* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Definition for MTP Utility File
#include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
#include "mmmtpdpfiledefs.h"
// forward declacration
class CMTPObjectMetaData;
class MMTPDataProviderFramework;
class MmMtpDpUtility
* Utility function to get the type of an object from the filename
* @param aFullFileName, full path of file name
* @return TMTPFormatCode for the passed file name
IMPORT_C static TMTPFormatCode FormatFromFilename( const TDesC& aFullFileName );
* Utility function to decide if has metadata
* @param aObjFormatCode, object format code
* @return TBool for decide if has metadata
static TBool HasMetadata( TUint16 aObjFormatCode );
* Utility function to decide if there is any reference
* @param aObjFormatCode, object format code
* @return TBool for decide if there are some references
static TBool HasReference( TUint16 aObjFormatCode );
* Utility function to decide if the file is video.
* @param aFullFileName, the full file name
* @return TBool for decide if the file is video
IMPORT_C static TBool IsVideo( const TDesC& aFullFileName );
* Utility function to decide if the file is video.
* For internal use, this is fast version by querying framework DB
* @param aFullFileName, the full file name
* @param aFramework, the mtp framework instance pointer, default is null
* @return TBool for decide if the file is video
static TBool IsVideoL( const TDesC& aFullFileName, const MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework );
* Utility function to decide if the file is video.
* For internal use, this is fast version by querying framework DB
* @param aFormatCode,
* @param aSubFormatCode,
* @return TBool for decide if the file is video
static TBool IsVideoL( TUint aFormatCode, TUint aSubFormatCode );
* Check the filename length to see if it exceeds Symbian 256 limit.
* @param aPathName, the path name of the file
* @param aFileName, the file to be check
* @return TBool for decide if the file name validate
static TBool ValidateFilename( const TDesC& aPathName,
const TDesC& aFileName );
* Check the file size, if file doesn't exist, leave
* @param aFs, handle of file server session
* @param aFileName, fine name
* @return TUint64 size for specified file
static TUint64 GetObjectSizeL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFileName );
* Get file date modified info
* @param aFs , handle of file server session
* @param aFullFileName, fine name
* @return TTime for specified file
static TTime GetObjectDateModifiedL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFullFileName );
* Check if file is read-only, if file doesn't exist, leave
* @param aFs , handle of file server session
* @param aFullFileName, the file to be check
static TUint16 GetProtectionStatusL( RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFullFileName );
* Check if prop type and data type match
* @param aPropertyCode, the proptery code
* @param aDataType, the data type
* @param TMTPResponseCode, decide if match
static TMTPResponseCode CheckPropType( TUint16 aPropertyCode,
TUint16 aDataType );
* Update object file name
* @param aFs
* @param aPathName, the path name of the file
* @param aFullFileName, the file to be check
static TInt UpdateObjectFileName( RFs& aFs,
const TDesC& aFullFileName,
TDes& aNewName );
* Get the mime type of file, support mp4/3gp now
* @param aFullPath, full path of file
* @return mime type string, if return NULL, no mime or failed
static HBufC8* ContainerMimeType( const TDesC& aFullPath );
* Get the Mime from Mp4 file
* @param aFullFileName, full path of file
* @return mime type string, if return NULL, no mime or failed
static HBufC8* Mp4MimeTypeL( const TDesC& aFullFileName );
* Get the Mime from Odf file
* @param aFullFileName, full path of file
* @return mime type string, if return NULL, no mime or failed
static HBufC8* OdfMimeTypeL( const TDesC& aFullFileName );
* Get the Mime from Asf file
* @param aFullFileName, full path of file
* @return mime type string, if return NULL, no mime or failed
static HBufC8* AsfMimeTypeL( const TDesC& aFullFileName );
* get the sub format code by mime
* @param aMimeType, mime type
* @param aSubFormatCode, output the sub format code
* @return if success, return KErrNone, otherwise, error code
static TInt SubFormatCodeFromMime( const TDesC8& aMimeType, TMmMtpSubFormatCode& aSubFormatCode );
* Get DRM status
* @param aFullFileName, full file name
* @return return DRM status code
IMPORT_C static TInt GetDrmStatus( const TDesC& aFullFileName );