changeset 0 a2952bb97e68
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a2952bb97e68
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of media
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <mpxlog.h>
    20 #include <mpxuser.h>
    21 #include "mpxmedia.h"
    22 #include "mpxmediaarray.h"
    23 #include "mpxcollectionpath.h"
    25 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26 // CMPXMedia::NewL
    27 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28 //
    29 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMedia::NewL()
    30     {
    31     CMPXMedia* m=new(ELeave)CMPXMedia();
    32     CleanupStack::PushL(m);
    33     m->CMPXMediaBase::ConstructL();
    34     CleanupStack::Pop(m);
    35     return m;
    36     }
    38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // CMPXMedia::NewL
    40 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 //
    42 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMedia::NewL(const TArray<TInt>& aSupportedIds)
    43     {
    44     CMPXMedia* m=new(ELeave)CMPXMedia();
    45     CleanupStack::PushL(m);
    46     m->ConstructL(aSupportedIds);
    47     CleanupStack::Pop(m);
    48     return m;
    49     }
    51 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 // CMPXMedia::NewL
    53 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 //
    55 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMedia::NewL(RReadStream& aStream)
    56     {
    57     CMPXMedia* m=new(ELeave)CMPXMedia();
    58     CleanupStack::PushL(m);
    59     m->ConstructL(aStream);
    60     CleanupStack::Pop(m);
    61     return m;
    62     }
    64 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // CMPXMedia::NewL
    66 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMedia::NewL(TInt aDataHandle)
    70     {
    71     CMPXMedia* m=new(ELeave)CMPXMedia();
    72     CleanupStack::PushL(m);
    73     m->CMPXMediaBase::ConstructL(aDataHandle);
    74     CleanupStack::Pop(m);
    75     return m;
    76     }
    78 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // CMPXMedia::NewL
    80 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMedia::NewL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia)
    83     {
    84     CMPXMedia* m=new(ELeave)CMPXMedia();
    85     CleanupStack::PushL(m);
    86     m->CMPXMediaBase::ConstructL(aMedia);
    87     CleanupStack::Pop(m);
    88     return m;
    89     }
    91 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 // CMPXMedia::CopyL
    93 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 //
    95 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMedia::CopyL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia)
    96     {
    97     CMPXMedia* m=new(ELeave)CMPXMedia();
    98     CleanupStack::PushL(m);
    99     m->CopyConstructL(aMedia);
   100     CleanupStack::Pop(m);
   101     return m;
   102     }
   104 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // Overloaded assignment operator
   106 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 //
   108 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia& CMPXMedia::operator=(const CMPXMedia& aMedia)
   109     {
   110 //    MPX_FUNC_EX("CMPXMedia::operator=()");
   111     MPX_ASSERT(aMedia.iData&&aMedia.iDataHandle);
   112     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle);
   113     //
   114     if (this!=&aMedia)
   115         {
   116         Clear();
   117         iDataHandle=aMedia.iDataHandle;
   118         iData=aMedia.iData;
   119         iData->AddRef(iClientHandle);
   120         } // otherwise assign itself
   121     return *this;
   122     }
   124 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 // Destructor
   126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 //
   128 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia::~CMPXMedia()
   129     {
   130     iAttributes.Close();
   131     }
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CMPXMedia::HeapMemoryInfoL
   135 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 //
   137 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::HeapMemoryInfoL( TInt& aTotal, TInt& aUsed )
   138     {
   139     return MMPXData::HeapMemoryInfoL( aTotal, aUsed);
   140     }
   142 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // Externalize
   144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 //
   146 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
   147     {
   148     DoExternalizeL(aStream,MMPXData::EMedia);
   149     }
   151 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 // Internalize
   153 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 //
   155 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
   156     {
   157     DoInternalizeL(aStream,MMPXData::EMedia);
   158     }
   160 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   161 // Clears data
   162 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   163 //
   164 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::Reset()
   165     {
   166 //    MPX_FUNC_EX("CMPXMedia::Reset()");
   167     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   168     //
   169     ResetLocal(); // Local data
   170     iData->Reset(iClientHandle); // Clears heap data for this object
   171     }
   173 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 // Possible content IDs that denote the type of content the source of this
   175 // object can supply;
   176 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 //
   178 EXPORT_C const TArray<TInt> CMPXMedia::SupportedIds() const
   179     {
   180     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   181     return iData->SupportedIds(iClientHandle);
   182     }
   184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 // The attributes provided in this media object
   186 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 //
   188 EXPORT_C const TArray<TMPXAttribute> CMPXMedia::Attributes() const
   189     {
   190     const_cast<CMPXMedia*>(this)->RefreshAttributes();
   191     return iAttributes.Array();
   192     }
   194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 // Does this object contain the value for a given attribute
   196 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   197 //
   198 EXPORT_C TBool CMPXMedia::IsSupported(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute) const
   199     {
   200     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   201     return KErrNotFound!=iData->Index(iClientHandle,aAttribute);
   202     }
   204 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 // The number of attribute values provided in this media object
   206 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 //
   208 EXPORT_C TInt CMPXMedia::Count() const
   209     {
   210     return CMPXMediaBase::Count();
   211     }
   213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 // The attribute for a specific index
   215 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 //
   217 EXPORT_C const TMPXAttribute& CMPXMedia::Attribute(TInt aIndex) const
   218     {
   219     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   220     MPX_ASSERT(aIndex>=0&&aIndex<Count());
   221     //
   222     return iData->Attribute(iClientHandle,aIndex);
   223     }
   225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 // The attributes set for a specific content
   227 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 EXPORT_C TUint CMPXMedia::AttributesSet(TInt aContentId) const
   230     {
   231     const_cast<CMPXMedia*>(this)->RefreshAttributes();
   232     TUint attributesSet(0);
   233     for (TInt i=iAttributes.Count();--i>=0;)
   234         {
   235         TMPXAttribute attr(iAttributes[i]);
   236         if (attr.ContentId()==aContentId)
   237             {
   238             attributesSet|=attr.AttributeId();
   239             }
   240         }
   241     return attributesSet;
   242     }
   244 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 // The index of a given attribute
   246 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   247 //
   248 EXPORT_C TInt CMPXMedia::Index(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute) const
   249     {
   250     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   251     return iData->Index(iClientHandle,aAttribute);
   252     }
   254 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   255 // The type of data stored for the attribute
   256 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 //
   258 EXPORT_C TMPXAttributeType CMPXMedia::Type(TInt aIndex) const
   259     {
   260     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   261     MPX_ASSERT(aIndex>=0&&aIndex<Count());
   262     //
   263     return iData->AttributeType(iClientHandle,aIndex);
   264     }
   266 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   267 // The type of data stored for the attribute
   268 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 //
   270 EXPORT_C TMPXAttributeType CMPXMedia::Type(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute) const
   271     {
   272     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   273     TMPXAttributeType type(EMPXTypeUnknown);
   274     TInt index(Index(aAttribute));
   275     if (KErrNotFound!=index)
   276         {
   277         type = Type(index);
   278         }
   279     return type;
   280     }
   282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // The value for a specific attribute
   284 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   285 //
   286 EXPORT_C const TDesC& CMPXMedia::ValueText(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute) const
   287     {
   288     TPtrC* text=Value<TPtrC>(aAttribute);
   289     return text?(const TDesC&)*text:KNullDesC;
   290     }
   292 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 // Add a new attribute value to this object, or modifies existing
   294 // value if already present
   295 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   296 //
   297 EXPORT_C  void CMPXMedia::SetTextValueL(
   298     const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute,
   299     const TDesC& aValue)
   300     {
   301     TPtrC8 data((TUint8*)aValue.Ptr(),aValue.Size());
   302     SetValueL(aAttribute,data,EMPXTypeText);
   303     }
   305 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   306 // Merges in the attributes of the provided media
   307 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   308 //
   309 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::MergeMediaL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia )
   310     {
   311     // Do not merge the same data handle
   312     if( Data() != aMedia.Data() )
   313         {
   314         for ( TInt i = 0; i < aMedia.Count(); i++ )
   315             {
   316             TMPXAttributeType type( aMedia.Type( i ));
   317             TMPXAttribute att( aMedia.Attribute( i ));
   318             // Need to handle text differently since it's
   319             // possible to have KNullDesC, which will result
   320             // in an invalid TPtrC.
   321             if ( EMPXTypeText == type )
   322                 {
   323                 const TDesC& t( aMedia.ValueText( att ));
   324                 if ( t == KNullDesC )
   325                     {
   326                     // Cannot use reference to KNullDesC, must
   327                     // use the literal directly.
   328                     SetTextValueL( att, KNullDesC );
   329                     }
   330                 else
   331                     {
   332                     SetTextValueL( att, t );
   333                     }
   334                 }
   335             else
   336                 {
   337                 TPtrC8 ptr( aMedia.iData->Value( aMedia.iClientHandle, i ));
   338                 SetValueL( att, ptr, type );
   339                 }
   340             }
   341         }
   342     }
   344 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 // Compares if the specified media's attribute matches this one
   346 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 //
   348 EXPORT_C TBool CMPXMedia::Match(
   349     const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
   350     const TMPXAttribute& aAtt )
   351     {
   352     TBool result( EFalse );
   353     TInt myIndex( Index( aAtt ));
   354     if ( KErrNotFound != myIndex )
   355         {
   356         TInt index( aMedia.Index( aAtt ));
   357         if ( KErrNotFound != index )
   358             {
   359             if ( Type( myIndex ) == aMedia.Type( index ))
   360                 {
   361                 TPtrC8 myPtr( iData->Value( iClientHandle, myIndex ));
   362                 TPtrC8 ptr( aMedia.iData->Value( aMedia.iClientHandle, index ));
   363                 result = ( myPtr == ptr );
   364                 }
   365             }
   366         }
   367     return result;
   368     }
   370 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 // CMPXMedia::Delete
   372 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   373 //
   374 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::Delete(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute)
   375     {
   376 //    MPX_FUNC_EX("CMPXMedia::Delete(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute)");
   377     Delete(iData->Index(iClientHandle,aAttribute));
   378     }
   380 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   381 // CMPXMedia::Delete
   382 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 //
   384 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::Delete(TInt aIndex)
   385     {
   386 //    MPX_FUNC_EX("CMPXMedia::Delete(TInt aIndex)");
   387     if (KErrNotFound != aIndex)
   388         {
   389         MPX_ASSERT(aIndex>=0&&aIndex<Count());
   390         DeleteLocal(aIndex);
   391         iData->Delete(iClientHandle,aIndex);
   392         } // do nothing. the same behaviour as the v1 although it should panic
   393     }
   395 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 // CMPXMedia::ConstructL
   397 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 //
   399 void CMPXMedia::ConstructL(const TArray<TInt>& aSupportedIds)
   400     {
   401     CMPXMediaBase::ConstructL();
   402     User::LeaveIfError(iData->SetSupportedIds(iClientHandle,aSupportedIds));
   403     }
   405 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   406 // CMPXMedia::ConstructL
   407 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   408 //
   409 void CMPXMedia::ConstructL(RReadStream& aStream)
   410     {
   411     MPX_ASSERT(!iData&&!iDataHandle);
   412     InternalizeL(aStream);
   413     }
   415 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   416 // CMPXMedia::SetValueL
   417 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   418 //
   419 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::SetValueL(
   420     const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute,
   421     const TDesC8& aValue,
   422     TMPXAttributeType aType)
   423     {
   424     MPX_ASSERT(iData&&iClientHandle);
   425     //
   426     LockHeapLC();
   427     TInt i=iData->Index(iClientHandle,aAttribute);
   428     if (i==KErrNotFound)
   429         {
   430         User::LeaveIfError(iData->Append(iClientHandle,aAttribute,aType,aValue));
   431         }
   432      else
   433         {
   434         DeleteLocal(i);
   435         iData->Set(iClientHandle,aAttribute,aType,aValue,i);
   436         }
   437     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //unlock heap
   438     }
   440 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   441 // CMPXMedia::ValuePtr. Returns NULL if (a) there is no such object with the
   442 // given attribute; (b) object cannot be created (e.g. no memory); (c) it's an
   443 // arbitrary CBase object (only CMPXMedia, CMPXMediaArray, and CMPXCollectionPath
   444 // are supported. Otherwise, returns a pointer to the object which is also stored
   445 // locally
   446 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   447 //
   448 EXPORT_C TAny* CMPXMedia::ValuePtr(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute) const
   449     {
   450     MPX_ASSERT(iData&&iClientHandle);
   451     MMPXData::LockHeap( iClientHandle );
   452     TAny* obj=NULL;
   453     TInt index=iData->Index(iClientHandle,aAttribute);
   454     TMPXAttributeType type=EMPXTypeUnknown;
   456     if (index!=KErrNotFound) // Check if the value exist or not
   457         {
   458         type=iData->AttributeType(iClientHandle,index);
   459         // Check local values to see if there and current
   460         //
   461         TInt uid=iData->Uid(iClientHandle,index);
   462         const TValue* v=LocalValue(uid);
   463         if (!v)
   464             {
   465             TPtrC8 data=iData->Value(iClientHandle,index);
   466             TInt size=data.Size();
   467             const TAny* ptr=data.Ptr();
   468             //
   469             switch(type)
   470                 {
   471             case EMPXTypeText:
   472                 obj=new TPtrC((TUint16*)ptr,size/2);
   473                 break;
   474                 //
   475             case EMPXTypeCObject:
   476                 TRAP_IGNORE(obj=ValueCObjectL(data));
   477                 break;
   478                 //
   479             case EMPXTypeError: // Error type is TInt, flow down
   480             case EMPXTypeTObject:
   481                 //
   482                 // Create a decriptor pointing to the data. But the pointer
   483                 // within the descriptor must be returned by this method
   484                 //
   485                  obj=new TPtrC8((TUint8*)ptr,size);
   486                 break;
   487                 //
   488             default:
   489                 MPX_ASSERT(0);
   490                 break;
   491                 }
   492             if (obj)
   493                 {
   494                 CMPXMedia& theMedia=*const_cast<CMPXMedia*>(this);
   495                 TInt err=theMedia.SetLocal(TValue(obj,uid,type)); // Add new one
   496                 if (err!=KErrNone)
   497                     {
   498                     theMedia.DeletePtr(obj,type);
   499                     obj=NULL;
   500                     }
   501                 }
   502             }
   503         else
   504             {
   505             obj=v->iValue;
   506             }
   507         }
   508     MMPXData::UnlockHeap(iClientHandle);
   509     return (type==EMPXTypeTObject||type==EMPXTypeError)?(obj?(TAny*)static_cast<TPtrC8*>(obj)->Ptr():NULL):obj;
   510     }
   512 EXPORT_C TMPXAttributeType CMPXMedia::GetValue(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute, TDes8& aValue) const
   513     {
   514     MPX_ASSERT(iData&&iClientHandle);
   515     MMPXData::LockHeap( iClientHandle );
   516     TInt index=iData->Index(iClientHandle,aAttribute);
   517     TMPXAttributeType type=EMPXTypeUnknown;
   519     if (index!=KErrNotFound) // Check if the value exist or not
   520         {
   521         type=iData->AttributeType(iClientHandle,index);
   522         aValue = iData->Value(iClientHandle,index).Left(aValue.MaxLength());
   523         }
   524     MMPXData::UnlockHeap(iClientHandle);
   525     return type;
   526     }
   528 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   529 // CMPXMedia::RefreshAttributes
   530 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   531 //
   532 void CMPXMedia::RefreshAttributes()
   533     {
   534     // Reconstructs array of attributes
   535     //
   536     iAttributes.Reset();
   537     for (TInt i=iData->Count(iClientHandle);--i>=0;)
   538         {
   539         (void)iAttributes.Append(iData->Attribute(iClientHandle,i));
   540         }
   541     }
   543 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   544 // CMPXMedia::ResetLocal
   545 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   546 //
   547 void CMPXMedia::ResetLocal()
   548     {
   549     CMPXMediaBase::ResetLocal();
   550     iAttributes.Reset();
   551     }
   553 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   554 // CMPXMedia::ValueCObjectL
   555 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   556 //
   557 TAny* CMPXMedia::ValueCObjectL(const TDesC8& aData) const
   558     {
   559     TAny* obj=NULL;
   560     TInt size=aData.Size();
   561     TUint* ptr=(TUint*)aData.Ptr();
   563 #ifdef _DEBUG
   564     const TBool ptrAddrIsOnBoundary = ((TUint)ptr & 3) == 0;
   566     // Only dereference 4-byte word on 4-byte word boundary
   567     MPX_ASSERT(ptrAddrIsOnBoundary); // assert if this is not the case
   568 #endif
   570     MMPXData::TMPXObjectType t=*(MMPXData::TMPXObjectType*)ptr;
   571     switch(t)
   572         {
   573         case MMPXData::EMedia:
   574             MPX_ASSERT(size==sizeof(TInt)+sizeof(TUint)); // i.e 8 bytes
   575             obj=CMPXMedia::NewL(*++ptr);
   576             break;
   577             //
   578         case MMPXData::EMediaArray:
   579             MPX_ASSERT(size==sizeof(TInt)+sizeof(TUint)); // i.e 8 bytes
   580             obj=ValueL<CMPXMediaArray>(aData);
   581             break;
   582             //
   583         case MMPXData::EPath:
   584             obj=ValueL<CMPXCollectionPath>(aData);
   585             break;
   586             //
   587         default:
   588             //
   589             // obj=NULL, i.e. arbitrary C objects
   590             // ARE NOT SUPPORTED by this method
   591             //
   592             MPX_ASSERT(0); // For now, to catch clients that use this
   593             break;
   594             }
   595         return obj;
   596     }
   598 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   599 // CMPXMedia::SetErrorL
   600 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 EXPORT_C void CMPXMedia::SetErrorL(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute, TInt aError)
   602     {
   603     TPtrC8 value((TUint8*)&aError,sizeof(TInt));
   604     SetValueL(aAttribute,value,EMPXTypeError);
   605     }
   607 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 // CMPXMedia::Error
   609 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   610 EXPORT_C TInt CMPXMedia::Error(const TMPXAttribute& aAttribute) const
   611     {
   612     if (Type(aAttribute)==EMPXTypeError)
   613         {
   614         TInt* v=(TInt*)ValuePtr(aAttribute);
   615         return v?*v:KErrNone; // return KErrNone if none exists!
   616         }
   617     else
   618         return KErrNone;
   619     }
   621 // END OF FILE