changeset 0 a2952bb97e68
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a2952bb97e68
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of array of media objects
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "mpxmediaarray.h"
    20 #include "mpxmedia.h"
    21 #include "mpxcmn.h"
    23 // CONSTANTS
    24 //
    25 // Media attribute for the media object added to array
    26 //
    27 const TMPXAttributeData KMPXMediaArrayItem= {0x101FFC12, 0X01};
    29 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 // CMPXMediaArray::NewL
    31 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 //
    33 EXPORT_C CMPXMediaArray* CMPXMediaArray::NewL()
    34     {
    35     CMPXMediaArray* a=new(ELeave)CMPXMediaArray();
    36     CleanupStack::PushL(a);
    37     a->ConstructL();
    38     CleanupStack::Pop(a);
    39     return a;
    40     }
    42 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 // CMPXMediaArray::NewL
    44 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 //
    46 EXPORT_C CMPXMediaArray* CMPXMediaArray::NewL(const CMPXMediaArray& aArray)
    47     {
    48     CMPXMediaArray* a=new(ELeave)CMPXMediaArray();
    49     CleanupStack::PushL(a);
    50     a->ConstructL(aArray);
    51     CleanupStack::Pop(a);
    52     return a;
    53     }
    55 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // Destructor
    57 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 EXPORT_C CMPXMediaArray::~CMPXMediaArray()
    60     {
    61     }
    63 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // Externalize
    65 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
    68     {
    69     DoExternalizeL(aStream,MMPXData::EMediaArray);
    70     }
    72 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // Internalize. ConstructL() will have been called prior to this so there
    74 // will definitely be a iClientHandle, iDataHandle and iData, though there may or
    75 // may not be any data added. Either way, the data should be reset.
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 //
    78 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
    79     {
    80     DoInternalizeL(aStream,MMPXData::EMediaArray);
    81     }
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // Total number of objects contained in array
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 //
    87 EXPORT_C TInt CMPXMediaArray::Count() const
    88     {
    89     return CMPXMediaBase::Count();
    90     }
    92 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 // Array assessor
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 //
    96 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMediaArray::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
    97     {
    98     return Value(aIndex);
    99     }
   101 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 // Get a pointer to the media object at the specified position within the array
   103 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   104 //
   105 EXPORT_C CMPXMedia* CMPXMediaArray::AtL(TInt aIndex) const
   106     {
   107     return ValueL(aIndex);
   108     }
   110 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 // Appends media object to array
   112 // Takes the ownship of aMedia
   113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 //
   115 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::AppendL(const CMPXMedia* aMedia)
   116     {
   117     AppendL(*aMedia);
   118     delete const_cast<CMPXMedia*>(aMedia);
   119     }
   121 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 // Appends media object to array
   123 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 //
   125 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::AppendL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia)
   126     {
   127     User::LeaveIfError(AddToArray(aMedia,CMPXMediaBase::Count()));
   128     }
   130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 // Resets the media array
   132 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 //
   134 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::Reset()
   135     {
   136     MPX_ASSERT(iClientHandle&&iData);
   137     //
   138     ResetLocal(); // Local data
   139     iData->Reset(iClientHandle); // Clears heap data for this object
   140     }
   142 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // Removes the specified media from the array
   144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 //
   146 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::Remove(TInt aIndex)
   147     {
   148     MPX_ASSERT(iData&&iClientHandle&&aIndex>=0&&aIndex<Count());
   149     DeleteLocal(aIndex);
   150     iData->Delete(iClientHandle,aIndex); // And data for this object
   151     }
   153 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // Inserts the specified media into the array at the specified position
   155 // Takes the ownership of aMedia
   156 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 //
   158 EXPORT_C TInt CMPXMediaArray::Insert(const CMPXMedia *aMedia, TInt aPos)
   159     {
   160     TInt r=AddToArray(*aMedia,aPos);
   161     if (r==KErrNone)
   162         {
   163         delete const_cast<CMPXMedia*>(aMedia);
   164         }
   165     return r;
   166     }
   168 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   169 // Inserts the specified media into the array at the specified position
   170 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   171 //
   172 EXPORT_C TInt CMPXMediaArray::Insert(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, TInt aPos)
   173     {
   174     return AddToArray(aMedia,aPos);
   175     }
   177 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // Sets the specified media into the array at the specified position
   179 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 //
   181 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::Set(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, TInt aPos)
   182     {
   183     MMPXData::LockHeap( iClientHandle );
   184     DeleteLocal(aPos);
   185     (void)AddToArray(aMedia,aPos,ETrue);
   186     MMPXData::UnlockHeap( iClientHandle );
   187     }
   189 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 // Inserts the specified media into the array at the specified position and
   191 // leave if an error is encountered
   192 // Takes ownership of the aMedia
   193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 //
   195 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::InsertL(const CMPXMedia *aMedia, TInt aPos)
   196     {
   197     User::LeaveIfError(Insert(aMedia,aPos));
   198     }
   200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // Inserts the specified media into the array at the specified position and
   202 // leave if an error is encountered
   203 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   204 //
   205 EXPORT_C void CMPXMediaArray::InsertL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia, TInt aPos)
   206     {
   207     User::LeaveIfError(AddToArray(aMedia,aPos));
   208     }
   211 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 // The value for a specific index
   213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 //
   215 CMPXMedia* CMPXMediaArray::Value(TInt aIndex) const
   216     {
   217     CMPXMedia* m=NULL;
   218     TRAP_IGNORE(m=ValueL(aIndex));
   219     return m;
   220     }
   222 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 // The value for a specific index
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 //
   226 CMPXMedia* CMPXMediaArray::ValueL(TInt aIndex) const
   227     {
   228     MPX_ASSERT(iData&&iClientHandle&&aIndex>=0&&aIndex<Count());
   229     //
   230     CMPXMedia* obj=NULL;
   231     //
   232     // Check local values to see if there and current
   233     //
   234     LockHeapLC();
   235     TInt uid=iData->Uid(iClientHandle,aIndex);
   236     const TValue* v=LocalValue(uid);
   237     if (!v)
   238         {
   239         TPtrC8 data=iData->Value(iClientHandle,aIndex);
   240         TUint* ptr=(TUint*)data.Ptr();
   241         //
   242         // Check that it's really a media object
   243         //
   244         MPX_ASSERT(*(MMPXData::TMPXObjectType*)ptr==MMPXData::EMedia);
   245         MPX_ASSERT(sizeof(TUint)+sizeof(TInt)==data.Size());
   246         //
   247         ++ptr; // Actual data offset
   248         obj=CMPXMedia::NewL(*ptr); // new media object from the data
   249         CleanupStack::PushL(obj);
   250         CMPXMediaArray& theArray=*const_cast<CMPXMediaArray*>(this);
   251         User::LeaveIfError(theArray.SetLocal(TValue(obj,uid,EMPXTypeCObject)));
   252         CleanupStack::Pop(obj);
   253         }
   254     else
   255         {
   256         obj=static_cast<CMPXMedia*>(v->iValue);
   257         }
   258     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // unlock the heap
   259     return obj;
   260     }
   262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // Inserts the specified media into the array at the specified position
   264 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   265 //
   266 TInt CMPXMediaArray::AddToArray(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,TInt aPos,TBool aReplace)
   267     {
   268     MPX_ASSERT(iData&&iDataHandle&&iClientHandle);
   269     const TInt KMediaStreamLen=sizeof(MMPXData::TMPXObjectType)+sizeof(TUint);
   270     TBuf8<KMediaStreamLen> buf;
   271     TUint* p=(TUint*)buf.Ptr();
   272     *p=MMPXData::EMedia;
   273     *++p=aMedia.Data();
   274     buf.SetLength(KMediaStreamLen);
   275     TInt r(KErrNone);
   276     if (aReplace)
   277         {
   278         iData->Set(iClientHandle,KMPXMediaArrayItem,EMPXTypeCObject,buf,aPos);
   279         }
   280     else if (aPos==CMPXMediaBase::Count())
   281         {
   282         r=iData->Append(iClientHandle,KMPXMediaArrayItem,EMPXTypeCObject,buf);
   283         }
   284     else
   285         {
   286         r=iData->Insert(iClientHandle,KMPXMediaArrayItem,EMPXTypeCObject,buf,aPos);
   287         }
   288     return r;
   289     }
   291 // END OF FILE