author hgs
Tue, 03 Aug 2010 21:08:41 +0530
changeset 36 e7635922c074
parent 0 8e480a14352b
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors: Neeraj Nayan
// Description: The class provides interface to create message header
// store.

#include <msvapi.h>


 * CMsvHeaderStore()
 * The default Constructor. 
 * @param aMtmId: The MTM-Id of the header store to be created.
 * @param aSession: A reference to the session object. 
CMsvHeaderStore::CMsvHeaderStore(TUid aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession)

 * ~CMsvHeaderStore()
 * The default Destructor.
		delete iLastErrorMessage;		


 * NewLC()
 * Allocates and constructs a new CMsvHeaderStore object.
 * @param aMtmId: The MTM-Id of the header store to be created.
 * @param aSession: A reference to the session object.
 * @leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory to create object. 
EXPORT_C CMsvHeaderStore* CMsvHeaderStore::NewLC(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession)
	//Create the DBAdapter object.
	CMsvHeaderStore* self = new(ELeave) CMsvHeaderStore(aMtmId, aSession);
	return self;

 * NewL()
 * Allocates and constructs a new CMsvHeaderStore object.
 * @param aMtmId: The MTM-Id of the header store to be created.
 * @param aSession: A reference to the session object.
 * @leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory to create object. 
EXPORT_C CMsvHeaderStore* CMsvHeaderStore::NewL(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession)
	//Create the DBAdapter object.
	CMsvHeaderStore* self = new(ELeave) CMsvHeaderStore(aMtmId, aSession);
	return self;

 * AddFieldL()
 * Adds a new field to the header store.
 * @param aFieldName: Name of the header field.
 * @param aFieldType: Data type of the field.
 * @leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory to create object.
EXPORT_C void CMsvHeaderStore::AddFieldL(HBufC* aFieldName, EFieldType aFieldType)
	if(NULL == aFieldName)

	CFieldPair *fieldObject = new(ELeave) CFieldPair();
	fieldObject->iFieldType = aFieldType;
	fieldObject->iFieldName = aFieldName;

 * AddFieldL()
 * Adds a new standard field to the header store. It is recommended
 * that user calls this version of AddField() to add standard fields 
 * to header store. The function might leave with KErrArgument or KErrNoMemory.
 * @param aCommonHeaderFieldName: Standard header fields, To, CC, BCC, From, Subject.
 * @leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory to create object. 
 * @leave KErrArgument Invalid argument passed.
EXPORT_C void CMsvHeaderStore::AddFieldL(TCommonHeaderField aCommonHeaderFieldName)
	CFieldPair *fieldObject = new(ELeave) CFieldPair();
	fieldObject->iFieldType = ETextField;
	switch (aCommonHeaderFieldName)
		case EFrom:
			_LIT16(KFromText, "From");
			fieldObject->iFieldName = KFromText().AllocL();			
		case ETo:
			_LIT16(KToText, "To");
			fieldObject->iFieldName = KToText().AllocL();
		case ECC:
			_LIT16(KCCText, "CC");
			fieldObject->iFieldName = KCCText().AllocL();
		case EBCC:
			_LIT16(KBCCText, "BCC");
			fieldObject->iFieldName = KBCCText().AllocL();
		case ESubject:
			_LIT16(KSubjectText, "Subject");
			fieldObject->iFieldName = KSubjectText().AllocL();

 * CreateStoreL()
 * The API creates the header store in the message store in the message 
 * server current drive. The caller must call AddFieldL() APIs to specify
 * the header structure before calling this API.
 * A headerStore is associated with a mtm type and stores message header
 * data. Message server creates a separate store for each MTM type. A 
 * header-entry in the headerStore is essentially a list of UID-Data entries.
 * For example an email header-entry can have CImHeader, MIME header and 
 * encoded header stored as a separate UID-Data entry in the header store.
 * By default a UID-Data entry will have a "Default" field which store the
 * content of 'Data'. Moreover one such UID-Data pair can also specify mutiple
 * fields such that it can store individual portion of data in such fields 
 * separately. 
 * @leave All system wide leave code.
 * @capability WriteDeviceData
EXPORT_C void CMsvHeaderStore::CreateStoreL()
	iSessionRef.Session().CreateStoreL(iMtmUid, iFieldDetails);

 * DoesStoreExists()
 * The function checks the existence of a header store
 * for a given MTM Id. The function can be called to 
 * check if the header store already exist before creating
 * the store.
 * @param aMtmId: The MTM UID under consideration.
 * @param aSession: A reference to session with the server.
 * @return TBool: ETrue, if the header store for passed MTM
 * ID exists, otherwise returns EFalse.
 * @leave: All system wide error code.
 * @capability ReadDeviceData 
EXPORT_C TBool CMsvHeaderStore::DoesStoreExistsL(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession)
	return aSession.Session().DoesStoreExistsL(aMtmId);

 * LastErrorMessage()
 * The function returns the detail error message 
 * received while creating the header store.
 * @return TPtrC: The detail error message.
 * @leave All system wide leave code.
EXPORT_C TPtrC CMsvHeaderStore::LastErrorMessageL()
		delete iLastErrorMessage;
		iLastErrorMessage = NULL;
	return iLastErrorMessage->Des();