changeset 62 db3f5fa34ec7
parent 0 8e480a14352b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/wappushfw/tpush/DummyStack/DummyWapClient.h	Wed Nov 03 22:41:46 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <in_sock.h>
+enum {KDefaultMessageSlots = 10};
+ * forward declaration
+ */
+class CDummyWapSession;
+class CDummyWSPCLConn;
+class CDummyWSPCOConn;
+class CDummyWSPConn;
+class CDummyWSPCOTrans;
+class CDummyWTLS;
+namespace Wap
+	{
+	// Bearer type definition
+	typedef enum
+		{
+		EAll,
+		EIP,
+		ESMS7,
+		ESMS,
+		} TBearer;
+	// Port number definition
+	typedef TUint16 TPort;
+	class TAddressInfo
+		{
+	public:
+		TName iName;			// Interface name
+		TInetAddr iAddress;		// Interface IP Address (*)
+		};
+	}
+/** Bound Connectionless Push
+class CWapBoundCLPushService : public CBase
+public: // creation/deletion
+	IMPORT_C static CWapBoundCLPushService* NewL();
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CWapBoundCLPushService();
+public: // API methods
+	virtual TInt Connect(Wap::TBearer , Wap::TPort , TBool , TInetAddr ){return 0;}
+	virtual TInt Connect(Wap::TBearer aBearer, Wap::TPort aPort, TBool aSecure);
+	virtual TInt AwaitPush(TDes8& aPushHeaders, TDes8& aPushBody, TPckgBuf<TUint8>& aPushId, TRequestStatus& aReqStatus);
+	virtual void CancelAwaitPush();
+	virtual TInt GetLocalPort(Wap::TPort& /*aPort*/) { return KErrNotSupported;}	
+	virtual TInt GetLocalAddress(HBufC8*& /*aLocalHost*/) { return KErrNotSupported;}
+	virtual TInt GetBearer(Wap::TBearer& /*aBearer*/) { return KErrNotSupported;}
+	virtual TInt GetServerAddressL(HBufC8*& aRemoteHost);
+protected: // methods
+	IMPORT_C CWapBoundCLPushService();
+	CDummyWapSession* DummyWapSession();
+	CDummyWapSession* iSessHandle;
+	CDummyWSPCLConn* iClConnHandle;
+ * This represents a client session with the server
+ */
+class RWAPServ
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TInt Connect(TInt aDefaultMessageSlots = KDefaultMessageSlots);
+	IMPORT_C void Close();
+	CDummyWapSession* DummyWapSession();
+	CDummyWapSession* iSessHandle;
+	CDummyWSPCLConn* iClConnHandle;
+	};
+ *  Base class used by all type of connections
+ */
+class RWAPConn
+	{
+	typedef TUint16 TPort;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt Close();
+	IMPORT_C class RWTLS Wtls();
+	enum 
+		{
+		ERetCodeBase      = -5500,
+		EWSPCORetCodeBase = ERetCodeBase + 25,
+		EWSPCLRetCodeBase = ERetCodeBase + 50,
+		EWTPRetCodeBase   = ERetCodeBase + 75,
+		EWDPRetCodeBase   = ERetCodeBase + 100,
+		EWTLSRetCodeBase  = ERetCodeBase + 125,
+		ERetCodeTop       = ERetCodeBase + 200
+		};
+	enum TReturnCodes
+		{  
+		EMoreData           = ERetCodeBase + 0,
+		EBearerError        = ERetCodeBase + 1,
+		EPortAlreadyBound   = ERetCodeBase + 2,
+		ECannotOpenPort     = ERetCodeBase + 3,
+		ETooManyConnections = ERetCodeBase + 4,
+		EBadConnection      = ERetCodeBase + 5,
+		EBufferTooSmall     = ERetCodeBase + 6
+		};
+	enum TMethod 
+		{
+		EGet = 0x40,
+		EOptions = 0x41,
+		EHead = 0x42,
+		EDelete = 0x43,
+		ETrace = 0x44,
+		EPost = 0x60,
+		EPut = 0x61
+		};
+	CDummyWSPConn* iDummyConn;
+	};
+class RWTLS 
+	{
+	enum TReturnCodes
+		{
+		EOutOfMemory            = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 0,
+		ESocketError            = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 1,
+		EBadParameters          = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 2,
+		ESocketError2           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 3,
+		EResumeIDNotFound       = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 4,
+		EResumeError            = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 5,
+		ERenegotiationRequest   = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 6,
+		EIllegalCall            = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 7,
+		EConnectionCloseNotify  = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 8,
+		ESessionCloseNotify     = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 9,
+		ENoConnection           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 10,
+		EUnexpectedMessage      = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 11,
+		EBadRecordMac           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 12,
+		EDecryptionFailed       = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 13,
+		ERecordOverflow         = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 14,
+		EHandshakeFailure       = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 15,
+		EDecompressionFailure   = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 16,
+		EBadCertificate         = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 17,
+		EUnsupportedCertificate = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 18,
+		ECertificateRevoked     = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 19,
+		ECertificateExpired     = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 20,
+		ECertificateUnknown     = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 21,
+		EIllegalParameter       = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 22,
+		EUnknownCA              = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 23,
+		EAccessDenied           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 24,
+		EDecodeError            = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 25,
+		EDecryptError           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 26,
+		EUnknownKeyId           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 27,
+		EDisableKeyId           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 28,
+		EKeyExchangeDisabled    = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 29,
+		ESessionNotReady        = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 30,
+		EUnknownParameterIndex  = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 31,
+		EDuplicateFinishedRecv  = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 32,
+		EExportRestriction      = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 33,
+		EProtocolVersion        = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 34,
+		EInsufficientSecurity   = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 35,
+		EInternalError          = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 36,
+		EUserCanceled           = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 37,
+		ENoRenegotiation        = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 38,
+		EErrGeneral             = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 39,
+		EErrBulk                = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 40,
+		EErrMac                 = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 41,
+		EErrSequenceNumberMode  = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 42,
+		EErrKeyRefreshRate      = RWAPConn::EWTLSRetCodeBase + 43,
+		};
+	enum TIdType 
+		{
+		EIdNull,
+		EText, 
+		EBinary, 
+		EKeyHashSha = 254, 
+		EX509Name = 255
+		};
+	enum TKeyExchangeSuite 
+		{    
+		ESharedSecret = 1,
+		EDHAnon,
+		EDHAnon512,
+		EDHAnon768,
+		ERsaAnon,
+		ERsaAnon512,
+		ERsaAnon768,
+		ERsa,
+		ERsa512,
+		ERsa768,
+		EEcdhAnon,
+		EEcdhAnon113,
+		EEcdhAnon131,
+		EEcdhEcdsa
+		};
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetKeyExchangeSuite(TKeyExchangeSuite aSuite,TIdType IdType,
+			const TDesC8& aKeyId);
+	enum TBulkEncryptionAlgorithm
+		{
+		EBulkNull     = 0x00,
+		ERc5_cbc_40   = 0x01,
+		ERc5_cbc_56   = 0x02,
+		ERc5_cbc      = 0x03,
+		EDes_cbc_40   = 0x04,
+		EDes_cbc      = 0x05,
+		E3Des_cbc_ede = 0x06,
+		EIdea_cbc_40  = 0x07,
+		EIdea_cbc_56  = 0x08,
+		EIdea_cbc     = 0x09
+		};
+	enum TMacAlgorithm
+		{
+		ESha_0         = 0x00,
+		ESha_40        = 0x01,
+		ESha_80        = 0x02,
+		ESha           = 0x03,
+		ESha_xor_40    = 0x04,
+		EMd5_40        = 0x05,
+		EMd5_80        = 0x06,
+		EMd5           = 0x07
+		};
+	struct TCipherSuite
+		{
+		TBulkEncryptionAlgorithm iBulkEncryptionAlgorithm;
+		TMacAlgorithm            iMacAlgorithm;
+		};
+	typedef CArrayFixFlat<TCipherSuite> CipherSuiteArray;
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetCipherSuites(const CipherSuiteArray& aCipherSuites);
+	enum TSequenceNumberMode 
+		{
+		ENotUsed = 0, 
+		EImplicit, 
+		EExplicit
+		};
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetSequenceNumberMode(TSequenceNumberMode aMode);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetKeyRefreshRate(TUint8 aRate);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetSharedSecret(const TDesC8& aSharedSecret);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetRecordLengthUsage(TBool aUsage);
+	// This is returned in the TRequestStatus on completion in 
+	// Connect and ConnectPhaseTwo.
+	enum HandshakeResult
+		{
+		EServerCertificateValid,
+		EServerCertificateNotValid,
+		ECertificateRequested,
+		EHandshakeOk,
+		EHandshakeError,
+		EHandshakeUserAbort
+		};
+	IMPORT_C void Connect(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TBool aTwoPhaseHandshake);
+	IMPORT_C void CancelConnect();
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConnectPhaseTwo(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void CancelConnectPhaseTwo();
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetCipherSuite(TCipherSuite& aCipherSuite) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetSequenceNumberMode(TSequenceNumberMode& aMode) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetKeyRefreshRate(TUint8& aRate) const;
+	IMPORT_C class RCertificate ServerCert();
+	friend class RWAPConn;
+	CDummyWTLS* iDummyWTLS;
+	};
+ * This class represents a server certificate 
+ */
+class RCertificate 
+	{
+	typedef TUint16 TCertId;
+	typedef TDesC8 TCertificate; // binary format
+	IMPORT_C TInt Load(const TDesC8& aSubject);
+	IMPORT_C TInt LoadById(const TCertId& aId);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Delete(const TDesC8& aSubject);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Save(const TCertificate& aCertificate, TDes8& aSubject);
+	IMPORT_C TInt FindFirst(TDes8& aSubject, TCertId& aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt FindNext(TDes8& aSubject, TCertId& aId) const;
+	enum TStatus
+		{
+		EOk, 
+		ENotYetValid, 
+		EExpired, 
+		EUnknownCA, 
+		EPermanentStorageReadError
+		};
+	struct TInfo
+		{
+		TUint32 iValidNotBefore;     //  is first valid date of the cert (unix GMT). 
+		TUint32 iValidNotAfter;      //  is last valid date of the cert (unix GMT)
+		TUint16 iSubjectCharacterSet;//  is an IANA defined number.
+		TUint16 iIssuerCharacterSet; //  is an IANA defined number.
+		TDes8*  iSubject;             
+		TDes8*  iIssuer;             
+		TStatus iServerCertificateStatus;
+		TDes8*  iFingerPrint;
+		};
+	IMPORT_C TInt Info(TInfo& aInfo) const;
+	friend class RWTLS;
+	RCertificate(){}
+	};
+ * this class represents a connection of type connectionless Push
+ */
+class RWSPCLConn : public RWAPConn
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TInt Open(RWAPServ& aServer, TPort aLocalPort);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Open(RWAPServ& aServer,
+						const TDesC8& aRemoteHost,
+						TPort aRemotePort,
+						TPort aLocalPort,
+						Wap::TBearer aBearer,
+						TBool aSecureConn);
+	IMPORT_C TInt AwaitPush(TDes8& aPushHeaders, TDes8& aPushBody, TUint& aPushId, TRequestStatus& aReqStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void UnitWaitPush(TDes8& aBody,TDes8& aHeaders,TPushID& aID,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void CancelUnitWaitPush();
+	IMPORT_C void CancelAwaitPush();
+	IMPORT_C TInt UnitWaitPush(TDes8& aBody,TDes8& aHeaders,TPushID& aID);
+	enum TReturnCodes
+		{			
+		EBufferTooSmall      = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 0,
+		EInvalidSession      = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 1,
+		EParameterError      = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 2,
+		ESessionNotConnected = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 3,
+		ENotSupported        = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 4,
+		EInvalidState        = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 5,
+		ESessionClosed       = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 6,
+		EMRUExceeded		 = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 7,	
+		EInvalidBufferSize   = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 8,
+		EDataNotAvailable    = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 9,
+		EErrorTimeout        = EWSPCLRetCodeBase + 10
+		};
+	CDummyWSPCLConn* iClConnHandle;
+	};
+ * Represents a connection-orientated transaction
+ *
+ */
+class RWSPCOTrans 
+	{
+	enum TDataType
+		{
+		EPushBody = 0,
+		EPushHeaders,
+		EResultStatus,
+		EResultBody,
+		EResultHeaders,
+		EInvokeUri,
+		EInvokeMethod,
+		EInvokeHeaders,
+		EInvokeBody,
+		EAckHeaders,
+		EAbortReason
+		};	
+	enum TState 
+		{
+		EInit = 0,
+		ERequesting,
+		EReplying,
+		EDone,
+		EAborted,
+		EPushing
+		};
+	typedef TPckgBuf<TState> TStatePckg;
+	typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> THandlePckg;
+	typedef TUint8 TAbortReason;
+	typedef TInt TTransID;
+	/** acknowledge a transaction - must be used for confirmed push */
+	IMPORT_C TInt Acknowledge(const TDesC8& aAckHeaders);
+	/** Retrieves the data associated to a transaction */
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetData(TDes8& aBuffer, TDataType aDataType, TInt* aSizeLeft = 0) const;
+	/** Retrieve the state the transaction is in */
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetState(TState& aState) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt Abort(TAbortReason aReason);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Release();
+	IMPORT_C TInt Id(TTransID& aId);
+	friend class CDummyWSPCOConn;
+	CDummyWSPCOTrans* iCoTransHandle;	
+	};
+enum TBearer
+	EAll,
+	EIP,
+	ESMS7,
+  	};
+ * Connection-orientated connection
+ *
+ */
+class RWSPCOConn : public RWAPConn
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TInt Open(RWAPServ& aServer, const TDesC8& aRemoteHost, TPort aRemotePort, TPort aLocalPort,
+		TBearer aBearer, TBool aSecureConn);
+	// Open fully defined
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt Close();
+	IMPORT_C TInt Connect(const TDesC8& aClientHeaders, class CCapCodec* aCap = 0);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Disconnect();
+	IMPORT_C TInt Suspend();
+	IMPORT_C TInt Resume(RWSPCOConn& aBlankConn, const TDesC8& aHeaders);
+	enum TSessionState
+		{
+		EInit = 0,
+		EConnecting,
+		EConnected,
+		ESuspended,
+		EResuming,
+		EReplying,
+		EDisconnected
+		};
+	enum TSessionDataType 
+		{
+		EServerHeaders = 12,
+		EClientHeaders,
+		ECapabilities,
+		ERedirectOptions,
+		ERedirectAddresses,
+		EQueueLen,
+		EErrorHeaders,
+		EErrorBody,
+		EDisconReason,
+		ESuspendReason
+		};
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetSessionState(TSessionState& aState) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetSessionData(TDes8& aData, TSessionDataType aType) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt CreateTransaction(TMethod aMethod, const TDesC& aURI, const TDesC8& aHeaders, 
+		const TDesC8& aBody, RWSPCOTrans& aTrans);
+	typedef TPckgBuf<TInt> TEvent;
+	/** Gets next session or transaction event on this session */
+	IMPORT_C void GetEvent(TEvent& aEvent, RWSPCOTrans& aTrans, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
+	/** Cancel the asynchronous GetEvent operation */		
+	IMPORT_C void CancelGetEvent();
+	/** Gets next session or transaction event on this session (synchronous version */
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetEvent(TEvent& aEvent, RWSPCOTrans& aTrans) const; 
+	/** Return the number of events pending for the session */
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetNrOfEvents(TUint& aNrOfEvents) const;
+	enum TReturnCodes
+		{
+		EBufferTooSmall      = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 0,
+		EInvalidSession      = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 1,
+		EInvalidTransaction  = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 2,
+		EParameterError      = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 3,
+		ESessionNotConnected = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 4,
+		ENotSupported        = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 5,
+		EInvalidState        = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 6,
+		ESessionClosed       = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 7,
+		EMRUExceeded         = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 8,
+		EInvalidBufferSize   = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 9,
+		EDataNotAvailable    = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 10,
+		EErrorTimeout        = EWSPCORetCodeBase + 11
+		};	
+	enum TEventType
+		{    
+		// session events
+		EDisconnect_ind_s = 0,
+		ESuspend_ind_s,
+		EResume_cnf_s,
+		EConnect_cnf_s,
+		ERedirect_ind_s,
+		// transaction events
+		EMethodInvoke_cnf_t,
+		EMethodResult_ind_t,
+		EAbort_ind_t,
+		EPush_ind_t,
+		EConfirmedPush_ind_t,
+		// exception events
+		EException_ind_e,
+		};
+	CDummyWSPCOConn* iCoConnHandle;
+	};