// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
LOAD_SERVER t_media -SharedData
LOAD_SUITE T_MsgCommonServer -SharedData
//! @file
//! @SYMTestSuiteName MSG-REMOVE-MEDIA-0002
//! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment Details as in below:-
//! 1. nt-ras connection or winpcap
//! 2. email servers ( communigatePro or ms exchange)
//! 3. test driver
//! 4. testexecute framework(TEF3.0)
//! @SYMScriptPurpose Integration testing of PREQ557-"Improved support in Messaging for removable media"
START_TEST_BLOCK 100 t_media c:\msgtest\media\MSG-REMOVE-MEDIA.ini
CREATE_OBJECT CenRepTestWrapper 0100_obj
COMMAND 0100_obj ResetCentralRepository 0100_ResetCentralRepository
RUN_TEST_STEP 300 T_MsgCommonServer StartUp
RUN_TEST_STEP 300 T_MsgCommonServer ResetMessageStore c:\msgtest\media\MSG-REMOVE-MEDIA.ini 0001-ResetMessageStore
//! Create a Prefered Drive List
RUN_UTILS CopyFile c:\private\1000484b\msgprioritydrivelist.ini c:\private\1000484b\msgprioritydrivelist.bak
RUN_UTILS MakeReadWrite c:\private\1000484b\msgprioritydrivelist.ini
//! @SYMTestActions
//! 1: Update Priority of the Drive C ,Create Sms
//! 2: Verify Count
//! 3: Update Priority of the Drive E ,Create Sms
//! 4: Verify Count
//! 5: Delete Messages from the standard folder specified
//! 6: Search TMsvId from the Draft folder specified
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Should return KErrNotFound
START_TEST_BLOCK 100 t_media c:\msgtest\media\MSG-REMOVE-MEDIA.ini
CREATE_OBJECT MediaTestWrapper 0001_obj_1
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 UpdateDrive UpdateDriveC
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 DeleteMsg
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 UpdateDrive UpdateDriveD
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 DeleteMsg
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 UpdateDrive UpdateDriveE
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 DeleteMsg
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 UpdateDrive UpdateDriveC
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 CreateSMSAccount
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 CreateSMS
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 VerifyCount smsCount1
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 UpdateDrive UpdateDriveE
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 CreateSMSAccount
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 CreateSMS
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 VerifyCount smsCount2
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 DeleteMsg
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 UpdateDrive UpdateDriveC
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 DeleteMsg
COMMAND 0001_obj_1 SearchMessages SearchFolder