--- a/mmappcomponents/mmmtpdataprovider/inc/mmmtpdputility.h Fri Apr 16 15:28:14 2010 +0300
+++ b/mmappcomponents/mmmtpdataprovider/inc/mmmtpdputility.h Mon May 03 12:58:40 2010 +0300
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
#include "mmmtpdpfiledefs.h"
// forward declacration
-class CMTPObjectMetaData;
-class MMTPDataProviderFramework;
+class RFs;
class MmMtpDpUtility
@@ -45,20 +44,11 @@
static TBool HasMetadata( TUint16 aObjFormatCode );
- * Utility function to decide if the file is video.
- * @param aFullFileName, the full file name
- * @return TBool for decide if the file is video
+ * Utility function to decide if there is any reference
+ * @param aObjFormatCode, object format code
+ * @return TBool for decide if there are some references
- IMPORT_C static TBool IsVideoL( const TDesC& aFullFileName );
- /**
- * Utility function to decide if the file is video.
- * For internal use, this is fast version by querying framework DB
- * @param aFullFileName, the full file name
- * @param aFramework, the mtp framework instance pointer, default is null
- * @return TBool for decide if the file is video
- */
- static TBool IsVideoL( const TDesC& aFullFileName, const MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework );
+ static TBool HasReference( TUint16 aObjFormatCode );
* Check the filename length to see if it exceeds Symbian 256 limit.
@@ -83,7 +73,7 @@
* @param aFullFileName, fine name
* @return TTime for specified file
- static TTime GetObjectDateModifiedL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFullFileName );
+ static void GetObjectDateModifiedL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFullFileName, TDes& aDateModified );
* Check if file is read-only, if file doesn't exist, leave
@@ -145,7 +135,7 @@
* @param aSubFormatCode, output the sub format code
* @return if success, return KErrNone, otherwise, error code
- static TInt SubFormatCodeFromMime( const TDesC8& aMimeType, TMmMtpSubFormatCode& aSubFormatCode );
+ static TMmMtpSubFormatCode SubFormatCodeFromMime( const TDesC8& aMimeType );
* Get DRM status