changeset 62 b276843a15ba
equal deleted inserted replaced
58:c76ea6caa649 62:b276843a15ba
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description: Telephony Multimedia Service - TestApp
    15  *
    16  */
    18 // INCLUDES
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    20 #include <eikenv.h>
    21 #include <gstring.h>
    22 #include <tmsclientsink.h>
    23 #include <tmsclientsource.h>
    24 #include <tmspcmformat.h>
    25 #include <tmsamrformat.h>
    26 #include <tmsilbcformat.h>
    27 #include <tmsg711format.h>
    28 #include <tmsg729format.h>
    29 #include <tmsvolumeeffect.h>
    30 #include <tmsgaineffect.h>
    31 #include <tmsglobalvoleffect.h>
    32 #include <tmsglobalgaineffect.h>
    33 #include <tmsglobalrouting.h>
    34 #include <tmsver.h>
    35 #include "ctmstestengine.h"
    37 #ifdef _DEBUG
    38 #include "e32debug.h"
    39 #define DEBPRN0(str)       RDebug::Print(str, this)
    40 #define DEBPRN1(str, val1) RDebug::Print(str, this, val1)
    41 #else
    42 #define DEBPRN0(str)
    43 #define DEBPRN1(str, val1)
    44 #endif //_DEBUG
    46 //#define __PROFILING_ENABLED__
    48 #ifdef __PROFILING_ENABLED__
    49 #include "perfutility.h"
    50 #endif //__PROFILING_ENABLED__
    52 //#define __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
    54 // CONSTANTS
    55 _LIT8(KRTBeepSequence, "\x00\x11\x0A\x0A\x08\x73\x0A\x40\x28\x0A\xF7\
    56 \x05\xFC\x40\x64\x0A\x08\x40\x32\x0A\xF7\x06\x0B");
    57 _LIT16(KTextToSpeak, "THE PHONE IS RINGING");
    58 _LIT16(KTestFile1, "C:\\Data\\Sounds\\Digital\\NokiaTest.aac");
    60 #ifdef __RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
    61 _LIT(KFileName, "c:\\data\\tmsrec.amr");
    62 const TUint KFileBufLen = 4096;
    63 const TInt KAMRNBHeaderLen = 6;
    64 const TUint8 KAMRNBHeader[KAMRNBHeaderLen] = {0x23,0x21,0x41,0x4d,0x52,0x0a};
    65 #endif
    67 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 // CTmsTestEngine::CTmsTestEngine()
    69 // constructor
    70 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    72 CTmsTestEngine::CTmsTestEngine()
    73     {
    74     // Disable GLib slice allocators; will take care of memory leaks
    75     // caused by g_string_free().
    76     g_setenv("G_SLICE", "always-malloc", 1);
    77     }
    79 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 // CTmsTestEngine::~CTmsTestEngine
    81 // destructor
    82 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 //
    84 CTmsTestEngine::~CTmsTestEngine()
    85     {
    86     EndCall();
    87     CloseRingTonePlayer();
    89     if (iFactory && iGlobalVol)
    90         {
    91         static_cast<TMSGlobalVolEffect*> (iGlobalVol)->RemoveObserver(*this);
    92         iFactory->DeleteEffect(iGlobalVol);
    93         }
    94     if (iFactory && iGlobalGain)
    95         {
    96         static_cast<TMSGlobalGainEffect*> (iGlobalGain)->RemoveObserver(*this);
    97         iFactory->DeleteEffect(iGlobalGain);
    98         }
    99     if (iFactory && iTmsGlobalRouting)
   100         {
   101         iTmsGlobalRouting->RemoveObserver(*this);
   102         iFactory->DeleteGlobalRouting(iTmsGlobalRouting);
   103         }
   104     if (iFactory && iInbandTonePlayer)
   105         {
   106         iInbandTonePlayer->RemoveObserver(*this);
   107         iFactory->DeleteInbandTonePlayer(iInbandTonePlayer);
   108         }
   110     delete iFactory;
   112 #ifdef __PLAY_WAV_FROM_FILE__
   113     iFile.Close();
   114     iFs.Close();
   115     delete iBuf;
   116 #endif
   117 #ifdef __RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
   118     iFile.Close();
   119     iFs.Close();
   120     delete iWriteBuf;
   121 #endif
   122     }
   124 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 // CTmsTestEngine::NewL
   126 // Symbian constructor.
   127 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 //
   129 CTmsTestEngine* CTmsTestEngine::NewL(QTextEdit* statusDisplay)
   130     {
   131     CTmsTestEngine* self(NULL);
   132     self=CTmsTestEngine::NewLC(statusDisplay);
   133     return self;
   134     }
   136 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 // CTmsTestEngine::NewL
   138 // Symbian constructor with self pointer pushed into the cleanup stack.
   139 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 //
   141 CTmsTestEngine* CTmsTestEngine::NewLC(QTextEdit* statusDisplay)
   142     {
   143     CTmsTestEngine* self = new (ELeave) CTmsTestEngine;
   144     //CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   145     self->ConstructL(statusDisplay);
   146     return self;
   147     }
   149 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   150 // CTmsTestEngine::NewL
   151 // Standard Symbian 2nd phase constructor
   152 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 //
   154 void CTmsTestEngine::ConstructL(QTextEdit* statusDisplay)
   155     {
   156     DEBPRN0(_L("CTmsTestEngine[0x%x]::ConstructL :>"));
   157     iStatusDisplay = statusDisplay;
   159 #ifdef __PLAY_WAV_FROM_FILE__
   160     iReadSize = KFileBufLen;
   161     TInt err = iFs.Connect();
   162     if (err == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   163         {
   164         err = iFile.Open(iFs, KTestFile1, EFileShareAny | EFileRead);
   165         }
   166     if (err == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   167         {
   168         iFile.Size(iFileLen);
   169         }
   170     iBuf = HBufC8::NewL(iReadSize);
   171 #endif
   173 #ifdef __RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
   174     TInt err = iFs.Connect();
   175     if (err == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   176         {
   177         err = iFile.Replace(iFs, KFileName, EFileWrite);
   178 #ifndef __WINSCW__
   179         if (err == KErrNone)
   180             {
   181             // Prefix file with AMR-NB header
   182             TBuf8<KAMRNBHeaderLen> buf;
   183             buf.Append(KAMRNBHeader, 6);
   184             iFile.Write(buf, KAMRNBHeaderLen);
   185             }
   186 #endif //__WINSCW__
   187         }
   188     iWriteLen = KFileBufLen;
   189     iWriteBuf = HBufC8::NewL(iWriteLen);
   190 #endif //__RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
   192     CreateFactory();
   193     CreateGlobalRouting();
   194     CreateGlobalVol();
   195     CreateGlobalGain();
   196     CreateRingTonePlayer();
   198     DEBPRN0(_L("CTmsTestEngine[0x%x]::ConstructL :<"));
   199     }
   201 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateFactory()
   202     {
   203     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   204     TMSVer v(10,0,0);
   205     status = TMSFactory::CreateFactory(iFactory, v);
   207     if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS || !iFactory)
   208         {
   209         DisplayText("Tms create factory failed ", status);
   210         }
   211     else
   212         {
   213 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   214         TMSBuffer* tmsbuffer(NULL);
   215         TMSBufferType buftype(TMS_BUFFER_MEMORY);
   216         guint size(100);
   217         iFactory->CreateBuffer(TMS_BUFFER_MEMORY, size, tmsbuffer);
   218         if (tmsbuffer)
   219             {
   220             tmsbuffer->GetType(buftype);
   221             tmsbuffer->GetDataSize(size);
   222             tmsbuffer->SetDataSize(size);
   223             guint8* pbuf(NULL);
   224             tmsbuffer->GetDataPtr(pbuf);
   225             guint64 ts(0);
   226             tmsbuffer->GetTimeStamp(ts);
   227             tmsbuffer->SetTimeStamp(ts);
   228             iFactory->DeleteBuffer(tmsbuffer);
   229             }
   230 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   232         DisplayText("Tms factory created");
   233         }
   234     return status;
   235     }
   237 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateCall(TMSCallType calltype)
   238     {
   239     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   240     if (iFactory && !iTmsCall)
   241         {
   242         status = iFactory->CreateCall(calltype, iTmsCall, 0);
   243         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   244             {
   245 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   246             guint ctxid;
   247             iTmsCall->GetCallContextId(ctxid);
   248 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   249             DisplayText("Tms call created");
   250             }
   251         else
   252             {
   253             DisplayText("Tms call create failed ", status);
   254             }
   255         }
   256     return status;
   257     }
   259 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateUplink()
   260     {
   261     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   263     if (iTmsCall)
   264         {
   265         status = iTmsCall->CreateStream(TMS_STREAM_UPLINK, iTmsUplink);
   266         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   267             {
   268 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   269             guint ctxid;
   270             iTmsCall->GetCallContextId(ctxid);
   271 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   272             DisplayText("TMS uplink created");
   273             }
   274         else
   275             {
   276             DisplayText("TMS uplink failed ", status);
   277             }
   278         }
   279     return status;
   280     }
   282 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateDownlink()
   283     {
   284     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   286     if (iTmsCall)
   287         {
   288         status = iTmsCall->CreateStream(TMS_STREAM_DOWNLINK, iTmsDnlink);
   289         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   290             {
   291             DisplayText("TMS downlink created");
   292             }
   293         else
   294             {
   295             DisplayText("TMS downlink failed ", status);
   296             }
   297         }
   298     return status;
   299     }
   301 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateClientSource()
   302     {
   303     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   305     if (iFactory && !iTmsClientSource)
   306         {
   307         status = iFactory->CreateSource(TMS_SOURCE_CLIENT, iTmsClientSource);
   308         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   309             {
   310             DisplayText("TMS clientsource created");
   311             }
   312         else
   313             {
   314             DisplayText("TMS clientsource failed ", status);
   315             }
   316         }
   317     return status;
   318     }
   320 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateModemSource()
   321     {
   322     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   324     if (iFactory && !iTmsModemSource)
   325         {
   326         status = iFactory->CreateSource(TMS_SOURCE_MODEM, iTmsModemSource);
   327         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   328             {
   329 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   330             TMSSourceType st;
   331             iTmsModemSource->GetType(st);
   332 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   333             DisplayText("TMS modemsource created");
   334             }
   335         else
   336             {
   337             DisplayText("TMS modemsource failed ", status);
   338             }
   339         }
   340     return status;
   341     }
   343 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddClientSourceToStream()
   344     {
   345     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   346     if (iTmsDnlink && iTmsClientSource)
   347         {
   348         static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->AddObserver(*this,
   349                 NULL);
   350         status = iTmsDnlink->AddSource(iTmsClientSource);
   352 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   353         TMSSourceType st;
   354         static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->GetType(st);
   355         gboolean enqueue(false);
   356         static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->GetEnqueueMode(enqueue);
   357         static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->SetEnqueueMode(FALSE);
   358         static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->Flush();
   359 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   360         }
   361     return status;
   362     }
   364 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddModemSourceToStream()
   365     {
   366     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   367     if (iTmsDnlink && iTmsModemSource)
   368         {
   369         status = iTmsDnlink->AddSource(iTmsModemSource);
   370         }
   371     return status;
   372     }
   374 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateClientSink()
   375     {
   376     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   378     if (iFactory && !iTmsClientSink)
   379         {
   380         status = iFactory->CreateSink(TMS_SINK_CLIENT, iTmsClientSink);
   381         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   382             {
   383             DisplayText("TMS client sink created");
   384             }
   385         else
   386             {
   387             DisplayText("TMS client sink failed ", status);
   388             }
   389         }
   390     return status;
   391     }
   393 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateModemSink()
   394     {
   395     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   397     if (iFactory && !iTmsModemSink)
   398         {
   399         status = iFactory->CreateSink(TMS_SINK_MODEM, iTmsModemSink);
   400         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   401             {
   402 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   403             TMSSinkType st;
   404             iTmsModemSink->GetType(st);
   405 #endif  //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   406             DisplayText("TMS modem sink created");
   407             }
   408         else
   409             {
   410             DisplayText("TMS modem sink failed ", status);
   411             }
   412         }
   413     return status;
   414     }
   416 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddClientSinkToStream()
   417     {
   418     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   420     if (iTmsUplink && iTmsClientSink)
   421         {
   422         status = static_cast<TMSClientSink*> (iTmsClientSink)->AddObserver(
   423                 *this, NULL);
   424         status |= iTmsUplink->AddSink(iTmsClientSink);
   425         }
   426     return status;
   427     }
   429 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddModemSinkToStream()
   430     {
   431     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   433     if (iTmsUplink && iTmsModemSink)
   434         {
   435         status = iTmsUplink->AddSink(iTmsModemSink);
   436         }
   437     return status;
   438     }
   440 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateMicSource()
   441     {
   442     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   444     if (iFactory && !iTmsMicSource)
   445         {
   446         status = iFactory->CreateSource(TMS_SOURCE_MIC, iTmsMicSource);
   447         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   448             {
   449             DisplayText("TMS mic source created");
   450             }
   451         else
   452             {
   453             DisplayText("TMS mic source failed ", status);
   454             }
   455         }
   456     return status;
   457     }
   459 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddMicSourceToStream()
   460     {
   461     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   462     if (iTmsUplink && iTmsMicSource)
   463         {
   464         status = iTmsUplink->AddSource(iTmsMicSource);
   465         }
   466     return status;
   467     }
   469 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateSpeakerSink()
   470     {
   471     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   473     if (iFactory && !iTmsSpeakerSink)
   474         {
   475         status = iFactory->CreateSink(TMS_SINK_SPEAKER, iTmsSpeakerSink);
   476         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   477             {
   478             DisplayText("TMS speaker sink created");
   479             }
   480         else
   481             {
   482             DisplayText("TMS speaker sink failed ", status);
   483             }
   484         }
   485     return status;
   486     }
   488 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddSpeakerSinkToStream()
   489     {
   490     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   491     if (iTmsDnlink && iTmsSpeakerSink)
   492         {
   493         status = iTmsDnlink->AddSink(iTmsSpeakerSink);
   494         }
   495     return status;
   496     }
   498 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   499 // CTmsTestEngine::SetCallType
   500 //
   501 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 //
   503 void CTmsTestEngine::SetCallType(TMSCallType calltype)
   504     {
   505     gint status(KErrNotFound);
   507 #ifdef __PROFILING_ENABLED__
   509 #endif //__PROFILING_ENABLED__
   511     if (iFactory)
   512         {
   513         iCallType = calltype;
   515         if (!iTmsCall)
   516             {
   517             gboolean issupported(FALSE);
   518             iFactory->IsCallTypeSupported(iCallType, issupported);
   519             if (issupported)
   520                 {
   521                 status = iFactory->CreateCall(iCallType, iTmsCall);
   522                 }
   523             else
   524                 {
   525                 status = KErrNotSupported;
   526                 }
   527             }
   529         iCallType = iTmsCall->GetCallType();
   531         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   532             {
   533             DisplayText("Tms call created");
   534             }
   535         else
   536             {
   537             DisplayText("Tms call creation failed ", status);
   538             }
   539         }
   540     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   541         {
   542         status = CreateUplink();
   543         }
   544     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   545         {
   546         status = CreateDownlink();
   547         }
   548     if (iCallType == TMS_CALL_IP)
   549         {
   550         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   551             {
   552             status = CreateMicSource();
   553             status |= AddMicSourceToStream();
   554             status |= CreateClientSink();
   555             status |= AddClientSinkToStream();
   556             }
   558         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   559             {
   560             status |= CreateClientSource();
   561             status |= AddClientSourceToStream();
   562             status |= CreateSpeakerSink();
   563             status |= AddSpeakerSinkToStream();
   564             }
   565         }
   566     else if (iCallType == TMS_CALL_CS)
   567         {
   568         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   569             {
   570             status = CreateMicSource();
   571             status |= AddMicSourceToStream();
   572             status |= CreateModemSink();
   573             status |= AddModemSinkToStream();
   574             }
   575         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   576             {
   577             status = CreateModemSource();
   578             status |= AddModemSourceToStream();
   579             status |= CreateSpeakerSink();
   580             status |= AddSpeakerSinkToStream();
   581             }
   582         }
   584     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   585         {
   586         status = CreateVolumeEffect();
   587         status |= AddVolumeEffectToStream();
   588         status |= CreateGainEffect();
   589         status |= AddGainEffectToStream();
   590         }
   592     //NOTE: CS does not call SetDownlinkFormat/SetUplinkFormat
   593     //so it is OK to open downlink and uplink at this point.
   594     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS && iCallType == TMS_CALL_CS)
   595         {
   596         // To avoid asyc calback racing situation, it may be safer to
   597         // start second stream after receiving TMS_STREAM_INITIALIZED event.
   598         // But for now, let's try opening both at the same time.
   599         OpenDownlink();
   600         OpenUplink();
   601         }
   602     }
   604 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   605 // CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedDownlinkFormats
   606 //
   607 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 //
   609 void CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedDownlinkFormats(TBool aDisplayList)
   610     {
   611     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   613     if (iFactory)
   614         {
   615         status = iFactory->GetSupportedFormats(TMS_STREAM_DOWNLINK, iDnlCodecs);
   617         if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   618             {
   619             DisplayText("DNL Codecs retrieve error: ", status);
   620             }
   622         if (iDnlCodecs.size() > 0 && aDisplayList)
   623             {
   624             DisplayText("Supported DNL codecs");
   625             std::vector<TMSFormat*>::iterator itDnlCodecs = iDnlCodecs.begin();
   626             TMSFormatType fmttype;
   627             for (; itDnlCodecs < iDnlCodecs.end(); itDnlCodecs++)
   628                 {
   629                 (*itDnlCodecs)->GetType(fmttype);
   630                 DisplayFormat(fmttype);
   631                 }
   632             gint size = iDnlCodecs.size();
   633             for (gint i = 0; i < size; i++)
   634                 {
   635                 itDnlCodecs = iDnlCodecs.begin();
   636                 iFactory->DeleteFormat(*itDnlCodecs);
   637                 iDnlCodecs.erase(itDnlCodecs);
   638                 }
   639             }
   640         }
   641     }
   643 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   644 // CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedUplinkFormats
   645 //
   646 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   647 //
   648 void CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedUplinkFormats(TBool aDisplayList)
   649     {
   650     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   652     if (iFactory)
   653         {
   654         status = iFactory->GetSupportedFormats(TMS_STREAM_UPLINK, iUplCodecs);
   655         if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   656             {
   657             DisplayText("UPL Codecs retrieve error: ", status);
   658             }
   660         if (iUplCodecs.size() > 0 && aDisplayList)
   661             {
   662             DisplayText("Supported UPL codecs");
   663             std::vector<TMSFormat*>::iterator codecs = iUplCodecs.begin();
   664             TMSFormatType fmttype;
   665             for (; codecs < iUplCodecs.end(); codecs++)
   666                 {
   667                 (*codecs)->GetType(fmttype);
   668                 DisplayFormat(fmttype);
   669                 }
   670             gint size = iUplCodecs.size();
   671             for (gint i = 0; i < size; i++)
   672                 {
   673                 codecs = iUplCodecs.begin();
   674                 iFactory->DeleteFormat(*codecs);
   675                 iUplCodecs.erase(codecs);
   676                 }
   677             }
   678         }
   679     }
   681 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   682 // CTmsTestEngine::DisplayFormat
   683 //
   684 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   685 //
   686 void CTmsTestEngine::DisplayFormat(TMSFormatType aFormat)
   687     {
   688     switch (aFormat)
   689         {
   690         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
   691             DisplayText("AMR-NB");
   692             break;
   693         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
   694             DisplayText("G.711");
   695             break;
   696         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
   697             DisplayText("G.729");
   698             break;
   699         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
   700             DisplayText("iLBC");
   701             break;
   702         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
   703             DisplayText("PCM-16");
   704             break;
   705         default:
   706             break;
   707         }
   708     }
   710 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   711 // CTmsTestEngine::SetDownlinkFormat()
   712 //
   713 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   714 //
   715 void CTmsTestEngine::SetDownlinkFormat(TMSFormatType aCodecFormat)
   716     {
   717     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   719     if (!iTmsCall)
   720         {
   721         SetCallType(TMS_CALL_IP);
   722         }
   723     if (iFactory && iDecFormatIntfc)
   724         {
   725         iFactory->DeleteFormat(iDecFormatIntfc);
   726         }
   728     iDnLinkCodec = aCodecFormat;
   730     if (iFactory && iTmsDnlink)
   731         {
   732         status = iFactory->CreateFormat(iDnLinkCodec, iDecFormatIntfc);
   733         status |= iTmsDnlink->SetFormat(iDecFormatIntfc);
   734         }
   736 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   737     TMSFormatType ft;
   738 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   740     switch (iDnLinkCodec)
   741         {
   742         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
   743             {
   744 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   745             status = iDecFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
   746             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_G711)
   747                 {
   748                 status = KErrArgument;
   749                 }
   750 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   751             DisplayText("G.711 DNL Codec Set");
   752             break;
   753             }
   754         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
   755             {
   756 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   757             status = iDecFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
   758             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_G729)
   759                 {
   760                 status = KErrArgument;
   761                 }
   762 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   763             DisplayText("G.729 DNL Codec Set");
   764             break;
   765             }
   766         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
   767             {
   768 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   769             status = iDecFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
   770             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
   771                 {
   772                 status = KErrArgument;
   773                 }
   774 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   775             DisplayText("iLBC DNL Codec Set");
   776             break;
   777             }
   778         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
   779             {
   780 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   781             status = iDecFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
   782             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_AMR)
   783                 {
   784                 status = KErrArgument;
   785                 }
   786 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   787             DisplayText("AMR-NB DNL Codec Set");
   788             break;
   789             }
   790         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
   791             {
   792 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   793             status = iDecFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
   794             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_PCM)
   795                 {
   796                 status = KErrArgument;
   797                 }
   798 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   799             DisplayText("PCM-16 DNL Codec Set");
   800             break;
   801             }
   802         default:
   803             {
   804             status = KErrNotSupported;
   805             }
   806         }
   808     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   809         {
   810         OpenDownlink(); //Initialize DNL
   811         }
   812     }
   814 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   815 // CTmsTestEngine::OpenDownlink()
   816 //
   817 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   818 //
   819 void CTmsTestEngine::OpenDownlink()
   820     {
   821     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   823     if (iTmsDnlink)
   824         {
   825         iTmsDnlink->AddObserver(*this, NULL);
   826         status = iTmsDnlink->Init();
   827         if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   828             {
   829             DisplayText("DNL init error ", status);
   830             }
   831         }
   832     }
   834 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   835 // CTmsTestEngine::StartDownlink()
   836 //
   837 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   838 //
   839 void CTmsTestEngine::StartDownlink()
   840     {
   841     if (iDnLinkStatus == EReady)
   842         {
   843 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   844         ConfigureDecoder();
   845         gint id = iTmsDnlink->GetStreamId();
   846 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   848         iTmsDnlink->Start(2); //retry for ~2 sec
   849         iDnLinkStatus = EStreaming;
   850 #ifdef __WINSCW__
   851         iBufIndex = 0;
   852 #endif //__WINSCW__
   853         }
   854     else
   855         {
   856         DisplayText("DNL not ready");
   857         }
   858     }
   860 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   861 // CTmsTestEngine::StopDownlink()
   862 //
   863 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   864 //
   865 void CTmsTestEngine::StopDownlink()
   866     {
   867     if (iDnLinkStatus == EStreaming)
   868         {
   869 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   870         iTmsDnlink->Pause();
   871         iTmsDnlink->GetState();
   872 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
   874         iTmsDnlink->Stop();
   875         iDnLinkStatus = EReady;
   876         iOneTouchLoopback = EFalse;
   877         DisplayText("DNL stopped");
   878         }
   879     }
   881 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   882 // CTmsTestEngine::CloseDownlink()
   883 //
   884 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   885 //
   886 void CTmsTestEngine::CloseDownlink()
   887     {
   888     if (iTmsDnlink && iDnLinkStatus != ENotReady)
   889         {
   890         if (iTmsDnlinkEffect)
   891             {
   892             iTmsDnlink->RemoveEffect(iTmsDnlinkEffect);
   893             }
   894         if (iTmsClientSource)
   895             {
   896             iTmsDnlink->RemoveSource(iTmsClientSource);
   897             }
   898         if (iTmsModemSource)
   899             {
   900             iTmsDnlink->RemoveSource(iTmsModemSource);
   901             }
   902         if (iTmsSpeakerSink)
   903             {
   904             iTmsDnlink->RemoveSink(iTmsSpeakerSink);
   905             }
   906         iTmsDnlink->Deinit();
   907         iDnLinkStatus = ENotReady;
   908         }
   909     iPlayBufReady = EFalse;
   910     iOneTouchLoopback = EFalse;
   911     }
   913 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateVolumeEffect()
   914     {
   915     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   917     if (iFactory && iTmsDnlink && !iTmsDnlinkEffect)
   918         {
   919         status = iFactory->CreateEffect(TMS_EFFECT_VOLUME, iTmsDnlinkEffect);
   920         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   921             {
   922             static_cast<TMSVolumeEffect*> (iTmsDnlinkEffect)->AddObserver(
   923                     *this, NULL);
   924             }
   925         }
   926     return status;
   927     }
   929 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddVolumeEffectToStream()
   930     {
   931     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   933     if (iTmsDnlink && iTmsDnlinkEffect)
   934         {
   935         status = iTmsDnlink->AddEffect(iTmsDnlinkEffect);
   936         }
   937     return status;
   938     }
   940 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateGainEffect()
   941     {
   942     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   944     if (iFactory && iTmsUplink && !iTmsUplinkEffect)
   945         {
   946         status = iFactory->CreateEffect(TMS_EFFECT_GAIN, iTmsUplinkEffect);
   947         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   948             {
   949             static_cast<TMSGainEffect*> (iTmsUplinkEffect)->AddObserver(*this,
   950                     NULL);
   951             }
   952         }
   953     return status;
   954     }
   956 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateGlobalRouting()
   957     {
   958     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   960     if (iFactory)
   961         {
   962         status = iFactory->CreateGlobalRouting(iTmsGlobalRouting);
   963         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   964             {
   965             DisplayText("TMS routing created");
   966             iTmsGlobalRouting->AddObserver(*this, NULL);
   967             }
   968         else
   969             {
   970             DisplayText("Global routing failed: ", status);
   971             }
   972         }
   973     return status;
   974     }
   976 gint CTmsTestEngine::AddGainEffectToStream()
   977     {
   978     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   980     if (iTmsUplink && iTmsUplinkEffect)
   981         {
   982         status = iTmsUplink->AddEffect(iTmsUplinkEffect);
   983         }
   984     return status;
   985     }
   987 gint CTmsTestEngine::CreateRingTonePlayer()
   988     {
   989     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
   991     if (iFactory)
   992         {
   993         status = iFactory->CreateRingTonePlayer(iTmsRingTonePlayer);
   995         if (iTmsRingTonePlayer && status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
   996             {
   997             iTmsRingTonePlayer->AddObserver(*this, NULL);
   998             DisplayText("RingTone Player created");
   999             }
  1000         else
  1001             {
  1002             DisplayText("RT create failed: ", status);
  1003             }
  1004         }
  1005     return status;
  1006     }
  1008 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1009 // CTmsTestEngine::ConfigureDecoder()
  1010 //
  1011 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1012 //
  1013 void CTmsTestEngine::ConfigureDecoder()
  1014     {
  1015     // NOTE: These calls can ONLY be made when codec is in a STOPPED state.
  1017     switch (iDnLinkCodec)
  1018         {
  1019         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1020             {
  1021             gboolean cng(TRUE);
  1022             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetCNG(cng);
  1023             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetCNG(cng);
  1024             gboolean plc(FALSE);
  1025             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetPlc(plc);
  1026             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetPlc(plc);
  1027             TMSG711CodecMode mode(TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_ALAW);
  1028             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetMode(mode);
  1029             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetMode(mode);
  1030             break;
  1031             }
  1032         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1033             {
  1034             gboolean cng(TRUE);
  1035             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetCNG(cng);
  1036             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetCNG(cng);
  1037             TMSILBCCodecMode mode(TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_20MS_FRAME);
  1038             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetMode(mode);
  1039             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetMode(mode);
  1040             break;
  1041             }
  1042         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1043         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1044         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1045         default:
  1046             {
  1047             break;
  1048             }
  1049         }
  1050     }
  1052 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1053 // CTmsTestEngine::GetMaxVolume()
  1054 //
  1055 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1056 //
  1057 void CTmsTestEngine::GetMaxVolume()
  1058     {
  1059     if (iTmsDnlinkEffect)
  1060         {
  1061         static_cast<TMSVolumeEffect*> (iTmsDnlinkEffect)->GetMaxLevel(
  1062                 iMaxVolume);
  1063         }
  1064     DisplayText("Max Volume: ", iMaxVolume);
  1065     }
  1067 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1068 // CTmsTestEngine::GetVolume
  1069 //
  1070 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1071 //
  1072 void CTmsTestEngine::GetVolume()
  1073     {
  1074     if (iTmsDnlinkEffect)
  1075         {
  1076         static_cast<TMSVolumeEffect*> (iTmsDnlinkEffect)->GetLevel(iVolume);
  1077         }
  1078     DisplayText("Volume ", iVolume);
  1079     }
  1081 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1082 // CTmsTestEngine::MuteSpeaker()
  1083 //
  1084 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1085 //
  1086 void CTmsTestEngine::MuteSpeaker()
  1087     {
  1088     SetVolume(0);
  1089     }
  1091 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1092 // CTmsTestEngine::SetMaxVolume
  1093 //
  1094 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1095 //
  1096 void CTmsTestEngine::SetMaxVolume()
  1097     {
  1098     SetVolume(iMaxVolume);
  1099     }
  1101 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1102 // CTmsTestEngine::SetVolume
  1103 //
  1104 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1105 //
  1106 void CTmsTestEngine::SetVolume(guint aVolume)
  1107     {
  1108     iVolume = aVolume;
  1110     if (iTmsDnlinkEffect)
  1111         {
  1112         static_cast<TMSVolumeEffect*> (iTmsDnlinkEffect)->SetLevel(aVolume);
  1113         }
  1114     else
  1115         {
  1116         DisplayText("Create Dnlink VolumeEffect first");
  1117         }
  1118     }
  1120 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1121 // CTmsTestEngine::VolumeUp()
  1122 //
  1123 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1124 //
  1125 void CTmsTestEngine::VolumeUp()
  1126     {
  1127     if ((iDnLinkStatus == EReady || iDnLinkStatus == EStreaming)
  1128             && iTmsDnlinkEffect)
  1129         {
  1130         if (iVolume < iMaxVolume)
  1131             {
  1132             static_cast<TMSVolumeEffect*> (iTmsDnlinkEffect)->SetLevel(
  1133                     ++iVolume);
  1134             }
  1135         }
  1136     else
  1137         {
  1138         DisplayText("Create DNL first");
  1139         }
  1140     }
  1142 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1143 // CTmsTestEngine::VolumeDn()
  1144 //
  1145 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1146 //
  1147 void CTmsTestEngine::VolumeDn()
  1148     {
  1149     if ((iDnLinkStatus == EReady || iDnLinkStatus == EStreaming)
  1150             && iTmsDnlinkEffect)
  1151         {
  1152         if (iVolume > 0)
  1153             {
  1154             static_cast<TMSVolumeEffect*> (iTmsDnlinkEffect)->SetLevel(
  1155                     --iVolume);
  1156             }
  1157         }
  1158     else
  1159         {
  1160         DisplayText("Open DNL first");
  1161         }
  1162     }
  1164 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1165 // CTmsTestEngine::OpenUplink()
  1166 //
  1167 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1168 //
  1169 void CTmsTestEngine::OpenUplink()
  1170     {
  1171     gint status = TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS;
  1173     if (iTmsUplink)
  1174         {
  1175         iTmsUplink->AddObserver(*this, NULL);
  1176         status = iTmsUplink->Init(); //retry for ~3 sec
  1177         if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  1178             {
  1179             DisplayText("UPL init error: ", status);
  1180             }
  1181         }
  1182     }
  1184 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1185 // CTmsTestEngine::StartUplink()
  1186 //
  1187 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1188 //
  1189 void CTmsTestEngine::StartUplink()
  1190     {
  1191     if (iUpLinkStatus == EReady)
  1192         {
  1193 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1194         ConfigureEncoder();
  1195         ToggleVad();
  1196         GetVad();
  1197         GetSupportedBitrates();
  1198         SelectMaxBitrate();
  1199         GetBitrate();
  1200         gint id = iTmsUplink->GetStreamId();
  1201 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1203         iTmsUplink->Start(4); //retry for ~4 sec
  1204         iUpLinkStatus = EStreaming;
  1205         }
  1206     else
  1207         {
  1208         DisplayText("UPL not ready");
  1209         }
  1210     }
  1212 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1213 // CTmsTestEngine::StopUplink()
  1214 //
  1215 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1216 //
  1217 void CTmsTestEngine::StopUplink()
  1218     {
  1219     if (iUpLinkStatus == EStreaming)
  1220         {
  1221         iTmsUplink->Stop();
  1222         iUpLinkStatus = EReady;
  1223         iOneTouchLoopback = EFalse;
  1224         DisplayText("UPL stopped");
  1225         }
  1226     }
  1228 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1229 // CTmsTestEngine::CloseUplink()
  1230 //
  1231 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1232 //
  1233 void CTmsTestEngine::CloseUplink()
  1234     {
  1235     iRecBufReady = EFalse;
  1236     iOneTouchLoopback = EFalse;
  1238     if (iTmsUplink && iUpLinkStatus != ENotReady)
  1239         {
  1240         if (iTmsUplinkEffect)
  1241             {
  1242             iTmsUplink->RemoveEffect(iTmsUplinkEffect);
  1243             }
  1244         if (iTmsMicSource)
  1245             {
  1246             iTmsUplink->RemoveSource(iTmsMicSource);
  1247             }
  1248         if (iTmsClientSink)
  1249             {
  1250             iTmsUplink->RemoveSink(iTmsClientSink);
  1251             }
  1252         if (iTmsModemSink)
  1253             {
  1254             iTmsUplink->RemoveSink(iTmsModemSink);
  1255             }
  1256         iTmsUplink->Deinit();
  1257         iUpLinkStatus = ENotReady;
  1258         }
  1259     }
  1261 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1262 // CTmsTestEngine::SetUplinkFormat()
  1263 //
  1264 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1265 //
  1266 void CTmsTestEngine::SetUplinkFormat(TMSFormatType aCodecFormat)
  1267     {
  1268     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  1270     if (!iTmsCall)
  1271         {
  1272         SetCallType(TMS_CALL_IP);
  1273         }
  1274     if (iFactory && iEncFormatIntfc)
  1275         {
  1276         iFactory->DeleteFormat(iEncFormatIntfc);
  1277         }
  1279     iUpLinkCodec = aCodecFormat;
  1281     if (iFactory && iTmsUplink)
  1282         {
  1283         status = iFactory->CreateFormat(iUpLinkCodec, iEncFormatIntfc);
  1284         status |= iTmsUplink->SetFormat(iEncFormatIntfc);
  1285         }
  1287 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1288     TMSFormatType ft;
  1289 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1291     switch (iUpLinkCodec)
  1292         {
  1293         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1294             {
  1295 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1296             status = iEncFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
  1297             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1298                 {
  1299                 status = KErrArgument;
  1300                 }
  1301 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1302             DisplayText("G.711 UPL Codec Set");
  1303             break;
  1304             }
  1305         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1306             {
  1307 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1308             status = iEncFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
  1309             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_G729)
  1310                 {
  1311                 status = KErrArgument;
  1312                 }
  1313 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1314             DisplayText("G.729 UPL Codec Set");
  1315             break;
  1316             }
  1317         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1318             {
  1319 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1320             status = iEncFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
  1321             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
  1322                 {
  1323                 status = KErrArgument;
  1324                 }
  1325 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1326             DisplayText("iLBC UPL Codec Set");
  1327             break;
  1328             }
  1329         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1330             {
  1331 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1332             status = iEncFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
  1333             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_AMR)
  1334                 {
  1335                 status = KErrArgument;
  1336                 }
  1337 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1338             DisplayText("AMR-NB UPL Codec Set");
  1339             break;
  1340             }
  1341         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1342             {
  1343 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1344             status = iEncFormatIntfc->GetType(ft);
  1345             if (ft != TMS_FORMAT_PCM)
  1346                 {
  1347                 status = KErrArgument;
  1348                 }
  1349 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  1350             DisplayText("PCM-16 UPL Codec Set");
  1351             break;
  1352             }
  1353         default:
  1354             {
  1355             status = KErrNotSupported;
  1356             }
  1357         }
  1359     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  1360         {
  1361         OpenUplink(); //Initialize UPL
  1362         }
  1363     }
  1365 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1366 // CTmsTestEngine::ConfigureEncoder()
  1367 //
  1368 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1369 //
  1370 void CTmsTestEngine::ConfigureEncoder()
  1371     {
  1372     // Any of these calls can ONLY be made when encoder is in a STOPPED state.
  1374     switch (iUpLinkCodec)
  1375         {
  1376         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1377             {
  1378             TMSG711CodecMode mode(TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_ALAW);
  1379             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetMode(mode);
  1380             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetMode(mode);
  1381             break;
  1382             }
  1383         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1384             {
  1385             TMSILBCCodecMode mode(TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_20MS_FRAME);
  1386             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetMode(mode);
  1387             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetMode(mode);
  1388             break;
  1389             }
  1390         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1391         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1392         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1393         default:
  1394             {
  1395             break;
  1396             }
  1397         }
  1398     }
  1400 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1401 // CTmsTestEngine::GetMaxGain()
  1402 //
  1403 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1404 //
  1405 void CTmsTestEngine::GetMaxGain()
  1406     {
  1407     if (iTmsUplinkEffect)
  1408         {
  1409         static_cast<TMSGainEffect*> (iTmsUplinkEffect)->GetMaxLevel(iMaxGain);
  1410         DisplayText("MaxGain: ", iMaxGain);
  1411         }
  1412     }
  1414 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1415 // CTmsTestEngine::GetGain()
  1416 //
  1417 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1418 //
  1419 void CTmsTestEngine::GetGain()
  1420     {
  1421     guint gain;
  1422     if (iTmsUplinkEffect)
  1423         {
  1424         static_cast<TMSGainEffect*> (iTmsUplinkEffect)->GetLevel(gain);
  1425         DisplayText("Gain: ", gain);
  1426         }
  1427     }
  1429 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1430 // CTmsTestEngine::SetMaxGain()
  1431 //
  1432 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1433 //
  1434 void CTmsTestEngine::SetMaxGain()
  1435     {
  1436     static_cast<TMSGainEffect*> (iTmsUplinkEffect)->SetLevel(iMaxGain);
  1437     }
  1439 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1440 // CTmsTestEngine::MuteMic()
  1441 //
  1442 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1443 //
  1444 void CTmsTestEngine::MuteMic()
  1445     {
  1446     static_cast<TMSGainEffect*> (iTmsUplinkEffect)->SetLevel(0);
  1447     }
  1449 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1450 // CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedBitrates
  1451 //
  1452 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1453 //
  1454 void CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedBitrates()
  1455     {
  1456     TInt status = GetSupportedBitrates(iBitratesVector);
  1458     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  1459         {
  1460         std::vector<guint>::iterator itBitrates = iBitratesVector.begin();
  1461         for (; itBitrates < iBitratesVector.end(); itBitrates++)
  1462             {
  1463             DisplayText("BR ", *itBitrates);
  1464             }
  1465         }
  1466     else
  1467         {
  1468         DisplayText("BR Error: ", status);
  1469         }
  1470     }
  1472 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1473 // CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedBitrates
  1474 //
  1475 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1476 //
  1477 TInt CTmsTestEngine::GetSupportedBitrates(BitRateVector& aBrArr)
  1478     {
  1479     TInt status = KErrNotFound;
  1481     switch (iUpLinkCodec)
  1482         {
  1483         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1484             status = static_cast<TMSG711Format*>
  1485                     (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetSupportedBitRates(aBrArr);
  1486             break;
  1487         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1488             status = static_cast<TMSG729Format*>
  1489                     (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetSupportedBitRates(aBrArr);
  1490             break;
  1491         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1492             status = static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*>
  1493                     (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetSupportedBitRates(aBrArr);
  1494             break;
  1495         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1496             status = static_cast<TMSAMRFormat*>
  1497                     (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetSupportedBitRates(aBrArr);
  1498             break;
  1499         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1500         default:
  1501             status = KErrNotSupported;
  1502             break;
  1503         }
  1504     return status;
  1505     }
  1507 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1508 // CTmsTestEngine::SelectMinBitrate
  1509 //
  1510 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1511 //
  1512 void CTmsTestEngine::SelectMinBitrate()
  1513     {
  1514     if (iBitratesVector.size() > 0)
  1515         {
  1516         std::vector<guint>::iterator bitrate = iBitratesVector.begin();
  1517         iBitrate = *bitrate;
  1518         SetBitrate(iBitrate);
  1519         DisplayText("BR set: ", iBitrate);
  1520         }
  1521     }
  1523 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1524 // CTmsTestEngine::SelectMaxBitrate
  1525 //
  1526 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1527 //
  1528 void CTmsTestEngine::SelectMaxBitrate()
  1529     {
  1530     if (iBitratesVector.size() > 0)
  1531         {
  1532         iBitrate = iBitratesVector.back();
  1533         SetBitrate(iBitrate);
  1534         DisplayText("BR set: ", iBitrate);
  1535         }
  1536     }
  1538 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1539 // CTmsTestEngine::SetBitrate
  1540 //
  1541 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1542 //
  1543 void CTmsTestEngine::SetBitrate(TUint aBitrate)
  1544     {
  1545     switch (iUpLinkCodec)
  1546         {
  1547         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1548             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1549             DisplayText("Set BR: ", iBitrate);
  1550             break;
  1551         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1552             static_cast<TMSG729Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1553             DisplayText("Set BR: ", iBitrate);
  1554             break;
  1555         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1556             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1557             DisplayText("Set BR: ", iBitrate);
  1558             break;
  1559         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1560             static_cast<TMSAMRFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1561             DisplayText("Set BR: ", iBitrate);
  1562             break;
  1563         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1564         default:
  1565             break;
  1566         }
  1567     }
  1569 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1570 // CTmsTestEngine::GetBitrate
  1571 //
  1572 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1573 //
  1574 void CTmsTestEngine::GetBitrate()
  1575     {
  1576     if (iUpLinkCodec != TMS_FORMAT_PCM)
  1577         {
  1578         GetBitrate(iBitrate);
  1579         DisplayText("Current BR: ", iBitrate);
  1580         }
  1581     }
  1583 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1584 // CTmsTestEngine::GetBitrate
  1585 //
  1586 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1587 //
  1588 void CTmsTestEngine::GetBitrate(TUint& aBitrate)
  1589     {
  1590     switch (iUpLinkCodec)
  1591         {
  1592         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1593             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1594             break;
  1595         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1596             static_cast<TMSG729Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1597             break;
  1598         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1599             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1600             break;
  1601         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1602             static_cast<TMSAMRFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetBitRate(aBitrate);
  1603             break;
  1604         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1605         default:
  1606             break;
  1607         }
  1608     }
  1610 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1611 // CTmsTestEngine::ToggleVad
  1612 //
  1613 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1614 //
  1615 void CTmsTestEngine::ToggleVad()
  1616     {
  1617     iVad = (iVad) ? EFalse : ETrue;
  1619     switch (iUpLinkCodec)
  1620         {
  1621         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1622             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetVADMode(iVad);
  1623             DisplayText("Set VAD: ", iVad);
  1624             break;
  1625         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1626             static_cast<TMSG729Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetVADMode(iVad);
  1627             DisplayText("Set VAD: ", iVad);
  1628             break;
  1629         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1630             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetVADMode(iVad);
  1631             DisplayText("Set VAD: ", iVad);
  1632             break;
  1633         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1634             //static_cast<TMSAMRFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetVADMode(iVad);
  1635             //DisplayText("Set VAD: ", iVad);
  1636             break;
  1637         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1638         default:
  1639             break;
  1640         }
  1641     }
  1643 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1644 // CTmsTestEngine::GetVad
  1645 //
  1646 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1647 //
  1648 void CTmsTestEngine::GetVad()
  1649     {
  1650     switch (iUpLinkCodec)
  1651         {
  1652         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1653             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetVADMode(iVad);
  1654             DisplayText("Current VAD: ", iVad);
  1655             break;
  1656         case TMS_FORMAT_G729:
  1657             static_cast<TMSG729Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetVADMode(iVad);
  1658             DisplayText("Current VAD: ", iVad);
  1659             break;
  1660         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1661             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetVADMode(iVad);
  1662             DisplayText("Current VAD: ", iVad);
  1663             break;
  1664         case TMS_FORMAT_AMR:
  1665             //static_cast<TMSAMRFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetVADMode(iVad);
  1666             //DisplayText("Current VAD: ", iVad);
  1667             break;
  1668         case TMS_FORMAT_PCM:
  1669         default:
  1670             break;
  1671         }
  1672     }
  1674 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1675 // CTmsTestEngine::ToggleCng
  1676 //
  1677 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1678 //
  1679 void CTmsTestEngine::ToggleCng()
  1680     {
  1681     iCng = (iCng) ? EFalse : ETrue;
  1683     switch (iDnLinkCodec)
  1684         {
  1685         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1686             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetCNG(iCng);
  1687             DisplayText("Set CNG ", iCng);
  1688             break;
  1689         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1690             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetCNG(iCng);
  1691             DisplayText("Set CNG ", iCng);
  1692             break;
  1693         default:
  1694             break;
  1695         }
  1696     }
  1698 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1699 // CTmsTestEngine::GetCng
  1700 //
  1701 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1702 //
  1703 void CTmsTestEngine::GetCng()
  1704     {
  1705     switch (iDnLinkCodec)
  1706         {
  1707         case TMS_FORMAT_G711:
  1708             static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetCNG(iCng);
  1709             DisplayText("Current CNG ", iCng);
  1710             break;
  1711         case TMS_FORMAT_ILBC:
  1712             static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetCNG(iCng);
  1713             DisplayText("Current CNG ", iCng);
  1714             break;
  1715         default:
  1716             break;
  1717         }
  1718     }
  1720 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1721 // CTmsTestEngine::TogglePlc
  1722 //
  1723 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1724 //
  1725 void CTmsTestEngine::TogglePlc()
  1726     {
  1727     iPlc = (iPlc) ? EFalse : ETrue;
  1728     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1729         {
  1730         static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetPlc(ETrue);
  1731         DisplayText("Set PLC ", iPlc);
  1732         }
  1733     }
  1735 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1736 // CTmsTestEngine::GetPlc
  1737 //
  1738 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1739 //
  1740 void CTmsTestEngine::GetPlc()
  1741     {
  1742     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1743         {
  1744         static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetPlc(iPlc);
  1745         DisplayText("Current PLC ", iPlc);
  1746         }
  1747     }
  1749 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1750 // CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkG711ALAW
  1751 //
  1752 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1753 //
  1754 void CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkG711ALAW()
  1755     {
  1756     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1757         {
  1758         static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1759                 TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_ALAW);
  1760         DisplayText("DNL G.711 Mode Set: [aLaw]");
  1761         }
  1762     }
  1764 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1765 // CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkG711uLAW
  1766 //
  1767 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1768 //
  1769 void CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkG711uLAW()
  1770     {
  1771     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1772         {
  1773         static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1774                 TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_MULAW);
  1775         DisplayText("DNL G.711 Mode Set: [uLaw]");
  1776         }
  1777     }
  1779 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1780 // CTmsTestEngine::GetDnLinkG711Mode
  1781 //
  1782 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1783 //
  1784 void CTmsTestEngine::GetDnLinkG711Mode()
  1785     {
  1786     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1787         {
  1788         TMSG711CodecMode mode;
  1789         TInt status = static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetMode(
  1790                 mode);
  1792         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  1793             {
  1794             if (mode == TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_MULAW)
  1795                 {
  1796                 DisplayText("DNL G711 Mode: [uLaw]");
  1797                 }
  1798             else
  1799                 {
  1800                 DisplayText("DNL G711 Mode: [aLaw]");
  1801                 }
  1802             }
  1803         else
  1804             {
  1805             DisplayText("DNL G711 GetMode Error: ", status);
  1806             }
  1807         }
  1808     }
  1810 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1811 // CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkILBC20MS
  1812 //
  1813 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1814 //
  1815 void CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkILBC20MS()
  1816     {
  1817     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
  1818         {
  1819         static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1820                 TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_20MS_FRAME);
  1821         DisplayText("DNL iLBC Mode Set: [20ms]");
  1822         }
  1823     }
  1825 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1826 // CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkILBC30MS
  1827 //
  1828 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1829 //
  1830 void CTmsTestEngine::SetDnLinkILBC30MS()
  1831     {
  1832     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
  1833         {
  1834         static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1835                 TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_30MS_FRAME);
  1836         DisplayText("DNL iLBC Mode Set: [30ms]");
  1837         }
  1838     }
  1840 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1841 // CTmsTestEngine::GetDnLinkILBCMode
  1842 //
  1843 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1844 //
  1845 void CTmsTestEngine::GetDnLinkILBCMode()
  1846     {
  1847     if (iDnLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
  1848         {
  1849         TMSILBCCodecMode mode;
  1850         gint status = static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iDecFormatIntfc)->GetMode(
  1851                 mode);
  1853         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  1854             {
  1855             if (mode == TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_30MS_FRAME)
  1856                 {
  1857                 DisplayText("DNL iLBC Mode: [30ms]");
  1858                 }
  1859             else if (mode == TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_20MS_FRAME)
  1860                 {
  1861                 DisplayText("DNL iLBC Mode: [20ms]");
  1862                 }
  1863             }
  1864         else
  1865             {
  1866             DisplayText("DNL iLBC GetMode Error: ", status);
  1867             }
  1868         }
  1869     }
  1871 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1872 // CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkG711ALAW
  1873 //
  1874 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1875 //
  1876 void CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkG711ALAW()
  1877     {
  1878     if (iUpLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1879         {
  1880         static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1881                 TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_ALAW);
  1882         DisplayText("UPL G.711 Mode Set: [aLaw]");
  1883         }
  1884     }
  1886 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1887 // CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkG711uLAW
  1888 //
  1889 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1890 //
  1891 void CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkG711uLAW()
  1892     {
  1894     if (iUpLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1895         {
  1896         static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1897                 TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_MULAW);
  1898         DisplayText("UPL G.711 Mode Set: [uLaw]");
  1899         }
  1900     }
  1902 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1903 // CTmsTestEngine::GetUpLinkG711Mode
  1904 //
  1905 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1906 //
  1907 void CTmsTestEngine::GetUpLinkG711Mode()
  1908     {
  1909     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  1910     if (iUpLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_G711)
  1911         {
  1912         TMSG711CodecMode mode;
  1913         status = static_cast<TMSG711Format*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetMode(mode);
  1915         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  1916             {
  1917             if (mode == TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_MULAW)
  1918                 {
  1919                 DisplayText("UPL G.711 Mode: [uLaw]");
  1920                 }
  1921             else if (mode == TMS_G711_CODEC_MODE_ALAW)
  1922                 {
  1923                 DisplayText("UPL G.711 Mode: [aLaw]");
  1924                 }
  1925             }
  1926         else
  1927             {
  1928             DisplayText("UPL G.711 GetMode Error: ", status);
  1929             }
  1930         }
  1931     }
  1933 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1934 // CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkILBC20MS
  1935 //
  1936 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1937 //
  1938 void CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkILBC20MS()
  1939     {
  1940     if (iUpLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
  1941         {
  1942         static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1943                 TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_20MS_FRAME);
  1944         DisplayText("UPL iLBC Mode Set: [20ms]");
  1945         }
  1946     }
  1948 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1949 // CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkILBC30MS
  1950 //
  1951 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1952 //
  1953 void CTmsTestEngine::SetUpLinkILBC30MS()
  1954     {
  1955     if (iUpLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
  1956         {
  1957         static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->SetMode(
  1958                 TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_30MS_FRAME);
  1959         DisplayText("UPL iLBC Mode Set: [30ms]");
  1960         }
  1961     }
  1963 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1964 // CTmsTestEngine::GetUpLinkILBCMode
  1965 //
  1966 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1967 //
  1968 void CTmsTestEngine::GetUpLinkILBCMode()
  1969     {
  1970     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  1971     if (iUpLinkCodec == TMS_FORMAT_ILBC)
  1972         {
  1973         TMSILBCCodecMode mode;
  1974         status = static_cast<TMSILBCFormat*> (iEncFormatIntfc)->GetMode(mode);
  1976         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  1977             {
  1978             if (mode == TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_30MS_FRAME)
  1979                 {
  1980                 DisplayText("UPL iLBC Mode: [30ms]");
  1981                 }
  1982             else if (mode == TMS_ILBC_CODEC_MODE_20MS_FRAME)
  1983                 {
  1984                 DisplayText("UPL iLBC Mode: [20ms]");
  1985                 }
  1986             }
  1987         else
  1988             {
  1989             DisplayText("UPL iLBC GetMode Error: ", status);
  1990             }
  1991         }
  1992     }
  1994 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1995 // CTmsTestEngine::CreateGlobalVol
  1996 //
  1997 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1998 //
  1999 void CTmsTestEngine::CreateGlobalVol()
  2000     {
  2001     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2003     if (iFactory && !iGlobalVol)
  2004         {
  2005         status = iFactory->CreateEffect(TMS_EFFECT_GLOBAL_VOL, iGlobalVol);
  2007         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2008             {
  2009             DisplayText("Global Vol Created");
  2010             static_cast<TMSGlobalVolEffect*> (iGlobalVol)->AddObserver(*this,
  2011                     NULL);
  2012             }
  2013         else
  2014             {
  2015             DisplayText("Global Vol failed: ", status);
  2016             }
  2017         }
  2018     }
  2020 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2021 // CTmsTestEngine::CreateGlobalGain
  2022 //
  2023 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2024 //
  2025 void CTmsTestEngine::CreateGlobalGain()
  2026     {
  2027     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2029     if (iFactory && !iGlobalGain)
  2030         {
  2031         status = iFactory->CreateEffect(TMS_EFFECT_GLOBAL_GAIN, iGlobalGain);
  2033         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2034             {
  2035             DisplayText("Global Gain Created");
  2036             static_cast<TMSGlobalGainEffect*> (iGlobalGain)->AddObserver(*this,
  2037                     NULL);
  2038             }
  2039         else
  2040             {
  2041             DisplayText("Global Gain failed: ", status);
  2042             }
  2043         }
  2044     }
  2046 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2047 // CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalVol
  2048 //
  2049 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2050 //
  2051 void CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalVol()
  2052     {
  2053     if (iGlobalVol)
  2054         {
  2055         TUint level(0);
  2056         static_cast<TMSGlobalVolEffect*> (iGlobalVol)->GetLevel(level);
  2057         DisplayText("Global Vol: ", level);
  2058         }
  2059     }
  2061 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2062 // CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalMaxVol
  2063 //
  2064 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2065 //
  2066 void CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalMaxVol()
  2067     {
  2068     if (iGlobalVol)
  2069         {
  2070         TUint level(0);
  2071         static_cast<TMSGlobalVolEffect*> (iGlobalVol)->GetMaxLevel(level);
  2072         DisplayText("Global Max Vol: ", level);
  2073         }
  2074     }
  2076 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2077 // CTmsTestEngine::SetGlobalVol
  2078 //
  2079 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2080 //
  2081 void CTmsTestEngine::SetGlobalVol()
  2082     {
  2083     TUint level(0);
  2084     if (iGlobalVol)
  2085         {
  2086         static_cast<TMSGlobalVolEffect*> (iGlobalVol)->GetMaxLevel(level);
  2087         static_cast<TMSGlobalVolEffect*> (iGlobalVol)->SetLevel(level);
  2088         }
  2089     }
  2091 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2092 // CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalGain
  2093 //
  2094 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2095 //
  2096 void CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalGain()
  2097     {
  2098     if (iGlobalGain)
  2099         {
  2100         TUint level(0);
  2101         static_cast<TMSGlobalGainEffect*> (iGlobalGain)->GetLevel(level);
  2102         DisplayText("Global Gain: ", level);
  2103         }
  2104     }
  2106 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2107 // CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalMaxGain
  2108 //
  2109 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2110 //
  2111 void CTmsTestEngine::GetGlobalMaxGain()
  2112     {
  2113     if (iGlobalGain)
  2114         {
  2115         TUint level(0);
  2116         static_cast<TMSGlobalGainEffect*> (iGlobalGain)->GetMaxLevel(level);
  2117         DisplayText("Global Max gain: ", level);
  2118         }
  2119     }
  2121 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2122 // CTmsTestEngine::SetGlobalGain
  2123 //
  2124 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2125 //
  2126 void CTmsTestEngine::SetGlobalGain()
  2127     {
  2128     TUint level(0);
  2129     if (iGlobalGain)
  2130         {
  2131         static_cast<TMSGlobalGainEffect*> (iGlobalGain)->GetMaxLevel(level);
  2132         static_cast<TMSGlobalGainEffect*> (iGlobalGain)->SetLevel(level);
  2133         }
  2134     }
  2136 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2137 // CTmsTestEngine::SetOutputDevice
  2138 //
  2139 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2140 //
  2141 void CTmsTestEngine::SetOutputDevice(TMSAudioOutput device)
  2142     {
  2143     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2145     if (iTmsGlobalRouting)
  2146         {
  2147         switch (device)
  2148             {
  2149             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_NONE:
  2150                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_NONE);
  2151                 DisplayText("Routing none");
  2152                 break;
  2153             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PUBLIC:
  2154                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PUBLIC);
  2155                 DisplayText("Routing public");
  2156                 break;
  2157             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PRIVATE:
  2158                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PRIVATE);
  2159                 DisplayText("Routing private");
  2160                 break;
  2161             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_HANDSET:
  2162                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_HANDSET);
  2163                 DisplayText("Routing to handset");
  2164                 break;
  2165             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_LOUDSPEAKER:
  2166                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(
  2167                         TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_LOUDSPEAKER);
  2168                 DisplayText("Routing to Loudspeaker");
  2169                 break;
  2170             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_WIRED_ACCESSORY:
  2171                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(
  2172                         TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_WIRED_ACCESSORY);
  2173                 DisplayText("Routing to Wired accessory");
  2174                 break;
  2175             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ACCESSORY:
  2176                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(
  2177                         TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ACCESSORY);
  2178                 DisplayText("Routing to BT accessory");
  2179                 break;
  2180             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ETTY:
  2181                 status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ETTY);
  2182                 DisplayText("Routing to TTY");
  2183                 break;
  2184             default: // ENoPreference
  2185                 DisplayText("Default Device Routing");
  2186                 break;
  2187             }
  2188         }
  2189     if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2190         {
  2191         DisplayText("Routing failed: ", status);
  2192         }
  2193     }
  2195 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2196 // CTmsTestEngine::SetHandset
  2197 //
  2198 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2199 //
  2200 void CTmsTestEngine::SetHandset()
  2201     {
  2202     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2204     if (iTmsGlobalRouting)
  2205         {
  2206         status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_HANDSET);
  2208         if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2209             {
  2210             DisplayText("SetHandSet failed: ", status);
  2211             }
  2212         else
  2213             {
  2214             DisplayText("SetHandSet");
  2215             }
  2216         }
  2217     }
  2219 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2220 // CTmsTestEngine::SetLoudSpeaker
  2221 //
  2222 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2223 //
  2224 void CTmsTestEngine::SetLoudSpeaker()
  2225     {
  2226     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2228     if (iTmsGlobalRouting)
  2229         {
  2230         status = iTmsGlobalRouting->SetOutput(TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_LOUDSPEAKER);
  2232         if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2233             {
  2234             DisplayText("SetLoudSpeaker failed: ", status);
  2235             }
  2236         else
  2237             {
  2238             DisplayText("SetLoudSpeaker");
  2239             }
  2240         }
  2241     }
  2243 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2244 // CTmsTestEngine::GetAudioDevice
  2245 //
  2246 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2247 //
  2248 void CTmsTestEngine::GetAudioDevice()
  2249     {
  2250     TMSAudioOutput device;
  2252     if (iTmsGlobalRouting)
  2253         {
  2254         iTmsGlobalRouting->GetOutput(device);
  2255 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  2256         TMSAudioOutput prevdevice;
  2257         iTmsGlobalRouting->GetPreviousOutput(prevdevice);
  2258 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  2260         switch (device)
  2261             {
  2262             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_NONE:
  2263                 DisplayText("Routing none");
  2264                 break;
  2265             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PUBLIC:
  2266                 DisplayText("Routing public");
  2267                 break;
  2268             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PRIVATE:
  2269                 DisplayText("Routing private");
  2270                 break;
  2271             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_HANDSET:
  2272                 DisplayText("Routing to handset");
  2273                 break;
  2274             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_LOUDSPEAKER:
  2275                 DisplayText("Routing to Loudspeaker");
  2276                 break;
  2277             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_WIRED_ACCESSORY:
  2278                 DisplayText("Routing to Wired accessory");
  2279                 break;
  2280             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ACCESSORY:
  2281                 DisplayText("Routing to BT accessory");
  2282                 break;
  2283             case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ETTY:
  2284                 DisplayText("Routing to TTY");
  2285                 break;
  2286             default: // ENoPreference
  2287                 DisplayText("Default Device Routing");
  2288                 break;
  2289             }
  2290         }
  2291     }
  2293 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2294 // CTmsTestEngine::GetAvailableOutput
  2295 //
  2296 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2297 //
  2298 void CTmsTestEngine::GetAvailableOutput()
  2299     {
  2300     TInt status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2302     if (iTmsGlobalRouting)
  2303         {
  2304         status = iTmsGlobalRouting->GetAvailableOutputs(iAvailableoutputs);
  2306         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2307             {
  2308             DisplayText("Available outputs: ", iAvailableoutputs.size());
  2309             std::vector<guint>::iterator outputs = iAvailableoutputs.begin();
  2310             for (; outputs < iAvailableoutputs.end(); outputs++)
  2311                 {
  2312                 DisplayDevice(*outputs);
  2313                 }
  2314             }
  2315         else
  2316             {
  2317             DisplayText("Available output error: ", status);
  2318             }
  2319         }
  2320     }
  2322 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2323 // CTmsTestEngine::DisplayDevice
  2324 //
  2325 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2326 //
  2327 void CTmsTestEngine::DisplayDevice(TMSAudioOutput device)
  2328     {
  2329     switch (device)
  2330         {
  2331         case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_NONE:
  2332             DisplayText("none");
  2333             break;
  2334         case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PUBLIC:
  2335             DisplayText("Public");
  2336             break;
  2337         case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_PRIVATE:
  2338             DisplayText("Private");
  2339             break;
  2340         case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_HANDSET:
  2341             DisplayText("Handset");
  2342             break;
  2344             DisplayText("Loudspeaker");
  2345             break;
  2347             DisplayText("Wired accessory");
  2348             break;
  2349         case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ACCESSORY:
  2350             DisplayText("Accessory");
  2351             break;
  2352         case TMS_AUDIO_OUTPUT_ETTY:
  2353             DisplayText("TTY");
  2354             break;
  2355         default:
  2356             break;
  2357         }
  2358     }
  2360 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2361 // CTmsTestEngine::InitDTMFTonePlayerDnlink
  2362 //
  2363 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2364 //
  2365 void CTmsTestEngine::InitDTMFTonePlayerDnlink()
  2366     {
  2367     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2368     if (iFactory)
  2369         {
  2370         status = iFactory->CreateDTMF(TMS_STREAM_DOWNLINK, iDTMFTonePlayerDn);
  2371         }
  2372     if (iDTMFTonePlayerDn && status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2373         {
  2374         // Note: It is sufficient to register only 1 DTMF observer per client.
  2375         // Since callbacks from UPL and DNL DTMF players are handled by the
  2376         // same client, and callback mechanism doesn't distinguish between
  2377         // UPL and DNL DTMF event, registering same client twice will result
  2378         // in duplicated callbacks.
  2379         if (iHasDTMFObserver == 0)
  2380             {
  2381             status = iDTMFTonePlayerDn->AddObserver(*this, NULL);
  2382             iHasDTMFObserver++;
  2383             }
  2384         }
  2385     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2386         {
  2387         DisplayText("DTMF Downlink OK");
  2388         }
  2389     else
  2390         {
  2391         DisplayText("DTMF Downlink failed:", status);
  2392         }
  2393     }
  2395 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2396 // CTmsTestEngine::InitDTMFTonePlayerUplink
  2397 //
  2398 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2399 //
  2400 void CTmsTestEngine::InitDTMFTonePlayerUplink()
  2401     {
  2402     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2403     if (iFactory)
  2404         {
  2405         status = iFactory->CreateDTMF(TMS_STREAM_UPLINK, iDTMFTonePlayerUp);
  2406         }
  2407     if (iDTMFTonePlayerUp && status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2408         {
  2409         // Note: It is sufficient to register only 1 DTMF observer per client.
  2410         // Since callbacks from UPL and DNL DTMF players are handled by the
  2411         // same client, and callback mechanism doesn't distinguish between
  2412         // UPL and DNL DTMF event, registering same client twice will result
  2413         // in duplicated callbacks.
  2414         if (iHasDTMFObserver == 0)
  2415             {
  2416             status = iDTMFTonePlayerUp->AddObserver(*this, NULL);
  2417             iHasDTMFObserver++;
  2418             }
  2419         }
  2420     if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2421         {
  2422         DisplayText("DTMF Uplink OK");
  2423         }
  2424     else
  2425         {
  2426         DisplayText("DTMF Uplink failed: ", status);
  2427         }
  2428     }
  2430 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2431 // CTmsTestEngine::DTMFTonePlayDnlink
  2432 //
  2433 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2434 //
  2435 void CTmsTestEngine::DTMFTonePlayDnlink()
  2436     {
  2437     GString* dtmfstring;
  2438     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2439     if (iDTMFTonePlayerDn)
  2440         {
  2441         dtmfstring = g_string_new("4723");
  2442         status = iDTMFTonePlayerDn->SetTone(dtmfstring);
  2443         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2444             {
  2445             status = iDTMFTonePlayerDn->Start();
  2446             if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2447                 {
  2448                 DisplayText("DTMF downlink start failed: ", status);
  2449                 }
  2450             }
  2451         else
  2452             {
  2453             DisplayText("DTMF downlink settone failed: ", status);
  2454             }
  2455         g_string_free(dtmfstring, TRUE);
  2456         }
  2457     else
  2458         {
  2459         DisplayText("Downlink not ready");
  2460         }
  2461     }
  2463 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2464 // CTmsTestEngine::DTMFTonePlayUplink
  2465 //
  2466 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2467 //
  2468 void CTmsTestEngine::DTMFTonePlayUplink()
  2469     {
  2470     GString* dtmfstring;
  2471     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2472     // Note: uplink must be in the streaming state (disable for testing)
  2473     if (iDTMFTonePlayerUp && iUpLinkStatus == EStreaming)
  2474         {
  2475         dtmfstring = g_string_new("4567890*#123");
  2476         //dtmfstring = g_string_append_c(dtmfstring, '4');
  2477         status = iDTMFTonePlayerUp->SetTone(dtmfstring);
  2478         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2479             {
  2480 #ifdef __TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  2481             // CS call only
  2482             iDTMFTonePlayerUp->ContinueDTMFStringSending(TRUE);
  2483 #endif //__TEST_CODE_COVERAGE__
  2485             status = iDTMFTonePlayerUp->Start();
  2487             if (status != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2488                 {
  2489                 DisplayText("DTMF uplink start failed: ", status);
  2490                 }
  2491             }
  2492         else
  2493             {
  2494             DisplayText("DTMF uplink settone failed: ", status);
  2495             }
  2496         g_string_free(dtmfstring, TRUE);
  2497         }
  2498     else
  2499         {
  2500         DisplayText("Uplink not ready");
  2501         }
  2502     }
  2504 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2505 // CTmsTestEngine::CloseDTMFPlayerDnlink
  2506 //
  2507 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2508 //
  2509 void CTmsTestEngine::CloseDTMFPlayerDnlink()
  2510     {
  2511     if (iFactory && iDTMFTonePlayerDn)
  2512         {
  2513         iDTMFTonePlayerDn->Stop();
  2514         iDTMFTonePlayerDn->RemoveObserver(*this);
  2515         iHasDTMFObserver--;
  2516         iFactory->DeleteDTMF(iDTMFTonePlayerDn);
  2517         }
  2518     }
  2520 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2521 // CTmsTestEngine::CloseDTMFPlayerUplink
  2522 //
  2523 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2524 //
  2525 void CTmsTestEngine::CloseDTMFPlayerUplink()
  2526     {
  2527     if (iFactory && iDTMFTonePlayerUp)
  2528         {
  2529         iDTMFTonePlayerUp->Stop();
  2530         iDTMFTonePlayerUp->RemoveObserver(*this);
  2531         iHasDTMFObserver--;
  2532         iFactory->DeleteDTMF(iDTMFTonePlayerUp);
  2533         }
  2534     }
  2536 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2537 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingTonePlayerFromProfiles
  2538 //
  2539 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2540 //
  2541 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingTonePlayerFromProfiles()
  2542     {
  2543     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2544         {
  2545         gint status = iTmsRingTonePlayer->Init(TMS_RINGTONE_DEFAULT);
  2546         DisplayText("RT Init Profile: ", status);
  2547         }
  2548     }
  2550 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2551 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingTonePlayerFromFile
  2552 //
  2553 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2554 //
  2555 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingTonePlayerFromFile()
  2556     {
  2557     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2558         {
  2559         TBuf<sizeof(KTestFile1)> buf(KTestFile1);
  2560         iRTStr = g_string_new_len((gchar*) buf.Ptr(), buf.Length() * 2);
  2561         gint status = iTmsRingTonePlayer->Init(TMS_RINGTONE_FILE, iRTStr);
  2562         DisplayText("RT Init File: ", status);
  2563         g_string_free(iRTStr, TRUE);
  2564         iRTStr = NULL;
  2565         }
  2566     }
  2568 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2569 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneVideoPlayer
  2570 //
  2571 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2572 //
  2573 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneVideoPlayer()
  2574     {
  2575     }
  2577 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2578 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneSequencePlayer
  2579 // Creates sequence player to play custom sequence in descriptor format
  2580 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2581 //
  2582 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneSequencePlayer()
  2583     {
  2584     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2585         {
  2586         TBuf8<sizeof(KRTBeepSequence)> buf(KRTBeepSequence);
  2587         iRTStr = g_string_new_len((gchar*) buf.Ptr(), buf.Length());
  2588         gint status = iTmsRingTonePlayer->Init(TMS_RINGTONE_SEQUENCE, iRTStr);
  2589         DisplayText("RT Init Sequence:", status);
  2590         g_string_free(iRTStr, TRUE);
  2591         }
  2592     }
  2594 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2595 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneBeepOnce
  2596 // Creates sequence player to play single beep
  2597 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2598 //
  2599 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneBeepOnce()
  2600     {
  2601     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2602         {
  2603         gint status = iTmsRingTonePlayer->Init(TMS_RINGTONE_BEEP_ONCE);
  2604         DisplayText("RT Init BeepOnce: ", status);
  2605         }
  2606     }
  2608 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2609 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneSilent
  2610 // Creates sequence player to play silent tone
  2611 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2612 //
  2613 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneSilent()
  2614     {
  2615     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2616         {
  2617         gint status = iTmsRingTonePlayer->Init(TMS_RINGTONE_SILENT);
  2618         DisplayText("RT Init Silent: ", status);
  2619         }
  2620     }
  2622 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2623 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneUnsecureVoIP
  2624 // Creates sequence player to play tone for unsecured VoIP call.
  2625 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2626 //
  2627 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneUnsecureVoIP()
  2628     {
  2629     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2630         {
  2631         gint status = iTmsRingTonePlayer->Init(TMS_RINGTONE_UNSECURE_VOIP);
  2632         DisplayText("RT Init UnsecVoIP: ", status);
  2633         }
  2634     }
  2636 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2637 // CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneWithTTS
  2638 // Creates sequence player to play default RT with Text-To-Speech
  2639 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2640 //
  2641 void CTmsTestEngine::InitRingToneWithTTS()
  2642     {
  2643     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2644         {
  2645         TBuf<sizeof(KTextToSpeak)> buf(KTextToSpeak);
  2646         iTTSStr = g_string_new_len((gchar*) buf.Ptr(), buf.Length() * 2);
  2647         gint status = iTmsRingTonePlayer->Init(TMS_RINGTONE_DEFAULT, NULL,
  2648                 iTTSStr);
  2649         DisplayText("RT Init TTS:", status);
  2650         g_string_free(iTTSStr, TRUE);
  2651         }
  2652     iTTSStr = NULL;
  2653     }
  2655 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2656 // CTmsTestEngine::PlayRingTone
  2657 //
  2658 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2659 //
  2660 void CTmsTestEngine::PlayRingTone()
  2661     {
  2662     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2663         {
  2664         iTmsRingTonePlayer->Play();
  2665         }
  2666     }
  2668 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2669 // CTmsTestEngine::StopRingTone
  2670 //
  2671 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2672 //
  2673 void CTmsTestEngine::StopRingTone()
  2674     {
  2675     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2676         {
  2677         iTmsRingTonePlayer->Stop();
  2678         }
  2679     }
  2681 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2682 // CTmsTestEngine::MuteRingTone
  2683 //
  2684 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2685 //
  2686 void CTmsTestEngine::MuteRingTone()
  2687     {
  2688     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2689         {
  2690         iTmsRingTonePlayer->Mute();
  2691         }
  2692     }
  2694 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2695 // CTmsTestEngine::PauseVideoRingTone
  2696 // Pause audio for video RT only
  2697 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2698 //
  2699 void CTmsTestEngine::PauseVideoRingTone()
  2700     {
  2701     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2702         {
  2703         iTmsRingTonePlayer->Pause();
  2704         }
  2705     }
  2707 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2708 // CTmsTestEngine::DeinitRingTonePlayer
  2709 //
  2710 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2711 //
  2712 void CTmsTestEngine::DeinitRingTonePlayer()
  2713     {
  2714     if (iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2715         {
  2716         iTmsRingTonePlayer->Deinit();
  2717         }
  2718     }
  2720 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2721 // CTmsTestEngine::CloseRingTonePlayer
  2722 //
  2723 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2724 //
  2725 void CTmsTestEngine::CloseRingTonePlayer()
  2726     {
  2727     if (iFactory && iTmsRingTonePlayer)
  2728         {
  2729         DeinitRingTonePlayer();
  2730         iTmsRingTonePlayer->RemoveObserver(*this);
  2731         iFactory->DeleteRingTonePlayer(iTmsRingTonePlayer);
  2732         DisplayText("RT Player Closed");
  2733         }
  2734     }
  2736 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2737 // CTmsTestEngine::CreateInbandTonePlayer
  2738 //
  2739 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2740 //
  2741 void CTmsTestEngine::CreateInbandTonePlayer()
  2742     {
  2743     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2744     if (iFactory && !iInbandTonePlayer)
  2745         {
  2746         status = iFactory->CreateInbandTonePlayer(iInbandTonePlayer);
  2747         if (iInbandTonePlayer && status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2748             {
  2749             iInbandTonePlayer->AddObserver(*this, NULL);
  2750             DisplayText("Inband Tone Player created");
  2751             }
  2752         else
  2753             {
  2754             DisplayText("Inband Tone Player failed: ", status);
  2755             }
  2756         }
  2757     }
  2759 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2760 // CTmsTestEngine::StartInbandTone
  2761 //
  2762 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2763 //
  2764 void CTmsTestEngine::StartInbandTone(TMSInbandToneType inbandtone)
  2765     {
  2766     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2767     CreateInbandTonePlayer();
  2768     if (iFactory && iInbandTonePlayer)
  2769         {
  2770         status = iInbandTonePlayer->Start(inbandtone);
  2771         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2772             {
  2773             DisplayText("Inband Tone Player Start");
  2774             }
  2775         else
  2776             {
  2777             DisplayText("Inband tone failed: ", status);
  2778             }
  2779         }
  2780     }
  2782 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2783 // CTmsTestEngine::StopInbandTone
  2784 //
  2785 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2786 //
  2787 void CTmsTestEngine::StopInbandTone()
  2788     {
  2789     gint status(TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS);
  2790     if (iFactory && iInbandTonePlayer)
  2791         {
  2792         status = iInbandTonePlayer->Stop();
  2793         if (status == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  2794             {
  2795             DisplayText("Inband Tone Player Stop");
  2796             }
  2797         else
  2798             {
  2799             DisplayText("Inband tone failed: ", status);
  2800             }
  2801         }
  2802     }
  2804 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2805 // CTmsTestEngine::OneTouchLoopback
  2806 //
  2807 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2808 //
  2809 void CTmsTestEngine::OneTouchLoopback()
  2810     {
  2811     iOneTouchLoopback = ETrue;
  2813     // Change between CS and IP call type for testing.
  2814     //SetCallType(TMS_CALL_CS); //will activate streams
  2815     SetCallType(TMS_CALL_IP);
  2817     if (iTmsCall->GetCallType() == TMS_CALL_IP)
  2818         {
  2819 #ifdef __WINSCW__
  2820         SetDownlinkFormat(TMS_FORMAT_PCM);
  2821         SetUplinkFormat(TMS_FORMAT_PCM);
  2822 #else  //__WINSCW__
  2823         SetDownlinkFormat(TMS_FORMAT_AMR);
  2824         SetUplinkFormat(TMS_FORMAT_AMR);
  2825 #endif //__WINSCW__
  2826         }
  2827     }
  2829 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2830 // CTmsTestEngine::DoLoopback
  2831 //
  2832 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2833 //
  2834 void CTmsTestEngine::DoLoopback()
  2835     {
  2836     if (iPlayBufReady && iRecBufReady)
  2837         {
  2838         guint8* srcptr(NULL);
  2839         guint8* desptr(NULL);
  2840         guint srcsize(0);
  2841         guint dessize(0);
  2843         iPlayBuf->GetDataPtr(desptr);
  2844         iPlayBuf->GetDataSize(dessize);
  2845         iRecBuf->GetDataPtr(srcptr);
  2846         iRecBuf->GetDataSize(srcsize);
  2848 #ifdef __WINSCW__
  2849         // This is the case when the size of the play buffer is larger than
  2850         // the size of the recorded buffer. In WINS, DirectX views partially
  2851         // filled buffers as an EOS and throws (-10). So, we will collect
  2852         // multiple buffers here.
  2853         Mem::Copy(desptr + iBufIndex, srcptr, srcsize);
  2854         iBufIndex += srcsize;
  2855         if (iBufIndex >= dessize)
  2856             {
  2857             iPlayBuf->SetDataSize(dessize);
  2858             static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->BufferFilled(
  2859                     *iPlayBuf);
  2860             iPlayBufReady = EFalse; // buf filled, ready for next FillBuffer
  2861             iBufIndex = 0;
  2862             }
  2863 #else //__WINSCW__
  2864         Mem::Copy(desptr, srcptr, srcsize);
  2865         iPlayBuf->SetDataSize(srcsize);
  2866         static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->BufferFilled(
  2867                 *iPlayBuf);
  2868         iPlayBufReady = EFalse; // buf filled, ready for FillBuffer
  2869 #endif //__WINSCW__
  2870         iRecBufReady = EFalse; // buf consumed, ready for next EmptyBuffer
  2871         }
  2872     }
  2874 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2875 // CTmsTestEngine::EndCall
  2876 //
  2877 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2878 //
  2879 void CTmsTestEngine::EndCall()
  2880     {
  2881     StopUplink();
  2882     StopDownlink();
  2883     CloseUplink();
  2884     CloseDownlink();
  2885     CloseDTMFPlayerUplink();
  2886     CloseDTMFPlayerDnlink();
  2888     if (iTmsUplink && iTmsCall)
  2889         {
  2890         iTmsCall->DeleteStream(iTmsUplink);
  2891         }
  2892     if (iTmsDnlink && iTmsCall)
  2893         {
  2894         iTmsCall->DeleteStream(iTmsDnlink);
  2895         }
  2896     if (iFactory && iTmsCall)
  2897         {
  2898         iFactory->DeleteCall(iTmsCall);
  2899         }
  2900     if (iFactory && iTmsClientSource)
  2901         {
  2902         if (iCallType == TMS_CALL_IP)
  2903             {
  2904             static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->RemoveObserver(
  2905                     *this);
  2906             }
  2907         iFactory->DeleteSource(iTmsClientSource);
  2908         }
  2909     if (iFactory && iTmsMicSource)
  2910         {
  2911         iFactory->DeleteSource(iTmsMicSource);
  2912         }
  2913     if (iFactory && iTmsModemSource)
  2914         {
  2915         iFactory->DeleteSource(iTmsModemSource);
  2916         }
  2917     if (iFactory && iTmsClientSink)
  2918         {
  2919         if (iCallType == TMS_CALL_IP)
  2920             {
  2921             static_cast<TMSClientSink*> (iTmsClientSink)->RemoveObserver(*this);
  2922             }
  2923         iFactory->DeleteSink(iTmsClientSink);
  2924         }
  2925     if (iFactory && iTmsSpeakerSink)
  2926         {
  2927         iFactory->DeleteSink(iTmsSpeakerSink);
  2928         }
  2929     if (iFactory && iTmsModemSink)
  2930         {
  2931         iFactory->DeleteSink(iTmsModemSink);
  2932         }
  2933     if (iFactory && iTmsDnlinkEffect)
  2934         {
  2935         static_cast<TMSVolumeEffect*> (iTmsDnlinkEffect)->RemoveObserver(*this);
  2936         iFactory->DeleteEffect(iTmsDnlinkEffect);
  2937         }
  2938     if (iFactory && iTmsUplinkEffect)
  2939         {
  2940         static_cast<TMSGainEffect*> (iTmsUplinkEffect)->RemoveObserver(*this);
  2941         iFactory->DeleteEffect(iTmsUplinkEffect);
  2942         }
  2943     if (iFactory && iEncFormatIntfc)
  2944         {
  2945         iFactory->DeleteFormat(iEncFormatIntfc);
  2946         }
  2947     if (iFactory && iDecFormatIntfc)
  2948         {
  2949         iFactory->DeleteFormat(iDecFormatIntfc);
  2950         }
  2951     if (iFactory && iDTMFTonePlayerDn)
  2952         {
  2953         iFactory->DeleteDTMF(iDTMFTonePlayerDn);
  2954         }
  2955     if (iFactory && iDTMFTonePlayerUp)
  2956         {
  2957         iFactory->DeleteDTMF(iDTMFTonePlayerUp);
  2958         }
  2959     }
  2961 #ifdef __RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
  2962 void CTmsTestEngine::WriteToFile(const guint8* str, const guint len)
  2963     {
  2964     TPtrC8 ptr(str, len);
  2965     TPtr8 p = iWriteBuf->Des();
  2966     p.Copy(ptr);
  2967     iFile.Write(p);
  2968     }
  2969 #endif //__RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
  2971 // CALLBACKS
  2973 void CTmsTestEngine::TMSStreamEvent(const TMSStream& stream,
  2974         TMSSignalEvent event)
  2975     {
  2976     switch (const_cast<TMSStream&> (stream).GetStreamType())
  2977         {
  2978         case TMS_STREAM_UPLINK:
  2979             {
  2980             switch (event.type)
  2981                 {
  2982                 case TMS_EVENT_STREAM_STATE_CHANGED:
  2983                     {
  2984                     switch (event.curr_state)
  2985                         {
  2986                         case TMS_STREAM_INITIALIZED:
  2987                             {
  2988 #ifdef __PROFILING_ENABLED__
  2989                             TAG_CALLBACK_TIME_PROFILING_END;
  2990                             PRINT_CALLBACK_TIME_LATENCY;
  2991 #endif //__PROFILING_ENABLED__
  2992                             iUpLinkStatus = EReady;
  2993                             DisplayText("Uplink initialized ");
  2994                             if (iOneTouchLoopback)
  2995                                 {
  2996                                 StartUplink();
  2997                                 }
  2998                             break;
  2999                             }
  3000                         case TMS_STREAM_UNINITIALIZED:
  3001                             iTmsUplink->RemoveObserver(*this);
  3002                             DisplayText("Uplink uninitialized");
  3003                             break;
  3004                         case TMS_STREAM_PAUSED:
  3005                             DisplayText("Uplink paused");
  3006                             break;
  3007                         case TMS_STREAM_STARTED:
  3008                             DisplayText("Uplink started");
  3009                             break;
  3010                         default:
  3011                             break;
  3012                         }
  3013                     break;
  3014                     }
  3015                 case TMS_EVENT_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR:
  3016                     DisplayText("Uplink Error ", event.reason);
  3017                     break;
  3018                 default:
  3019                     break;
  3020                 }
  3021             break;
  3022             }
  3023         case TMS_STREAM_DOWNLINK:
  3024             {
  3025             switch (event.type)
  3026                 {
  3027                 case TMS_EVENT_STREAM_STATE_CHANGED:
  3028                     {
  3029                     switch (event.curr_state)
  3030                         {
  3031                         case TMS_STREAM_INITIALIZED:
  3032                             {
  3033 #ifdef __PROFILING_ENABLED__
  3034                             TAG_CALLBACK_TIME_PROFILING_END;
  3035                             PRINT_CALLBACK_TIME_LATENCY;
  3036                             TAG_CALLBACK_TIME_PROFILING_START;
  3037 #endif //__PROFILING_ENABLED__
  3038                             GetMaxVolume();
  3039                             SetVolume(iMaxVolume / 2);
  3040                             iDnLinkStatus = EReady;
  3041                             DisplayText("Downlink initialized");
  3042                             if (iOneTouchLoopback)
  3043                                 {
  3044 #ifndef __WINSCW__
  3045                                 // No audio mixing in WINS - do not start
  3046                                 StartDownlink();
  3047 #endif //__WINSCW__
  3048                                 }
  3049                             break;
  3050                             }
  3051                         case TMS_STREAM_UNINITIALIZED:
  3052                             iTmsDnlink->RemoveObserver(*this);
  3053                             DisplayText("Downlink uninitialized");
  3054                             break;
  3055                         case TMS_STREAM_PAUSED:
  3056                             DisplayText("Downlink paused");
  3057                             break;
  3058                         case TMS_STREAM_STARTED:
  3059                             DisplayText("Downlink started");
  3060                             break;
  3061                         default:
  3062                             break;
  3063                         }
  3064                     break;
  3065                     }
  3066                 case TMS_EVENT_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR:
  3067                     DisplayText("Downlink Error ", event.reason);
  3068                     break;
  3069                 default:
  3070                     break;
  3071                 }
  3072             break;
  3073             }
  3074         default:
  3075             break;
  3076         }
  3077     }
  3079 //From TMSClientSourceObserver
  3080 void CTmsTestEngine::FillBuffer(TMSBuffer& buffer)
  3081     {
  3082     iPlayBufReady = ETrue;
  3083     iPlayBuf = &buffer;
  3085 #ifdef __PLAY_WAV_FROM_FILE__
  3086     guint8* gptr(NULL);
  3087     iPlayBuf->GetDataPtr(gptr);
  3088     guint gsize;
  3089     iPlayBuf->GetDataSize(gsize);
  3090     if (!iBuf)
  3091         {
  3092         iBuf = HBufC8::NewL(gsize);
  3093         }
  3094     TPtr8 p = iBuf->Des();
  3096     if ((iReadPos + gsize) > iFileLen)
  3097         {
  3098         gsize = iFileLen - iReadPos;
  3099         iEOF = ETrue;
  3100         }
  3102     iFile.Read(iReadPos, p, gsize);
  3103     //  DEBPRN1(_L("CVoIPTestEngine[0x%x]::FillBuffer [%d]"), iReadPos);
  3105     if (!iEOF)
  3106         {
  3107         iReadPos += gsize;
  3108         }
  3109     else
  3110         {
  3111         // start over from the beginning
  3112         iReadPos = 0;
  3113         iEOF = EFalse;
  3114         }
  3116     Mem::Copy(gptr, (TUint8*) iBuf->Ptr(), iBuf->Size());
  3117     iPlayBuf->SetDataSize(iBuf->Size());
  3118     static_cast<TMSClientSource*> (iTmsClientSource)->BufferFilled(*iPlayBuf);
  3119     User::After(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(100000)); //clears choppy audio
  3121     iPlayBufReady = EFalse; // buf filled, ready for FillBuffer
  3122     iRecBufReady = EFalse; // buf consumed, ready for EmptyBuffer
  3124 #else //__PLAY_WAV_FROM_FILE__
  3125     if (iDnLinkStatus == EStreaming)
  3126         {
  3127         DoLoopback();
  3128         }
  3129 #endif //__PLAY_WAV_FROM_FILE__
  3130     }
  3132 //From TMSClientSourceObserver
  3133 void CTmsTestEngine::BufferProcessed(const TMSBuffer* /*buffer*/,
  3134         gint /*reason*/)
  3135     {
  3136     }
  3138 // From TMSClientSinkObserver
  3139 void CTmsTestEngine::ProcessBuffer(const TMSBuffer* buffer)
  3140     {
  3141     iRecBufReady = ETrue;
  3142     iRecBuf = const_cast<TMSBuffer*> (buffer);
  3144     if (iUpLinkStatus == EStreaming)
  3145         {
  3146         // Process recorded buffer here.
  3148 #ifdef __RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
  3149         guint8* p(NULL);
  3150         guint len(0);
  3151         iRecBuf->GetDataPtr(p);
  3152         iRecBuf->GetDataSize(len);
  3153         WriteToFile(p, len);
  3154 #endif //__RECORD_WAV_TO_FILE__
  3156         DoLoopback();
  3157         static_cast<TMSClientSink*> (iTmsClientSink)->BufferProcessed(iRecBuf);
  3158         }
  3159     }
  3161 // From TMSEffectObserver
  3162 void CTmsTestEngine::EffectsEvent(const TMSEffect& tmseffect,
  3163         TMSSignalEvent event)
  3164     {
  3165     gint reason = event.reason;
  3167     if (reason == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  3168         {
  3169         TMSEffectType effecttype;
  3170         const_cast<TMSEffect&> (tmseffect).GetType(effecttype);
  3171         switch (effecttype)
  3172             {
  3173             case TMS_EFFECT_GLOBAL_VOL:
  3174                 {
  3175                 switch (event.type)
  3176                     {
  3177                     case TMS_EVENT_EFFECT_VOL_CHANGED:
  3178                         DisplayText("Global vol effect change");
  3179                         TMSVolumeEventChangeData* vd;
  3180                         vd = static_cast<TMSVolumeEventChangeData*>
  3181                                 (event.event_data);
  3182                         DisplayText("Volume level: ", vd->level);
  3183                         DisplayText("Output device: ", vd->output);
  3184                         break;
  3185                     default:
  3186                         break;
  3187                     }
  3188                 }
  3189                 break;
  3190             case TMS_EFFECT_GLOBAL_GAIN:
  3191                 {
  3192                 switch (event.type)
  3193                     {
  3194                     case TMS_EVENT_EFFECT_GAIN_CHANGED:
  3195                         DisplayText("Global gain effect change");
  3196                         break;
  3197                     default:
  3198                         break;
  3199                     }
  3200                 }
  3201                 break;
  3202             case TMS_EFFECT_VOLUME:
  3203                 {
  3204                 switch (event.type)
  3205                     {
  3206                     case TMS_EVENT_EFFECT_VOL_CHANGED:
  3207                         DisplayText("Stream vol effect change");
  3208                         break;
  3209                     default:
  3210                         break;
  3211                     }
  3212                 }
  3213                 break;
  3214             case TMS_EFFECT_GAIN:
  3215                 {
  3216                 switch (event.type)
  3217                     {
  3218                     case TMS_EVENT_EFFECT_GAIN_CHANGED:
  3219                         DisplayText("Stream gain effect change");
  3220                         break;
  3221                     default:
  3222                         break;
  3223                     }
  3224                 }
  3225                 break;
  3226             default:
  3227                 break;
  3228             }
  3229         }
  3230     else
  3231         {
  3232         DisplayText("Effect failed: ", reason);
  3233         }
  3234     }
  3236 // From TMSGlobalRoutingObserver
  3237 void CTmsTestEngine::GlobalRoutingEvent(const TMSGlobalRouting& /*routing*/,
  3238         TMSSignalEvent event, TMSAudioOutput output)
  3239     {
  3240     gint reason = event.reason;
  3242     if (reason == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  3243         {
  3244         switch (event.type)
  3245             {
  3247                 DisplayText("Available outputs changed");
  3248                 break;
  3249             case TMS_EVENT_ROUTING_OUTPUT_CHANGED:
  3250                 DisplayText("output changed");
  3251                 break;
  3253                 DisplayText("set output complete");
  3254                 break;
  3255             default:
  3256                 break;
  3257             }
  3258         DisplayDevice(output);
  3259         }
  3260     else
  3261         {
  3262         DisplayText("Routing failed", reason);
  3263         }
  3264     }
  3266 // From TMSRingToneObserver
  3267 void CTmsTestEngine::RingtoneEvent(const TMSRingTone& /*rt*/,
  3268         TMSSignalEvent event)
  3269     {
  3270     gint reason = event.reason;
  3272     if (reason == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  3273         {
  3274         switch (event.type)
  3275             {
  3276             case TMS_EVENT_RINGTONE_OPEN_COMPLETE:
  3277                 DisplayText("RT Open Complete");
  3278                 break;
  3279             case TMS_EVENT_RINGTONE_PLAY_COMPLETE:
  3280                 DisplayText("RT Play Complete");
  3281                 break;
  3283                 DisplayText("RT Deinit Complete");
  3284                 break;
  3285             default:
  3286                 break;
  3287             }
  3288         }
  3289     else
  3290         {
  3291         DisplayText("Ringtone failed", reason);
  3292         }
  3293     }
  3295 // From TMSDTMFObserver
  3296 void CTmsTestEngine::DTMFEvent(const TMSDTMF& /*dtmf*/, TMSSignalEvent event)
  3297     {
  3298     gint reason = event.reason;
  3300     if (reason == TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  3301         {
  3302         switch (event.type)
  3303             {
  3304             case TMS_EVENT_DTMF_TONE_STARTED:
  3305                 DisplayText("DTMF Started");
  3306                 break;
  3307             case TMS_EVENT_DTMF_TONE_STOPPED:
  3308                 DisplayText("DTMF Stopped");
  3309                 break;
  3310             default:
  3311                 break;
  3312             }
  3313         }
  3314     else
  3315         {
  3316         DisplayText("DTMF failed", reason);
  3317         }
  3318     }
  3320 // From TMSInbandToneObserver
  3321 void CTmsTestEngine::InbandToneEvent(const TMSInbandTone& /*inbandtone*/,
  3322         TMSSignalEvent event)
  3323     {
  3324     gint reason = event.reason;
  3326     if (reason != TMS_RESULT_SUCCESS)
  3327         {
  3328         switch (event.type)
  3329             {
  3330             case TMS_EVENT_INBAND_TONE_STARTED:
  3331                 DisplayText("Inband Tone Started");
  3332                 break;
  3333             case TMS_EVENT_INBAND_TONE_STOPPED:
  3334                 DisplayText("Inband Tone Stopped");
  3335                 break;
  3336             default:
  3337                 break;
  3338             }
  3339         }
  3340     else
  3341         {
  3342         DisplayText("Inband tone failed", reason);
  3343         }
  3344     }
  3346 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3347 // CTmsTestEngine::DisplayText
  3348 // Print text with status code.
  3349 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3350 //
  3351 void CTmsTestEngine::DisplayText(const QString& str, const gint num)
  3352     {
  3353     if (num != 0)
  3354         {
  3355         iStatusDisplay->append(str + " " + QString::number(num));
  3356         }
  3357     else
  3358         {
  3359         iStatusDisplay->append(str);
  3360         }
  3361     }
  3363 // End of file