changeset 39 e5b3a2155e1a
parent 31 b9e74fff3740
child 43 d2c4c66342f3
--- a/messagingfw/msgsrvnstore/server/src/MSVSESS.CPP	Thu Jul 15 19:11:10 2010 +0300
+++ b/messagingfw/msgsrvnstore/server/src/MSVSESS.CPP	Thu Aug 19 10:24:00 2010 +0300
@@ -578,6 +578,9 @@
+		case EMsvChangeEntries:
+		     ChangeEntriesL(aMessage);
+		     break;
 			PanicClient(aMessage, EMsvBadRequest);
@@ -944,6 +947,112 @@
 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // opData
+// Changes the selection of id.
+void CMsvServerSession::ChangeEntriesL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
+    {
+     // Recover the operation data
+     TMsvOp operationId = aMessage.Int0();
+     HBufC8* opData = RecoverOperationData(operationId);
+     // Check for NULL data entry to be changed, must have been given incorrect id for argument.
+     if(opData == NULL)
+         {
+         aMessage.Complete(KErrArgument);
+         return;
+         }
+     CleanupStack::PushL(opData);
+     // unpack the data
+     TMsvPackedOperation packedOperation(opData);
+     CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
+     CleanupStack::PushL(selection);
+     TInt target,temp;
+     packedOperation.UnpackL(*selection, target, temp);
+     if (selection->Count() == 0)
+         {
+         PanicClient(aMessage, EMsvNoEntriesInChangeSelection);
+         aMessage.Complete(KErrNotFound);
+         return;
+         }
+     // Find the first entry in the selection which exists
+     TInt count=selection->Count();
+     while (count--)
+         {
+         TBool entryExsists = EFalse;
+         entryExsists = iMsvServer.IndexAdapter().EntryExists(selection->At(count));
+         if (entryExsists)
+             break;
+         }
+       // Check if the entry is local or the entry is a service
+      TBool local=ETrue;
+      TMsvEntry* entry=NULL;
+      User::LeaveIfError(iMsvServer.IndexAdapter().GetEntry(selection->At(0), entry));
+      // Police request - client must be able to modify the entry.
+      iMsvServer.PoliceModifyEntryL(aMessage, *entry, local, __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked by CMsvServerSession::ChangeEntryL"));
+      // For purpose of changing a service entry, it is considered local as an MTM
+      // is not required to do the work.
+      if( entry->iType == KUidMsvServiceEntry )
+          local = ETrue;
+      // start the change for local or remote entries
+      if (local)
+          {
+          // Extract the owner ID from the message.
+          TSecureId ownerId = aMessage.Int1();
+          DoChangeLocalEntriesL(selection, operationId, aMessage, ownerId, target);
+          }
+      else
+          DoChangeRemoteEntriesL(selection, operationId, aMessage,target);
+      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // opData
+    }
+void CMsvServerSession::DoChangeLocalEntriesL(CMsvEntrySelection*& aSelection, TMsvOp aOpId, const RMessage2 &aMessage, TSecureId aOwnerId, TInt mark)
+    {
+    CMsvLocalChangeEntriesOperation* operation = new(ELeave) CMsvLocalChangeEntriesOperation(aMessage, aOpId, aSelection, iMsvServer,mark);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); // selection
+    CleanupStack::PushL(operation);
+    TBool forcedUpdate = (aOwnerId != aMessage.SecureId());
+    operation->StartL(aOwnerId, forcedUpdate);
+    iOperations.AppendL(operation);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); // operation
+    }
+void CMsvServerSession::DoChangeRemoteEntriesL(CMsvEntrySelection*& aSelection, TMsvOp aOpId, const RMessage2 &aMessage,TInt mark)
+// Change a selection of entry under a remote service
+    {
+     // make sure that the operation can be added to the list
+     iOperations.SetReserveL(iOperations.Count()+1);
+     TMsvEntry* entry=NULL;
+     User::LeaveIfError(iMsvServer.IndexAdapter().GetEntry(aSelection->At(0), entry));
+     // create the operation
+     CMsvMtmOperation* operation = CMsvMtmOperation::NewL(aMessage, aOpId, entry->iMtm, entry->iServiceId, iSessionId, iMsvServer);
+     CleanupStack::Pop(); // aSelection
+     CleanupStack::PushL(operation);
+     operation->ChangeEntriesL(aSelection,mark);
+     iMsvServer.StartOperationL(*operation, iSessionId, aMessage, ETrue);
+     iOperations.AppendL(operation); // will not fail - see start of function
+     CleanupStack::Pop(); // operation
+	}
 void CMsvServerSession::DoChangeLocalEntryL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TMsvOp aOpId, const RMessage2 &aMessage, TSecureId aOwnerId)
 // Create a local entry in the index