changeset 62 b276843a15ba
equal deleted inserted replaced
58:c76ea6caa649 62:b276843a15ba
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  A view displaying basic playback state and feature
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <stiflogger.h>
    19 #include <e32const.h>
    20 #include "testplaybackviewobserver.h"
    21 #include "testplaybackview.h"
    23 // CONSTANTS
    24 _LIT(KSpacer,           " ");
    25 _LIT(KPlay,             " Play-1 ");
    26 _LIT(KPlaySel,          "(Play-1)");
    27 _LIT(KBackward,         " <<-2 ");
    28 _LIT(KForward,          " >>-3 ");
    29 _LIT(KStop,             " Stop-4 ");
    30 _LIT(KStopSel,          "(Stop-4)");
    31 _LIT(KFastRewind,       " FR-5 ");
    32 _LIT(KFastRewindSel,    "(FR-5)");
    33 _LIT(KFastForward,      " FF-6 ");
    34 _LIT(KFastForwardSel,   "(FF-6)");
    35 _LIT(KPause,            " Pause-7 ");
    36 _LIT(KPauseSel,         "(Pause-7)");
    38 _LIT(KExit,             "Exit-Esc"  );
    40 const TInt KSongInfoYOffset = 10;
    41 const TInt KDisplayScreenWidthOffset = 10;
    43 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // Symbian 2-phrase constructor
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 EXPORT_C CTestPlaybackView* CTestPlaybackView::NewL(CConsoleMain* aConsoleMain,
    50                                             CTestBaseView* aParent,
    51                                             const TDesC& aName,
    52                                             CStifLogger* aLogger)
    53     {
    54     CTestPlaybackView* self = new (ELeave) CTestPlaybackView(aConsoleMain,
    55                                                              aParent,
    56                                                              aName,
    57                                                              aLogger);
    58     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    59     self->ConstructL();
    60     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    61     return self;
    63     }
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 // C++ destructor
    67 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 //
    69 EXPORT_C CTestPlaybackView::~CTestPlaybackView()
    70     {
    71     }
    73 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // Add observer
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 EXPORT_C void CTestPlaybackView::AddObserver(MTestPlaybackViewObserver* aObs)
    78     {
    79     iTestPlaybackViewObs = aObs;
    80     }
    82 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 // Update current index
    84 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 //
    86 EXPORT_C void CTestPlaybackView::UpdateItemIndex(TInt aIndex, TInt aTotalItem)
    87     {
    88     iCurrentStatus.iItemIndex = aIndex;
    89     iCurrentStatus.iMaxItems = aTotalItem;
    90     RedrawIndex();
    91     }
    93 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 // Update position in the song
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 //
    97 EXPORT_C void CTestPlaybackView::UpdateProgress(TInt aPosition, TInt aDuration)
    98     {
    99     iCurrentStatus.iProgressPos = aPosition;
   100     iCurrentStatus.iProgressDur = aDuration;
   101     RedrawProgress();
   102     }
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // Update volume
   106 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 //
   108 EXPORT_C void CTestPlaybackView::UpdateVolume(TInt aVolume, TInt aMaxVolume)
   109     {
   110     iCurrentStatus.iVolume = aVolume;
   111     iCurrentStatus.iMaxVolume = aMaxVolume;
   112     RedrawVolume();
   113     }
   115 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 // Update artist and song name
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 //
   119 EXPORT_C void CTestPlaybackView::UpdateSongInfo(const TDesC& aArtist, 
   120                                        const TDesC& aSongName)
   121     {
   122     TInt y = iDisplaySize.iHeight/ 2 - 2;
   123     //erase previous text
   124     for(TInt i = 0; i < iDisplaySize.iWidth; i++)
   125         {
   126         iConsole->SetPos(i,y);
   127         iConsole->Printf(_L(" "));
   128         iConsole->SetPos(i,y+1);
   129         iConsole->Printf(_L(" "));
   130         }
   131     iConsole->SetPos(
   132                 Max((iDisplaySize.iWidth - aArtist.Length())/2, 0), y++);
   133     iConsole->Printf(_L("%S"), &aArtist);
   134     iConsole->SetPos(
   135                 Max((iDisplaySize.iWidth - aSongName.Length())/2, 0), y);
   136     iConsole->Printf(_L("%S"), &aSongName);
   137     //DisplayViewL();
   138     }
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   141 // Handles state changes in playbackutility
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 //
   144 EXPORT_C void CTestPlaybackView::StateChanged(TTestPlaybackState aState)
   145     {
   147     switch(aState)
   148         {
   149     case ETPbStateInitialising:
   150         UpdateSongInfo(KNullDesC, _L("Opening file"));
   151     case ETPbStateShuttingDown:
   152     case ETPbStateBuffering:
   153     case ETPbStateDownloading:
   154     case ETPbStateStopped:
   155     case ETPbStateNotInitialised:
   156         iCurrentStatus.iPlaying = iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek 
   157         = iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek = iCurrentStatus.iPause = EFalse;
   158         break;
   159     case ETPbStatePaused:
   160         iCurrentStatus.iPlaying = iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek 
   161         = iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek = EFalse;
   162         iCurrentStatus.iPause = ETrue;
   163         break;
   164     case ETPbStatePlaying:
   165         iCurrentStatus.iPause = iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek 
   166         = iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek = EFalse;
   167         iCurrentStatus.iPlaying = ETrue;
   168         break;
   169     case ETPbStateSeekingForward:
   170         iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek = EFalse;
   171         iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek = ETrue;
   172         break;
   173     case ETPbStateSeekingBackward:
   174         iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek = EFalse;
   175         iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek = ETrue;
   176         break;
   177         }
   178     RedrawPlayerStatue();
   179     }
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // From class CTestBaseView.
   183 // Initialization of a view before first time activation
   184 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 //
   186 void CTestPlaybackView::InitializeViewL()
   187     {
   188     iConsole->ClearScreen();
   189     RedrawProgress();
   190     RedrawVolume();
   191     UpdateSongInfo(KNullDesC, KNullDesC);
   192     RedrawPlayerStatue();
   193     }
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 // From class CTestBaseView.
   197 // Cleanup the child view before deactivate/destroy view
   198 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   199 //
   200 void CTestPlaybackView::CleanupViewL()
   201     {
   202     }
   204 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 // From class CTestBaseView.
   206 // Display this view 
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   208 //
   209 void CTestPlaybackView::DisplayViewL()
   210     {
   211     DisplayViewBase();
   212     RedrawIndex();
   213     RedrawProgress();
   214     RedrawVolume();
   215     RedrawPlayerStatue();
   216     }
   218 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 // From class CTestBaseView.
   220 // Process keypresses on this view - called by ConsoleMain
   221 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 //
   223 void CTestPlaybackView::SelectL( TKeyCode aSelection, TBool& aContinue )
   224     {
   225     aContinue = ETrue;
   226     switch(aSelection)
   227         {
   228         case '1':
   229             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdPlay);
   230             break;
   231         case '2':
   232             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdPrevious);
   233             break;
   234         case '3':
   235             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdNext);
   236             break;
   237         case '4':
   238             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdStop);
   239             break;
   240         case '5':
   241             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek?
   242                                                   ETPbViewCmdStopSeeking : 
   243                                                   ETPbViewCmdStartSeekBackward);
   244             break;
   245         case '6':
   246             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek?
   247                                                   ETPbViewCmdStopSeeking : 
   248                                                   ETPbViewCmdStartSeekForward);
   249             break;
   250         case '7':
   251             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdPause);
   252             break;
   253         case '8':
   254             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdDecreaseVolume);
   255             break;
   256         case '9':
   257             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdIncreaseVolume);
   258             break;
   259         case EKeyEscape:
   260             iTestPlaybackViewObs->HandleUiCommandL(ETPbViewCmdClose);
   261             aContinue = EFalse;
   262             CurrentViewDoneL();
   263             break;
   264         }
   265     }
   267 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 // From class CTestBaseView.
   269 // Update display from timer - called by ConsoleMain
   270 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 //
   272 void CTestPlaybackView::TimerUpdate()
   273     {
   275     }
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 // C++ constructor
   279 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 //
   281 CTestPlaybackView::CTestPlaybackView(CConsoleMain* aConsoleMain,
   282                                       CTestBaseView* aParent,
   283                                       const TDesC& aName,
   284                                       CStifLogger* aLogger)
   285     : CTestBaseView(aConsoleMain, aParent, aName)
   286     {
   287     iDisplaySize = iConsole->ScreenSize();
   288     iDisplaySize.iWidth = iDisplaySize.iWidth - KDisplayScreenWidthOffset;
   289     iLogger = aLogger;
   290     }
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 // Symbian 2-phrase constructor
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 //
   296 void CTestPlaybackView::ConstructL()
   297     {
   299     iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek = EFalse;
   300     iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek = EFalse;
   301     iCurrentStatus.iPlaying = EFalse;
   302     iCurrentStatus.iPause = EFalse;
   303     iCurrentStatus.iVolume = 0;
   304     iCurrentStatus.iMaxVolume = 20; //magic number??
   305     iCurrentStatus.iProgressPos = 0;
   306     iCurrentStatus.iProgressDur = KMaxTInt;
   307     iCurrentStatus.iItemIndex = 0;
   308     iCurrentStatus.iMaxItems = 0;
   310     InitializeViewL();
   311     }
   314 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 // Redraw index in view
   316 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 //
   318 void CTestPlaybackView::RedrawIndex()
   319     {
   320     if(iCurrentStatus.iMaxItems <= 0)
   321         return;
   322     iConsole->SetPos(iDisplaySize.iWidth - 5, 3);   //##/## format
   323     iConsole->Printf(_L("     "));                  //clean
   324     iConsole->SetPos(iDisplaySize.iWidth - 5, 3);
   325     iConsole->Printf(_L("%d/%d"), iCurrentStatus.iItemIndex, 
   326                                   iCurrentStatus.iMaxItems);
   328     }
   330 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   331 // Redraw progress bar in view
   332 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 //
   334 void CTestPlaybackView::RedrawProgress()
   335     {
   336     if(iCurrentStatus.iProgressDur <= 0)
   337         return;
   338     TInt pos = iCurrentStatus.iProgressPos * 
   339                     iDisplaySize.iWidth / iCurrentStatus.iProgressDur ;
   340     iConsole->SetPos(0,  iDisplaySize.iHeight / 2);
   341     for(TInt x = 1; x <= iDisplaySize.iWidth; x++)
   342         iConsole->Printf(x<=pos? _L("=") : _L("-"));
   343     }
   345 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 // Redraw volume bar in view
   347 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 //
   349 void CTestPlaybackView::RedrawVolume()
   350     {
   351     if(iCurrentStatus.iMaxVolume <= 0)
   352         return;
   353     TInt pos = iCurrentStatus.iVolume * 
   354                     iCurrentStatus.iMaxVolume / iCurrentStatus.iMaxVolume ;
   355     iConsole->SetPos(0, 1);
   356     iConsole->Printf(_L("Volume(8|9):"));
   357     for(TInt x = 1; x <= iCurrentStatus.iMaxVolume; x++)
   358         iConsole->Printf(x <= pos? _L("=") : _L("-"));
   359     iConsole->Printf(_L(" %d/%d"), 
   360                      iCurrentStatus.iVolume, 
   361                      iCurrentStatus.iMaxVolume);
   362     }
   364 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 // Redraw status/control part of the view
   366 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 //
   368 void CTestPlaybackView::RedrawPlayerStatue()
   369     {
   370     TInt linePosY = iDisplaySize.iHeight - KSongInfoYOffset;
   372     //Line 1
   373     iConsole->SetPos(0, linePosY);
   374     iConsole->Printf(iCurrentStatus.iPlaying?
   375                         KStop : KStopSel);
   376     iConsole->Printf(KSpacer);
   377     iConsole->Printf(iCurrentStatus.iBackwardSeek?
   378                         KFastRewindSel : KFastRewind);
   379     iConsole->Printf(KSpacer);
   380     iConsole->Printf(iCurrentStatus.iForwardSeek?
   381                         KFastForwardSel : KFastForward);
   382     iConsole->Printf(KSpacer);
   383     iConsole->Printf(iCurrentStatus.iPause?
   384                         KPauseSel : KPause);
   386     //Line 2
   387     iConsole->SetPos(0, ++linePosY);
   388     iConsole->Printf(iCurrentStatus.iPlaying?
   389                         KPlaySel : KPlay);
   390     iConsole->Printf(KSpacer);
   391     iConsole->Printf(KBackward);
   392     iConsole->Printf(KSpacer);
   393     iConsole->Printf(KForward);
   395     //Line Exit
   396     iConsole->SetPos(iDisplaySize.iWidth - KExit().Length(),  
   397                      iDisplaySize.iHeight - 1);    
   398     iConsole->Printf(KExit);
   399     }