDrives; index++)
+			{
+			if((*(iDBAdapter->iDatabasePresent))[index])
+				{
+				UpdateMetadataStructureL(index);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::UpdateMetadataStructureL(TUint aDriveId)
+	{
+	TInt err;
+	_LIT(KCheckHeaderTableQuery0, "SELECT tbl_name FROM DB");
+	_LIT(KCheckHeaderTableQuery1, ".sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND tbl_name LIKE 'Header_%';");
+	// 1. Get all the header table names from the SQLITE_MASTER table.
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	// Create the query string.
+	if(!iNonAttachedDrive)
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery0);
+		headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aDriveId);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery1);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		_LIT(KCheckHeaderTableQuery2, "SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND tbl_name LIKE 'Header_%';");
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery2);
+		}
+	//Prepare a statement for the query.
+	RSqlStatement sqlStmt;
+	RPointerArray<HBufC> headerTableNames;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sqlStmt);
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableNames);
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+	// Prepare a list of header table names.
+	HBufC* tableName = NULL;
+	while((err = sqlStmt.Next()) == KSqlAtRow)
+		{
+		MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(tableName = ColumnTextL(sqlStmt, 0));
+		CleanupStack::PushL(tableName);
+		headerTableNames.AppendL(tableName);
+		CleanupStack::Pop();
+		}
+	// 2. For each tablename read the table structure from the DB.
+	_LIT(KGetHeaderSchema1, "SELECT * FROM DB");
+	_LIT(KGetHeaderSchema2, ".");
+	_LIT(KGetHeaderSchema3, ";");
+	_LIT(KGetHeaderSchema4, "SELECT * FROM ");
+	while(headerTableNames.Count())
+		{
+		HBufC* tableName = headerTableNames[0];
+		TLex mtmId(tableName->Mid(tableName->Locate('_')+1));
+		TUid uid;
+		mtmId.Val(uid.iUid);
+		// Don't insert meta-data if we already have it for this mtmId.
+		if(GetMetadataEntryIndex(uid) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			delete tableName;
+			headerTableNames.Remove(0);
+			continue;
+			}
+		headerTableQuery.Zero();
+		sqlStmt.Close();
+		if(iNonAttachedDrive) // this is for msg converter. it refers to  a single drive
+			{
+			headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema4);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// This creates following string...
+			// "SELECT * FROM DB<driveId>.HEADER_<MtmId>;" 
+			headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema1);
+			headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aDriveId);
+			headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema2);
+			}
+		headerTableQuery.Append(tableName->Des());
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema3);
+		MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+		CHeaderMetaData* headerMetaData = new(ELeave) CHeaderMetaData();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(headerMetaData);
+		TInt metadataIndex = 0;
+		headerMetaData->iMtmId.iUid = uid.iUid;
+		TInt colCnt = sqlStmt.ColumnCount();
+		// Record the header structure, ignore first two fields (Id, UID).
+		TRAPD(err, 
+			for(TInt index=2; index<colCnt; index++)
+				{			
+				CFieldClass* fieldObj = new(ELeave) CFieldClass();
+				CleanupStack::PushL(fieldObj);
+				User::LeaveIfError(sqlStmt.DeclaredColumnType(index, fieldObj->iType));
+				TPtrC fieldName;
+				User::LeaveIfError(sqlStmt.ColumnName(index, fieldName));
+				fieldObj->iName = fieldName.AllocL();
+				headerMetaData->iFieldList.AppendL(fieldObj);
+				CheckStdColumnsAdded(fieldObj->iName, headerMetaData->iStdColumnStatus);
+				CleanupStack::Pop(fieldObj);
+				}
+			);
+		if(err)
+			{			
+			}
+		iHeaderDataList.InsertL(headerMetaData, metadataIndex);
+		CleanupStack::Pop();			// headerMetaData
+		delete tableName;
+		headerTableNames.Remove(0);
+		}		// while(headerTableNames.Count())
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // headerTableQuery, sqlStmt, headerTableNames
+	}
+ * IsHeaderTableExistsL()
+ *
+ * @param aMtmId: MTM ID of the header table.
+ * @return TBool: ETrue/EFalse
+ * 
+ * The function returns ETrue if the header table for 
+ * passed MTM ID already exists in the database. The 
+ * function works for only message server current drive.
+ */
+TBool CMsvMessageDBAdapter::IsHeaderTableExistsL(const TUid& aMtmId)
+	{
+	_LIT16(KCheckHeaderTableQuery1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DB");
+	_LIT16(KCheckHeaderTableQuery2, ".SQLITE_MASTER WHERE NAME LIKE 'Header_");
+	_LIT16(KCheckHeaderTableQuery3, "';");
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	// Create the query string.
+	// NAME LIKE 'Header_<mtm-id>';
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery1);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(KCurrentDriveId);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery2);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery3);
+	TInt count = 0;
+	TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery query(iDatabaseRef);
+	TRAPD(err, count = query.SelectIntL(headerTableQuery));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();			// headerTableQuery
+	// If the table exists, count will have value 1.
+	if(err == KErrNone && count == 1)
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	}
+ * CreateHeaderTableL()
+ *
+ * @param aMtmId: MTM ID of the table.
+ * @param aFieldDetails: Table structure details.
+ * @return aErrorMessage: Error message text, in case
+ * header table creation fails.
+ *
+ * The function creates separate header table for each MTM type. 
+ * If the table already exist, it simply exits without returning an error.
+ */
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::CreateHeaderTableL(const TUid& aMtmId, const RPointerArray<CFieldPair>& aFieldDetails, TPtrC& aErrorMessage)
+	{
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);	
+	CHeaderMetaData* headerMetaData = new(ELeave) CHeaderMetaData();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(headerMetaData);
+	TInt metadataIndex = GetMetadataEntryIndex(aMtmId);
+	// Insert a new metadata entry if it doesn't already exist.
+	if(metadataIndex == KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iHeaderDataList.InsertL(headerMetaData, 0);
+		}
+	headerMetaData->iMtmId = aMtmId;
+	if(iNonAttachedDrive)
+		{
+		_LIT16(KCreateHeaderTableQuery1, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ");
+		_LIT16(KCreateHeaderTableQuery2, "Header_");
+		// This creates following string...
+		// "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DB<DriveId>.Header_<MtmId> ( id INT, uid INT," 
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KCreateHeaderTableQuery1);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KCreateHeaderTableQuery2);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		_LIT16(KCreateHeaderTableQuery1, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DB");
+		_LIT16(KCreateHeaderTableQuery2, ".Header_");
+		// "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DB<DriveId>.Header_<MtmId> ( id INT, uid INT," 
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KCreateHeaderTableQuery1);
+		headerTableQuery.AppendNum(KCurrentDriveId);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KCreateHeaderTableQuery2);
+		}
+	_LIT16(KCreateHeaderTableQuery3, " (id INT, uid INT, ");
+	_LIT16(KCreateHeaderTableQuery4, "Details TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id, uid));");	
+	aErrorMessage.Set(_L(""));
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCreateHeaderTableQuery3);
+	// Add the column details to the query.
+	TRAPD(err, DoCreateHeaderTableCreationQueryL(aFieldDetails, headerTableQuery, headerMetaData));
+	if(err)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::Pop(headerMetaData);
+		delete headerMetaData;
+		iHeaderDataList.Remove(0);
+		User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCreateHeaderTableQuery4);
+	// Execute the query.
+	// Ignore error if table already exist.
+	err = iDatabaseRef.Exec(headerTableQuery);
+	if(err < 0)
+		{
+		aErrorMessage.Set(iDatabaseRef.LastErrorMessage());
+		CleanupStack::Pop(headerMetaData);
+		delete headerMetaData;
+		iHeaderDataList.Remove(0);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::Pop(headerMetaData);					// headerMetaData
+	if(metadataIndex != KErrNotFound)
+		delete headerMetaData;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();						// headerTableQuery
+	}
+ * DoCreateHeaderTableCreationQueryL()
+ *
+ * @param aFieldDetails: Table structure details.
+ * @return aHeaderTableQuery: Header-table creation query string.
+ * @return aHeaderMetaData: Header metadata structure.
+ *
+ * The function appends the column details to the header
+ * creation query string. It also updates the metadata structure
+ * for the header entry.
+ */
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::DoCreateHeaderTableCreationQueryL(const RPointerArray<CFieldPair>& aFieldDetails, RBuf& aHeaderTableQuery, CHeaderMetaData*& aHeaderMetaData)
+	{
+	_LIT16(KIntField, " INT, ");
+	_LIT16(KTextField, " TEXT, ");
+	_LIT16(KDateField, " INT64, ");
+	_LIT16(KQuote, "\"");
+	CFieldClass *fieldObj = NULL;
+	// Browse through each column names in the field-list.
+	TInt fieldDetailsCount = aFieldDetails.Count();
+	for(TInt fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex<fieldDetailsCount; fieldIndex++)
+		{			
+		if(!aFieldDetails[fieldIndex]->iFieldName)
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+			}
+		// Create a metadata entry.
+		fieldObj = new(ELeave) CFieldClass;
+		CleanupStack::PushL(fieldObj);
+		fieldObj->iName = aFieldDetails[fieldIndex]->iFieldName->Des().AllocL();
+		// Append column name under quotes.
+		aHeaderTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+		aHeaderTableQuery.Append(aFieldDetails[fieldIndex]->iFieldName->Des());
+		aHeaderTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+		// Append appropriate column type.
+		switch(aFieldDetails[fieldIndex]->iFieldType)
+			{
+			case EIntegerField:
+				aHeaderTableQuery.Append(KIntField);
+				fieldObj->iType = ESqlInt;
+				break;
+			case ETextField:
+				aHeaderTableQuery.Append(KTextField);
+				fieldObj->iType = ESqlText;
+				break;
+			case EDateField:
+				aHeaderTableQuery.Append(KDateField);
+				fieldObj->iType = ESqlInt64;
+				break;
+			default:
+				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+				break;
+			}
+		aHeaderMetaData->iFieldList.AppendL(fieldObj);
+		CleanupStack::Pop();			// fieldObj
+		// Update the status of standard header columns 
+		// in the metadata structure.
+		CheckStdColumnsAdded(aFieldDetails[fieldIndex]->iFieldName, aHeaderMetaData->iStdColumnStatus);
+		}		// for(TInt fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex<aFieldDetails.Count(); fieldIndex++)
+	// Adding the 'Details' column to the query string.
+	_LIT(KDetails, "Details");
+	fieldObj = new(ELeave) CFieldClass;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(fieldObj);
+	fieldObj->iType = ESqlText;
+	fieldObj->iName = KDetails().AllocL();
+	aHeaderMetaData->iFieldList.AppendL(fieldObj);		// Added for Details column.
+	CleanupStack::Pop();								// fieldObj
+	}
+ * CreateHeaderEntryL()
+ *
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aEntryId: Metadata Entry Id.
+ * @param aFieldPairList: Header details.
+ *
+ * The function creates a new header entry in the header
+ * table. The header details passed to the function in 
+ * aFieldPairList should either have values for all the
+ * columns in the header table or should have value for
+ * only one column (The default column "Details").
+ *
+ * The function can accept multiple header portion (each 
+ * associated with a unique UID. These header portion will 
+ * be stored in a separate row in the header table.
+ */
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::CreateHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, TMsvId aEntryId, const RPointerArray<CHeaderFields>& aFieldPairList)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	// Get the metadata entry index for the MTM.
+	TInt metadataEntryIndex = GetMetadataEntryIndex(aMtmId);
+	User::LeaveIfError(metadataEntryIndex);
+	TBool isLocalTransaction = EFalse;
+	// Open the DB transaction, if it is not already open.
+	if(!iDBAdapter->isTransactionOpen && !iNonAttachedDrive)
+		{
+		MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(iDBAdapter->BeginTransactionL());
+		isLocalTransaction = ETrue;
+		}
+	// For each entry in header details, create a separate
+	// row in the header table.
+	TInt fieldPairListCount = aFieldPairList.Count();
+	TRAP(err, 
+		for(TInt index=0; index<fieldPairListCount; index++)
+			{
+			CHeaderFields* headerFields = aFieldPairList[index];
+			DoInsertHeaderEntryL(aMtmId, aEntryId, headerFields, metadataEntryIndex);
+			}		
+		);
+	// Handle error and close the transaction.
+	if(err && !iNonAttachedDrive)
+		{
+		if(isLocalTransaction)
+			{
+			iDBAdapter->RollbackTransactionL();
+			}
+		}
+	else if (!iNonAttachedDrive)
+		{
+		if(isLocalTransaction)
+			{
+			MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(iDBAdapter->CommitTransactionL());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * DoInsertHeaderEntryL()
+ *
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aEntryId: Metadata Entry Id.
+ * @param aHeaderFields: Header entry details.
+ * @param aMetadataEntryIndex: Header table metadata.
+ *
+ * The function creates a new header entry in the header
+ * table. The header details passed to the function in 
+ * aHeaderFields should either have values for all the
+ * columns in the header table or should have value for
+ * only one column (The default column "Details").
+ */
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::DoInsertHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, TMsvId aEntryId, CHeaderFields* aHeaderFields, TInt aMetadataEntryIndex)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema5, "INSERT INTO HEADER_");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema1, "INSERT INTO DB");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema2, ".HEADER_");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema3, " VALUES (:id, :uid");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema4, " (id, uid, Details) VALUES (:id, :uid, :details);");
+	_LIT16(KComma, ", :");
+	_LIT16(KDelimiter, ");");
+	TInt KDefaultColumnSize = 1;
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	// Create header entry creation query
+	// Ex: INSERT INTO DB<driveId>.HEADER_<mtmId>
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	if(!iNonAttachedDrive)
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema1);
+		headerTableQuery.AppendNum(GetDriveId(aEntryId));
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema2);		
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema5);
+		}
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	// Append column names to the query string.
+	// Column names are stored in the header metadata structure.
+	CHeaderMetaData* headerMetadata = iHeaderDataList[aMetadataEntryIndex];	
+	TInt fieldPairListCount = aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList.Count();
+	// If header entry has more than one field...
+	if(KDefaultColumnSize < fieldPairListCount)
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema3);		
+		// Check if number of values passed for the header entry
+		// matches with the number of columns in the header table.
+		RPointerArray<CFieldClass>& fieldList = headerMetadata->iFieldList;		
+		if(fieldList.Count() != fieldPairListCount)
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+			}
+		// Append column names to the query string.
+		TInt fieldListCount = fieldList.Count();
+		for(TInt fieldCount=0; fieldCount<fieldListCount; fieldCount++)
+			{
+			headerTableQuery.Append(KComma);
+			headerTableQuery.Append(fieldList[fieldCount]->iName->Des());		
+			}
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KDelimiter);
+		}		// if(KDefaultColumnSize < aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList.Count())
+	else
+		{
+		// If the header entry has just one field
+		// It must be the value for default column (Details).
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema4);
+		}
+	// Prepare the SQL statement for execution.
+	RSqlStatement sqlStmt;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sqlStmt);
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+	// Bind values against column names.
+	TInt fieldIndex = 0;
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(BindIntL(sqlStmt, fieldIndex++, UnmaskTMsvId(aEntryId)));
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(BindIntL(sqlStmt, fieldIndex++, aHeaderFields->iUid.iUid));
+	TInt index = 0;
+	for(; index < fieldPairListCount-1; index++, fieldIndex++)
+		{
+		switch(headerMetadata->iFieldList[index]->iType)
+			{
+			case ESqlInt:
+				BindIntL(sqlStmt, fieldIndex, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[index]->iFieldNumValue);
+				break;
+			case ESqlInt64:
+				BindInt64L(sqlStmt, fieldIndex, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[index]->iFieldNumValue);
+				break;
+			case ESqlText:
+				if(!aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[index]->iFieldTextValue)
+					{
+					User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+					}
+				BindTextL(sqlStmt, fieldIndex, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[index]->iFieldTextValue->Des());
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	if(aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[index]->iFieldTextValue)
+		{
+		BindTextL(sqlStmt, fieldIndex, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[index]->iFieldTextValue->Des());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	// Execute the query. Return KErrGeneral,
+	// if entry is not inserted.	
+	err = sqlStmt.Exec();
+	if(!err)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	if(err == KSqlErrConstraint)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //sqlStmt, headerTableQuery	
+	}
+ * LoadHeaderEntryL()
+ * 
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aEntryId: Metadata Entry Id.
+ * @return aFieldPairList: Header entry details.
+ *
+ * The function loads the header entry from the header
+ * table. If the header entry has multiple row, all of 
+ * them will be loaded and stored as a separate element 
+ * of CHeaderFields.
+ */	
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::LoadHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, TMsvId aEntryId, RPointerArray<CHeaderFields>& aFieldPairList)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema1, "SELECT uid");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema2, " FROM DB");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema3, ".HEADER_");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema4, " WHERE id = :id;");
+	_LIT16(KComma, ", \"");
+	_LIT16(KQuote, "\"");
+	aFieldPairList.Reset();
+	// Get the metadata entry index for the MTM.
+	TInt metadataEntryIndex = GetMetadataEntryIndex(aMtmId);
+	User::LeaveIfError(metadataEntryIndex);
+	RPointerArray<CFieldClass>&	fieldList = iHeaderDataList[metadataEntryIndex]->iFieldList;
+	// Create header query string
+	// Ex: SELECT uid, 
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema1);
+	// Append header column name to the query.
+	TInt fieldListCount = fieldList.Count();
+	for(TInt index=0; index<fieldListCount; index++)
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KComma);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(fieldList[index]->iName->Des());		
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+		}
+	// Append "FROM DB<driveId>.HEADER_<mtmId> WHERE ID = :ID;
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema2);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(GetDriveId(aEntryId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema3);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema4);
+	//Prepare the SQL statement.
+	RSqlStatement sqlStmt;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sqlStmt);
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(BindIntL(sqlStmt, 0, UnmaskTMsvId(aEntryId)));
+	// Load the header entry into header structure.
+	TRAP(err, DoLoadHeaderEntryL(sqlStmt, fieldList, aFieldPairList));
+	// Handle errors if any.
+	if(err<0)
+		{
+		for(TInt index=0; index<aFieldPairList.Count(); index++)
+			{
+			CHeaderFields* headerRow = aFieldPairList[0];
+			aFieldPairList.Remove(0);
+			delete headerRow;
+			}
+		}
+	if(!aFieldPairList.Count())
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //sqlStmt, headerTableQuery
+	}	
+ * DoLoadHeaderEntryL()
+ * 
+ * @param aSqlStmt: Query statement.
+ * @param aMetadataList: Metadata Entry for header table.
+ * @return aFieldPairList: Header entry details.
+ *
+ * The function loads the header entry from the header
+ * table. If the header entry has multiple row, all of 
+ * them will be loaded and stored as a separate element 
+ * of CHeaderFields.
+ */	
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::DoLoadHeaderEntryL(RSqlStatement& aSqlStmt, const RPointerArray<CFieldClass>& aMetadataList, RPointerArray<CHeaderFields>& aFieldPairList)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	// Fetch each header-table row in the loop.
+	while(ETrue)
+		{
+		err = aSqlStmt.Next();
+		if(KSqlAtRow != err)
+			{
+			if(KSqlAtEnd == err)
+				{
+				break;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(err);
+				}		
+			}
+		// Create header structure to store a single row.
+		CHeaderFields* headerRow = new(ELeave) CHeaderFields();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(headerRow);
+		TBool isPrimaryRow = EFalse;
+		TInt count = aMetadataList.Count();
+		headerRow->iUid.iUid = ColumnInt(aSqlStmt, 0);
+		// Read individual fields and populate the header structure.
+		for(TInt index=0; index<count; index++)
+			{
+			CFieldPair* fieldObj = new(ELeave) CFieldPair();
+			CleanupStack::PushL(fieldObj);
+			fieldObj->iFieldName = aMetadataList[index]->iName->Des().AllocL();
+			switch(aMetadataList[index]->iType)
+				{
+				case ESqlInt:
+					fieldObj->iFieldNumValue = ColumnInt(aSqlStmt, index+1);
+					if(!isPrimaryRow && fieldObj->iFieldNumValue != NULL && index != count-1)
+						{
+						isPrimaryRow = ETrue;
+						}
+					break;
+				case ESqlInt64:
+					fieldObj->iFieldNumValue = ColumnInt64(aSqlStmt, index+1);
+					if(!isPrimaryRow && fieldObj->iFieldNumValue != NULL && index != count-1)
+						{
+						isPrimaryRow = ETrue;
+						}
+					break;
+				case ESqlText:
+					TRAP(err, fieldObj->iFieldTextValue = ColumnTextL(aSqlStmt, index+1));
+					if(err < 0)
+						{
+						User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+						}
+					if(!isPrimaryRow && (index != count-1) && fieldObj->iFieldTextValue->Des().Compare(_L("")) )
+						{
+						isPrimaryRow = ETrue;
+						}
+					break;
+				}		// switch(fieldList[index]->iType)
+			headerRow->iFieldPairList.AppendL(fieldObj);
+			CleanupStack::Pop(fieldObj);
+			}		// for(TInt index=0; index<fieldList.Count(); index++)
+		// If it is not a primary entry, remove extra fields
+		// from the header row. 
+		// A header table can store two types of entry, primary 
+		// entry, one which has values in all the columns in the 
+		// table, and another which has values in only default columns.
+		if(!isPrimaryRow)
+			{
+			for(TInt index=0; index<count-1; index++)
+				{
+				delete headerRow->iFieldPairList[0];
+				headerRow->iFieldPairList.Remove(0);
+				}
+			}
+		aFieldPairList.AppendL(headerRow);
+		CleanupStack::Pop(headerRow);
+		}
+	}
+ * UpdateHeaderEntryL()
+ * 
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aEntryId: Entry Id.
+ * @param aFieldPairList: Header entry details.
+ *
+ * The function updates the header entry in the header table with the 
+ * passed header structure. A header entry is essentially a list of 
+ * UID-String combination which is stored as a separate element in the 
+ * passed header structure. Each such header portion is stored in separate
+ * rows in the header table. 
+ * If the number of rows in the passed header structure is more than what
+ * is present in the DB, the function inserts the new rows in the header
+ * table. And if the few rows are missing from the passed header structure
+ * the function deletes the extra row from the header table.
+ */ 
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::UpdateHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, TMsvId aEntryId, const RPointerArray<CHeaderFields>& aFieldPairList)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema1, "SELECT uid FROM DB");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema2, ".HEADER_");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema3, " WHERE id = :id;");
+	// First find out the number of rows present in the DB
+	// against this entry, and store their UID in a array.
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	// This creates following string...
+	// Ex: SELECT uid FROM DB<driveId>.HEADER_<mtmId> WHERE id = :id;
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema1);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(GetDriveId(aEntryId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema2);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema3);
+	//Prepare a statement for the query.
+	RSqlStatement sqlStmt;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sqlStmt);
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(BindIntL(sqlStmt, 0, UnmaskTMsvId(aEntryId)));
+	// Execute the query and form the UID list.
+	RArray<TInt> uidList;
+	CleanupClosePushL(uidList);
+	do
+		{
+		err = sqlStmt.Next();
+		if(err == KSqlAtRow)
+			{
+			uidList.AppendL(ColumnInt(sqlStmt, 0));	
+			}		
+		}
+	while(err == KSqlAtRow);
+	// If no entry is found in DB, return KErrNotFound.
+	if(!uidList.Count())
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	// Open a DB transaction if it is not already open.
+	TBool isLocalTransaction = EFalse;
+	if(!iDBAdapter->isTransactionOpen)
+		{
+		MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(iDBAdapter->BeginTransactionL());
+		isLocalTransaction = ETrue;
+		}
+	// Process all the header portion one by one.
+	TRAP(err, DoProcessHeaderEntryL(aMtmId, aEntryId, aFieldPairList, uidList));
+	// Close the transaction and handle error.
+	if(err)
+		{
+		if(isLocalTransaction)
+			{
+			iDBAdapter->RollbackTransactionL();
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if(isLocalTransaction)
+			{
+			MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(iDBAdapter->CommitTransactionL());
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //uidList, sqlStmt, headerTableQuery
+	}
+ * DoProcessHeaderEntryL()
+ * 
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aEntryId: Entry Id.
+ * @param aFieldPairList: Header entry details.
+ * @param aUidList: UID list of the header entry present in DB.
+ *
+ * The function is called by UpdateHeaderEntryL() only, and it updates
+ * the header entry in the header table. For details, see the comment 
+ * of UpdateHeaderEntryL().
+ */ 
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::DoProcessHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, TMsvId aEntryId, const RPointerArray<CHeaderFields>& aFieldPairList, RArray<TInt>& aUidList)
+	{
+	TInt metadataEntryIndex = GetMetadataEntryIndex(aMtmId);
+	User::LeaveIfError(metadataEntryIndex);
+	// Processing each header row.
+	TInt fieldPairListCount = aFieldPairList.Count();
+	for(TInt index=0; index < fieldPairListCount; index++)
+		{
+		// Search the entry UID in the UID list.
+		CHeaderFields* headerRow = aFieldPairList[index];
+		TInt rowIndex = aUidList.Find(headerRow->iUid.iUid);
+		// If the entry is not present in DB, create it.
+		if(KErrNotFound == rowIndex)
+			{
+			// Insert the entry
+			DoInsertHeaderEntryL(aMtmId, aEntryId, headerRow, metadataEntryIndex);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// else, update the entry
+			DoUpdateHeaderEntryL(aMtmId, aEntryId, headerRow, metadataEntryIndex);
+			aUidList.Remove(rowIndex);
+			}
+		}
+	// If there is extra entries in the DB, 
+	// delete them.
+	if(aUidList.Count())
+		{
+		_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema1, "DELETE FROM DB");
+		_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema2, ".HEADER_");
+		_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema3, " WHERE id = :id and uid in (");
+		_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema4, ");");
+		_LIT16(KComma, ", ");
+		// Create the delete query string.
+		RBuf headerTableQuery;
+		CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+		headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+		// This creates following string...
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema1);
+		headerTableQuery.AppendNum(GetDriveId(aEntryId));
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema2);
+		headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema3);
+		headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aUidList[0]);
+		TInt uidListCount = aUidList.Count();
+		for(TInt index=1; index < uidListCount; index++)
+			{
+			headerTableQuery.Append(KComma);
+			headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aUidList[index]);
+			}
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema4);
+		//Prepare a statement for the query.
+		RSqlStatement sqlStmt;
+		CleanupClosePushL(sqlStmt);
+		User::LeaveIfError(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+		BindIntL(sqlStmt, 0, UnmaskTMsvId(aEntryId));
+		// Execute the query and handle error.
+		TInt err = sqlStmt.Exec();
+		if(!err)
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+			}
+		User::LeaveIfError(err);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //sqlStmt, headerTableQuery	
+		}
+	}
+ * DoUpdateHeaderEntryL()
+ * 
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aEntryId: Entry Id.
+ * @param aHeaderFields: Header entry details.
+ * @param aMetadataEntryIndex: UID list of the header entry present in DB.
+ *
+ * The function is called by UpdateHeaderEntryL() only, and it updates
+ * the header entry in the header table. For details, see the comment 
+ * of UpdateHeaderEntryL().
+ */ 
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::DoUpdateHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, TMsvId aEntryId, CHeaderFields* aHeaderFields, TInt aMetadataEntryIndex)
+	{
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema1, "UPDATE DB");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema2, ".HEADER_");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema3, " SET ");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema4, " WHERE id = :id and uid = :uid;");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema5, " details = :details WHERE id = :id and uid = :uid;");
+	_LIT16(KComma, ", ");
+	_LIT16(KColon, "\" = :");
+	_LIT16(KQuote, "\"");
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	// Create the query string:
+	// Ex: UPDATE DB<driveId>.HEADER_<mtmId> SET
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema1);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(GetDriveId(aEntryId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema2);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema3);
+	TInt columnIndex = -1;
+	// Append column information to the query
+	CHeaderMetaData* headerMetadata = iHeaderDataList[aMetadataEntryIndex];
+	TInt fieldPairListCount = aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList.Count();
+	if(fieldPairListCount > 1)
+		{
+		// Check if all the field values are passed.
+		if(fieldPairListCount != headerMetadata->iFieldList.Count())
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+			}
+		for(TInt index=0; index < fieldPairListCount; index++)
+			{
+			if(index)
+				{
+				headerTableQuery.Append(KComma);	
+				}
+			headerTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+			headerTableQuery.Append(headerMetadata->iFieldList[index]->iName->Des());
+			headerTableQuery.Append(KColon);
+			headerTableQuery.Append(headerMetadata->iFieldList[index]->iName->Des());
+			columnIndex++;
+			}
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema4);		
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema5);
+		columnIndex++;
+		}
+	// Prepare the query and Bind the values.
+	RSqlStatement sqlStmt;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sqlStmt);
+	User::LeaveIfError(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+	TInt fieldIndex = 0;
+	for(; fieldIndex<columnIndex; fieldIndex++)
+		{
+		switch(headerMetadata->iFieldList[fieldIndex]->iType)
+			{
+			case ESqlInt:
+				BindIntL(sqlStmt, fieldIndex, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[fieldIndex]->iFieldNumValue);
+				break;
+			case ESqlInt64:
+				BindInt64L(sqlStmt, fieldIndex, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[fieldIndex]->iFieldNumValue);
+				break;
+			case ESqlText:
+				if(!aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[fieldIndex]->iFieldTextValue)
+					{
+					User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+					}
+				BindTextL(sqlStmt, fieldIndex, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[fieldIndex]->iFieldTextValue->Des());
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	if(aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[fieldIndex]->iFieldTextValue)
+		{
+		BindTextL(sqlStmt, columnIndex++, aHeaderFields->iFieldPairList[fieldIndex]->iFieldTextValue->Des());	
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	BindIntL(sqlStmt, columnIndex++, UnmaskTMsvId(aEntryId));
+	BindIntL(sqlStmt, columnIndex, aHeaderFields->iUid.iUid);
+	// Execute the query and process the error.
+	TInt err = sqlStmt.Exec();
+	if(!err)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	User::LeaveIfError(err);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //sqlStmt, headerTableQuery	
+	}
+ * CheckStdColumnsAdded()
+ * 
+ * @param aFieldName: Column name
+ * @return aColStatus: Column status flag.
+ *
+ * The function checks the existence of standard header fields
+ * as defined in CMsvHeaderStore::TCommonHeaderField in the 
+ * header table and sets the appropriate flag n aColStatus.
+ */ 
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::CheckStdColumnsAdded(HBufC* aFieldName, TInt& aColStatus)
+	{
+	// If it is a standard FORM field...
+	if(!aFieldName->Des().Compare(_L("From")))
+		{
+		aColStatus |= CMsvHeaderStore::EFrom;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if(!aFieldName->Des().Compare(_L("To")))
+			{
+			aColStatus |= CMsvHeaderStore::ETo;			
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(!aFieldName->Des().Compare(_L("CC")))
+				{
+				aColStatus |= CMsvHeaderStore::ECC;				
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				if(!aFieldName->Des().Compare(_L("BCC")))
+					{
+					aColStatus |= CMsvHeaderStore::EBCC;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					if(!aFieldName->Des().Compare(_L("Subject")))
+						{
+						aColStatus |= CMsvHeaderStore::ESubject;						
+						}
+					}	// BCC
+				}	// CC
+			}	// To
+		}	// From
+	}
+ * DeleteHeaderEntryL()
+ * 
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aEntryId: Entry Id.
+ *
+ * The function deletes the header entry from the corresponding
+ * header table. If multiple rows are associated with the header
+ * entry, all such rows are deleted from the header table.
+ */ 
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::DeleteHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, TMsvId aEntryId)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema1, "DELETE FROM DB");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema2, ".HEADER_");
+	_LIT16(KGetHeaderSchema3, " WHERE id = :id;");
+	// Leave with KErrNotFound, if the header table does not exist.
+	User::LeaveIfError(GetMetadataEntryIndex(aMtmId));
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	// This creates following string...
+	// Ex: DELETE FROM DB<driveId>.HEADER_<mtmId> WHERE id = :id;
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema1);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(GetDriveId(aEntryId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema2);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KGetHeaderSchema3);
+	//Prepare a statement for the query.
+	RSqlStatement sqlStmt;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sqlStmt);
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_ERROR(sqlStmt.Prepare(iDatabaseRef, headerTableQuery));
+	MSG_WRAP_DB_LEAVE(BindIntL(sqlStmt, 0, UnmaskTMsvId(aEntryId)));
+	// Execute the query and handle the error.
+	err = sqlStmt.Exec();
+	if(!err)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //sqlStmt, headerTableQuery	
+	}
+ * CopyHeaderEntryL()
+ * 
+ * @param aMtmId The MTM UId to identify the header table.
+ * @param aSrcEntryId The source entry's TMsvId.
+ * @param aDestEntryId The destination source entry's TMsvId.
+ * @return None.
+ * @leave KErrNoMemory while creating the buffer for the query.
+ *		  
+ *
+ * The function copies header entry(s) of an entry from the corresponding
+ * header table. If multiple rows are associated with the entry's TMsvId,
+ * then copies of all such rows are made.
+ * This is 
+ */ 
+void CMsvMessageDBAdapter::CopyHeaderEntryL(const TUid& aMtmId, const TMsvId& aSrcEntryId, const TMsvId& aDestEntryId)
+	{
+	_LIT(KComma, ", ");
+	_LIT(KDelimiter, ";");
+	_LIT(KQuote, "\"");
+	_LIT(KCopyHeader1, "INSERT INTO DB");			// INSERT INTO DB1
+	_LIT(KCopyHeader2, ".HEADER_");					// .HEADER_100
+	_LIT(KCopyHeader3, " (id, uid");				//  (id, uid, field3, ...
+	_LIT(KCopyHeader4, ") SELECT ");				// ) SELECT aDestEntryId
+	_LIT(KCopyHeader5, ",uid");						// , uid, field3, ...
+	_LIT(KCopyHeader6, " FROM HEADER_");			//  FROM HEADER_100
+	_LIT(KCopyHeader7, " WHERE id = ");				//  WHERE id = aSrcEntryId;
+	// Get metadata for the appropriate header
+	TInt driveId = GetDriveId(aSrcEntryId);
+	TInt metadataEntryIndex = GetMetadataEntryIndex(aMtmId);
+	User::LeaveIfError(metadataEntryIndex);
+	/*
+	 We're looking to construct a query that looks like:
+	 		INSERT INTO DB<driveId>.HEADER_<mtmId> (id, uid, field3...)
+				SELECT aDestEntryId, uid, field3...
+				WHERE id = aSrcEntryId;
+	*/
+	// Start query construction.
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCopyHeader1);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(driveId);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCopyHeader2);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCopyHeader3);
+	// Append column names to the query string.
+	// Column names are stored in the header metadata structure.
+	// We wrap the column names in quotes in case the column names are SQLite keywords. Eg: "From".
+	CHeaderMetaData* headerMetadata = iHeaderDataList[metadataEntryIndex];
+	RPointerArray<CFieldClass>& fieldList = headerMetadata->iFieldList;	
+	TInt fieldListCount = fieldList.Count();
+	TInt index = 0;
+	for(; index < fieldListCount; ++index)
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KComma);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(fieldList[index]->iName->Des());
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+		}
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCopyHeader4);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(UnmaskTMsvId(aDestEntryId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCopyHeader5);
+	for(index = 0; index < fieldListCount; ++index)
+		{
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KComma);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+		headerTableQuery.Append(fieldList[index]->iName->Des());
+		headerTableQuery.Append(KQuote);
+		}
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCopyHeader6);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCopyHeader7);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(UnmaskTMsvId(aSrcEntryId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KDelimiter);
+	TInt err = iDatabaseRef.Exec(headerTableQuery);
+	if(!err)
+		{ // 0 returned by Exec is due to SELECT part of the query not returning any result to the INSERT part.
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	if(KSqlErrConstraint == err)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //headerTableQuery
+	}
+ * CheckHeaderTableAndStdColumnFields()
+ *
+ * @param aMtmId: MtmId for related Header table
+ * @param aHeaderFilelds: Header field specified in search query
+ *
+ * Check HeaderTable And StdColumn are exist. 
+ */	
+TBool CMsvMessageDBAdapter::CheckHeaderTableAndStdColumnFields(const TUid& aMtmId, TInt aHeaderFields)
+	{
+	TBool flag = EFalse;
+	TInt index = GetMetadataEntryIndex(aMtmId);
+	if(index != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		// needs to check all standard columns given in a query are avilble in header table
+		if( (iHeaderDataList[index]->iStdColumnStatus & aHeaderFields) == aHeaderFields)
+			{
+			flag = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	return flag;
+	}
+TBool CMsvMessageDBAdapter::DoesAnyStoreExistsL(TMsvId aId, TUid aMtmId)
+	{
+	_LIT16(KCheckHeaderTableQuery1, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DB");
+	_LIT16(KCheckHeaderTableQuery2, ".HEADER_");
+	_LIT16(KCheckHeaderTableQuery3, " WHERE id = ");
+	_LIT16(KSemiColon, ";");
+	RBuf headerTableQuery;
+	CleanupClosePushL(headerTableQuery);
+	headerTableQuery.CreateL(KMaxQueryLength);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery1);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(GetDriveId(aId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery2);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(aMtmId.iUid);
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KCheckHeaderTableQuery3);
+	headerTableQuery.AppendNum(UnmaskTMsvId(aId));
+	headerTableQuery.Append(KSemiColon);
+	TInt count = 0;
+	TSqlScalarFullSelectQuery query(iDatabaseRef);
+	TRAPD(err, count = query.SelectIntL(headerTableQuery));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();			// headerTableQuery
+	if(err == KErrNone && count > 0)
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}