changeset 0 a2952bb97e68
child 2 7a9a8e73f54b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmappfw_plat/mpx_playback_common_definition_api/inc/mpxplaybackframeworkdefs.h	Thu Dec 17 08:55:47 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Common definition
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mpxplaybackcommanddefs.h> // TMPXPlaybackCommand. After all of clients
+                                    // inlcude this file. this line can be removed.
+#include <mpxplaybackplugin.hrh> // TMPXPlaybackPlayerType
+// 2s - time into the track after which 'back' replays track, else previous track
+const TInt KPbReplayThresholdMiliSeconds=2000;
+// 4s - fades into track over KPbFadeInDurationMicroSeconds
+const TInt KPbFadeInDurationMicroSeconds=4000000;
+// 1s - updates position every KPbPosUpdateMicroSeconds
+const TInt KPbPosUpdateMicroSeconds=1000000;
+// 3s - time taken to fade in after a call
+const TInt KPbResumeWaitTimeMicroSeconds=3000000;
+// 0.5s - interval during which media keys will be buffered
+const TInt KPbMediaKeyIntervalMicroSeconds=500000;
+const TInt KPbSeekIntervalMicroSeconds=300000; // 0.3s  - how often to update
+const TInt KPbInitialSeekStepMilliSeconds=1000; // 1s (1000 millisecond) - first seek step
+const TInt KPbMaxSeekStepPercent=5; // Maximum step size is 5% of duration
+const TInt KPbSeekAccelerationFactor=2; // Each step doubles acceleration speed
+// Multiplier from second to microsecond
+const TInt KPbMicroMultiplier = 1000000;
+// Multiplier from second to millisecond
+const TInt KPbMilliMultiplier = 1000;
+// Minimum volume level
+const TInt KPbPlaybackVolumeLevelMin = 0;
+// Maximum volume level
+const TInt KPbPlaybackVolumeLevelMax = 100;
+// Default volume level
+const TInt KMPXPlaybackDefaultVolume = 40;
+// Position threshold for changes (in miliseconds)
+const TInt KPbPositionChangeThreshold = 1500;
+// Duration change threshold (in miliseconds)
+const TInt KPbDurationChangeThreshold = 1500;
+// UID definition for playback mode
+// For application playback mode, application UID can be used
+const TUid KPbModeDefault = {0x10282930}; // Uses same player as any other
+                                          // player running in same
+const TUid KPbModeActivePlayer = {0x10282931}; // Currently active player or any player if no active player.
+const TUid KPbModeNewPlayer = {0x10282932}; // New player
+// Category for playback utility creation.
+enum TMPXCategory
+    {
+    EMPXCategoryUndefined = 0,
+    EMPXCategoryMusic,
+    EMPXCategoryVideo
+    };
+enum TMPXPlaybackState // State of current player
+    {
+    EPbStateNotInitialised, // 0
+    EPbStateInitialising,   // 1
+    EPbStatePlaying,        // 2
+    EPbStatePaused,         // 3
+    EPbStateStopped,        // 4
+    EPbStateSeekingForward, // 5
+    EPbStateSeekingBackward,// 6
+    EPbStateShuttingDown,   // 7
+    EPbStateBuffering,      // 8
+    EPbStateDownloading,    // 9
+    EPbStatePluginSeeking,  // 10	
+    EPbStateInitialised    // 11    
+    };
+enum // Supported features
+    {
+    EPbFeatureBalance=0x01,
+    EPbFeatureEmbeddedMode=0x04,
+    EPbFeatureCrossFade=0x08,
+    EPbFeatureFadeIn=0x10,
+    EPbFeatureSeekable=0x20,
+    EPbFeatureNetwork=0x40,
+    EPbFeatureVolumeRamp=0x80,
+    EPbFeaturePdPausable=0x1000 //progress download pausable
+    };
+*  Properties that can be queried, but not all can be set.
+*  Some properties pertain to the specific track, some to
+*  the specific player, and others are general
+enum TMPXPlaybackProperty
+    {
+    EPbPropertyVolume,    // 0 volume level values 0-KPbPlaybackVolumeLevelMax
+    EPbPropertyMaxVolume, // 1 read only, KPbPlaybackVolumeLevelMax
+    EPbPropertyVolumeRamp,// 2
+    EPbPropertyMute,      // 3 values 0(normal), 1(muted)
+    EPbPropertyBalance,   // 4 values -100(left) - 0 - +100(right)
+    EPbPropertyEmbeddedMode,// 5
+    EPbPropertyCrossFade,   // 6
+    EPbPropertyRandomMode,  // 7
+    EPbPropertyRepeatMode,  // 8
+    EPbPropertyAccessPoint, // 9
+    EPbPropertyPosition,    // 10 depends on the plugin, it's safer to pause
+                            // the playing item before setting position
+    EPbPropertyDuration,    // 11 read only, millisecond
+    EPbPropertySongValid,   // 12
+    EPbPropertyRemote,      // 13
+    EPbPropertySupportedFeatures,// 14 read only
+    EPbPropertyNum               // 15 Last
+    };
+enum TMPXPlaybackRepeatMode // Repeat settings
+    {
+    EPbRepeatOff, // No repeat
+    EPbRepeatOne, // Play one track over and over again
+    EPbRepeatAll  // Repeat the whole play list
+    };
+enum // Balance settings
+    {
+    EPbBalanceMaxLeft=-100,
+    EPbBalanceCenter=0,
+    EPbBalanceMaxRight=100
+    };
+#ifdef __ACCESSORY_FW
+* accessory modes:
+* EPbAccessoryHandPortable       Hand-portable
+* EPbAccessoryWiredHeadset       Wired headset
+* EPbAccessoryWirelessHeadset    Wireless headset
+* EPbAccessoryWiredCarKit        Wired carkit
+* EPbAccessoryWirelessCarKit     Wireless carkit
+* EPbAccessoryTextDevice         TTY
+* EPbAccessoryLoopset            Loopset
+* EPbAccessoryMusicStand         Musicstand
+enum TMPXPlaybackAccessoryMode
+    {
+    EPbAccessoryModeUnknown        = -1,
+    EPbAccessoryHandPortable       = 0x00000000,
+    EPbAccessoryWiredHeadset       = 0x00000001,
+    EPbAccessoryWirelessHeadset    = 0x00000002,
+    EPbAccessoryWiredCarKit        = 0x00000004,
+    EPbAccessoryWirelessCarKit     = 0x00000008,
+    EPbAccessoryTextDevice         = 0x00000010,
+    EPbAccessoryLoopset            = 0x00000020,
+    EPbAccessoryMusicStand         = 0x00000040,
+    EPbAccessoryTVOut              = 0x00000080,
+    EPbAccessoryHeadphones         = 0x00000100
+    };
+* accessory modes:
+* EPbAccessoryUnknown          Accessory mode is unknown
+* EPbAccessoryNone             No external accessories connected.
+* EPbAccessoryUnsupported      Unknown accessory connected.
+* EPbAccessoryDataCable        Connected with data cable.
+* EPbAccessoryHeadset          Headset connected.
+* EPbAccessoryLoopset          Loopset connected.
+* EPbAccessoryCarKit           CarKit connected.
+* EPbAccessoryMic              External mic connected.
+* EPbAccessoryTty              TTY connected.
+* EPbAccessoryBtHeadset        BT Headset connected.
+* EPbAccessoryBtCarKit         BT CarKit connected.
+enum TMPXPlaybackAccessoryMode
+    {
+    EPbAccessoryModeUnknown  = -1,
+    EPbAccessoryNone         = 0x00000000,
+    EPbAccessoryUnsupported  = 0x00000001,
+    EPbAccessoryDataCable    = 0x00000002,
+    EPbAccessoryHeadset      = 0x00000004,
+    EPbAccessoryLoopset      = 0x00000008,
+    EPbAccessoryCarKit       = 0x00000010,
+    EPbAccessoryMic          = 0x00000020,
+    EPbAccessoryTty          = 0x00000040,
+    EPbAccessoryBtHeadset    = 0x00000080,
+    EPbAccessoryBtCarKit     = 0x00000100,
+    };
+// Server function codes
+enum TMPXPlaybackServerOp
+    {
+    EPbsGetNextMessage,           // 0 Must be 0
+    EPbsCancelGetMessage,         // 1 Must be 1
+    EPbsSetMode,                  // 2 Must be called before any other following op
+    EPbsGetClients,               // 3
+    EPbsInitFromCollection,       // 4
+    EPbsInitFromUri,              // 5
+    EPbsInitFromFile,             // 6
+    EPbsCancelRequest,            // 7
+    EPbsCommand,                  // 8
+    EPbsCommandExt = EPbsCommand, // DEPRECATED to be removed
+    EPbsGetState,                 // 9
+    EPbsSetProperty,              // 10
+    EPbsGetProperty,              // 11
+    EPbsGetPlayerTypes,           // 12
+    EPbsGetPlayerTypeDisplayName, // 13
+    EPbsGetAllPlayersUids,        // 14
+    EPbsGetPlayersUidsForType,    // 15
+    EPbsGetSubPlayerNamesByUid,   // 16
+    EPbsSelectPlayerByType,       // 17
+    EPbsSelectPlayerByUid,        // 18
+    EPbsSelectSubPlayer,          // 19
+    EPbsClearPlayerSelection,     // 20
+    EPbsGetSelection,             // 21
+    EPbsPlayerFound,              // 22
+    EPbsGetPlayerType,            // 23
+    EPbsGetTypeName,              // 24
+    EPbsGetSubPlayerIndex,        // 25
+    EPbsGetPlayerUid,             // 26
+    EPbsGetCollectionPlaylist,    // 27
+    EPbsGetFile,                  // 28
+    EPbsGetUri,                   // 29
+    EPbsGetMedia,                 // 30
+    EPbsGetSupportedMimeTypes,    // 31
+    EPbsGetSupportedExtensions,   // 32
+    EPbsGetSupportedSchemas,      // 33
+    EPbsGetSyncBuffer, // 34 Gets server side buffer following client sync request
+    EPbsGetAsyncBuffer, // 35 Gets server side buffer following client async request
+    EPbsCustomCommandSyncReceive,   // 36
+    EPbsCustomCommandSyncNoReceive, // 37
+    EPbsCustomCommandAsyncReceive,  // 38
+    EPbsCustomCommandAsyncNoReceive,// 39
+    EPbsInitStreamingFromUri,       // 40
+    EPbsInitStreamingFromFile,      // 41
+    EPbsInitFromFile64,             // 42
+    EPbsInitStreamingFromFile64,    // 43
+    EPbsGetFile64,                  // 44
+    EPbsServerOpEnd                 // End of operation     
+    };
+// End of file