// Clean down the message store.
actionParam = inboxFolderId outboxFolderId draftsFolderId sentFolderId deletedFolderId
actionParam = session
actionParam = session
actionParam = session draftsFolderId 0
actionParam = session _ _ _ _ "Imap4Service" "MyAccount" "none" imap4ServiceId
// Now put a single email in the inbox.
actionParam = session _ _ _ _ "SmtpService" smtpServiceId
actionParam = session clientMtmRegistry
actionParam = CMtfConfigurationType::TMtfConfigurationType::EMtfSmtpSettings "c:\msgtest\TestFramework\Configurations\EmailSettings\ODCSmtpSettings.txt"
actionParam = CMtfConfigurationType::TMtfConfigurationType::EMtfEmailFile "c:\msgtest\TestFramework\Configurations\EmailMessage\test1.txt"
actionParam = session smtpServiceId _
actionParam = session smtpServiceId draftsFolderId 0 smtpMessageId
actionParam = 1
actionParam = smtpMessageId "c:\msgtest\SaveIntParamToFile.txt"
actionParam = session draftsFolderId 1