// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "BIODB.H"
#include "BDBPAN.H"
#include "cbifentry.h"
#include <s32file.h> // CFileStore
#include <bautils.h>
#include <basched.h>
#include <bifchangeobserver.h>
// Globals & Constants
// Old search paths are /system/bif
// New (platsec) search paths are /resource/messaging/bif
_LIT(KSecureBifPath, "\\resource\\messaging\\Bif\\");
_LIT(KSecureBifSearchString, "?:\\resource\\messaging\\Bif\\");
_LIT(KLanguageFileExt, ".r");
_LIT(KDotRsc, ".rsc");
// 30 seconds between attempts to scan drives if we get completed with an error,
const TInt KBifRetryTimeOut=30000000;
// Maximam attempts to scan drives if we get completed with an error,
const TInt KMaxRetries = 1;
// default size of array of entries in a bif directory
const TInt KBifEntryArrayDefaultSize=5;
const TInt KMinFileNameLength = 5;
* CBifChangeObserver
/** Allocates and constructs a new BIF change observer.
@param aObserver
Callback interface to notify when a change occurs
@param afileSystem
Connected file system handle
New BIF change observer
EXPORT_C CBifChangeObserver* CBifChangeObserver::NewL(MBifChangeObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs)
CBifChangeObserver* self=new(ELeave) CBifChangeObserver(aObserver, aFs);
return self;
void CBifChangeObserver::ConstructL()
iBioDB = CBIODatabase::NewL(iFs);
CBifChangeObserver::CBifChangeObserver(MBifChangeObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs)
: CActive(EPriorityStandard), iChangeObserver(aObserver), iFs(aFs)
/** Destructor. */
delete iBioDB;
/** Starts the object watching for changes.
To stop the object, simply delete it.
EXPORT_C void CBifChangeObserver::Start()
// just complete myself so that RunL builds the list of entries and asks the file
// sever to notify us of changes.
TRequestStatus *status=&iStatus;
void CBifChangeObserver::RunL()
TInt err=KErrNone;
// ignore the error
TRAP(err, DoRunL());
#ifdef _DEBUG
// I don't expect to get here, it means that RFs::NotifyChangeL has completed
// this class with an error, which means we would loop rather quickly.
if((iStatus.Int() != KErrNone || err != KErrNone) && iRetryCount < KMaxRetries)
iRetryCount ++;
iRetryCount = 0;
void CBifChangeObserver::DoRunL()
TBool notify=EFalse;
// build a list of all the TEntrys in KBifPath on all drives/
RPointerArray<CBifEntry> entryList(KBifEntryArrayDefaultSize);
TCleanupItem cleanup(CleanupBifArray, &entryList);
TFindFile fileFinder(iFs);
CDir *dir=NULL;
// Scan this folder from V1.5 onwards
TInt err = fileFinder.FindWildByDir(_L("*"),KSecureBifPath,dir);
TInt count=dir->Count();
CBifEntry* bifEntry = CBifEntry::NewLC((*dir)[count]);
if (err != KErrNotFound)
// Check to see if iEntries matches entryList
if(iEntries.Count()!=0) // iEntries is empty the first time in so don't notify anyone.
// check to see if the two lists of entries are the same
notify=ETrue; // not the same if one is larger than the other
TInt count=entryList.Count();
while(count-- && notify==EFalse)
TInt index;
TInt found=FindEntry(*(entryList)[count],iEntries,index);
delete (iEntries)[index];
notify=ETrue; // not the same if entryList contains something not in iEntries
notify=ETrue; // not the same if iEntries contains something not in entryList;
// replace old iEntries with new entryList
// notify observers if iEntries was != entryList;
TInt CBifChangeObserver::FindEntry(const CBifEntry& aBifEntry, const RPointerArray<CBifEntry>& aEntries, TInt& aIndex) const
aIndex = aEntries.Count();
while (aIndex--)
if ( aBifEntry == *aEntries[aIndex] )
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
void CBifChangeObserver::WaitForFileNotification()
// Observe this folder from V1.5 onwards
iFs.NotifyChange(ENotifyAll, iStatus, KSecureBifSearchString);
void CBifChangeObserver::DoCancel()
iFs.NotifyChangeCancel(iStatus); // Cancel only the specific
// request made by this observer
TBool CBifChangeObserver::CompareReaders(const CBioInfoFileReader& aReader1, const CBioInfoFileReader& aReader2) const
TBool retVal = aReader1.BifEntry() == aReader2.BifEntry();
if (retVal)
//Compare the readers
retVal =
(aReader1.MessageParserName().Compare(aReader2.MessageParserName()) == 0)
&& (aReader1.MessageAppCtrlName().Compare(aReader2.MessageAppCtrlName()) == 0)
&& (aReader1.MessageAppUid() == aReader2.MessageAppUid())
&& (aReader1.GeneralData1() == aReader2.GeneralData1())
&& (aReader1.GeneralData2() == aReader2.GeneralData2())
&& (aReader1.GeneralData3() == aReader2.GeneralData3())
&& (aReader1.IconsFilename().Compare(aReader2.IconsFilename()) == 0)
&& (aReader1.Description().Compare(aReader2.Description()) == 0);
//To Do: Should aReader1.IdsLC() and aReader2.IdsLC() be compared?
return retVal;
void CBifChangeObserver::NotifyObserverL()
CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* addedBifs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TUid>(1);
CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* changedBifs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TUid>(1);
CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* deletedBifs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TUid>(1);
// Figure out what kind of change really happened here
CBIODatabase* newBioDB = CBIODatabase::NewL(iFs);
TInt err = KErrNone;
TUid uid;
TInt index = 0;
TKeyArrayFix key(0, ECmpTInt);
TInt count = newBioDB->BIOCount();
while (count--)
newBioDB->GetBioMsgID(count, uid);
TRAP(err, iBioDB->GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(uid, index));
if (err)
//BIF in New BIO DB not found in Old BIO DB
addedBifs->InsertIsqL(uid, key);
//BIF in both BIO DBs, therefore check to see if the files have changed
if (!CompareReaders(iBioDB->BifReader(index), newBioDB->BifReader(count)))
changedBifs->InsertIsqL(uid, key);
//Remove this BIF from the Old BIO DB for efficiency in the next while loop.
count = iBioDB->BIOCount();
while (count--)
//All remaining members of iBioDB are deleted BIFs
iBioDB->GetBioMsgID(count, uid);
deletedBifs->InsertIsqL(uid, key);
count = addedBifs->Count();
while (count--)
iChangeObserver.HandleBifChangeL(MBifChangeObserver::EBifAdded, addedBifs->At(count));
count = deletedBifs->Count();
while (count--)
iChangeObserver.HandleBifChangeL(MBifChangeObserver::EBifDeleted, deletedBifs->At(count));
count = changedBifs->Count();
while (count--)
iChangeObserver.HandleBifChangeL(MBifChangeObserver::EBifChanged, changedBifs->At(count));
// update the list we're holding onto
delete iBioDB;
iBioDB = newBioDB;
CleanupStack::Pop(); //newBioDB
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //arrays
void CBifChangeObserver::CleanupBifArray( TAny* aBifArray )
RPointerArray<CBifEntry>* bifArray = static_cast<RPointerArray<CBifEntry>*>(aBifArray);
// CBIODatabase
// Construction
// protected
// We're a CBase derived class so we can assume that our data members are intialized to 0
EXPORT_C CBIODatabase* CBIODatabase::NewLC(RFs& afileSystem)
/** Allocates and constructs a new BIO database object, leaving the object on the
cleanup stack.
It initialises the object from all the BIF files in the system\\bif directory.
@param afileSystem Connected file system handle
@return New BIO database object */
CBIODatabase* self=new(ELeave) CBIODatabase();
return self;
EXPORT_C CBIODatabase* CBIODatabase::NewL(RFs& afileSystem)
/** Allocates and constructs a new BIO database object.
It initialises the object from all the BIF files in the system\\bif directory.
@param afileSystem Connected file system handle
@return New BIO database object */
CBIODatabase* self=CBIODatabase::NewLC(afileSystem);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
// Construction/destruction
void CBIODatabase::ConstructL(RFs& afileSystem)
// put the real construction here
iBifReaders= new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CBioInfoFileReader>(10);
// Construction/destruction
EXPORT_C CBIODatabase::~CBIODatabase()
/** Destructor. */
if (iBifReaders)
delete iBifReaders;
EXPORT_C TInt CBIODatabase::BIOCount()
/** Gets the number of BIF files.
@return Number of BIF files */
return iBifReaders->Count();
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::AddAllBifsL(RFs& afileSystem)
/** Initialises the object from all the BIF files in the system\\bif or resource\\messaging\\bif directory.
@param afileSystem Connected file system handle */
// Walk through all the BIF Files, adding each one
// to the iBifReaders array
TDriveList drvList;
// User::LeaveIfError(afileSystem.Connect());
for (TInt n=0 ; n<KMaxDrives ; ++n)
if (drvList[n]!=0)
TDriveInfo driveinfo;
TInt ret=afileSystem.Drive(driveinfo,n);
if ((ret==KErrNone) && (driveinfo.iType!=EMediaNotPresent) && (driveinfo.iType!=EMediaRemote)
&& (!(driveinfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked)) )
TDriveUnit driveUnit(n);
TPath fullPath; // Length must hold x:\resource\messaging\bif\
fullPath = driveUnit.Name();
fullPath += KSecureBifPath;
if (afileSystem.SetSessionPath(fullPath) == KErrNone)
CDir* entryList = NULL;
// Walk through all the BIF Files, adding each one
ret = afileSystem.GetDir( fullPath,
entryList );
if (ret==KErrNone)
TInt cnt = entryList->Count();
for (TInt i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
// get the file
TEntry entry = (*entryList)[i];
TFileName fileName(fullPath);
// Remove localization index from the filename and replace it with "rsc"
// example, abc.r05 -> abc.rsc
TInt extLength(0);
if ( IsLanguageFileL(entry.iName, extLength) && (fileName.Length() >= KMinFileNameLength) )
fileName.Replace(fileName.Length() - extLength, extLength, KDotRsc);
// Use the file most appropriate to the current language
// Load the bif file
CBioInfoFileReader* bifReader = NULL;
TRAPD(error, bifReader=CBioInfoFileReader::NewL(afileSystem,fileName));
if (!error)
// Ignore corrupt files
delete bifReader;
if (error != KErrCorrupt && error != KErrExtended && error != KErrNotFound)
if (!(ret==KErrNone ||
ret==KErrPathNotFound ||
ret==KErrNotFound ||
ret==KErrNotReady ||
ret==KErrCorrupt ||
ret==KErrInUse ||
ret==KErrLocked ||
// Is the file a language file
TBool CBIODatabase::IsLanguageFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt& aExtLength) const
// Check the extension to see if it's a language file. we
// have to assume ".rXXX" is a resource file
TParse parse;
User::LeaveIfError(parse.Set(aFileName, NULL, NULL));
return parse.Ext().Left(2).CompareF(KLanguageFileExt) == 0;
// This will add the Parser
// Error returned
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::AddBifL(CBioInfoFileReader* aBifReader)
/** Adds a specified BIF.
@param abifReader BIF file to add */
// This will manage the array - if a conflicting message
// id comes in, it will take the one with higher confidence
// or if a tie, the first one in
// Check if we have a reader with this message id
TInt index = 0;
TRAPD(leaveValue,GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aBifReader->MessageTypeUid(), index));
// We haven't read a BIF with the msgID in yet
if (leaveValue == KErrNotFound)
// just add it
CleanupStack::Pop(); // aBifReader
CApaDataRecognizerType::TRecognitionConfidence newBifConf, oldBifConf;
// If we do have a match, take the one with higher confidence
const CArrayFix<TBioMsgId>* msgIDArray = BIOEntryLC(index);
oldBifConf = (*msgIDArray)[0].iConfidence;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //msgIDArray
newBifConf = (*(aBifReader->IdsLC()))[0].iConfidence;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //IdsLC
if ( newBifConf > oldBifConf )
CleanupStack::Pop(); // aBifReader
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();// aBifReader
// Error returned
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::RemoveBifL(TUid aMsgID)
/** Removes a BIF specified by UID.
@param aMsgID BIO type UID */
TInt index = 0;
TRAPD(leaveValue,GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aMsgID, index));
// We haven't read a BIF with the msgID in yet
if (leaveValue == KErrNone)
// just remove it
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::RemoveBifL(TInt aIndex)
/** Removes a BIF specified by index.
@param aIndex Index of file in this object */
CBioInfoFileReader *bifReader = iBifReaders->At(aIndex);
delete bifReader;
// Get the BioEntry at this index
// Return Index if found, error if not
EXPORT_C const CBioInfoFileReader& CBIODatabase::BifReader(TInt aIndex) const
/** Gets a BIF reader for a BIF at a specified index.
@param aIndex Index
@return BIF file reader */
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= iBifReaders->Count(),
return *iBifReaders->At(aIndex);
// Get the BioEntry at this index
// Return Index if found, error if not
EXPORT_C const CArrayFix<TBioMsgId>* CBIODatabase::BIOEntryLC(TInt index)
/** Gets the ID array of a BIF at a specified index.
@param index Index
@return ID array, or NULL if not found */
if (index >= 0 && index < iBifReaders->Count())
return iBifReaders->At(index)->IdsLC();
return NULL;
// Get the Index for the BioMessageID
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(TUid aMsgID, TInt& rIndex)
/** Gets the index of a BIF of a specified BIO message type.
@param aMsgID BIO message type
@param rIndex On return, index of found BIF
@leave KErrNotFound Not found */
rIndex = iBifReaders->Count();
// See if we have one of these Messages
while (rIndex--)
if ((*iBifReaders)[rIndex]->MessageTypeUid() == aMsgID)
// Get the BioMessageID for the Index
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetBioMsgID(TInt aIndex, TUid& rMsgID)
/** Gets the BIO message type for a specified index.
@param aIndex Index
@param rMsgID On return, BIO message type */
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= iBifReaders->Count(),
rMsgID = (*iBifReaders)[aIndex]->MessageTypeUid();
// Get the BioParserName for the Index
EXPORT_C const TPtrC CBIODatabase::GetBioParserName(TInt aIndex)
/** Gets the BIO parser name for a specified index.
@param aIndex Index
@return BIO parser name */
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= iBifReaders->Count(),
return (*iBifReaders)[aIndex]->MessageParserName();
/** Depreacated method.
Need to use CBIODatabase::GetBioControlName instead.
@see CBIODatabase::GetBioControlName
@param aIndex Not used
@param rControlID Not used
@panic USER EInvariantFalse
@deprecated */
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetBioControlID(TInt /*aIndex*/, TUid& /*rControlID*/)
/** Gets the BIO control name for a specified index.
@param aIndex Index
@return BIO control name */
EXPORT_C const TPtrC CBIODatabase::GetBioControlName(TInt aIndex)
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= iBifReaders->Count(),
return (*iBifReaders)[aIndex]->MessageAppCtrlName();
// Get the first Port Number for this messaga type
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetPortNumberL(TUid aMsgID, TBioMsgIdType aPortType, TInt& aPortNumber)
/** Gets the port number for the BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type
and bearer type.
@param aMsgID BIO message type
@param aPortType Bearer type
@param aPortNumber On return, the port number
@leave KErrNotFound Not found */
TInt index = 0;
GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aMsgID, index);
// We haven't read a BIF with the msgID in yet
TBioMsgId tranportID;
GetTransportIDL(index, aPortType, tranportID);
aPortNumber = tranportID.iPort;
// Get the first ID String for this messaga type
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetIdentifierTextL(TUid aMsgID, TBioMsgIdType aPortType, TBioMsgIdText& aText)
/** Gets the identifier text for the BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type
and bearer type.
@param aMsgID BIO message type
@param aPortType Bearer type
@param aText On return, the identifier text */
TInt index = 0;
GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aMsgID, index);
TBioMsgId tranportID;
GetTransportIDL(index, aPortType, tranportID);
// Get the GetTransportIDL
void CBIODatabase::GetTransportIDL(TInt aIndex, TBioMsgIdType aPortType, TBioMsgId& aBioMsgID)
TBioMsgId tranportID;
TBool found = EFalse;
const CArrayFix<TBioMsgId>* msgIDArray = BIOEntryLC(aIndex);
for (TInt i = 0; i < msgIDArray->Count() && !found ; i++)
if ( (*msgIDArray)[i].iType == aPortType)
tranportID = (*msgIDArray)[i];
// Really should make a copy contructor & = operator
aBioMsgID.iType = (*msgIDArray)[i].iType;
aBioMsgID.iConfidence = (*msgIDArray)[i].iConfidence;
aBioMsgID.iPort = (*msgIDArray)[i].iPort;
aBioMsgID.iCharacterSet = (*msgIDArray)[i].iCharacterSet;
aBioMsgID.iGeneralIdData = (*msgIDArray)[i].iGeneralIdData;
found = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //msgIDArray
if (!found)
// Get the BioParserName for the Message ID
EXPORT_C const TPtrC CBIODatabase::GetBioParserNameL(TUid aMsgID)
/** Gets the BIO parser name for a specified BIO message type.
@param aMsgID BIO message type
@return BIO parser name
@leave KErrNotFound Not found */
TInt index = 0;
TRAPD(leaveValue, GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aMsgID, index));
// We haven't read a BIF with the msgID in yet
if (leaveValue != KErrNone)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, Panic(EBioDBNotFound));
return GetBioParserName(index);
/** Depreacated method.
Need to use CBIODatabase::GetBioControlNameL instead.
@see CBIODatabase::GetBioControlNameL
@param aIndex Not used
@param rControlID Not used
@panic USER EInvariantFalse
@deprecated */
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetBioControlIDL(TUid /*aMsgID*/, TUid& /*rControlID*/)
/** Gets the BIO control name for a specified BIO message type.
@param aMsgID BIO message type
@return BIO Control name
@leave KErrNotFound BIO message type does not exist */
EXPORT_C const TPtrC CBIODatabase::GetBioControlNameL(TUid aMsgID)
TInt index = 0;
TRAPD(leaveValue, GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aMsgID, index));
// We haven't read a BIF with the msgID in yet
if( leaveValue != KErrNone )
__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, Panic(EBioDBNotFound));
return GetBioControlName(index);
// Get the String Extension for the BioMessageID
EXPORT_C const TPtrC CBIODatabase::GetFileExtL(TUid aMsgID)
/** Gets the BIO file extension for a specified BIO message type.
@param aMsgID BIO message type
@leave KErrNotFound Not found
@return BIO file extension */
TInt index = 0;
GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aMsgID, index);
return (*iBifReaders)[index]->FileExtension();
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetDefaultSendBearerL(TUid aBioUID, TBioMsgId& rBioMsgIdentifier)
/** Gets the default BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type.
@param aBioUID BIO message type
@param rBioMsgIdentifier On return, the default BIF ID entry
@leave KErrNotFound Not found */
TInt index = 0;
TBioMsgIdType portType = EBioMsgIdUnknown;
GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aBioUID, index);
GetDefaultSendBearerTypeL(aBioUID, portType);
GetTransportIDL(index, portType, rBioMsgIdentifier);
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetDefaultSendBearerTypeL(TUid aBioUID, TBioMsgIdType& rPortType)
/** Gets the bearer type for the default BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message
@param aBioUID BIO message type
@param rPortType On return, the bearer type
@leave KErrNotFound Not found */
TInt index = 0;
GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aBioUID, index);
const CArrayFix<TBioMsgId>* msgIDArray = BIOEntryLC(index);
rPortType = (*msgIDArray)[0].iType;
EXPORT_C void CBIODatabase::GetDefaultSendBearerByTypeL(TUid aBioUID, TBioMsgIdType aPortType, TBioMsgId& rBioMsgIdentifier)
/** Gets the default BIF ID entry for a specified BIO message type and bearer type.
@param aBioUID BIO message type
@param aPortType Bearer type
@param rBioMsgIdentifier On return, the default BIF ID entry
@leave KErrNotFound Not found */
TInt index = 0;
GetBioIndexWithMsgIDL(aBioUID, index);
GetTransportIDL(index, aPortType, rBioMsgIdentifier);
// Get the BIO Entry based on what type it is, pos indicates where to start looking after
// if it can't be found, NULL returned
EXPORT_C const CArrayFix<TBioMsgId>* CBIODatabase::BioEntryByTypeLC(
TSearchList aSearchType,
TBioMsgIdType portType,
TInt& rIndex)
/** Gets the ID array of a BIF of a specified bearer source type.
@param aSearchType Search type
@param portType Bearer source type
@param rIndex On return, index of found BIF
@return ID array, or NULL if not found */
case EStart:
rIndex = 0;
case ENext:
__ASSERT_DEBUG(0 ,Panic(EBioDBNotFound));
const CArrayFix<TBioMsgId>* msgIDArray = BIOEntryLC(rIndex);
while (msgIDArray)
for (TInt i = 0; i < msgIDArray->Count() ; i++)
if ( (*msgIDArray)[i].iType == portType)
return msgIDArray;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //msgIDArray
msgIDArray = BIOEntryLC(++rIndex);
return NULL;
// This will compare strings for both NBS & IANA types handy when you have a start string
// and want to know if there's a Bio Message to support this
EXPORT_C TInt CBIODatabase::IsBioMessageL(TBioMsgIdType aPortType, const TDesC& aPattern, TUint16 aPort, TUid& rBioMsgUID)
/** Tests if there is a BIO parser for the specificed BIF ID settings.
@param aPortType Bearer type
@param aPattern Text identifier to match
@param aPort Port to match
@param rBioMsgUID On return, the matching BIO message type
@return KErrNone if found, else KErrNotFound */
TBioMsgId bioMessageData;
bioMessageData.iType = aPortType;
bioMessageData.iPort = aPort;
return ( IsBioMessageL(bioMessageData, rBioMsgUID) );
EXPORT_C TInt CBIODatabase::IsBioMessageL(TBioMsgId bioMessageData, TUid& rBioMsgUID)
/** Tests if there is a BIO parser for a specified BIF ID.
@param bioMessageData BIF ID to match
@param rBioMsgUID On return, the matching BIO message type
@return KErrNone if found, else KErrNotFound */
rBioMsgUID = KNullUid;
TInt pos;
TUid msgID;
TBool bioFound = EFalse;
const CArrayFix<TBioMsgId>* bioMsgIDs = BioEntryByTypeLC(EStart, bioMessageData.iType, pos);
while (!bioFound && bioMsgIDs)
GetBioMsgID(pos, msgID);
for (TInt i = 0; !bioFound && i < bioMsgIDs->Count(); i++)
if (bioMsgIDs->At(i).iType == bioMessageData.iType)
case EBioMsgIdIana:
case EBioMsgIdNbs:
if (bioMsgIDs->At(i).iText.CompareF(bioMessageData.iText)==0)
rBioMsgUID = msgID;
bioFound = ETrue;
case EBioMsgIdWap:
case EBioMsgIdWapSecure:
case EBioMsgIdWsp:
case EBioMsgIdWspSecure:
if (bioMsgIDs->At(i).iPort == bioMessageData.iPort)
rBioMsgUID = msgID;
bioFound = ETrue;
case EBioMsgIdUnknown:
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // bioMsgIDs
if (!bioFound)
bioMsgIDs = BioEntryByTypeLC(ENext, bioMessageData.iType, pos);
if (!bioFound)
return KErrNotFound;
return KErrNone;