Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Header file for the WAP Access Point Parser
#ifndef __WAPP_H__
#define __WAPP_H__
#include <bsp.h>
#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
#include <commsdat.h>
using namespace CommsDat;
#include <cdbcols.h>
#include <cdblen.h>
#include <charconv.h>
class MMsvAttachmentManager;
class MMsvAttachmentManagerSync;
#define BIO_MSG_ENTRY_UNPARSED 0 // iMtmData3=0 - an untouched, a virgin message entry!
#define BIO_MSG_ENTRY_PARSED 1 // iMtmData3=1 - entry parsed and externalised (has a store)
#define BIO_MSG_ENTRY_PROCESSED 2 // iMtmData3=2 - entry been parsed,externalised and processed
_LIT8(KDummyModemInitStr, "Modem Init String - final version to be decided!!!");
_LIT(KWapDefaultSettingsName, "WAP Settings");
_LIT(KWappDefaultBMName, "Unknown Bookmark"); // Default name for a bookmark.
_LIT(KWappDll, "KWAPP-DLL");
const TInt KGsmCsdSuffixLen = 8;
_LIT(KGsmCsdSuffix, "-GsmCsd"); // Suffix - append to Settings Name for Gsm/Csd ISP/IAP entry
_LIT(KGsmUssdSuffix, "-GsmUssd"); // Suffix - append to Settings Name for Gsm/Ussd ISP/IAP entry
_LIT(KIS136CsdSuffix, "-Is136Csd"); // Suffix - append to Settings Name for IS136/Csd ISP/IAP entry
_LIT(KGprsSuffix, "-Gprs"); // Suffix - append to Settings Name for GPRS ISP/IAP entry
enum TWappPanic // Assert Debug panic codes
enum TBearer
enum TCsdCallType
enum TCsdCallSpeed
// Forward declarations
class RResourceFile;
class CRichText;
class CCommsDatabase;
class CCommsDbTableView;
class CIspTableData;
class TBearerSpeed;
class CWappBookmark;
class CWapIpBearerData;
class CWapSmsBearerData;
class CWapGprsBearerData;
class CWapCharsetConverter;
class CMsvBIOWapAccessParser : public CBaseScriptParser2
// Enum and inline class defines
enum TParseSession
EStart, // Don't do anything-just check message not empty & set Scheduler going
EUnfoldMessage, // Don't have to unfold the message, just save it
EParseMessage, // Parsing
EProcessInitialise, // Start ProcessL - restore data if necessary, PreProcess and Validate it
EProcessMessage, // Actual Processing of message data
ECompleteMessage // Completing ..
enum TWappBearerType
// Member Variables
//Defines which type of characteristic we're dealing with
enum TWappCharacteristicType
EWappUnknown, // Don't know the type yet
EWappAddressCharacteristic, // An address, but specific type undetermined
EWappGsmCsdCharacteristic, // A GSM/CSD address
EWappGsmSmsCharacteristic, // A GSM/SMS address
EWappGsmUssdCharacteristic, // A GSM/USSD address
EWappIS136CsdCharacteristic, // A IS136/CSD address
EWappGprsCharacteristic, // A GPRS address
EWappBookmarkCharacteristic, // A Bookmark
EWappURLCharacteristic, // A URL
EWappNameCharacteristic, // A name characteristic
EWappIDCharacteristic, // A ID characteristic
EWappMMSURLCharacteristic // A Multi Media Service Centre Url characteristic
IMPORT_C static CMsvBIOWapAccessParser* NewL(CRegisteredParserDll& aRegisteredParserDll, CMsvEntry& aEntry, RFs& aFs);
void ParseL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TDesC& aSms);
void ProcessL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
CMsvBIOWapAccessParser(CRegisteredParserDll& aRegisteredParserDll, // Only constructor-passes
CMsvEntry& aEntry, RFs& aFs); // parameters to base const
void ConstructL();
// Active Object stuff
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
// State Engine functions
void CallChangeStateL(TInt aState); // Calls ChangeStateL with the right state
void ChangeStateL(TParseSession aState); // Advances State Machine to next state
void ParseMessageL(); // Only checks & saves parsed data - calls DoParseL
void CompleteMessageL(); //Sets the flag on TMsvEntry to show message parsed.
void RequestComplete(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aError); // Complete our async op.
// ***************** Additional helper functions added by AHF *********************
void StoreParsedDataL(); // Saves CParsedField data in a store
void RestoreParsedDataL(); // Loads the CParsedField data from store
void ResetProcessVariablesL(); // Resets variables, delete and create if necessary
void DoParseL(); // Does the actual parsing of the message.
void DoProcessL(); // Get data from array, commit to COMMDB
void PreProcessL(); // Called by DoProcessL,extracts data from array into
// Mapping object,rejects duplicate data
// ******************* Helper Functions for Parsing **********************
void ReadCharacteristicL(); // Gets a CHARACTERISTIC from the message
void ReadParmL(); // Reads in a PARM from the message
void SettingsNamePresentL(); // Ensures that a NAME characteristic is present.
TUint32 Read_mb_u_int32L(); // Extract a multiple byte encoded 32 bit int
HBufC* ReadStringTableReferenceLC(TUint32 anOffset);// Gets string from the string table
// using a 32 bit integer offset
void ReadASCIIorUTF8StringL(); //finds the end of a string encoded in UTF-8 or ASCII
void ReadUCS2StringL(); //finds end of a string encoded in 2-byte Unicode
HBufC* ReadInlineStringLC(); // Extracts an inline string from the message
void AppendDataPairL(const TDesC& aFieldName, const TDesC& aFieldValue);// Creates CParsedField,
// & appends to array
void AppendNameFieldL(const TDesC& aFieldName); // Creates a CParsedField,
// & append to array
void InsertDataPairL(const TDesC& aFieldName,const TDesC& aFieldValue,TInt anIndex);// Inserts CParsedField
// at specified position.
TChar GetNextMessageByteL(); // Gets next character from TLex - leaves if at end of buffer
// ****************** Helper functions for ProcessL *****************************
void ExtractBearerDataL(TInt& aCurrentPos);//Extracts data from iParsedFieldArray
// & stores in WAP & ISP table objects.
// Increments the current pos ref as it goes
void ExtractBookmarkDataL(TInt& aIndex); // Extracts bookmark data from array to create
// a bookmark. Rejects invalid bookmarks.
// Ensures that array positioned at next characteristic
void ValidateCharacteristicsL(); // Ensures that don't have invalid combinations
// of characteristic eg URLs, IDs, NAMES must have a bearer type
// but Bookmarks can be by themselves
TBool IsCharacteristicName(TInt anIndex); // True if name at index positino is a Characteristic name
TInt IsValidTokenNameL(const TInt anArrayIndex); // Validates the name against defined strings
// returns 0 if OK, error otherwise
void WriteDataToDBL(); // Creates entries in the tables using
// data in the arrays of table info
TBool DeleteTableEntryL(const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aEntryName); // returns True if there are records in the CommDB table
void WriteToCommDatDialOutISPTableL(const TDesC& aRecName); // Writes/amends Dial Out ISP table
void WriteToCommsDatIAPTableL(const TDesC& aRecName); // Writes/amends WAP table
void WriteToCommDatGprsTableL(const TDesC& aRecName); // Writes/amends Gprs table
void WriteToCommDatWapAccessPointTableL(const TDesC& aRecName); // Writes/amends WAP table
void WriteToCommDatWapIpBearerTableL();
void WriteToCommDatWapSmsBearerTableL(); // Writes/amends Dial-Out WAP table
void DeleteCommDatTableEntryL(TMDBElementId aElementName, const TDesC& aCsdNameStr);
void WriteBookmarksToFileL(); // Stores bookmarks as an attachment file in the .eBM format
void WriteMMSURLL(); // Write the MMS URL to the setting in the message server.
TCommsDbWapWspOption GetWSPType(TDesC& aPortValue); // Returns the appropriate enum for the Port value
TBool UseSecurity(TDesC& aPortValue); //Returns the security level for the Port Value
void SetWapIspEntryIdL(const TDesC& aEntryName); // Set the iCurrentBearerType BEFORE calling this!!!!
//Sets variables holding ID of Dial Out ISP ID entry
void SetWapIapEntryIdL(const TDesC& aEntryName, CWapIpBearerData& aWapIpTable); // Sets variables holding ID of Dial Out IAP ID entry
void SetWapAPEntryIdL(); // Sets ID of entry in WAP Access Point Table. Uses iWAPSettings
void SetModemInitStringL(); // Sets the modem initialisation string
void UpdateStartPageUrlL(); // Updates the URL of start page in WAP table
// ****************** General Functions *****************************
// Locate a Name value, default is from start of array, returns -1 if search fails
TInt LocateParsedFieldName(const TDesC& aFieldName, const TInt aStartIndex=0);
void RemoveAttachmentIfExistL(const TDesC& aFileName, MMsvAttachmentManager& aManager, MMsvAttachmentManagerSync& aManagerSync);
void Panic(TInt aPanic);
//Member variables
TInt iState; // Current session state
TRequestStatus* iReport;
TInt iCompleted; // Stores completion code from previous session state
// Additional variables added by AHF
TWappCharacteristicType iCurrentCharacteristic;
TUint32 iWBXMLversionX10; // WBXML version *10 to give an int eg 1.0 -> 10
TUint32 iPublicID; //PublicId of document
// Internal Symbian character set identifier for incoming strings
TUint32 iCharacterSet;
HBufC* iStringTable; // Table of strings to be used for str table reference
CArrayPtrSeg<CWappBookmark>* iBookmarkList; // Array of bookmarks to store
TPtrC iWAPSettingsName; // Name for these WAP settings-get from NAME characteristic
TPtrC iUrl; // URL of the start page
TPtrC iMMSUrl; // URL of the MMSC
TPtrC iID; // ID used by these settings
HBufC8* iModemInitString; // String used to hold Modem Initialisation string
CWapIpBearerData* iGsmCsdWapIpTable; // Wap IP table data GSM/CSD
CWapIpBearerData* iGprsWapIpTable; // Wap IP table data for GPRS
CIspTableData* iWapIpISPTable; // 1 WAP GSM/CSD table entry = 1 ISP table entry
CWapSmsBearerData* iWapSmsTable; // No links to ISP table.
CWapGprsBearerData* iWapGprsTable;
TBool iGsmCsdData;
TBool iGsmSmsData;
TBool iGprsData;
TBool iURLData;
TBool iNameData;
TBool iIdData;
TBool iMMSURLData;
//commit data
CMDBSession* iDBSession;
TUint32 iRecordId;
TUint32 iWapAccessPtID; // ID of entry in WAP Access Point Table
TUint32 iWapLocation;
TUint32 iWapChargeCard;
TUint32 iWapModem;
CWapCharsetConverter* iCharsetConverter;
TWappBearerType iCurrentBearerType;
class CWapCharsetConverter: public CBase
static CWapCharsetConverter* NewL(RFs& aFs, TUint aMibEnum);
void ConvertL(const TDesC& aSource, TDes& aSink);
void ConstructL(TInt aMibEnum);
CWapCharsetConverter(RFs& aFs) : iFs(aFs){}
RFs& iFs;
CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iConverter;
CArrayFix<CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet>* iAvailableCharsets;
TBool iParseable;
#endif // __WAPP_H__