changeset 0 a2952bb97e68
child 48 b7b49303d0c0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a2952bb97e68
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of plugin info
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <mpxuser.h>
    22 #include <mpxlog.h>
    23 #include <mpxplugininfo.h>
    26 // CONSTANTS
    27 _LIT8(KMPXTagMatch, "*<?>*");
    28 _LIT8(KMPXTagEnd,"*<*?>*");
    30 _LIT8(KMPXSupportUidsTag, "<p>");
    31 _LIT8(KMPXPluginTypeTag, "<t>" );
    32 _LIT8(KMPXPluginFlagTag, "<f>" );
    33 _LIT8(KMPXPluginPriorityTag, "<i>" );
    34 _LIT8(KMPXSupportSchemasTag,"<s>");
    35 _LIT8(KMPXSupportExtensionsTag,"<e>");
    37 _LIT8(KMPXSupportAppUidTag, "<a>");
    38 _LIT8(KMPX0x, "0x");
    39 _LIT8(KMPX0X, "0X");
    40 const TUint8 KMPXSemicolon = ';';
    41 const TInt KMPXTagLength = 3;
    44 // ============================ INTERNAL CLASSES ==============================
    46 /**
    47 Utility class used to parse data separated by xml-style tags.
    48 */
    49 class TaggedDataParser
    50     {
    51 public:
    53     /**
    54      *Splits aData into xml-style tags and values, and gets aClient to process
    55      *each tag/value pair.
    56     */
    57     static void ParseTaggedDataL(const TDesC8& aData,
    58                                  MTaggedDataParserClient& aClient);
    60     /**
    61      * Converts a string to a Tint. The string may contain hex value or decimal value
    62     */
    63     static void ConvertText8ToTIntL(const TDesC8& aData, TInt& aInt);
    65     /**
    66     * Extracts elemements separated by semicolon into array descriptor
    67     *
    68     * @param aText original content to extract elements from
    69     * @param aArray the array to add the extracted elements to
    70     */
    71     static void ExtractIntoArrayL(const TDesC8& aText, CDesCArray*& aArray);
    73     /**
    74     * Add an item into descriptor array
    75     *
    76     * @param aItem the item to be added to the descriptor array
    77     * @param aArray the array to add the item to
    78     */
    79     static void AddItemIntoArrayL(TPtrC8& aItem, CDesCArray*& aArray);
    80     };
    82 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 // Parser xml-styled data
    84 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 //
    86 void TaggedDataParser::ParseTaggedDataL(
    87     const TDesC8& aData,
    88     MTaggedDataParserClient& aClient)
    89     {
    90     TPtrC8 data(aData);
    91     TInt readPosition = 0;
    92     TBool moreData = data.Length() ? ETrue : EFalse;
    93     while (moreData)
    94         {
    95         // Assumes that this segment will begin with a tag
    96         TPtrC8 restOfData = data.Mid(readPosition);
    98         TInt endPos = restOfData.MatchF(KMPXTagMatch);
    99         if (endPos == KErrNotFound)
   100             User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   102         // extract the tag
   103         TPtrC8 tag = restOfData.Left(KMPXTagLength);
   104         readPosition += KMPXTagLength;
   105         // Find the next tag
   106         restOfData.Set(data.Mid(readPosition));
   107         endPos = restOfData.MatchF(KMPXTagMatch);
   109         TPtrC8 tagData;
   110         if (endPos == KErrNotFound)
   111             { // no more tag available
   112             endPos = restOfData.MatchF(KMPXTagEnd);
   113             if (endPos == KErrNotFound)
   114                 { // If we didn't find a tag ender, we must be at the end of
   115                   // the data
   116                 tagData.Set(restOfData);
   117                 readPosition = restOfData.Length();
   118                 }
   119             else
   120                 {
   121                 tagData.Set(restOfData.Left(endPos));
   122                 }
   123             moreData = EFalse;
   124             }
   125         else
   126             {
   127             // strip the end tag from data if found
   128             TInt stripEndPos = restOfData.MatchF(KMPXTagEnd);
   129             if ( stripEndPos != KErrNotFound )
   130                 {
   131                 tagData.Set(restOfData.Left(stripEndPos));
   132                 }
   133             else
   134                 {
   135                 tagData.Set(restOfData.Left(endPos));
   136                 }
   137             readPosition += endPos;
   138             }
   139         aClient.ProcessTaggedDataL(tag, tagData);
   140         }
   141     }
   143 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // Convert text into a integer
   145 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 void TaggedDataParser::ConvertText8ToTIntL(
   148     const TDesC8& aData,
   149     TInt& aInt)
   150     {
   151     // Determine whether hex or decimal then parse as such
   152     if (((aData.FindF(KMPX0x) == 0) || (aData.FindF(KMPX0X) == 0)) &&
   153         (aData.Length() >= KMPXTagLength))
   154         {
   155         // only take the characters after "0x"
   156         TLex8 lex(aData.Right(aData.Length()-2));
   157         TUint value( 0 );
   158         User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(value, EHex));
   159         aInt = value;
   160         }
   161     else if (aData.Length() > 0)
   162         {
   163         TLex8 lex(aData);
   164         TInt32 value(0);
   165         User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(value));
   166         aInt = value;
   167         }
   168     else
   169         {
   170         User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   171         }
   172     }
   174 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 // Extracts elemements separated by semicolon into array descriptor
   176 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 //
   178 void TaggedDataParser::ExtractIntoArrayL(
   179     const TDesC8& aText,
   180     CDesCArray*& aArray)
   181     {
   182     const TUint8* p = aText.Ptr();
   183     TInt startPos(0);
   184     TInt pos(0);
   185     TInt len=aText.Length();
   186     TPtrC8 element;
   188     while (pos < len)
   189         {
   190         if (*(p+pos) == KMPXSemicolon)
   191             {
   192             if (pos-startPos > 0)
   193                 {
   194                 element.Set(p+startPos, pos - startPos);
   195                 AddItemIntoArrayL(element, aArray);
   196                 }
   197             startPos = pos + 1;
   198             }
   199         ++pos;
   200         }
   201     if (startPos < len && pos - startPos > 0)
   202         {// last item
   203         element.Set(p+startPos, pos - startPos);
   204         AddItemIntoArrayL(element, aArray);
   205         }
   206     }
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 // Add an item into descriptor
   210 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 //
   212 void TaggedDataParser::AddItemIntoArrayL(TPtrC8& aItem, CDesCArray*& aArray)
   213     {
   214     HBufC* item = MPXUser::AllocL(aItem);
   215     CleanupStack::PushL(item);
   216     //ignore leave when insert the same item
   217     TRAP_IGNORE(aArray->InsertIsqL(*item));
   218     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item);
   219     }
   222 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
   224 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   226 // might leave.
   227 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 //
   229 EXPORT_C CMPXPluginInfo::CMPXPluginInfo()
   230     {
   231     }
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 // By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   235 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 //
   237 EXPORT_C void CMPXPluginInfo::ConstructL(
   238     const CImplementationInformation& aData )
   239     {
   240     iPluginName = aData.DisplayName().AllocL();
   241     iPluginUid = aData.ImplementationUid();
   242     iVersion = aData.Version();
   244     iSupportedSchemas = new(ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(KMPXArrayGranularity);
   245     iSupportedMimeTypes = new(ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(KMPXArrayGranularity);
   246     iSupportedExtensions = new(ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(KMPXArrayGranularity);
   248     TaggedDataParser::ExtractIntoArrayL(aData.DataType(), iSupportedMimeTypes);
   249     // Parse the opaque data...
   250     TaggedDataParser::ParseTaggedDataL(aData.OpaqueData(), *this);
   251     // Add plugin type into supported ids array
   252     TInt err=iSupportedUids.InsertInOrder(iPluginTypeUid,MPXUser::CompareUids);
   253     if (KErrNone!=err && KErrAlreadyExists!=err)
   254         { // ignore duplicated items
   255         User::Leave(err);
   256         }
   257     }
   259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 // Two-phased constructor.
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 //
   263 CMPXPluginInfo* CMPXPluginInfo::NewL(
   264     const CImplementationInformation& aData )
   265     {
   266     CMPXPluginInfo* self = CMPXPluginInfo::NewLC( aData );
   267     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   269     return self;
   270     }
   272 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // Two-phased constructor.
   274 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 //
   276 CMPXPluginInfo* CMPXPluginInfo::NewLC(
   277     const CImplementationInformation& aData )
   278     {
   279     CMPXPluginInfo* self = new ( ELeave ) CMPXPluginInfo();
   280     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   281     self->ConstructL( aData );
   283     return self;
   284     }
   286 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // Destructor
   288 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 //
   290 EXPORT_C CMPXPluginInfo::~CMPXPluginInfo()
   291     {
   292     delete iPluginName;
   293     iSupportedUids.Close();
   294     delete iSupportedSchemas;
   295     delete iSupportedMimeTypes;
   296     delete iSupportedExtensions;
   297     }
   299 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // Process a tagged data
   301 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   302 //
   303 EXPORT_C void CMPXPluginInfo::ProcessTaggedDataL(const TDesC8& aTag, const TDesC8& aData)
   304     {
   305     if (aTag==KMPXSupportUidsTag)
   306         {
   307         ExtractSupportedUidsL(aData);
   308         }
   309     else if (aTag==KMPXSupportAppUidTag)
   310         {
   311         TInt type(0);
   312         TaggedDataParser::ConvertText8ToTIntL(aData, type);
   313         iSupportedAppUid = TUid::Uid(type);
   314         MPX_DEBUG2("Plugin supported App Uid = %d", iSupportedAppUid);
   315         }
   316     else if (aTag==KMPXPluginTypeTag)
   317         {
   318         TInt type(0);
   319         TaggedDataParser::ConvertText8ToTIntL(aData, type);
   320         iPluginTypeUid = TUid::Uid(type);
   321         }
   322     else if (aTag==KMPXPluginFlagTag)
   323         {
   324         TInt value(0);
   325         TaggedDataParser::ConvertText8ToTIntL(aData, value);
   326         iFlags = (TUint)value;
   327         }
   328     else if (aTag==KMPXPluginPriorityTag)
   329         {
   330         iPriority = 0;
   331         TaggedDataParser::ConvertText8ToTIntL(aData, iPriority);
   332         }
   333     else if (aTag==KMPXSupportSchemasTag)
   334         {
   335         iSupportedSchemas->Reset();
   336         TaggedDataParser::ExtractIntoArrayL(aData, iSupportedSchemas);
   337         }
   338     else if (aTag==KMPXSupportExtensionsTag)
   339         {
   340         iSupportedExtensions->Reset();
   341         TaggedDataParser::ExtractIntoArrayL(aData, iSupportedExtensions);
   342         }
   343     else // let derived class to process the data
   344         {
   345         ProcessTaggedDataExL(aTag, aData);
   346         }
   347     }
   349 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 // Default implementation of a extended tagged data
   351 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 //
   353 EXPORT_C void CMPXPluginInfo::ProcessTaggedDataExL(
   354     const TDesC8& /*aTag*/,
   355     const TDesC8& /*aData*/)
   356     {
   357     // Do nothing; derived class can add extended tags
   358     }
   359 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   360 // Returns plugin's display name.
   361 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 //
   363 const TDesC& CMPXPluginInfo::DisplayName() const
   364     {
   365     return iPluginName ? static_cast<const TDesC&>( *iPluginName ) : KNullDesC;
   366     }
   368 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 // Returns plugin's implementation uid.
   370 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 //
   372 EXPORT_C const TUid& CMPXPluginInfo::ImplementationUid() const
   373     {
   374     return iPluginUid;
   375     }
   377 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 // Returns plugin's supported uids.
   379 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 //
   381 const TArray<TUid> CMPXPluginInfo::SupportedUids() const
   382     {
   383     return iSupportedUids.Array();
   384     }
   386 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   387 // Returns plugin's plugin type.
   388 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   389 //
   390 const TUid& CMPXPluginInfo::PluginType() const
   391     {
   392     return iPluginTypeUid;
   393     }
   395 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 // Returns Plugin's supported App Uid.
   397 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 //
   399 const TUid& CMPXPluginInfo::SupportedAppUid() const
   400     {    
   401     return iSupportedAppUid;
   402     }
   404 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   405 // Returns plugin's view priority.
   406 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   407 //
   408 TInt CMPXPluginInfo::Priority() const
   409     {
   410     return iPriority;
   411     }
   413 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 // Extracts plugin supported Uids from data.
   415 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   416 //
   417 void CMPXPluginInfo::ExtractSupportedUidsL(const TDesC8& aData)
   418     {
   419     iSupportedUids.Reset();
   420     ExtractUidsFromTextL( aData, iSupportedUids );
   421     }
   423 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 // Parse a text string to extract a list of UIDs
   425 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   426 //
   427 EXPORT_C void CMPXPluginInfo::ExtractUidsFromTextL( const TDesC8& aData,
   428                                                     RArray<TUid>& aArray )
   429     {
   430     aArray.Reset();
   431     const TUint8* p = aData.Ptr();
   432     TInt startPos(0);
   433     TInt pos(0);
   434     TInt len=aData.Length();
   435     TPtrC8 element;
   436     TInt err(KErrNone);
   437     while (pos < len)
   438         {
   439         if (*(p+pos) == KMPXSemicolon)
   440             {
   441             if (pos-startPos > 0)
   442                 {
   443                 element.Set(p+startPos, pos - startPos);
   444                 TInt val(0);
   445                 TaggedDataParser::ConvertText8ToTIntL(element, val);
   446                 err = aArray.InsertInOrder(TUid::Uid(val),
   447                                            MPXUser::CompareUids);
   448                 if (KErrNone!=err && KErrAlreadyExists!=err)
   449                     { // ignore duplicated items
   450                     User::Leave(err);
   451                     }
   452                 }
   453             startPos = pos + 1;
   454             }
   455         ++pos;
   456         }
   457     if (startPos < len && pos - startPos > 0)
   458         {// last item
   459         element.Set(p+startPos, pos - startPos);
   460         TInt val(0);
   461         TaggedDataParser::ConvertText8ToTIntL(element, val);
   462         aArray.AppendL(TUid::Uid(val));
   463         }
   464     }
   466 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 // Return supported mime types
   468 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   469 //
   470 const CDesCArray& CMPXPluginInfo::SupportedMimeTypes() const
   471     {
   472     return *iSupportedMimeTypes;
   473     }
   475 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 // Return supported extensions
   477 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   478 //
   480 const CDesCArray& CMPXPluginInfo::SupportedExtensions() const
   481     {
   482     return *iSupportedExtensions;
   483     }
   485 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 // Return supported schemas
   487 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   488 //
   489 const CDesCArray& CMPXPluginInfo::SupportedSchemas() const
   490     {
   491     return *iSupportedSchemas;
   492     }
   494 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   495 // CMPXPluginInfo::SupportUids
   496 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   497 //
   498 TBool CMPXPluginInfo::SupportUids(const TArray<TUid>& aUids) const
   499     {
   500     return MPXUser::CompareOrderedUidArrays(iSupportedUids.Array(), aUids)>=0;
   501     }
   503 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 // CMPXPluginInfo::Flags
   505 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 //
   507 EXPORT_C TUint CMPXPluginInfo::Flags() const
   508     {
   509     return iFlags;
   510     }
   512 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   513 // CMPXPluginInfo::Flags
   514 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   515 //
   516 TInt CMPXPluginInfo::Version() const
   517     {
   518     return iVersion;
   519     }
   521 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   522 // CMPXPluginInfo::ReferenceCount
   523 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   524 //
   525 TInt& CMPXPluginInfo::ReferenceCount()
   526     {
   527     return iReferenceCount;
   528     }
   530 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   531 // CMPXPluginInfo::ComparePluginInfoByPriority
   532 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   533 //
   534 TInt CMPXPluginInfo::ComparePluginInfoByPriority(
   535     const CMPXPluginInfo& aPluginInfo1,
   536     const CMPXPluginInfo& aPluginInfo2)
   537     {
   538     TInt ret(0);
   539     if (aPluginInfo1.Priority() > aPluginInfo2.Priority())
   540         {
   541         ret=-1;
   542         }
   543     else if (aPluginInfo1.Priority() < aPluginInfo2.Priority())
   544         {
   545         ret=1;
   546         }
   547     return ret;
   548     }
   550 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 // Extracts elemements separated by semicolon into array descriptor
   552 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   553 //
   554 EXPORT_C void CMPXPluginInfo::ExtractIntoArrayL(const TDesC8& aText, 
   555                                                 CDesCArray*& aArray)
   556     {
   557     TaggedDataParser::ExtractIntoArrayL(aText, aArray);
   558     }
   560 //  End of File