changeset 62 db3f5fa34ec7
parent 0 8e480a14352b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/biomsgfw/wapptsrc/	Wed Nov 03 22:41:46 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This script takes an XML file and creates a WAP Binary encoded file from it.
+# The constants derfined here are for the WAP Provisioning messages - to handle a different DTD
+# you should just be able to change the constants (but I haven't tested that).
+# Ian McDowall December 2001
+use strict;
+$Main::DebugLevel = 2; # Set higher for more debug or lower for less.
+# Global variables used to set standard header values - modify these here
+$Main::XMLVersion = 0x01 ; # 0x01 = v1.1
+$Main::PublicId = 0x01 ; # Magic number taken from OTA doc
+$Main::Charset = 106 ; # Magic number from OTA
+$Main::EndToken = 1 ; #Magic number from OTA
+$Main::InLineString = 3 ; # Magic number from OTA
+# Hash containing defined tag tokens
+%Main::TagTokens = (
+	"PARM", 0x07);
+# Hash containing defined attribute name-value pairs.
+# Ones which do not appear here are handled as inline strings
+%Main::AttributePairs = (
+	"TYPE=ADDRESS", 0x06,
+	"TYPE=URL", 0x07,
+	"TYPE=NAME", 0x08,
+	"TYPE=MMSURL", 0x7c,
+	"NAME=BEARER", 0x12,
+	"NAME=PROXY", 0x13,
+	"NAME=PORT", 0x14,
+	"NAME=NAME", 0x15,
+	"NAME=PROXY_TYPE", 0x16,
+	"NAME=URL", 0x17,
+	"VALUE=GSM/CSD", 0x45,
+	"VALUE=GSM/SMS", 0x46,
+	"VALUE=GSM/USSD", 0x47,
+	"VALUE=IS-136/CSD", 0x48,
+	"VALUE=GPRS", 0x49,
+	"VALUE=9200", 0x60,
+	"VALUE=9201", 0x61,
+	"VALUE=9202", 0x62,
+	"VALUE=9203", 0x63,
+	"VALUE=MANUAL", 0x65,
+	"VALUE=AUTO", 0x6a,
+	"VALUE=9600", 0x6b,
+	"VALUE=14400", 0x6c,
+	"VALUE=19200", 0x6d,
+	"VALUE=28800", 0x6e,
+	"VALUE=38400", 0x6f,
+	"VALUE=PAP", 0x70,
+	"VALUE=CHAP", 0x71,
+	"VALUE=ISDN", 0x73,
+	"VALUE=43200", 0x74,
+	"VALUE=57600", 0x75,
+	"VALUE=MSISDN_NO", 0x76,
+	"VALUE=IPV4", 0x77,
+	"VALUE=MS_CHAP", 0x78,
+	"TYPE=MMSURL", 0x7c,
+	"TYPE=ID", 0x7d,
+	"NAME=ISP_NAME", 0x7e,
+# Hash containing defined attribute names which get linked to inline strings
+%Main::AttributeSingles = (
+	"NAME", 0x10,
+	"VALUE", 0x11);
+# Global Variables used for data storage :-(
+$Main::ReadBuffer = ''; # Buffer holds a line at a time as read in
+$Main::InFileComplete = 0; # Boolean - have we finished reading the input file
+$Main::ReadAllTokens = 0; # Boolean - have we read all tokens yet
+# Global variables used for pending writes.
+# The octet used for a tag has the top two bits set depending on whether or
+# it includes content (i.e. other elements) and / or attributes.
+# We don't know whether or not it includes these until we hit another tag or an
+# end tag.  Therefore, we build up a string of pending attribute data and have a 
+# pending tag identifier.  We never need more than one.
+$Main::PendingTag = 0;
+$Main::PendingAttribs = 0;
+$Main::TagHasContent = 0;
+$Main::TagHasAttribs = 0;
+# Main entry point
+if(!$ARGV[0] || !$ARGV[1])
+	{
+	&OutputHelp();
+	}
+	{
+	my($InFileName, $OutFileName);# Input and output file names
+	$InFileName = $ARGV[0];
+	$OutFileName = $ARGV[1];
+	# Open the XML file
+	open( INFILE, $InFileName ) or die("Unable to open $InFileName for reading");
+	print "Reading $InFileName\n";
+	# Open the output file and create the binary encoded version of the XML
+	open( OUTFILE, ">$OutFileName" ) or die("Unable to open $OutFileName for writing");
+	print "Creating $OutFileName\n";
+	&ParseXMLFile();
+	close( INFILE );
+	close( OUTFILE );
+	print "Processing complete\n";
+	}
+# Describe required arguments
+sub OutputHelp
+	{
+	print "This script requires two arguments.  The first is the name of an XML file\n";
+	print "to be taken as input.  The second is the name of a WAP encoded binary XML\n";
+	print "to be created.\n";
+	}
+# Routine to read and parse an input XML file
+sub ParseXMLFile
+	{
+	# Output the version, publicid and charset
+	&OutputStandardHeader();
+	my $Token = &ReadToken();
+	while(!$Main::ReadAllTokens)
+		{
+		# Behaviour depends on the token type
+		if($Token eq '<?xml')
+			{# Ignore version and skip
+			&DebugPrint(2,"Skipping XML version\n");
+			&SkipTill('?>');
+			}
+		elsif($Token eq '<!DOCTYPE')
+			{# Ignore DTD and skip
+			&DebugPrint(2,"Skipping DTD\n");
+			&SkipTill(']>');
+			}
+		elsif(substr($Token,0,1) eq '<')
+			{# Element - process it
+			&ParseElement($Token);
+			}
+		$Token = &ReadToken();
+		}
+	}
+# Routine to parse an element
+sub ParseElement
+	{
+	my $ElementName = shift(@_);
+	$ElementName = substr($ElementName,1); #trim leading '<'
+	if(substr($ElementName,0,1) eq '/')
+		{# closing tag
+		chop($ElementName);
+		&DebugPrint(2,"Parsing end of element $ElementName\n");
+		# Flush any pending tag
+		if($Main::PendingTag != 0)
+			{
+			&OutputPendingTag();
+			}
+		# Output an end token, regardless of what closing tag we have
+		&OutputOctet($Main::EndToken);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		my $HasAttribs = 1;
+		if(substr($ElementName,-1) eq '>')
+			{
+			$HasAttribs = 0;
+			chop($ElementName);
+			}
+		my $HasContent = 1;
+		if(substr($ElementName,-1) eq '/')
+			{
+			$HasContent = 0;
+			chop($ElementName);
+			}
+		&DebugPrint(2,"Parsing element $ElementName\n");
+		# Flush any pending tag
+		if($Main::PendingTag != 0)
+			{
+			&OutputPendingTag();
+			}
+		# We have a new tag - make it pending
+		$Main::PendingTag = $Main::TagTokens{$ElementName};
+		if(!$Main::PendingTag)
+			{
+			print "Unrecognised tag $ElementName\n";
+			}
+		splice(@Main::PendingAttribs,0); #empty pending attribs array
+		if($HasAttribs)
+			{
+			my $AttToken = &ReadToken();
+			while(substr($AttToken,-1) ne '>') # sloppy I know
+				{
+				my $EqToken = &ReadToken(); # we could check this
+				my $ValToken = &ReadToken();
+				&PushAttribute($AttToken, $ValToken);
+				&DebugPrint(2,"Attribute $AttToken = $ValToken\n");
+				$AttToken = &ReadToken();
+				}
+			if(substr($AttToken,-2) eq '/>')
+				{
+				$HasContent = 0;
+				}
+			}
+		# If we had any attributes then flag this
+		if(@Main::PendingAttribs > 0)
+			{
+			$Main::TagHasAttributes = 1;
+			}
+		$Main::TagHasContent = $HasContent;
+		# Flush any pending tag
+		if($Main::PendingTag != 0)
+			{
+			&OutputPendingTag();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+# Routine to skip until it matches a token (eating the matched token)
+sub SkipTill
+	{
+	my $SkipToken = shift(@_);
+	my $Token = &ReadToken();
+	while(!$Main::ReadAllTokens && ($Token ne $SkipToken))
+		{
+			$Token = &ReadToken();
+		}
+	&DebugPrint(3,"Skipped till $SkipToken\n");
+	}
+# Routine to read the next token from the input file
+# A token is delineated by whitespace (so it won't work too well with strings with
+# embedded newlines) or quotes
+sub ReadToken
+	{
+	my($FoundToken);
+	$FoundToken = '';
+	if(!$Main::ReadAllTokens)
+		{
+		&RefreshInputBuffer;
+		if(@Main::ReadTokens > 0)
+			{
+			$FoundToken = shift(@Main::ReadTokens);
+			}
+		while(length($FoundToken) <= 0)
+			{
+			if((@Main::ReadTokens <= 0) && $Main::InFileComplete)
+				{
+				$Main::ReadAllTokens = 1;
+				last;
+				}
+			&RefreshInputBuffer;
+			if(@Main::ReadTokens > 0)
+				{
+				$FoundToken = shift(@Main::ReadTokens);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	&DebugPrint(4,"Token :$FoundToken:\n");
+	return $FoundToken;
+	}
+# Routine to refresh the input buffer
+sub RefreshInputBuffer
+	{
+	while((@Main::ReadTokens <= 0) && !$Main::InFileComplete)
+		{
+		$Main::ReadBuffer = <INFILE>;
+		&DebugPrint(5, $Main::ReadBuffer);
+		if(length($Main::ReadBuffer) <= 0)
+			{
+			$Main::InFileComplete = 1;
+			&DebugPrint(4,"Input file exhausted\n");
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			# Remove leading and trailing whitespace
+			$Main::ReadBuffer =~ s/^\s+//;
+			$Main::ReadBuffer =~ s/\s+$//;
+			# Split into an array of tokens on whitespace and quotes and equals - lose the quotes on the way
+			my ($OneToken, $OneChar);
+			while(length($Main::ReadBuffer) > 0)
+				{
+				$OneChar = substr($Main::ReadBuffer,0,1);
+				$Main::ReadBuffer = substr($Main::ReadBuffer,1);
+				if(($OneChar eq ' ') || ($OneChar eq "\t"))
+					{ # whitespace is separator outside quotes
+					&DebugPrint(6,"Whitespace\n");
+					if(length($OneToken) > 0)
+						{
+						push(@Main::ReadTokens, $OneToken);
+						$OneToken = '';
+						}
+					}
+				elsif($OneChar eq '"')
+					{ # copy to next quote, including whitespace
+					&DebugPrint(6,"Start of quotes\n");
+					if(length($OneToken) > 0)
+						{
+						push(@Main::ReadTokens, $OneToken);
+						$OneToken = '';
+						}
+					$OneChar = '';
+					until(($OneChar eq '"') || (length($Main::ReadBuffer) <= 0))
+						{
+						$OneToken = $OneToken.$OneChar;
+						$OneChar = substr($Main::ReadBuffer,0,1);
+						$Main::ReadBuffer = substr($Main::ReadBuffer,1);
+						}
+					&DebugPrint(6,"quoted string '$OneToken'\n");				
+					push(@Main::ReadTokens, $OneToken);
+					$OneToken = '';
+					}
+				elsif($OneChar eq '=')
+					{ # = is separate token
+					&DebugPrint(6,"char =\n");
+					if(length($OneToken) > 0)
+						{
+						push(@Main::ReadTokens, $OneToken);
+						$OneToken = '';
+						}
+					push(@Main::ReadTokens,'=');
+					}
+				else
+					{ # routine char - append to building token
+					&DebugPrint(6,"Char $OneChar\n");
+					$OneToken = $OneToken.$OneChar;
+					}
+				}#endwhile
+			#last token on the line
+			if(length($OneToken) > 0)
+				{
+				push(@Main::ReadTokens, $OneToken);
+				$OneToken = '';
+				}
+			&DebugPrint(5,join( ':', @Main::ReadTokens)."\n");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+# Routine to output a standard set of header fields
+# These are all set by globals at the head of the script (for ease of modification)
+sub OutputStandardHeader()
+	{
+	# Output the XML version
+	&OutputOctet($Main::XMLVersion);
+	# Output a standard public Id
+	&Output_mb_u_int32($Main::PublicId);
+	# Output charset
+	&Output_mb_u_int32($Main::Charset);
+	# Output a zero-length string table
+	&OutputOctet(0);
+	}
+# Routine to push an attribute name, value pair in one of a number of ways
+sub PushAttribute()
+	{
+	my $AttName = shift(@_);
+	my $AttVal = shift(@_);
+	my $PairToken = $Main::AttributePairs{$AttName.'='.$AttVal};
+	if($PairToken)
+		{
+		push(@Main::PendingAttribs,$PairToken);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		my $AttribToken = $Main::AttributeSingles{$AttName};
+		if($AttribToken)
+			{
+			push(@Main::PendingAttribs,$AttribToken);
+			&PushInLineString($AttVal);
+			print "Attribute $AttName has string (rather than token) value $AttVal\n";
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			print "Unrecognised attribute $AttName\n";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+# Routine to flush a pending tag and any attributes
+sub OutputPendingTag()
+	{
+	&DebugPrint(3,"Output pending tag $Main::PendingTag\n");
+	my $TagOctet = $Main::PendingTag;
+	if( $Main::TagHasContent)
+		{
+		$TagOctet = $TagOctet | 0x40 ; # Set next-to-top bit for has content
+		}
+	if( $Main::TagHasAttributes)
+		{
+		$TagOctet = $TagOctet | 0x80 ; # Set top bit for has attributes
+		}
+	&OutputOctet($TagOctet);
+	if($Main::TagHasAttributes)
+		{
+		&OutputOctetArray(@Main::PendingAttribs);
+		&OutputOctet($Main::EndToken); # END after attributes
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		&DebugPrint(3,"Tag has no attributes\n");
+		}
+	# Clean out pending
+	$Main::PendingTag = 0;
+	splice(@Main::PendingAttribs,0); #empty pending attribs array
+	}
+# Routine to output a mb_u_int32 value - up to 32 bits but divided into 7-bit
+# chunks and the top bit is set for continuation
+sub Output_mb_u_int32()
+	{
+	my $InNum = shift(@_);
+	my @OutBytes;
+	my $ByteCount = 0;
+	while( $ByteCount < 5 ) # magic number - maximum number of octets output
+		{
+		my $OctetValue = $InNum & 0x7f;
+		if($OctetValue > 0)
+			{
+			push(@OutBytes, $OctetValue);
+			$InNum = $InNum >> 7;
+			$ByteCount ++;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			last;
+			}
+		}
+	if($ByteCount > 0)
+		{
+		while($ByteCount > 0)
+			{
+			if($ByteCount == 1)
+				{ # Output last byte without continuation bit
+				&OutputOctet($OutBytes[$ByteCount-1]);
+				}
+			else
+				{ # Output byte with continuation bit
+				&OutputOctet($OutBytes[$ByteCount-1]|0x80);
+				}
+			$ByteCount --;
+			}
+		}
+	else # zero - just output a zero byte
+		{
+		&OutputOctet(0);
+		}
+	}
+# Output a single octet
+sub OutputOctet
+	{
+	my $OctetValue = shift(@_);	
+	print OUTFILE chr($OctetValue);
+	&DebugPrint(3, sprintf(":%lx:", $OctetValue));
+	}
+# Add an inline string to the pending attributes buffer
+sub PushInLineString
+	{
+	my $InString = shift(@_);
+	push(@Main::PendingAttribs, $Main::InLineString);
+	my $Index;
+	for( $Index = 0 ; $Index < length($InString) ; $Index ++)
+		{
+		push(@Main::PendingAttribs, ord(substr($InString,$Index,1)));
+		}
+	push(@Main::PendingAttribs, 0); # terminating null
+	}
+# Output an array of octet values
+sub OutputOctetArray
+	{
+	while(@_ > 0)
+		{
+		my $OctetValue = shift(@_);
+		&OutputOctet($OctetValue);
+		}
+	}
+# Debug print routine - takes a level of detail and a string and conditionally
+# prints the string
+sub DebugPrint()
+	{
+	my $DebugLevel = shift(@_);
+	my $DebugString = shift(@_);
+	if( $DebugLevel <= $Main::DebugLevel )
+		{
+		print $DebugString;
+		}
+	}
+###### End of File ######