// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "msvcacheindextableentry.h"
#include "msventryfreepool.h"
#include "msvcacheentry.h"
#include "msvindexadapter.h"
* NewL()
* @param None.
* @return The newly created index table entry
* It returns an instance of the CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry class, i.e. a newly
* constructed index table with no entries in it.
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry* CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::NewL()
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry *self = new(ELeave) CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry();
return self;
* NewL()
* @param CMsvCacheEntry& : a new cache entry
* @return The newly created index table entry
* It returns an instance of the CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry class with the passed entry
* added.
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry* CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::NewL(CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry)
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry *self = CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::NewLC(aEntry);
return self;
* NewLC()
* @param CMsvCacheEntry& : a new cache entry
* @return The newly created index table entry
* It returns an instance of the CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry class
* with the passed entry added. It leaves the object into cleanup stack.
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry* CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::NewLC(CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry)
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry *self = new(ELeave) CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry();
return self;
* NewL()
* @param RPointerArrayCMsvCacheEntry>& : RPointerArray reference to child entries
* @return The newly created index table entry
* It returns an instance of the CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry class filled with child
* entries.
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry* CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::NewL(RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aEntries, TInt aInitIndex /*(DEFALUT=0)*/, TInt aCount /* DEFAULT = -1*/)
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry *self = CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::NewLC(aEntries, aInitIndex, aCount);
return self;
* NewLC()
* @param RPointerArrayCMsvCacheEntry>& : RPointerArray reference to child entries
* @return The newly created index table entry
* It returns an instance of the CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry class filled with child
* entries. It leaves the object into cleanup stack.
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry* CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::NewLC(RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aEntries, TInt aInitIndex /*(DEFALUT=0)*/, TInt aCount /* DEFAULT = -1*/)
CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry *self = new(ELeave) CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry();
self->AddEntrySetL(aEntries, aInitIndex, aCount);
return self;
* CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry()
* @param None.
* @return None.
* Constructor
:iMinMsvId(0), iMaxMsvId(0), iFlags(EMsvCacheIndexTableClearFlag)
iTimeStamp.HomeTime(); //set the timestamp to number of seconds since Epoc.
iBlockPtr = NULL;
* ~CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry()
* @param None.
* @return None.
* Destructor - releases the block to the cache free pool and sets it to NULL.
//destructor should delete everything no matter if entries are locked or not
* AddEntryL()
* @param CMsvCacheEntry& : reference to the CMsvCacheEntry to be added.
* @return None.
* The function adds an entry into the index table. The entity who passes the entry
* to the function will give up ownership of the same and hence cannot modify or
* delete it.
* 1. If the block is NULL, it creates a new one and appends the entry to the block
* and accordingly sets the TMsvId ranges.
* 2. If block is not NULL, then append the entry to it.
* 2.1 If the entry already exists in the block then release the old entry from the block and
* append the new one.
* 2.2 If the entry fits only at the end of the last block then we need to change
* the iMaxMsvid.
* If the indextable has not been created and if the folder has just one block, and this block contains
* random entries, then we may need to set the iMinMsvId.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::AddEntryL(CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry, TBool aReplace /* DEFAULT = EFalse*/)
TMsvId entryId = aEntry->GetId();
// 1. If the block is NULL, it creates a new one and appends the entry to the block
// and accordingly sets the TMsvId ranges.
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
iBlockPtr = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>;
} //if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
// 2. If block is not NULL:
// 2.1 If the entry already exists in the block then release the old entry from the
// block and append the new one.
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockSize; ++blockIndex)
if((*iBlockPtr)[blockIndex]->GetId() == aEntry->GetId())
aEntry = (*iBlockPtr)[blockIndex];
iBlockPtr->Insert(aEntry, blockIndex);
// 2.2 If the entry fits only at the end of the last block then we need to
// change the iMaxMsvid.
// If the indextable has not been created and if the folder has just
// one block, and this block contains random entries, then we may need to
// set the iMinMsvId.
if(entryId > iMaxMsvId)
if(entryId < iMinMsvId)
} //else
* AddEntrySetL()
* @param RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& : reference to the new entry set to be added.
* These entries can either be immediate children
* or non-immediate children, but not both.
* @param TInt aInitIndex : Start index of the entry to be added in the entryList.
* @param TInt aCount : Number of entries that should be added.
* @return None.
* The function adds a set of entries to the index table. The caller who passes the
* array of entries to the function will give up ownership of the entries in the array.
* 1. When the block is NULL:
* 1.1 If children of a non-immediate folder are present in the array then set the
* grandchildren and dirty flags.
* 1.2 If there aren't, then clear the above two flags.
* 1.3 Assign the new entry set to the block, but reset the passed set so that
* the caller cannot modify or delete the cache entries.
* 2. When the block is not NULL:
* 2.1 If children of a non-immediate folder are present in the array then
* set the grandchildren flag and simply append entries to the block.
* 2.2 If there aren't, append entries avoiding duplication.
* 2.2.1 Search for each entry that is present in the current block in the
* new set passed. If the entry is present then release it from the
* current block. If not then append to the new set.
* 2.2.2 All entries are now in the passed array. Reset the current block,
* allocate space for it and copy the entries to it. Also reset the
* passed array so that callers do not have access to the cache
* entries after the addition.
* 3. Calculate and set the maximum and minimum TMsvId ranges in the newly added set.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::AddEntrySetL(RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aEntries, TInt aInitIndex /*(DEFAULT=0)*/, TInt aCount /* DEFAULT=-1 */)
// Add all entries if aCount is -1.
TInt arrSize = aEntries.Count();
if(-1 == aCount)
aCount = arrSize;
if(aInitIndex < 0 || aInitIndex >= arrSize)
// 1. When the block is NULL:
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
// Assign the new entry set to the block, but reset the passed set so that
// the caller cannot modify or delete the cache entries.
// Update the ranges of the block.
iBlockPtr = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>;
for(TInt listIndex = 0; (listIndex < aCount) && (arrSize > listIndex+aInitIndex); ++listIndex)
} //if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
// 2. When the block is not NULL append the entries. If there is a duplicate entry,
// discard the new entry.
TBool entryFound = EFalse;
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt listCount = 0; (listCount < aCount) && (arrSize > listCount+aInitIndex); ++listCount)
entryFound = EFalse;
for(TInt blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockSize; ++blockIndex)
if(aEntries[listCount+aInitIndex]->GetId() == (*iBlockPtr)[blockIndex]->GetId())
aEntries.Insert((*iBlockPtr)[blockIndex], listCount+aInitIndex);
entryFound = ETrue;
} //for()
} //for()
} //else
* GetEntry()
* @param TMsvId : the TMsvId of the entry to be fetched.
* @param CMsvCacheEntry*& : output parameter for the entry.
* @return TBool.
* The function fetches the entry with the specified TMsvId.
* 1. If the block is NULL, there is no entry that can be fetched. Return EFalse.
* 2. Iterate through the block searching for the TMsvId and return ETrue for a hit
* 3. Return EFalse if the entry is not present in the block.
TBool CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::GetEntry(TMsvId aId, CMsvCacheEntry*& aEntry)
// 1. If the block is NULL, there is no entry that can be fetched. Return EFalse.
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
aEntry = NULL;
return EFalse;
// 2. Iterate through the block searching for the TMsvId and return ETrue for a hit.
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
if((*iBlockPtr)[index]->GetId() == aId)
aEntry = (*iBlockPtr)[index];
return ETrue;
} //for
// 3. Return EFalse if the entry is not present in the block.
return EFalse;
* GetChildrenL()
* @param TMsvId : TMsvId of the parent entry of the entries to be fetched.
* @param RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>*& : output parameter for the entries to be
* fetched.
* @return None.
* The function fetches a set of entries with the specified parent TMsvId.
* 1. Check if there are grandchildren present in the block.
* 1.1. If yes, then fetch only those entries with parent Id as aParentId.
* If the array of entries is NULL, then allocate space for it.
* 1.2. If not, then return a copy of the whole block.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::GetChildrenL(TMsvId aParentId, RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aEntries) /*const*/
// 1. Check if there are grandchildren present in the block.
// 1.1 If yes, then fetch only those entries with parent Id as aParentId.
// If the array of entries is NULL, then allocate space for it.
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
if((*iBlockPtr)[index]->Entry().Parent() == aParentId)
} //if(IsGrandChildPresent())
// 1.2 If not, then return a copy of the whole block.
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
} //else
* DeleteEntryL()
* @param TMsvId : the TMsvId of the entry to be deleted.
* @param aParentIdOfEntry
* @param aForceDelete TBool, it indicates whether the entry needs to be locked while deleting.
* @return None.
* The function deletes an entry from the cache releasing the entry to the cache free
* pool. The function is called when the entry is being deleted from both the DB and
* cache.
* 1. Return if the block is NULL.
* 2. Iterate through the block searching for the TMsvId.
* 2.1 If the entry exists, remove it and release to the free pool. Deletion
* is possible only if the entry is locked in the cache, otherwise the function
* returns KErrAccessDenied.
* 2.1.1 If the entry deleted was the last entry in the block, delete the
* block.
* 3. Leave with KErrNotFound if the entry does not exist in the block.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::DeleteEntryL(TMsvId aId, TMsvId& aParentIdOfEntry /*DEFAULT = NULL*/, TBool aForceDelete /*DEFAULT=EFalse*/)
// 1. Return if the block is NULL.
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
// 2. Iterate through the block searching for the TMsvId.
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
// 2.1 If the entry exists, remove it and release to the free pool. Deletion
// is possible only if the entry is locked in the cache.
if((*iBlockPtr)[index]->GetId() == aId)
if(aForceDelete || (*iBlockPtr)[index]->IsEntryLocked())
aParentIdOfEntry = (*iBlockPtr)[index]->Entry().Parent();
// 2.1.1. If the entry deleted was the last entry in the block,
// delete the block.
if(iBlockPtr->Count() == 0)
delete iBlockPtr;
iBlockPtr = NULL;
} //for
// 3. Leave with KErrNotFound if the entry does not exist in the block.
* ReleaseBlock()
* @param TBool: internally used flag which is used by destructor to forcibly swap out
* the block even if entries have been locked.
* @return TBool: EFalse if block cannot be released as a result of entries having been
* locked in the cache, ETrue if otherwise.
* The function releases a block to the cache free pool.
* 1. Return EFalse if any of the entries in the block have been locked. Do not
* swap out the block to the free pool if so.
* 2. No entries are locked and/or the block is to be swapped out forcibly.
* 2.1 Release the entries to the free pool.
* 2.2 Free the memory allocated to the block itself.
* 2.3 Set the dirty flag.
TBool CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::ReleaseBlock(TBool aForceRelease /*DEFAULT = EFalse*/)
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
return ETrue;
// 1. Return EFalse if any of the entries in the block have been locked. Do not
// swap out the block to the free pool if so.
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0; index < blockSize; ++index)
return EFalse;
// 2. No entries are locked and the block can be swapped out safely.
delete iBlockPtr;
iBlockPtr = NULL;
return ETrue;
* CompareOrder()
* @param const CMsvCacheEntry& : the first operand
* @param const CMsvCacheEntry& : the second operand
* @return TInt : the order (-1/0/+1)
* The function returns the order for the sort operation.
static TInt CompareOrder(const CMsvCacheEntry& aFirst, const CMsvCacheEntry& aSecond)
return aFirst.GetId() - aSecond.GetId();
* SortBlockL()
* @param None.
* @return None.
* The function is called by a background active object to sort the index table
* according to TMsvIds of the entries.
* 1. Sort based on the order in the TLinearOrder package.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::SortBlock()
if(iBlockPtr != NULL)
// 1. Sort based on the order in the TLinearOrder package.
TLinearOrder<CMsvCacheEntry> order(CompareOrder);
* EntryExists()
* @param TMsvId : the Id of the entry to be checked for existence.
* @return TBool : success/failure.
* The function return EFalse if either the block is NULL or the entry does not exist.
* ETrue is returned for a hit.
TBool CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::EntryExists(TMsvId aId) const
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
return EFalse;
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
if(aId == (*iBlockPtr)[index]->GetId())
return ETrue;
} //for
return EFalse;
* UpdateChildMsvIdsL()
* @param TMsvId : TMsvId of the parent entry.
* @param TMsvId : TMsvId of the child entry.
* @param TBool : flag, set to ETrue if aChildId is to be added, and EFalse if it is
* to be removed from the parent's child array.
* @return None.
* The function updates the child array of the parent entry if it is not NULL.
* 1. Return if the block is NULL, i.e. the parent is not in the cache.
* 2. Iterate through the block searching for the parent entry.
* 2.1 If the iChildIdArray is not NULL:
* 2.1.1 If the child has to be added as a consequence of it being
* added to the cache, then append it to the child array.
* 2.1.2 If the child has to be removed as a consequence to the child
* entry being deleted, then remove it from the child array.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::UpdateChildMsvIdsL(TMsvId aParentId, TMsvId aChildId, TBool aAdd /*DEFAULT = ETrue*/)
// 1. Return if the block is NULL, i.e. the parent is not in the cache.
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
// 2. Iterate through the block searching for the parent entry.
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
if((*iBlockPtr)[index]->GetId() == aParentId)
RArray<TMsvId>* childArr = (*iBlockPtr)[index]->ChildIdArray();
// 2.1 If the iChildIdArray is not NULL: i.e GetChildren has been performed
if(childArr != NULL)
// 2.1.1 If the child has to be added as a consequence of it being
// added to the cache, then append it to the child array.
TInt arrSize = childArr->Count();
TInt index = childArr->Find(aChildId);
if(index == KErrNotFound)
// 2.1.2 If the child has to be removed as a consequence to the child
// entry being deleted, then remove it from the child array.
TInt index = childArr->Find(aChildId);
if(index != KErrNotFound)
} //if(((*iBlockPtr)[index]->ChildIdArray()) != NULL)
} //if((*iBlockPtr)[index]->GetId() == aParentId)
} //for(TInt index = 0 ; index < Size() ; index++)
* UpdateChildMsvIdsL()
* @param RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& : array of complete set of child
* CMsvCacheEntries sorted by TMsvId.
* @return None.
* The function updates, or creates if necessary, a parent entry's iChildIdArray with
* the children entries passed to it in the form of a RPointerArray.
* 1. Return if the block is NULL, i.e. the parent is not in the cache.
* 2. Otherwise, find the parent sequentially.
* 2.1 If the parent is found:
* 2.1.1 If the parent already has a iChildIdArray, i.e. if GetChildren() has
* been performed on it, delete and create a new child array with the
* entries passed. If iChildIdArray is NULL then GetChildren() has not been
* performed on the entry yet, in which case append the passed children.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::UpdateChildMsvIdsL(RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aEntries)
// 1. Return if the block is NULL, i.e. the parent is not in the cache.
if(NULL == iBlockPtr)
// 2. Otherwise, find the parent sequentially.
TMsvId parentId = aEntries[0]->Entry().Parent();
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
// 2.1 If the parent is found:
if((*iBlockPtr)[index]->Entry().Id() == parentId)
// 2.1.1 If the parent already has a iChildIdArray, i.e. if GetChildren() has
// been performed on it, delete and create a new child array with the
// entries passed. If iChildIdArray is NULL then GetChildren() has not been
// performed on the entry yet, in which case append the passed children.
RArray<TMsvId>* childArr = (*iBlockPtr)[index]->ChildIdArray();
TInt entryCount = aEntries.Count();
if(NULL == childArr)
childArr = new(ELeave) RArray<TMsvId>;
while(0 < entryCount)
TInt leave = childArr->Append(aEntries[--entryCount]->GetId());
if(KErrNone != leave)
delete childArr;
} //if((*iBlockPtr)[index]->Entry().Parent() == parentId)
} //for(TInt index = 0 ; index < blockSize ; ++index)
*This will be called when the block size will be more than 120, this will split the block
* into 2 blocks.
*@param aSplitBlock RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& that will be filled with CMsvCacheEntries,
*@param aMaxId The maximum TMsvId of the first block.
*@return void
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::SplitBlockL(RPointerArray<CMsvCacheEntry>& aSplitBlock)
TInt size = Size();
TInt i = size/2;
while(i < size)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// To print message index cache.
void CMsvCacheIndexTableEntry::Print(RFileLogger& aLogger)
_LIT(KId, " ID: ");
_LIT(KParentId, " ParentId: ");
TInt blockSize = Size();
for(TInt index=0; index<blockSize; ++index)
RBuf text;
text.Append(_L(" VisibleEntry: "));
text.Append(_L(" Complete flag:"));
text.Append(_L(" Description:"));
#endif // #ifdef _DEBUG