changeset 62 db3f5fa34ec7
parent 0 8e480a14352b
child 58 6c34d0baa0b1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/wappushfw/SISLPushMsgUtils/src/SISLPushMsgUtils.cpp	Wed Nov 03 22:41:46 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <smut.h>
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include <msventry.h>
+#include <msvids.h>
+#include <msvuids.h>
+#include <watcher.h>
+#include <push/pushlog.h>
+#include <pushentry.h>
+#include  <push/sislpushmsgutils.h>
+#include <push/csipushmsgentry.h>
+#include <push/cslpushmsgentry.h>
+Allocates and constructs a new SISL Push Message Utility object.
+New SISL Push Message Utility object.
+EXPORT_C CSISLPushMsgUtils* CSISLPushMsgUtils::NewL()
+	{
+	CSISLPushMsgUtils* self = new (ELeave) CSISLPushMsgUtils();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+CSISLPushMsgUtils::CSISLPushMsgUtils() : CWapPushMsgUtils()
+	{
+	}
+Constructor. Creates CMsvSession and CMsvEntry.   
+void CSISLPushMsgUtils::ConstructL()
+	{
+	CWapPushMsgUtils::ConstructL();
+	}
+EXPORT_C CSISLPushMsgUtils::~CSISLPushMsgUtils()
+	{
+	}
+Locates a selection of SI entries with the specified ID. 
+Assumes that all SI entries are saved as children of the Push Service Message Folder. 
+If the id of the Push Message Folder happens to be Null, it gets the Id of the folder.
+The return value CMsvEntrySelection is on the Cleanup Stack.
+@param aSiId 
+Id of SI message to locate
+Id of the message entries if it exists, or KMsvNullIndexEntryId if it doesn't.
+EXPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* CSISLPushMsgUtils::FindSiIdLC(const TDesC& aSiId)
+	{
+	CMsvEntrySelection* matching = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(matching);
+	CSIPushMsgEntry* siEntry = CSIPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(siEntry);
+	if (iPushFolderId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
+		GetPushMsgFolderIdL(iPushFolderId);
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(iPushFolderId);
+	CMsvEntrySelection* children;
+	children = GetChildrenWithMtmLC(KUidMtmWapPush);//leave children on CleanupStack 
+	TInt numEntries= children->Count();
+	TMsvEntry currentEntry;
+	// loop until we find a match or reach the end of the SI entries
+	for (TInt count=0; count<numEntries; count++)
+		{
+		iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(children->At(count));
+		currentEntry = iMsvEntry->Entry();
+		// Hard coded check for the Message Push Type
+		if (currentEntry.iBioType == KUidWapPushMsgSI.iUid) //It's an SI message!
+			{
+			siEntry->SetEntry(currentEntry);
+			siEntry->RetrieveL(*iMsvSession, currentEntry.Id());
+			if (aSiId.CompareF( siEntry->Id()) ==0)// Found a match
+				matching->AppendL( currentEntry.Id());       // get the Id to return
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // children, siEntry
+	return matching; //Still on CleanupStack
+	}
+Finds any entry with the specified Url and Push Message Type Uid.
+The function assumes that the entries are stored under the Push Message Folder Entry. 
+@param aUrl 
+URL to find
+@param aPushType 
+Push Message type to filter entries.
+Message entry for the specified Url and message type, 
+or KMsvNullIndexEntryId if a match is not found.
+@leave KErrNotFound Could not locate a SISL Push message with the specified URL and push type.
+@leave CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetPushMsgFolderIdL
+@leave CMsvEntry::SetEntryL
+@leave CMsvEntry::HasStoreL
+@leave CMsvEntry::ReadStoreL
+@leave CMsvStore::IsPresentL
+@leave CMsvEntry::EntryId
+@leave CMsvStore::RetrieveL
+EXPORT_C TMsvId CSISLPushMsgUtils::FindUrlL(const TDesC& aUrl, TUid aPushType)
+	{
+	//Finds all of the entries with the Push Mtm type, 
+	//and then checks if each that has the correct Push Message Type, until either a match is 
+	//found or there are no more entries.
+	TMsvId pushID = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
+	if (iPushFolderId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
+		GetPushMsgFolderIdL(iPushFolderId);
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(iPushFolderId);
+	CMsvEntrySelection* children;
+	children = GetChildrenWithMtmLC(KUidMtmWapPush);//leave children on CleanupStack
+	TInt numEntries= children->Count();
+	TMsvEntry currentEntry;
+	// loop until we find a match or reach the end of the SI entries
+	for (TInt count=0; count<numEntries  && pushID == KMsvNullIndexEntryId; count++)
+		{
+		iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(children->At(count));
+		currentEntry = iMsvEntry->Entry();
+		if (currentEntry.iBioType == aPushType.iUid && iMsvEntry->HasStoreL()) 
+			//It's the right type of message!
+			{
+			CPushMsgEntryBase* pushEntry = GetPushMsgEntryL(aPushType);
+			if (pushEntry)
+				{
+				TPtrC url;
+				if (aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSI)
+					{
+					url.Set(static_cast<CSIPushMsgEntry*>(pushEntry)->Url());
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					url.Set(static_cast<CSLPushMsgEntry*>(pushEntry)->Url());
+					}
+				CleanupStack::PushL(pushEntry);
+				pushEntry->RetrieveL(*iMsvSession, currentEntry.Id());
+				if (aUrl.CompareF(url) == 0) 
+					pushID = currentEntry.Id();
+				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pushEntry);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // children
+	return pushID;
+	}
+Gets the action value for the specified message. 
+@param aId 
+Message entry of interest.
+Action level for the message, or KErrNotFound if action level not found.
+EXPORT_C TInt CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetActionL(TMsvId aId)
+	{
+	//Creates an instance of the correct message entry type which is used to 
+	//get the action value. This ensures that the decoding routine of the 
+	//PushEntry class is used, maintaining encapsulation.
+	TInt action = KErrNotFound;  // -1 to indicate we haven't found the action level
+	TMsvEntry myEntry;
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aId);
+	myEntry = iMsvEntry->Entry();
+	if  (myEntry.iBioType == KUidWapPushMsgSI.iUid)
+		{
+		CSIPushMsgEntry* siMsg = CSIPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+		siMsg->SetEntry(myEntry);
+		action = siMsg->Action();
+		delete siMsg;
+		}
+	else if (myEntry.iBioType == KUidWapPushMsgSL.iUid)
+		{
+		CSLPushMsgEntry* slMsg = CSLPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+		slMsg->SetEntry(myEntry);
+		action = slMsg->Action();
+		delete slMsg;
+		}
+	return action;
+	}
+Gets SI or SL Push Message (CSIPushMsgEntry or CSLPushMsgEntry) object from the message 
+store for the specified message type.
+@param aPushType 
+Push Message type.
+SI or SL Push Message object for the specified message type.
+@leave CMsvEntry::HasStoreL
+@leave CMsvEntry::ReadStoreL
+@leave CMsvStore::IsPresentL
+@leave CMsvEntry::EntryId
+@leave CMsvStore::RetrieveL
+CPushMsgEntryBase* CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetPushMsgEntryL(const TUid aPushType)
+	{
+	TBool streamExists=EFalse;
+	if (iMsvEntry->HasStoreL())
+		{
+		CMsvStore* store = iMsvEntry->ReadStoreL();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+		if (store->IsPresentL(aPushType) )
+			streamExists = ETrue;
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
+		}
+	if (!streamExists)
+		return NULL;
+	CPushMsgEntryBase* pushMsg = NULL;
+	if (aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSI)
+		{
+		pushMsg = CSIPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+		}
+	else if (aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSL)
+		{
+		pushMsg = CSLPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pushMsg);
+	pushMsg->RetrieveL(Session(), iMsvEntry->EntryId());
+	CleanupStack::Pop(pushMsg);
+	return pushMsg;
+	}
+Gets the expiry date for the message with the specified Id.
+The function assumes that the Id passed as a parameter is for an SI message, 
+and cannot currently handle any other type of message. 
+@param aId 
+Id of message to find expiry date. 
+Expiry date/time of SI message.
+EXPORT_C const TTime  CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetExpiryL(TMsvId aId)
+	{
+	TInt64 nullTime = 0;
+	TTime siExpires = nullTime;
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aId);
+	// Ensures we only have an SI Msg - otherwise cannot get an expiry date
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMsvEntry->Entry().iBioType == KUidWapPushMsgSI.iUid, 
+				User::Panic(KSISLPushMsgUtilsPanicTitle,ESISLPushMsgUtilsNotSiMsg));
+	CSIPushMsgEntry* siEntry = CSIPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(siEntry);
+	siEntry->RetrieveL(*iMsvSession, aId);
+	siExpires = siEntry->Expires();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(siEntry);
+	return siExpires;
+	}
+Finds the message of a specified Push type with the highest action level.
+@param	aPushType 
+Uid for the type of WAP Push Message
+Id of the message entry with the highest action
+@leave	KErrNotSupported
+If aPushType is not a SI or SL push message type. 
+@leave  CMsvEntry::SetEntryL
+@leave	CSIPushMsgEntry::NewL
+@leave	CMsvEntry::ChildrenWithMtmL
+@leave	CArrayFixFlat::AppendL
+EXPORT_C TMsvId CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetHighestActionL(TUid aPushType)
+	{
+	//Action only applies to the SI and SL messages - both stored under the Service Entry
+	CMsvEntrySelection* sel;
+	if (iPushFolderId ==KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
+		GetPushMsgFolderIdL(iPushFolderId);
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(iPushFolderId);
+	sel=GetChildrenWithMtmLC(KUidMtmWapPush);
+	CPushMsgEntryBase* pushMsg=NULL;
+	if (aPushType ==  KUidWapPushMsgSI)
+		pushMsg = CSIPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+	else if(aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSL)
+		pushMsg = CSLPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+	else
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pushMsg);
+	TMsvId maxId =KMsvNullIndexEntryId ;
+	TInt maxAction=-1;
+	TInt currentAction=-1;
+	TInt entries = sel->Count();
+	for (TInt count = 0; count < entries; count++)
+		{
+		iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(sel->At(count));
+		pushMsg->SetEntry(iMsvEntry->Entry());
+		if (iMsvEntry->Entry().iBioType == aPushType.iUid)
+			{
+			if (aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSI )
+				currentAction = STATIC_CAST(CSIPushMsgEntry*, pushMsg) ->Action();
+			else if ((aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSL))
+				currentAction = STATIC_CAST(CSLPushMsgEntry*, pushMsg) ->Action();
+			else continue;
+			if (currentAction>maxAction)  // Found a new highest action - store the details
+				{
+				maxAction = currentAction;
+				maxId = sel->At(count);
+				}
+			currentAction = -1;
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //sel,  pushMsg
+	return maxId;
+	}
+Gets the earliest expiry date of all the SI Messages that are not flagged for deletion. 
+Id of the message with the earliest expiry date
+EXPORT_C TMsvId CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetNextExpiryL()
+	{
+	//Function searches through the SI Messages and keeps hold of the earliest expiry up 
+	//to that point. Because the function just compares each message with the preceding 
+	//ones it is possible for it to return a date before the current date and time. 
+	//This just means that the message has expired but has not been either removed from 
+	//the system or flagged for deletion. 
+	CMsvEntrySelection* sel;
+	if (iPushFolderId ==KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
+		GetPushMsgFolderIdL(iPushFolderId);
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(iPushFolderId);
+	sel=GetChildrenWithMtmLC(KUidMtmWapPush);
+	TInt count = sel->Count();
+	// Ensure that we start with Max time, everything ought to be less than this
+	TTime earliestTime = Time::MaxTTime(); 
+	TMsvId siExpiring = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
+	CSIPushMsgEntry* siEntry = CSIPushMsgEntry::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(siEntry);
+	for (TInt current = 0; current< count;current++)
+		{
+		iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(sel->At(current));
+		if (iMsvEntry->Entry().iBioType == KUidWapPushMsgSI.iUid)
+			{	
+			siEntry->RetrieveL(*iMsvSession, iMsvEntry->Entry().Id());
+			// Ignore null expiry times and entries flagged for deletion
+			if ( (siEntry->Expires() == Time::NullTTime() )
+			  || (siEntry->Status() == CPushMsgEntryBase::EPushMsgStatusDeleted) )
+				continue;
+			else if ( (siEntry->Expires() < earliestTime ))
+				{
+				earliestTime = siEntry->Expires().Int64();
+				siExpiring = iMsvEntry->Entry().Id();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //siEntry
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // sel
+	return siExpiring;
+	}
+Gets the Id of the Push Message Folder under which all Push Messages are stored. 
+If the folder does not exist, it is created.
+@param aFolderId 
+On return, Id of the Push Message Folder.
+@leave	CMsvEntry::ChildrenWithTypeL
+@leave	CMsvEntry::SetEntryL
+@leave	CArrayFixFlat::AppendL
+EXPORT_C void CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetPushMsgFolderIdL(TMsvId& aFolderId)
+	{
+	//Returns the Service IDs of MTM aMtm
+	if (iPushFolderId != KMsvNullIndexEntryId)
+		{ 
+		aFolderId = iPushFolderId;
+		return;
+		}
+	aFolderId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId);
+	//Get the children on the Root Index Entry
+	CMsvEntrySelection* selection = iMsvEntry->ChildrenWithTypeL(KUidMsvFolderEntry);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(selection);
+	CMsvEntrySelection* pushFolders = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pushFolders);
+	TInt count = selection->Count();
+	//Find an entry for MTM aMtm
+	for (TInt curChild = 0; curChild < count; curChild++)
+		{
+		iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(selection->At(curChild));
+		if (iMsvEntry->Entry().iMtm == KUidMtmWapPush)
+			{
+			pushFolders->AppendL( iMsvEntry->Entry().Id());
+			}
+		}
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);//Point our entry to something safe
+	if (pushFolders->Count() >0)
+		aFolderId = pushFolders->At(0); // grab the first, should only be one!
+	else if (pushFolders->Count() ==0)
+		{
+		aFolderId = CreatePushMsgFolderL();
+		}
+	if (aFolderId!= KMsvNullIndexEntryId && (&iPushFolderId != &aFolderId) ) //service Id & not self assignment
+		iPushFolderId = aFolderId;  // Keep this - may save effort in forthcoming fn calls
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //selection
+	}
+Gets the date field from the message with the specified Id.
+Creation Date is stored in iMsgDate for SI messages, whilst the field holds the date
+and time of transmission for SL messages. This function is called by GetCreationDate 
+and GetTransmissionDate
+@param aId 
+Id of the message entry with the required date field.
+@param aPushType 
+Uid for the type of WAP Push Message
+Value of the date field.
+@leave CMsvEntry::SetEntryL
+@leave CMsvEntry::HasStoreL
+@leave CMsvEntry::ReadStoreL
+@leave CMsvStore::IsPresentL
+@leave CMsvEntry::EntryId
+@leave CMsvStore::RetrieveL
+TTime CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetDateL(TMsvId aId, const TUid aPushType)
+	{
+	TTime date = Time::NullTTime();
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aId);
+	CPushMsgEntryBase* pushEntry = GetPushMsgEntryL(aPushType);
+	if (aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSI)
+		{
+		date = STATIC_CAST(CSIPushMsgEntry*, pushEntry) ->Created();
+		}
+	else if (aPushType == KUidWapPushMsgSL)
+		{
+		date = STATIC_CAST(CSLPushMsgEntry*, pushEntry) ->TimeSent();
+		}
+	delete pushEntry;
+	return date;
+	}
+Creates a new Push Service folder under the local service. 
+Called when GetPushMsgFolderL fails to find a folder entry. 
+Id of the newly created folder entry
+TMsvId CSISLPushMsgUtils::CreatePushMsgFolderL()
+	{
+	TMsvId id = 0;
+	TMsvEntry entry;
+	entry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId;
+	entry.iMtm = KUidMtmWapPush;
+	entry.iType = KUidMsvFolderEntry;
+	entry.SetReadOnly(ETrue);
+	entry.SetVisible(EFalse);
+	entry.iDetails.Set(KPushFolderDescription);
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId);
+	iMsvEntry->CreateL(entry);
+	id = entry.Id();
+	return id;
+	}
+Sets the status of the specified Push message to be deleted. 
+Any messages marked as deleted in the Push Message Folder under the Local Service will be 
+deleted by the UI later. Sets the value of the first 4 bits of the TMsvEntry field 
+iMtmData1 to EPushMsgStatusDeleted.
+@param aId 
+Id of the entry to be set to Deleted
+EXPORT_C void CSISLPushMsgUtils::DeleteEntryL(TMsvId aId)
+	{
+	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aId);
+	TMsvEntry entry = iMsvEntry->Entry();
+	entry.SetMtmData1( (entry.MtmData1() & (~KPushMaskOnlyStatus)) 
+								+ CPushMsgEntryBase::EPushMsgStatusDeleted );
+	iMsvEntry->ChangeL(entry);
+	}
+Deletes the specified Push Message. 
+This function deletes the item immediately.
+@param aId 
+Id of the entry to be Deleted
+EXPORT_C void CSISLPushMsgUtils::DeleteEntryNowL(TMsvId aId)
+	{
+	iMsvEntry->DeleteL(aId);
+	}
+Gets all the children of the current message context which have the specified Mtm Uid.  
+Assumes that the calling function has set the iMsvEntry member to the correct context, prior 
+to the function call.
+@param aMtm 
+Mtm Uid to filter children with
+Pointer to an array of TMsvId's for entries which match the Mtm Uid
+@leave CMsvEntry::ChildrenWithMtmL
+CMsvEntrySelection* CSISLPushMsgUtils::GetChildrenWithMtmLC(TUid aMtm)
+	{
+	CMsvEntrySelection* children;
+	children = iMsvEntry->ChildrenWithMtmL(aMtm);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(children);
+	return children;
+	}
+#ifndef EKA2
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason/* aReason*/)	
+	{
+	return (KErrNone);
+	}