changeset 62 db3f5fa34ec7
parent 0 8e480a14352b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/scheduledsendmtm/schedulesendmtm/src/MsvScheduleSettings.cpp	Wed Nov 03 22:41:46 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include <msventry.h>
+#include <msvschedulesettings.h>
+#include <schsend_panic.h>
+Allocates and creates a new CMsvScheduleSettings object.
+@return New object
+EXPORT_C CMsvScheduleSettings* CMsvScheduleSettings::NewL()
+	{
+	CMsvScheduleSettings* self = CMsvScheduleSettings::NewLC();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self); 
+	return self;
+	}
+Allocates and creates a new CMsvScheduleSettings object.
+@return New object
+EXPORT_C CMsvScheduleSettings* CMsvScheduleSettings::NewLC()
+	{
+	CMsvScheduleSettings* self = new (ELeave) CMsvScheduleSettings();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+void CMsvScheduleSettings::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iVariableIntervals = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTimeIntervalSeconds>(1);
+	}
+	Sets all the members to their default value.
+	{
+	Reset();
+	}
+EXPORT_C CMsvScheduleSettings::~CMsvScheduleSettings()
+	{
+	delete iVariableIntervals;
+	}
+Resets the object.
+This sets all data members to their default values.
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::Reset()
+	{
+	iPriority		= EDefaultPriority;
+	iValidityPeriod = EDefaultValidityPeriod;
+	iIntervalType	= (TIntervalType) EDefaultIntervalType;
+	iShortInterval	= EDefaultShortInterval;
+	iLongInterval	= EDefaultLongInterval;
+	iLatency		= EDefaultLatency;
+	iPendingConditionsTimeout = EDefaultPendingConditionsTimeout;
+	if (iVariableIntervals)
+		iVariableIntervals->Reset();
+	}
+Gets the priority of the messages on the Task Scheduler. 
+@return Priority value
+EXPORT_C TInt CMsvScheduleSettings::Priority() const
+	{
+	return iPriority;
+	}
+Sets the priority of the messages on the Task Scheduler. 
+@param aPriority
+Priority value.
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetPriority(const TInt aPriority)
+	{
+	iPriority = aPriority;
+	}
+Gets the time period for which the messages are valid on the Task Scheduler. 
+@return Validity period
+EXPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMinutes& CMsvScheduleSettings::ValidityPeriod() const
+	{
+	return iValidityPeriod;
+	}
+Sets the time period for which the messages are valid on the Task Scheduler. 
+This is ignored if a message has to be sent off-peak.
+@param aValidityPeriod
+Validity period.
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 10
+The validity period is invalid (negative or null).
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetValidityPeriod(const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aValidityPeriod)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aValidityPeriod.Int() > 0, gPanic(EInvalidValidityPeriod));
+	iValidityPeriod = aValidityPeriod;
+	}
+Gets the schedule interval type.
+@return The schedule interval type
+EXPORT_C TIntervalType CMsvScheduleSettings::IntervalType() const
+	{
+	return iIntervalType;
+	}
+Sets the schedule interval type.
+@param aIntervalType
+The schedule interval type.
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetIntervalType(const TIntervalType aIntervalType)
+	{
+	iIntervalType = aIntervalType;
+	}
+Sets the long retry interval value.
+This is used by CMsvScheduleSend to determine when to next send the message, 
+if the TMsvSendErrorAction::iAction equals ESendActionRetryLater and 
+TMsvSendErrorAction::iRetrySpacing equals ESendRetriesFixed.
+@param aInterval
+Long interval value.
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 18
+The long interval is out of range (negative or null).
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetLongInterval(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aInterval)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aInterval.Int() > 0, gPanic(ELongIntervalOutOfRange)); //TO DO: Always or Debug only?
+	iLongInterval = aInterval;
+	}
+Gets the long retry interval value.
+@return Long interval value
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 18
+The long interval is out of range (negative or null).
+EXPORT_C const TTimeIntervalSeconds& CMsvScheduleSettings::LongInterval() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLongInterval.Int() > 0, gPanic(ELongIntervalOutOfRange)); //TO DO: Always or Debug only?
+	return iLongInterval;
+	}
+Sets the short retry interval value.
+This is used by CMsvScheduleSend to determine when to next send the message, 
+if the TMsvSendErrorAction::iAction equals ESendActionRetryImmediately.
+@param aInterval
+Short interval value.
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 19
+The short interval is out of range (negative or null).
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetShortInterval(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aInterval)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aInterval.Int() > 0, gPanic(EShortIntervalOutOfRange)); //TO DO: Always or Debug only?
+	iShortInterval = aInterval;
+	}
+Gets the short retry interval value.
+@return Short interval value
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 19
+The short interval is out of range (negative or null).
+EXPORT_C const TTimeIntervalSeconds& CMsvScheduleSettings::ShortInterval() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iShortInterval.Int() > 0, gPanic(EShortIntervalOutOfRange)); //TO DO: Always or Debug only?
+	return iShortInterval;
+	}
+Sets variable retry intervals.
+@param aIntervals
+Variable retry intervals.
+@leave One of the system wide error codes
+One of the intervals could not be appended to the array holding the variable
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 20
+At least one of the intervals is out of range (negative or null).
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetVariableIntervalsL(const CArrayFixFlat<TTimeIntervalSeconds>& aIntervals)
+	{
+	iVariableIntervals->Reset();
+	TInt count = aIntervals.Count();
+	for (TInt curInt = 0; curInt < count; curInt++)
+		{
+		TTimeIntervalSeconds interval = aIntervals[curInt];
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(interval.Int() > 0, gPanic(EVariableIntervalOutOfRange)); //TO DO: Always or Debug only?
+		iVariableIntervals->AppendL(interval);
+		}
+	}
+Gets variable retry intervals.
+This is used by CMsvScheduleSend to determine when to next send the message. 
+It is only used if TMsvSendErrorAction::iAction equals ESendActionRetryLater 
+and TMsvSendErrorAction::iRetrySpacing equals ESendRetrySpacingVariable.
+@return Variable retry intervals
+EXPORT_C const CArrayFixFlat<TTimeIntervalSeconds>& CMsvScheduleSettings::VariableIntervals() const
+	{
+	return *iVariableIntervals;
+	}
+Sets the minimum message sending latency.
+@param aLatency
+Minimum message sending latency.
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 25
+The latency is invalid (negative).
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetLatency(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aLatency)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLatency.Int() >= 0, gPanic(ELatencyOutOfRange)); //TO DO: Always or Debug only?
+	iLatency = aLatency;
+	}
+Gets the minimum message sending latency.
+This is the minimum amount of time from the current time that must elapse 
+before the message is sent. This must be greater than or equal to zero. 
+If the client specifies that the message should be scheduled in the past, 
+then CMsvScheduleSend will actually schedule the message in Latency() seconds 
+from the current time.
+@return Minimum message sending latency
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 25
+The latency is invalid (negative).
+EXPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& CMsvScheduleSettings::Latency() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLatency.Int() >= 0, gPanic(ELatencyOutOfRange)); //TO DO: Always or Debug only?
+	return iLatency;
+	}
+Sets the timeout interval when re-scheduling messages for pending conditions
+to be met.
+A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout when pending conditions to 
+be met. The default value is zero.
+@param aTimeout
+The timeout interval in minutes.
+@panic ScheduleSend-DLL 25
+The timeout interval is invalid (negative).
+EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSettings::SetPendingConditionsTimeout(const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aTimeout)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aTimeout.Int() >= 0, gPanic(EPendingConditionsTimeoutOutOfRange));
+	iPendingConditionsTimeout = aTimeout;
+	}
+Gets the timeout interval when re-scheduling messages for pending conditions
+to be met.
+A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout when pending conditions to 
+be met. The default value is zero.
+The timeout interval in minutes.
+EXPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMinutes& CMsvScheduleSettings::PendingConditionsTimeout() const
+	{
+	return iPendingConditionsTimeout;
+	}