// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <wapmessage.h>
// Local includes
#include "csiacontenthandler.h"
#include "clwatcher.h"
// System includes
#include <commdb.h>
#include "wapdecoder.h"
#include <push/cwappushmsgutils.h>
const TUid KSIADialogNotifierUid={0x100096f6}; //from WapPushSIADialogNotifier.h
_LIT8(KWapPushCmdConnect,"Connect"); // from WapPushSIADialogNotifier.h
#if defined(_DEBUG)
_LIT(KErrPushMsgNull, "NULL CPushMessage");
//comment out this line if testing without notifier
//supported bearers for connection-oriented push
const TUint8 KCSDBearer = 0x0A;
const TUint8 KGPRSBearer = 0x0B;
const TUint8 KPortFlagBitMask = 0x40;
const TUint8 KBearerFlagBitMask = 0x80;
const TUint8 KAddressLengthBitMask = 0x3F;
// Constants
_LIT(KReserved, "Reserved");
void CSIAContentHandler::CPushHandlerBase_Reserved1()
User::Panic(KReserved, KErrNotSupported);
void CSIAContentHandler::CPushHandlerBase_Reserved2()
User::Panic(KReserved, KErrNotSupported);
* The SIA App handler private constructor
* Index number : ESIAContentHandlerIndex
: CContentHandlerBase()
* This will complete initialization of the object
void CSIAContentHandler::ConstructL()
iWapPushUtils = CWapPushMsgUtils::NewL();
iCommDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL(EDatabaseTypeIAP);
* Static Factory Construction
* Version of NewL which leaves nothing
* on the cleanup stack
CSIAContentHandler* CSIAContentHandler::NewL()
CSIAContentHandler* self = new(ELeave) CSIAContentHandler;
return self;
* Default d'tor
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: Destructor Called");
delete iWapPushUtils;
delete iCommDb;
* HandleMessage Async. Version
* Takes ownership of Push Message and sets self active to continue
* processing message.
* @param aPushMsg
* CPushMessage to process
* @param aStatus
* request status variable for use in asynchronous operations
void CSIAContentHandler::HandleMessageL(CPushMessage* aPushMsg, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: HandleMessage Async Func. Called");
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aPushMsg != NULL , User::Panic(KErrPushMsgNull, KErrNone));
iMessage = aPushMsg;
iAcknowledge = ETrue;
* Abort handling
void CSIAContentHandler::CancelHandleMessage()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: CancelHandleMessage Called");
* HandleMessage Sync. Version
* Takes ownership of Push Message and sets self active to continue
* processing message.
* @param aPushMsg
* CPushMessage to process
void CSIAContentHandler::HandleMessageL(CPushMessage* aPushMsg)
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: HandleMessage Sync Func. Called");
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aPushMsg != NULL , User::Panic(KErrPushMsgNull, KErrNone));
iAcknowledge = EFalse;
iMessage = aPushMsg;
iState = EParsing;
* Stop all actions and quit
void CSIAContentHandler::DoCancel()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: DoCancel Called");
//cancel notifier if appropriate
if (iState == EOpeningCOconn && iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
* Step through the various representative states for handling a message
* 1. Initial State - Parsing SIA Push Msg
* 2. Make a CO connection
* 3. Delete Content Handler Plugin Owner (i.e self)
void CSIAContentHandler::RunL()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: RunL Called");
// use active state machine routine to manage activites:
case EParsing:
case ERequestingConn:
case EOpeningCOconn:
case EDone:
* This is invoked when RunL Leaves with an error.
* Cleans up and returns.
* @param aError Error passed into this function
TInt CSIAContentHandler::RunError(TInt aError)
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: RunError Called");
return KErrNone;
* Retrieve SIA body, which is in octets, from within CPushMessage,
* parse it for a valid connection point.
* @leave KErrNotFound no valid connection point located
* @leave KErrCorrupt Will leave if the message body contains corrupted data
void CSIAContentHandler::ParsePushMsgL()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: ParsePushMsgL Called");
// get contact points list from message
// got a ContactList so now need to parse this and obtain a TPushConnPoint
TBool foundValidConnectionDetails = EFalse;
TBool moreContactPointsAvailable = ETrue;
// search iContactList for valid connection Point
while (!foundValidConnectionDetails && moreContactPointsAvailable)
if (RetrieveContactPoint())
foundValidConnectionDetails = ValidContactPointL();
if (foundValidConnectionDetails == EFalse)
moreContactPointsAvailable = iContactList.Length() > 1;
if (!foundValidConnectionDetails)
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler: No valid connection point located.");
// will leave if no connection possible
iState = ERequestingConn;
* Retrieve contact point details from within SIA content body. This
* method looks up the owned CPushMessage message body and gets a
* pointer to it which it then parses to obtain the contact Points
* string only which it sets the iContactList pointer to.
* @leave KErrNotFound Will leave if the contacts list can not be obtained
* @leave KErrCorrupt Will leave if the message body contains corrupted data
void CSIAContentHandler::ObtainContactPointsListL()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler::ObtainContactPointsListL Called");
TPtrC8 rFieldValue;
TBool gotList = EFalse;
if (iMessage->GetMessageBody(rFieldValue))
TPtrC8 messageBodyPtr = rFieldValue;
TWapBinCodex::TUintvar rMultiByte;
TUint startpos = 1;
TWapBinCodex::ExtractUIntvarL(messageBodyPtr, startpos, rMultiByte);
TUint fieldSize = rMultiByte.iOctetSize;
TUint appIdFieldLength = rMultiByte.iValue;
TUint contactPointOffset = fieldSize + appIdFieldLength + startpos;
// now get Uintvar of ContactPointLen
TWapBinCodex::ExtractUIntvarL(messageBodyPtr, contactPointOffset, rMultiByte);
//actual Contact Points field starts after ContactPointLen uintvar
TUint contactPointLenSize = rMultiByte.iOctetSize;
TUint contactPointLen = rMultiByte.iValue;
TUint index = contactPointOffset + contactPointLenSize;
iContactList.Set(messageBodyPtr.Mid(index, contactPointLen));
if (iContactList.Length())
gotList = ETrue;
// failed to parse the contact points list
if (!gotList)
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler: Invalid Message Body - unable to parse.");
* Parse iContactList string for the first Contact Point.
* If found sets iContactPoint to retrieved point and
* removes this point from iContactList so that any further
* calls will start with the next unused Contact Point in the
* iContactList.
* @return TBool
* returns True if found a contact point
* returns False if no contact point found
TBool CSIAContentHandler::RetrieveContactPoint()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: RetrieveContactPoint Called");
// ensure have the first byte at least which indicates bearer, port and address
// length of ContactPoint within list
if (iContactList.Length() > 1)
const TInt KFirstByte = 0;
TUint8 byte = iContactList[KFirstByte];
// check for bit flags settings
TUint8 bearerFlagPresent = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KBearerFlagBitMask);
TUint8 portFlagPresent = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KPortFlagBitMask);
// get address length to calculate length of ContactPoint
TUint8 addressLength = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KAddressLengthBitMask);
TInt length = 1;
if (bearerFlagPresent)
if (portFlagPresent)
length += 2;
length += addressLength;
// check not going to access beyond List
if (length > iContactList.Length())
// avoid retrying same retrieval and exiting at this point
// set list length to zero as no contact points left in it
const TInt KZero = 0;
return EFalse;
// if contact list has no further data will be set to length of zero
TInt pos = length;
TInt count = iContactList.Length() - pos;
iContactList.Set(iContactList.Mid(pos, count));
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
* Check the current retrieved Contact Point, contained in
* iContactPoint, to check that the connection details are
* valid for a connection-oriented Push session. If the
* iContactPoint passes the tests iConnPoint is set and
* this value will be used for opening a connection.
* @return TBool
* Returns True if ContactPoint is valid
* retruns False if invalid contact point
* @leave CCommsDatabase::OpenViewMatchingTextLC
* CommDb methods can Leave - so just propogate
* as can't verfiy address and security.
* @leave CCommsDbTableView::ReadBoolL
TBool CSIAContentHandler::ValidContactPointL()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: ValidContactPointL Called");
TBool valid = ETrue;
TUint index = 0;
// check first bit of first byte to see if bearer Type present
TUint8 byte = iContactPoint[index];
// will be zero if flag not set - non-zero overwise
TUint8 bearerFlagPresent = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KBearerFlagBitMask);
TUint8 portFlagPresent = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KPortFlagBitMask);
// mask off 1st two bits to get the 6 bits representing address length
TUint8 addressLength = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KAddressLengthBitMask);
//check bearer type
if (bearerFlagPresent)
byte = iContactPoint[index];
if ((byte != KCSDBearer) && (byte != KGPRSBearer))
// unsupported bearer
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler: unsupported Bearer Type");
valid = EFalse;
return valid;
//set postion of the first byte of the port
TUint portStartByte = index;
// get address
if (portFlagPresent)
index += 2;
TPtrC8 address;
address.Set(iContactPoint.Mid(index, addressLength));
//Look up supplied address in commsdb. Leave possible from here on in...
CCommsDbTableView* table = iCommDb->OpenViewMatchingTextLC(KTableName, KColumnName, address);
TInt ret = table->GotoFirstRecord();
if (ret == KErrNone) //address found
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: Commdb lookup");
// set port number, using the following logic:
// 1. if port number supplied, use it with an unsecure security setting
// 2. if no port supplied, use the default port for the security setting
// returned by the commsdb address lookup
TUint16 port;
if (portFlagPresent)
TUint8 portNumHighByte = iContactPoint[portStartByte];
TUint8 portNumlowByte = iContactPoint[portStartByte + 1];
port = STATIC_CAST(TUint16, ((portNumHighByte<<8)|portNumlowByte));
TBool secure;
table->ReadBoolL(KSecurityCol, secure);
if (secure)
port = KPushPortSecure;
port = KPushPortUnsecure;
//set connection point
iConnPoint.iHost = address;
iConnPoint.iPort = port;
else //address lookup failed
valid = EFalse;
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: Commdb lookup failed");
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // table
// will only return true if not SMS and address in CommDB
return valid;
* Start Notifier to inform the user that an SIA request
* has been received and a connection-oriented session is
* required to be initiated.
void CSIAContentHandler::RequestConnectionL()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: RequestConnectionL Called");
iNotifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse(iStatus, KSIADialogNotifierUid, iConnPoint.iHost, iNotifierResponse);
#else //always connect case (notifier not started)
iNotifierResponse = KWapPushCmdConnect;
* If user accepts connection request, call Connection Manager
* with valid Connection Point to initiate connection-oriented
* session. Handler has now finished and closes down leaving
* connection manager to carry on.
void CSIAContentHandler::OpenConnectionL()
__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: OpenConnectionL Called");
//open connection if user accepted
if ((iStatus.Int() == KErrNone) && (iNotifierResponse == KWapPushCmdConnect))