changeset 0 a2952bb97e68
child 4 d45095c2f4f3
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a2952bb97e68
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Manages collection information for the clients
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <driveinfo.h>
    19 #include <sysutil.h> 
    21 #include <mpxprivatecrkeys.h>
    22 #include <mpxcollectionpath.h>
    23 #include <mpxcollectionobserver.h>
    24 #include <mpxclientlist.h>
    25 #include <mpxcmn.h>
    26 #include <mpxcollectiontype.h>
    27 #include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
    28 #include <mpxmediacontainerdefs.h>
    29 #include <mpxmedia.h>
    30 #include <mpxmediaarray.h>
    31 #include <mpxpluginmonitor.h>
    32 #include <mpxcollectionmessage.h>
    33 #include <mpxcollectionplugin.hrh>
    34 #include <mpxcollectionplugin.h>
    35 #include <mpxcollectionmessagedefs.h>
    36 #include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
    37 #include <mpxmessagecontainerdefs.h>
    38 #include <mpxmessagepluginupdatedefs.h>
    40 #include "mpxcollectionpluginhandler.h"
    41 #include "mpxcollectioncache.h"
    42 #include "mpxcollectionengine.h"
    44 // CONSTANTS
    45 const TInt KMPXMaxCacheSizeRatio = 70;
    46 // ============================ LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==============================
    48 /**
    49 * Container class for the plugin reference counting mechanism.
    50 * Instances of this class are pushed onto the engine internal stack.
    51 */
    52 class TReleaseInfo
    53     {
    54     public:
    55         TReleaseInfo(CMPXCollectionPluginHandler* aHandler,
    56             CMPXCollectionPlugin* aPlugin);
    58     public:
    59         // Not owned
    60         CMPXCollectionPluginHandler* iHandler;
    61         CMPXCollectionPlugin* iPlugin;
    62     };
    64 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // Constructor.
    66 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 TReleaseInfo::TReleaseInfo(
    69     CMPXCollectionPluginHandler* aHandler,
    70     CMPXCollectionPlugin* aPlugin) :
    71     iHandler(aHandler),
    72     iPlugin(aPlugin)
    73     {
    74     }
    76 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
    78 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // Two-phased constructor.
    80 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 EXPORT_C CMPXCollectionEngine* CMPXCollectionEngine::NewL()
    83     {
    84     CMPXCollectionEngine* p=new(ELeave)CMPXCollectionEngine();
    85     CleanupStack::PushL(p);
    86     p->ConstructL();
    87     CleanupStack::Pop(p);
    88     return p;
    89     }
    91 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 // Constructor.
    93 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 //
    95 CMPXCollectionEngine::CMPXCollectionEngine()
    96     {
    97     }
    99 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 // 2nd phase constructor.
   101 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 //
   103 void CMPXCollectionEngine::ConstructL()
   104     {
   105     iPluginHandler=CMPXCollectionPluginHandler::NewL(*this, *this);
   106     iCache = CMPXCollectionCache::NewL(KMPXMaxCacheSizeRatio);
   107     }
   109 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // Destructor
   111 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 EXPORT_C CMPXCollectionEngine::~CMPXCollectionEngine()
   114     {
   115     iCleanupStack.Close();
   117     iContexts.ResetAndDestroy();
   118     iContexts.Close();
   119     delete iPluginHandler;
   120     delete iCache;
   121     }
   123 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 // Session Initialiser
   125 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 EXPORT_C CMPXCollectionClientContext& CMPXCollectionEngine::SessionInitL(
   128     const TUid& aModeId,
   129     TThreadId aClientId,
   130     CMPXMessageQueue* aMsgQueue)
   131     {
   132     CMPXCollectionClientContext* context(NULL);
   134     if (aModeId == KMcModeDefault)
   135         {
   136         // Connects the client to the collection path in its thread, or
   137         // creates one if it doesn't exist
   138         context = FindDefaultContext(aClientId);
   139         if (context)
   140             {
   141             MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionEngine add client into the default context");
   142             }
   143         else
   144             {
   145             // Creates a isolated collection path.
   146             context = CreateNewContextL(KMcModeIsolated);
   147             MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionEngine add client into the isolated context");
   148             }
   149         }
   150      else if (aModeId == KMcModeIsolated || aModeId == KMcModePlaylist)
   151         {
   152         // Creates a isolated collection path.
   153         context = CreateNewContextL(aModeId);
   154         MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionEngine add client into the isolated/playlist context");
   155         }
   156      else
   157         // Connects to the collection context of an application, or creates
   158         // it if it doesn't exist
   159         {
   160         for (TInt i=0;i<iContexts.Count();++i)
   161             {
   162             if (iContexts[i]->ModeId() == aModeId)
   163                 {
   164                 context = iContexts[i];
   165                 break;
   166                 }
   167             }
   169         if (!context)
   170             {
   171             // Create the application context
   172             context = CreateNewContextL(aModeId);
   173             }
   175         MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionEngine add client into the application context");
   176         }
   177     context->AddClientL(aClientId, aMsgQueue);
   178     MPX_DEBUG3("CMPXCollectionEngine::SessionInitL return context 0x%08x with mode 0x%08x",
   179                context, context->ModeId().iUid);
   180     return *context;
   181     }
   183 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 // Notifies all contexts of an event
   185 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 //
   187 EXPORT_C void CMPXCollectionEngine::NotifyL( TMPXCollectionBroadCastMsg aMsg,
   188                                              TInt aData )
   189     {
   190     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::NotifyL");
   192     TInt command = KErrNotSupported;
   193     TInt data = 0;
   194     TBool clearCache ( EFalse );
   195     switch( aMsg )
   196         {
   197         case EMcMsgFormatStart:
   198         case EMcMsgDiskRemoved:
   199         case EMcMsgUSBMassStorageStart:
   200             {
   201             command = EMcCloseCollection;
   202             data = aData;
   204             // Clear the cache
   205             clearCache = ETrue;
   206             break;
   207             }
   208         case EMcMsgFormatEnd:
   209         case EMcMsgDiskInserted:
   210         case EMcMsgUSBMassStorageEnd:
   211             {
   212             command = EMcReOpenCollection;
   213             data = aData;
   215             // Clear the cache
   216         	clearCache = ETrue;
   217             break;
   218             }
   219         case EMcMsgUSBMTPStart:
   220             {
   221             iRefreshing = ETrue;
   222             command = EMcCmdMtpStart;
   223             break;
   224             }
   225         case EMcMsgUSBMTPEnd:
   226             {
   227             iRefreshing = EFalse;
   228             command = EMcCmdMtpEnd;
   229             // Clear the cache
   230             clearCache = ETrue;
   231             break;
   232             }
   233         case EMcMsgRefreshStart:
   234             {
   235             iRefreshing = ETrue;
   236             command = EMcRefreshStarted;
   237             break;
   238             }
   239         case EMcMsgRefreshEnd:
   240             {
   241             iRefreshing = EFalse;
   242             command = EMcRefreshEnded;
   244             // Clear the cache
   245             clearCache = ETrue;
   246             break;
   247             }
   249         default:
   250             break;
   251         }
   252     if( command != KErrNotSupported )
   253         {
   254         TArray<CMPXCollectionPlugin*> plugins = iPluginHandler->LoadedPlugins();
   255         for( TInt i=0; i<plugins.Count(); ++i )
   256             {
   257             CMPXCollectionPlugin* plugin = plugins[i];
   258             TRAP_IGNORE(plugin->CommandL( (TMPXCollectionCommand)command, data));
   259             }
   260         }
   262     if( clearCache )
   263     	{
   264         RFs rfs;
   265         User::LeaveIfError( rfs.Connect() );        
   266         DriveInfo::TDriveArray driveArray;
   267         User::LeaveIfError ( DriveInfo::GetUserVisibleDrives( rfs, driveArray ) );
   268         TInt count( driveArray.Count () );
   269         TBool diskFull( EFalse );
   270         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   271             {
   272             TRAP_IGNORE( diskFull = SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &rfs, 0,
   273             		driveArray[i] ) );
   274             if ( diskFull )
   275                 {
   276                 MPX_DEBUG2("CMPXCollectionEngine::NotifyL: Disk full, driveArray[i] = %d ", driveArray[i] );
   277                 break;
   278                 }
   279             } 
   280         if( !diskFull )
   281         	{
   282         	iCache->Reset();
   283         	}
   284         rfs.Close();
   285     	}
   287     TInt count = iContexts.Count();
   288     for( TInt i=0; i<count; ++i )
   289         {
   290         CMPXCollectionClientContext* context;
   291         context = iContexts[i];
   292         context->NotifyL( aMsg, aData );
   293         }
   294     }
   296 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 // Retrieves all of the supported types in the collection
   298 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   299 //
   300 EXPORT_C void CMPXCollectionEngine::GetSupportedTypesL(
   301                                     RPointerArray<CMPXCollectionType>& aArray )
   302     {
   303     RArray<TUid> uids;
   304     CleanupClosePushL(uids);
   305     iPluginHandler->GetPluginUids(uids);
   307     for (TInt i=0; i<uids.Count();++i)
   308         {
   309         const TUid& uid = uids[i];
   310         CDesCArray* mimetypes =
   311                 iPluginHandler->SupportedMimeTypesL(uid);
   312         CleanupStack::PushL(mimetypes);
   313         CDesCArray* extensions =
   314                 iPluginHandler->SupportedExtensionsL(uid);
   315         CleanupStack::PushL(extensions);
   316         CMPXCollectionType* type = new(ELeave)CMPXCollectionType(
   317                                                             uid,
   318                                                             mimetypes,
   319                                                             extensions);
   320         CleanupStack::Pop(extensions);
   321         CleanupStack::Pop(mimetypes);
   322         CleanupStack::PushL(type);
   323         aArray.AppendL( type );
   324         CleanupStack::Pop(type);
   325         }
   326     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&uids);
   327     }
   329 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 // Virtual collection ID to implementation ID lookup
   331 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 //
   333 EXPORT_C TUid CMPXCollectionEngine::LookupCollectionPluginID( const TUid aUid )
   334     {
   335     // Lookup virtual ID and map it to an implementation ID
   336     TUid realId = TUid::Uid(0);
   337     if( aUid == KLocalCollection )
   338         {
   339         realId = TUid::Uid(0x101FFC3A);
   340         }
   341     else if( aUid == KPodcastCollection )
   342         {
   343         realId = TUid::Uid(0x101FFC3C);
   344         }
   345     else if( aUid == KInMemoryCollection )
   346         {
   347         realId = TUid::Uid(0x101FFCD8);
   348         }
   349     else
   350         {
   351         realId=TUid::Null();
   352         }
   354     return realId;
   355     }
   357 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 // Resolve a collection plugin UID
   359 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   360 //
   361 EXPORT_C TUid CMPXCollectionEngine::ResolvePluginUid(const TArray<TUid>& aAry)
   362     {
   363     // Resolve the plugin ID using the plugin handler
   364     //
   365     return iPluginHandler->FindPlugin( aAry );
   366     }
   368 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 // Gets a list of the plugins available by name.
   370 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 //
   372 void CMPXCollectionEngine::ListPluginsL(
   373     CMPXMedia& aEntries,
   374     const TArray<TUid>& aSupportedUids)
   375     {
   376     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::ListPluginsL");
   378 #ifdef _DEBUG
   379     for (TInt ii=0; ii < aSupportedUids.Count(); ++ii)
   380         {
   381         MPX_DEBUG2("Supported uid 0x%08x", aSupportedUids[ii]);
   382         }
   383 #endif
   384     RArray<TInt> supportedIds;
   385     CleanupClosePushL(supportedIds);
   386     supportedIds.AppendL(KMPXMediaIdGeneral);
   388     CMPXMediaArray* array=CMPXMediaArray::NewL();
   389     CleanupStack::PushL(array);
   391     RArray<TUid> pluginList;
   392     CleanupClosePushL(pluginList);
   393     iPluginHandler->GetPluginUids(pluginList);
   394     RArray<TInt> pluginTypes;
   395     CleanupClosePushL(pluginTypes);
   396     iPluginHandler->GetPluginTypes(pluginTypes);
   397     TInt count=pluginList.Count();
   398     MPX_ASSERT(pluginTypes.Count() >= count);
   399     TInt arrayCount(0);
   400     for(TInt i = 0;i < count ;i++)
   401         {
   402         // Show only visible plugins
   403         //
   404         if(pluginTypes[i] != EMPXCollectionPluginHidden &&
   405            iPluginHandler->SupportUids(pluginList[i], aSupportedUids))
   406             {
   407             CMPXMedia* entry=CMPXMedia::NewL(supportedIds.Array());
   408             CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
   409             entry->SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralTitle,
   410                                  iPluginHandler->PluginName(pluginList[i]));
   411             entry->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralType, EMPXGroup);
   412             entry->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralCategory,
   413                                     EMPXCollection);
   414             entry->SetTObjectValueL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMediaGeneralId,
   415                                                 TMPXItemId(pluginList[i].iUid));
   416             array->AppendL(entry);
   417             CleanupStack::Pop(entry);
   418             ++arrayCount;
   419             }
   420         }
   421     aEntries.SetCObjectValueL(KMPXMediaArrayContents,array);
   422     aEntries.SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaArrayCount,arrayCount);
   423     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&pluginTypes);
   424     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&pluginList);
   425     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array);
   426     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&supportedIds);
   427     }
   429 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   430 // Find a plugin from collection path
   431 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   432 //
   433 CMPXCollectionPlugin* CMPXCollectionEngine::ResolvePluginL(
   434     const CMPXCollectionPath& aPath)
   435     {
   436     return ResolvePluginL(TUid::Uid(aPath.Id(CMPXCollectionPath::ECollectionUid)));
   437     }
   439 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   440 // Find a plugin from collection uid
   441 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   442 //
   443 CMPXCollectionPlugin* CMPXCollectionEngine::ResolvePluginL(
   444     const TUid& aUid)
   445     {
   446     iPluginHandler->SelectPluginL(aUid);
   447     return iPluginHandler->Plugin();
   448     }
   450 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 // Find a plugin from uri
   452 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   453 //
   454 CMPXCollectionPlugin* CMPXCollectionEngine::ResolvePluginL(
   455     const TDesC& aUri)
   456     {
   457     iPluginHandler->ClearSelectionCriteria();
   458     iPluginHandler->SelectPluginL(aUri, KNullDesC8);
   459     return iPluginHandler->Plugin();
   460     }
   462 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   463 // CMPXCollectionEngine::UsePlugin
   464 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   465 //
   466 void CMPXCollectionEngine::UsePlugin(
   467     const TUid& aPluginUid)
   468     {
   469     iPluginHandler->UsePlugin(aPluginUid);
   470     }
   472 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   473 // CMPXCollectionEngine::ReleasePlugin
   474 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 //
   476 TBool CMPXCollectionEngine::ReleasePlugin(
   477     const TUid& aPluginUid )
   478     {
   479     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::ReleasePlugin");
   480     TBool unloaded(iPluginHandler->ReleasePlugin(aPluginUid));
   481     if (unloaded)
   482         {
   483         HandlePluginUnloaded(aPluginUid);
   484         }
   485     return unloaded;
   486     }
   488 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 // CMPXCollectionEngine::CleanupPluginPushL
   490 //
   491 // Pushes the plugin release information onto the cleanup stack. Both the plugin
   492 // handler and the plugin itself have to be pushed and therefore cannot use the
   493 // cleanup stack alone. Even if it would create a dynamic TReleaseInfo instance
   494 // and push that onto the cleanup stack, CleanupStack::Pop would not take care
   495 // of deleting it and therefore a separate stack has to be used for the release
   496 // info.
   497 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 //
   499 void CMPXCollectionEngine::CleanupPluginPushL(
   500     CMPXCollectionPlugin* aPlugin)
   501     {
   502     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::CleanupPluginPushL");
   504     // add the release information to the internal stack
   505     iCleanupStack.AppendL(TReleaseInfo(iPluginHandler, aPlugin));
   507     // push a pointer to the engine onto the cleanup stack
   508     CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ReleasePlugin, this));
   509     }
   511 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 // CMPXCollectionEngine::PluginPop
   513 //
   514 // Has to be called instead of CleanupStack::Pop for cleaning up correctly
   515 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 //
   517 void CMPXCollectionEngine::PluginPop()
   518     {
   519     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::PluginPop");
   521     // remove from the cleanup stack
   522     CleanupStack::Pop(this);
   524     // remove from the internal stack
   525     iCleanupStack.Remove(iCleanupStack.Count() - 1);
   526     }
   528 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   529 // CMPXCollectionEngine::HandlePluginHandlerEvent
   530 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   531 //
   532 void CMPXCollectionEngine::HandlePluginHandlerEvent(
   533     TPluginHandlerEvents aEvent,
   534     const TUid& aPluginUid,
   535     TBool aLoaded,
   536     TInt aData)
   537     {
   538     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::HandlePluginHandlerEvent");
   540     switch (aEvent)
   541         {
   542         case MMPXPluginHandlerObserver::EPluginAdd:
   543             {
   544             TRAP_IGNORE(SendPluginHandlerMessageL(KMPXMessagePluginAdd, aPluginUid,
   545                 aLoaded, aData));
   546             break;
   547             }
   548         case MMPXPluginHandlerObserver::EPluginUpdateStart:
   549             {
   550             // Handling the unloading of the previous plugin version and the loading
   551             // of the new plugin version is synchronous and therefore new requests
   552             // will not be processed by the server/engine in between EPluginUpdateStart
   553             // and EPluginUpdateEnd.
   554             //
   555             // If the plugin handler would unload/load plugins asynchronously then a
   556             // mechanism must be created where the engine does not accept requests for
   557             // the plugin that is being updated for the duration of the update.
   559             // Send update start message
   560             TRAP_IGNORE(SendPluginHandlerMessageL(KMPXMessagePluginUpdateStart, aPluginUid,
   561                 aLoaded, aData));
   563             // Cancel all outstanding requests for the plugin
   564             CMPXCollectionPlugin* plugin = iPluginHandler->LoadedPlugin(aPluginUid);
   565             if (plugin)
   566                 {
   567                 plugin->CompleteAllTasks(KErrNotReady);
   568                 }
   569             break;
   570             }
   571         case MMPXPluginHandlerObserver::EPluginUpdateEnd:
   572             {
   573             TRAP_IGNORE(SendPluginHandlerMessageL(KMPXMessagePluginUpdateEnd, aPluginUid,
   574                 aLoaded, aData));
   575             break;
   576             }
   577         case MMPXPluginHandlerObserver::EPluginRemove:
   578             {
   579             TRAP_IGNORE(SendPluginHandlerMessageL(KMPXMessagePluginRemove, aPluginUid,
   580                 aLoaded));
   582             // Cancel all outstanding requests for the plugin
   583             CMPXCollectionPlugin* plugin = iPluginHandler->LoadedPlugin(aPluginUid);
   584             if (plugin)
   585                 {
   586                 plugin->CompleteAllTasks(KErrNotReady);
   587                 }
   588             break;
   589             }
   590         default:
   591             {
   592             // ignore the event
   593             break;
   594             }
   595         }
   596     }
   598 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   599 // CMPXCollectionPluginHandler::LoadedPlugin
   600 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 //
   602 CMPXCollectionPlugin* CMPXCollectionEngine::LoadedPlugin(const TUid& aUid)
   603     {
   604     return iPluginHandler->LoadedPlugin(aUid);
   605     }
   607 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 // CMPXCollectionEngine::ReleasePlugin
   609 //
   610 // Executed when the cleanup stack item is destroyed as a result of
   611 // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy being called. This could either be called
   612 // manually or as a result of a leave being generated and trapped. When this
   613 // method is called the cleanup stack item is already removed from the cleanup
   614 // stack and therefore it only has to take care of removing the local item.
   615 //
   616 // This is a static method.
   617 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   618 //
   619 void CMPXCollectionEngine::ReleasePlugin(
   620     TAny* aEngine)
   621     {
   622     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::ReleasePlugin");
   624     // get the engine instance
   625     CMPXCollectionEngine* engine = static_cast<CMPXCollectionEngine*>(aEngine);
   627     // last pushed release info
   628     TReleaseInfo& relInfo = engine->iCleanupStack[engine->iCleanupStack.Count() - 1];
   630     if (relInfo.iPlugin)
   631         {
   632         // release the plugin
   633         TUid uid(relInfo.iPlugin->Uid());
   634         TBool unloaded(relInfo.iHandler->ReleasePlugin(uid));
   635         if (unloaded)
   636             {
   637             engine->HandlePluginUnloaded(uid);
   638             }
   639         }
   641     // remove the item from the local stack
   642     engine->iCleanupStack.Remove(engine->iCleanupStack.Count() - 1);
   643     }
   645 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   646 // Find the cachable attribute of a plugin
   647 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   648 //
   649 TBool CMPXCollectionEngine::PluginCacheable( const TUid& aUid )
   650     {
   651     return iPluginHandler->PluginCachable( aUid );
   652     }
   654 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   655 // Find the non-cacaheable attributes of a plugin
   656 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   657 //
   658 const TArray<TUid> CMPXCollectionEngine::PluginNonCacheableAttributesL( const TUid& aUid )
   659     {
   660     return iPluginHandler->NonCacheableAttributesL( aUid );
   661     }
   664 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   665 // Create a new client context object
   666 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   667 //
   668 CMPXCollectionClientContext* CMPXCollectionEngine::CreateNewContextL(
   669     const TUid& aModeId)
   670     {
   671     CMPXCollectionClientContext* context =
   672             CMPXCollectionClientContext::NewL(*this, *iCache, aModeId);
   673     CleanupStack::PushL(context);
   674     iContexts.AppendL(context);
   675     CleanupStack::Pop(context);
   676     return context;
   677     }
   679 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   680 // Find a shareable client context object created in the same thread
   681 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   682 //
   683 CMPXCollectionClientContext* CMPXCollectionEngine::FindDefaultContext(
   684     TThreadId aClientTid)
   685     {
   686     CMPXCollectionClientContext* context(NULL);
   688     for (TInt i=0;i<iContexts.Count();++i)
   689         {
   690         if (iContexts[i]->HasShareableClient(aClientTid))
   691             {
   692             context = iContexts[i];
   693             break;
   694             }
   695         }
   696     return context;
   697     }
   699 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   700 // Handle a change message
   701 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   702 //
   703 void CMPXCollectionEngine::DoNotifyChangeL( const CMPXMessage& aMessage )
   704     {
   705     TInt msgGeneralId(0);
   706     if( aMessage.IsSupported(KMPXMessageGeneralId) )
   707         {
   708         msgGeneralId = aMessage.ValueTObjectL<TMPXMessageId>(KMPXMessageGeneralId);
   709         }
   711     // Only handle change messages to invalidate the collection cache
   712     //
   713     if( msgGeneralId == KMPXMessageIdItemChanged)
   714         {
   715         MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionEngine::DoNotifyChangeL -- KMPXMessageIdItemChanged");
   717         // Multiple messages
   718         //
   719         if( aMessage.IsSupported(KMPXMessageArrayContents) )
   720             {
   721             const CMPXMessageArray* messageArray =
   722                     aMessage.Value<CMPXMessageArray>(KMPXMessageArrayContents);
   723             User::LeaveIfNull(const_cast<CMPXMessageArray*>(messageArray));
   724             TInt count(messageArray->Count());
   725             for(TInt i=0; i<count; ++i )
   726                 {
   727                 TBool invalidated = DoNotifySingleChangeL(*(messageArray->AtL(i)));
   728                 if( invalidated )
   729                     {
   730                     // Cache got cleared, no need to process other messages
   731                     break;
   732                     }
   733                 }
   734             }
   735         // Single message
   736         //
   737         else
   738             {
   739             DoNotifySingleChangeL(aMessage);
   740             }
   741         }
   742     }
   744 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   745 // Handle a single change message
   746 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   747 //
   748 TBool CMPXCollectionEngine::DoNotifySingleChangeL( const CMPXMessage& aMessage )
   749     {
   750     TBool invalidated(EFalse);
   752     // Get the change message data
   753     //
   754     if( aMessage.IsSupported(KMPXMessageCollectionId) )
   755         {
   756         TUid collectionId( aMessage.ValueTObjectL<TUid>(KMPXMessageCollectionId) );
   758         if( PluginCacheable( collectionId ) )
   759             {
   760             TMPXChangeEventType changeType =
   761                 aMessage.ValueTObjectL<TMPXChangeEventType>(KMPXMessageChangeEventType);
   763             // If item was inserted, we wipe out everything from that collection
   764             //
   765             if( changeType == EMPXItemInserted )
   766                 {
   767                 // Remove all cached nodes from a plugin
   768                 //
   769                 iCache->HandleChangeL( collectionId, TMPXItemId(collectionId.iUid) );
   770                 invalidated = ETrue;
   771                 }
   772             else if ( aMessage.IsSupported( KMPXMessageMediaDeprecatedId ) )
   773                 {
   774                 iCache->HandleChangeL( collectionId,
   775                       aMessage.ValueTObjectL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMessageMediaDeprecatedId) );
   776                 }
   777             else if ( aMessage.IsSupported( KMPXMessageMediaGeneralId ) )
   778                 {
   779                 iCache->HandleChangeL( collectionId,
   780                         aMessage.ValueTObjectL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMessageMediaGeneralId) );
   781                 }
   782             }
   783         }
   785     return invalidated;
   786     }
   788 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   789 // Retrieves all of the supported types in the collection
   790 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   791 //
   792 void CMPXCollectionEngine::RemoveContext(
   793     const CMPXCollectionClientContext& aContext)
   794     {
   795     MPX_DEBUG2("CMPXCollectionEngine::RemoveContext %08x", &aContext);
   796     TRAP_IGNORE(::DeleteL(&aContext, iContexts));
   797     }
   799 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   800 // Notify collection changes
   801 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   802 //
   803 void CMPXCollectionEngine::NotifyChange(
   804     const CMPXCollectionClientContext& aNotifier,
   805     CMPXMessage* aMessage,
   806     TInt aError)
   807     {
   808     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::NotifyChange");
   809     for (TInt i=0; i<iContexts.Count(); ++i)
   810         {
   811         CMPXCollectionClientContext* context = iContexts[i];
   812         if (context != &aNotifier)
   813             {
   814             context->DoHandleMessage(aMessage, aError, EFalse);
   815             }
   816         }
   818     if( aMessage && !iRefreshing )
   819         {
   820         TRAP_IGNORE( DoNotifyChangeL( *aMessage ) );
   821         }
   822     }
   824 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   825 // Remove tasks of a client which is the observer of tasks
   826 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   827 //
   828 void CMPXCollectionEngine::RemoveTask(TAny* aCallback)
   829     {
   830     iPluginHandler->RemoveTask(aCallback);
   831     }
   833 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   834 // CMPXCollectionEngine::HandlePluginUnloaded
   835 // Called when a plugin is unloaded. Could be used to cleanup other references
   836 // to the plugin, like the generic cache.
   837 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   838 //
   839 void CMPXCollectionEngine::HandlePluginUnloaded(
   840     const TUid& aUid )
   841     {
   842     TRAP_IGNORE( DoHandlePluginUnloadedL( aUid ) );
   843     }
   845 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   846 // CMPXCollectionEngine::DoHandlePluginUnloadedL
   847 // Called when a plugin is unloaded. Could be used to cleanup other references
   848 // to the plugin, like the generic cache.
   849 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   850 //
   851 void CMPXCollectionEngine::DoHandlePluginUnloadedL(
   852     const TUid& aUid)
   853     {
   854     // Construct a plugin level path
   855     // This should remove all levels after this path
   856     //
   857     CMPXCollectionPath* path = CMPXCollectionPath::NewL();
   858     CleanupStack::PushL( path );
   859     path->AppendL( aUid.iUid );
   860     iCache->RemoveL( *path );
   861     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( path );
   862     }
   864 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   865 // CMPXCollectionEngine::SendPluginHandlerMessageL
   866 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   867 //
   868 void CMPXCollectionEngine::SendPluginHandlerMessageL(
   869     TInt aMessageId,
   870     const TUid& aPluginUid,
   871     TBool aLoaded,
   872     TInt aVersion /* = 0 */)
   873     {
   874     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::SendPluginHandlerMessageL");
   875     MPX_DEBUG5("Message id 0x%08x, plugin id 0x%08x Loaded %d Version %d",
   876                aMessageId,aPluginUid.iUid,aLoaded,aVersion);
   877     CMPXMessage* msg = CMPXMedia::NewL();
   878     CleanupStack::PushL(msg);
   880     msg->SetTObjectValueL<TMPXMessageId>(KMPXMessageGeneralId, aMessageId);
   881     msg->SetTObjectValueL<TUid>(KMPXAttrPluginId, aPluginUid);
   882     msg->SetTObjectValueL<TBool>(KMPXAttrPluginLoaded, aLoaded);
   883     if (aVersion > 0)
   884         {
   885         msg->SetTObjectValueL<TInt>(KMPXAttrPluginVersion, aVersion);
   886         }
   888     HandleMessage(msg, KErrNone);
   890     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msg);
   891     }
   893 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   894 // Resets the content of the cache related to specified client context path
   895 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   896 // 
   897 void CMPXCollectionEngine::ResetCacheL(CMPXCollectionPath& aPath)
   898     {
   899     MPX_FUNC("CMPXCollectionEngine::ResetCache");
   900     CMPXCollectionPath* newPath = CMPXCollectionPath::NewL();
   901     CleanupStack::PushL(newPath);
   902     newPath->AppendL(aPath.Id(0).iId1);
   903     iCache->RemoveL(*newPath);
   904     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newPath);
   905     }
   906 // End of file