changeset 62 b276843a15ba
equal deleted inserted replaced
58:c76ea6caa649 62:b276843a15ba
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  part of testviewframework.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    20 #include "testbaseview.h"
    21 #include "consolemain.h"
    22 #include "testmenuview.h"
    24 // CONSTANTS
    25 const TInt KMenuOverhead = 4;              // overhead
    26 const TInt KMaxLineLength = 80;            // Longest supported line length
    27 const TInt KArrGranularity = 4;            // DesC array granularity
    30 LOCAL_C void LimitedAppend( TDes& aOriginal, const TDesC& aAppend);
    32 // ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================================
    34 LOCAL_C void LimitedAppend( TDes& aOriginal, const TDesC& aAppend)
    35 	{
    37 	TInt spaceLeft = aOriginal.MaxLength() - aOriginal.Length();
    39 	if (spaceLeft > aAppend.Length())
    40 		{
    41 		aOriginal.Append ( aAppend );
    42 		}
    43 	else
    44 		{		
    45 		aOriginal.Append ( aAppend.Left ( spaceLeft ) );
    46 		}
    48 	}
    50 //
    51 //=========================================================================== *
    52 //                    Implementation for Class CTestBaseView                     *
    53 //=========================================================================== *
    54 //
    56 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 //  Method: ~CTestMenuView
    58 //  Description: Destructor
    59 //  Parameters: None
    60 //  Return Values: None
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 //
    63 EXPORT_C CTestMenuView::~CTestMenuView()
    64     {
    65     iItems->Reset();
    66     delete iItems;
    67     }
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 //  Method: DisplayViewL
    71 //  Description: Prints the menu
    72 //  Parameters: None
    73 //  Return Values: None
    74 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 //
    76 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::DisplayViewL()
    77     {
    78     CTestBaseView::DisplayViewBase();
    80     TBuf<KMaxLineLength> line;
    82     // Clear display
    83     iConsole->ClearScreen();
    85     // Print menu title and header
    86     Print( Name() );
    88     TInt oldItemCount = iItemCount;
    90     iItemCount = ItemCount();
    92     // If first time in view, update start and end positions
    93     if( (iFirst == iLast) ||        // First time here..
    94         ( iLast >= iItemCount ) ||
    95         ( oldItemCount != iItemCount ) )      // View size changed
    96         {
    97         iLast = iItemCount - 1;
    98         iPosOnScreen = 0;
   100         // If "overflow", then adjust the end
   101         if (iLast > iScreenSize )
   102             {
   103             iLast = iScreenSize;
   104             }
   105         }
   107     // Print items
   108     for ( TInt i = iFirst; i <= iLast; i++ )
   109         {
   110         line.Zero();
   111         // Append text before line
   112         AppendBefore( i, line );
   113         // Get the menu line
   114 		LimitedAppend ( line, ItemL(i) );
   115 		// Print the line
   116         Print(line);
   117         }
   118     }
   120 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 //  Method: SelectL
   122 //  Description: Process keypresses in view. updates position
   123 //  Parameters: TKeyCode aSelection       :in:      Key
   124 //              TBool& aContinue          :out:     Has user pressed "Quit"
   125 //  Return Values: None
   126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 //
   128 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::SelectL( TKeyCode aSelection, TBool& aContinue )
   129     {
   130     iKey = aSelection;
   132 //	iConsole->Printf(_L("%d"),iKey);
   134     switch ( (TInt) aSelection )
   135     {
   136     // SelectL item
   137     case EKeyEnter:
   138     case EKeyRightArrow:
   139         HandleRightKeyL();
   140         break;
   141     // Going back
   142     case EKeyLeftArrow:
   143         HandleLeftKeyL();
   144         break;
   145     // Number key
   146     case  92: // '1'
   147     case  97: // '2'
   148     case 100: // '3'
   149  //   case '2':
   150  //   case '3':
   151  //   case '4':
   152  //   case '5':
   153  //   case '6':
   154  //   case '7':
   155  //   case '8':
   156  //   case '9':
   157  //   case '0':
   158         HandleNumKeyL();
   159         break;
   160     // Go down
   161     case EKeyDownArrow:
   162         if ( iFirst + iPosOnScreen == iItemCount - 1 )
   163             {
   164             // If end of the list, go to beginning
   165             iLast = iLast - iFirst;
   166             iFirst = 0;
   167             iPosOnScreen = 0;
   168             }
   169         else 
   170             {
   171             if ( iPosOnScreen == iScreenSize )
   172                 {
   173                 // If in end of screen, update items
   174                 if ( iLast != (iItemCount - 1) )
   175                     {
   176                     // If not end of the list, then update first and last
   177                     // but do not update position in screen.
   178                     iLast++;
   179                     iFirst++;
   180                     }
   181                 }
   182             else
   183                 {
   184                 // Going down "in-screen", no need to update items
   185                 iPosOnScreen++;
   186                 }
   187             }
   188         break;
   190     // Go Up
   191     case EKeyUpArrow:
   192         if ( iFirst + iPosOnScreen == 0 )
   193             {
   194             // If in the beginning of the list
   196             if ( iItemCount <= iScreenSize ) 
   197                 {
   198                 // Wrap around when the list is not full
   199                 iPosOnScreen = iItemCount-1;
   200                 }
   201             else
   202                 {
   203                 // Wrap around when there are more items than
   204                 // can be shown at once.            
   205                 iPosOnScreen = iScreenSize;
   206                 iLast = iItemCount-1;
   207                 iFirst = iItemCount - iPosOnScreen - 1;
   208                 }
   209             }
   210         else if ( iPosOnScreen == 0 )
   211             {
   212             // If not at the beginning of the list, then update first and
   213             // last  but do not update position in screen.
   214             if ( iFirst != 0 )
   215                 {
   216                 iLast--;
   217                 iFirst--;
   218                 }
   219             }
   220         else
   221             {
   222             // Going up "in-screen", no need to update items
   223             iPosOnScreen--;
   224             }
   226         break;
   228 	// Additional keys
   229 	case EKeyHome:
   230 		iPosOnScreen = 0;
   231 		iFirst = 0;
   232 		iLast = iScreenSize;
   234 		if (iLast > iItemCount-1 )
   235 			{
   236 			iLast = iItemCount-1;
   237 			}
   238 		break;
   240 	case EKeyEnd:
   241 		iPosOnScreen = iScreenSize;
   242 		iLast = iItemCount-1;
   243 		iFirst = iLast - iScreenSize;
   245 		if (iFirst < 0)
   246 			{
   247 			iFirst = 0;
   248 			iPosOnScreen = iLast-1;
   249 			}
   250 		break;
   252 	case EKeyPageUp:
   253 		iFirst = iFirst - iScreenSize - 1;
   254 		iLast = iLast - iScreenSize - 1;
   256 		if ( iFirst < 0 )
   257 			{
   258 			iFirst = 0;
   259 			iPosOnScreen = 0;			
   260 			iLast = iScreenSize;
   261 			if (iLast > iItemCount-1 )
   262 				{
   263 				iLast = iItemCount-1;
   264 				}
   265 			}
   266 		break;
   268 	case EKeyPageDown:
   269 		iFirst = iFirst + iScreenSize + 1;
   270 		iLast = iLast + iScreenSize + 1;
   272 		// Going too far
   273 		if (iLast > iItemCount-1)
   274 			{
   275 			iLast = iItemCount-1;
   276 			iFirst = iLast - iScreenSize;
   277 			iPosOnScreen = iScreenSize;
   278 			}
   280 		// Ok, list is smaller than screen
   281 		if (iFirst < 0 )
   282 			{
   283 			iFirst = 0;
   284 			iLast = iItemCount-1;
   285 			iPosOnScreen = iLast;
   286 			}
   288 		break;
   289     case EKeyEscape:
   290         aContinue = EFalse;
   291         CurrentViewDoneL();
   292         return;
   293     default:  // Bypass the keypress
   294         break;
   295     }
   296     // Continue normally and keep in the same menu
   297     aContinue = ETrue;
   298     }
   300 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   301 //  Method: TimerUpdate
   302 //  Description: TimerUpdate
   303 //  Parameters: None
   304 //  Return Values: None
   305 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   306 //
   307 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::TimerUpdate()
   308     {    
   309     TInt count = ItemCount();
   310 	// If list is empty, do not scroll.
   311 	if ( count < 1 )
   312 		{
   313 		return;
   314 		}
   315     else if( iFirst + iPosOnScreen > count )
   316         {
   317         iFirst = iPosOnScreen = 0;
   318         }
   320 	// If item selection is updated, then restart scrolling
   321 	if (iPrevPos != iFirst + iPosOnScreen)
   322 		{
   323 		iPrevPos = iFirst + iPosOnScreen;
   324 		iStart = 0;
   325 		iDirection = 1;
   326 		}
   328 	// If menu item have not been changed after last timer, then
   329 	// start scrolling	
   330 	TName name(KNullDesC);
   331 	TRAPD(err, name = ItemL(iFirst + iPosOnScreen));
   332 	if(err != KErrNone)
   333 	    return;
   334 	if ( name.Length() > iSize.iWidth)
   335 		{
   337 		TInt y = iConsole->WhereY();
   338 		TInt x = iConsole->WhereX();
   339 		TBuf<80> iTmp;				
   341 		iStart = iStart + iDirection;
   343 		// "Right end"
   344 		if ( iStart + iSize.iWidth > name.Length() +KMenuOverhead )
   345 			{
   346 			iStart--;
   347 			iDirection = -1;
   348 			}
   350 		// "Left end"
   351 		if ( iStart == -1 )
   352 			{
   353 			iStart++;
   354 			iDirection = 1;
   355 			}
   357 		iTmp=_L(" *");
   358 		LimitedAppend( iTmp, name.Mid ( iStart ) );
   360 		iConsole->SetPos( 0, iPosOnScreen+1);		
   361 		iConsole->Printf ( iTmp.Left( iSize.iWidth -2 )  );
   363 		iConsole->SetPos(x,y);
   364 		}    
   365     }
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 //  Method: CTestMenuView
   369 //  Description: C++ default constructor
   370 //  Parameters: CConsoleMain* aConsole  :in: Pointer to main console
   371 //              CTestBaseView* aParent     :in: Parent View
   372 //              const TDesC& aName      :in: Menu name
   373 //  Return Values: None
   374 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 //
   376 EXPORT_C CTestMenuView::CTestMenuView(CConsoleMain* aConsoleMain,
   377                                    CTestBaseView* aParent,
   378                                    const TDesC& aName)
   379     : CTestBaseView(aConsoleMain, aParent, aName)
   380     {
   381 	iDirection = 1;
   382 	iPrevPos  = -1;		// Invalid starting value
   383     }
   385 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 //  Method: ConstructL
   387 //  Description: Second level constructor.
   388 //  Parameters: None
   389 //  Return Values: None
   390 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   391 //
   392 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::ConstructL()
   393     {
   394     iItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(KArrGranularity);
   396     // Get display size
   397     const TInt KOverHead = 5;
   398     iSize = iConsole->ScreenSize();
   399     iScreenSize = iSize.iHeight - KOverHead;   // Size available for menus
   401     InitializeViewL();
   402     }
   404 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   405 //  Method: Print
   406 //  Description: Prints one line text and changes to next line. If line is
   407 //  too long, overhead is not printed..
   408 //  Parameters: TDesC& aPrint   :in:    Text to be printed
   409 //  Return Values: None
   410 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 //
   412 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::Print( const TDesC& aPrint )
   413     {
   414     iConsole->Printf( aPrint.Left( iSize.iWidth - KMenuOverhead ) );
   415     iConsole->Printf(_L("\n"));
   416     }
   418 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   419 //  Method: PrintMulti
   420 //  Description: Prints text. If line is too long, it will be continued to
   421 //  following lines.
   422 //  Parameters: const TDesC& aPrint       :in:      Text to print
   423 //  Return Values: None
   424 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 //
   426 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::PrintMulti( const TDesC& aPrint )
   427     {
   428     // Get current line
   429     const TInt KMenuOverHead = 2;
   430     TInt y = iConsole->WhereY();
   432     const TInt KLineLen =iSize.iWidth - 4;
   433     TBuf<KMaxLineLength+1> oneLine;
   435     // Loop through the line
   436     for (TInt i = 0; i < aPrint.Length(); i++)
   437         {
   438         oneLine.Append( aPrint[i] );
   440         // Print one line
   441         if (oneLine.Length() == KLineLen )
   442             {
   443             oneLine.Append (_L("\n"));
   444             iConsole->Printf(oneLine);
   445             oneLine=_L("");
   446             y++;
   447             }
   449         // Prevent display scrolling
   450         if ( y == iScreenSize + KMenuOverHead )
   451             {
   452             oneLine=_L("");
   453             break;
   454             }
   455         }
   457     // Print last part if required
   458     if ( oneLine.Length() != 0 )
   459         {
   460         oneLine.Append (_L("\n"));
   461         iConsole->Printf(oneLine);
   462         }
   463     }
   465 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 //  Method: AddItem
   467 //  Description: Add new item to menu
   468 //  Parameters: TDesC& aItem              :in:      descriptor to be added
   469 //  Return Values: None
   470 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   471 //
   472 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::AddItemL(const TDesC& aItem)
   473     {
   474     iItems->AppendL(aItem);
   475     }
   477 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   478 //  Method: DeleteItem
   479 //  Description: Delete an item from menu
   480 //  Parameters: TInt    aIndex  :in:    position of item in Items
   481 //  Return Values: None
   482 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   483 //
   484 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::DeleteItem( TInt aIndex )
   485     {
   486     iItems->Delete(aIndex);
   487     iItems->Compress();
   488     }
   490 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   491 //  Method: LastKeyPressed
   492 //  Description: Returns last key pressed
   493 //  Parameters: None
   494 //  Return Values: TKeyCode     The last key pressed
   495 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 //
   497 EXPORT_C TKeyCode CTestMenuView::LastKeyPressed()
   498     {
   499     return iKey;
   500     }
   501 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 //  Method: ItemsCreated
   503 //  Description: Determine whether there are items added to iItems
   504 //  Parameters: None
   505 //  Return Values: TBool        Whether iItems contain content
   506 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 //
   508 EXPORT_C TBool CTestMenuView::ItemsCreated()
   509     {
   510     return ( iItems->Count() != 0 );
   511     }
   513 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 //  Method: CurrentIndex
   515 //  Description: Get the position that the cursor is point to in the items
   516 //  Parameters: None
   517 //  Return Values: TInt     Position of cursor in items array
   518 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   519 //
   520 EXPORT_C TInt CTestMenuView::CurrentIndex()
   521     {
   522     return iFirst + iPosOnScreen;
   523     }
   525 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 //  Method: CurrentPosition
   527 //  Description: Get the position that the cursor is point to on the screen
   528 //  Parameters: None
   529 //  Return Values: TInt     Position of cursor on screen
   530 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   531 //
   532 EXPORT_C TInt CTestMenuView::CurrentPosition()
   533     {
   534     return iPosOnScreen;
   535     }
   537 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 //  Method: Menu
   539 //  Description: Get the item
   540 //  Parameters: TInt aIndex     :in     index of the entry
   541 //  Return Values: TDesC&       entry descriptor
   542 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   543 //
   544 EXPORT_C TPtrC CTestMenuView::ItemL(TInt aIndex)
   545     {
   546     if(aIndex < 0 || iItemCount <= aIndex)
   547         {
   548         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   549         }
   550     //return iItems->operator[](iFirst + aIndex);
   551     return iItems->operator[](aIndex);
   552     }
   554 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 // Method: ItemCount
   556 // Count the number of items in the current view
   557 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   558 //
   559 EXPORT_C TInt CTestMenuView::ItemCount() const
   560     {
   561     return iItems->Count();
   562     }
   564 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   565 // Method: ReadString
   566 // Reads user input into the start of the descriptor aDes
   567 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   568 //
   569 EXPORT_C void CTestMenuView::ReadString( TDes& aDes )
   570     {
   571     iConsoleMain->ReadString(aDes);
   572     }
   574 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   575 //  Method: AppendBefore
   576 //  Description: Append text before line.
   577 //  Parameters: TInt aLine  :in: line number 
   578 //              TDes& aLine :in: line text
   579 //  Return Values: None
   580 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   581 //
   582 void CTestMenuView::AppendBefore( TInt aLineNum, TDes& aLine )
   583     {
   584     if( ( aLine.MaxLength() - aLine.Length() ) < 2 )
   585         {
   586         return;
   587         }        
   589     // If printing active line, print the marker
   590     if ( aLineNum == iPosOnScreen + iFirst )
   591         {
   592         aLine.Append( _L(" *") );
   593         }
   594     else
   595         {
   596         aLine.Append( _L("  ") );
   597         }   
   598     }