author Stefan Karlsson <>
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:37:43 +0100
changeset 16 7338708f87ae
parent 0 a2952bb97e68
child 54 fa0adf088850
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.

* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Incremental OpenL() utility

#include <e32base.h>
#include <mpxmessage.h>
#include <mpxcollectionpath.h>
#include <mpxcollectionutility.h>
#include <mpxcollectionmessagedefs.h>
#include <mpxmessagegeneraldefs.h>
#include <mpxmediageneraldefs.h>
#include <mpxcommandgeneraldefs.h>
#include <mpxincrementalopendefs.h>
#include <mpxmediacontainerdefs.h>
#include <mpxcollectionmessage.h>
#include <mpxlog.h>
#include <mpxcollectionopenlresultdef.h>
#include <mpxcollectioncommanddefs.h>
#include "mpxcollectionopenutility.h"
#include <e32math.h>

const TInt KArrayGranularity = 5;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static function to compare two datablock items
// used for sorting datablocks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TInt CompareAsc( const TMPXOpenDataBlock& aFirst,
                        const TMPXOpenDataBlock& aSecond )
    return aFirst.iOffset > aSecond.iOffset;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static function to compare two datablock items
// used for sorting datablocks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TInt CompareDsc( const TMPXOpenDataBlock& aFirst,
                        const TMPXOpenDataBlock& aSecond )
    return aFirst.iOffset < aSecond.iOffset;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::CMPXCollectionOpenUtility( MMPXCollectionObserver* aObs,
                                                      TUid aMode ) 
                                                    : iFetchStep(EFetchNone),
                                                      iObs( aObs ),
                                                      iMode( aMode )

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2nd Phase Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::ConstructL()
    iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-Phased Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMPXCollectionOpenUtility* CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::NewL( 
                                                 MMPXCollectionObserver* aObs,  
                                                 TUid aMode )
    CMPXCollectionOpenUtility* self = 
                       new( ELeave ) CMPXCollectionOpenUtility( aObs, aMode );
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if( iCollection )
    if( iTimer )
        delete iTimer;
    delete iPath;
    delete iMedia;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Start the incremental fetching operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::StartL( TArray<TMPXAttribute> /*aAttrs*/,
                                                 TInt aChunkSize,
                                                 TInt aOffset,
                                                 TDirection aDirection,
                                                 TMPXAttribute aKeyAttribute )
    // Assert we are idle
    ASSERT( iFetchStep == EFetchNone );
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::StartL <---");
    // Copy the operation data
    iFetchInfo.iSize = aChunkSize;
    iFetchInfo.iOffset = aOffset;
    iFetchDirection = aDirection;
    iKeyAttribute = aKeyAttribute;
    iData = NULL;
    delete iMedia;
    iMedia = NULL;
    delete iPath; 
    iPath = NULL;
    // Start reading
    iFetchStep = EFetchCount;
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::StartL --->");

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Start the incremental fetching operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::StartL( const CMPXCollectionPath& aPath,
                                                 TArray<TMPXAttribute> /*aAttrs*/,
                                                 TInt aChunkSize,
                                                 TInt aOffset,
                                                 TDirection aDirection,
                                                 TMPXAttribute aKeyAttribute )
    // Assert we are idle and isolated mode
    MPX_ASSERT( iFetchStep == EFetchNone );
    MPX_ASSERT( iMode == KMcModeIsolated || iMode == KMcModePlaylist );
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::StartL aPath <---");
    if( !iCollection )
        iCollection = MMPXCollectionUtility::NewL( this, iMode ); 
    // Copy the operation data
    MPX_DEBUG_PATH( aPath );
    iFetchInfo.iSize = aChunkSize;
    iFetchInfo.iOffset = aOffset;
    iFetchDirection = aDirection;
    iKeyAttribute = aKeyAttribute;
    iData = NULL;
    delete iMedia;
    iMedia = NULL;
    delete iPath;
    iPath = NULL;
    iPath = CMPXCollectionPath::NewL( aPath );
    // Start the fetch operation by setting up the context
    // to the correct path
    iFetchStep = EFetchPath;
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::StartL --->");

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stop the incremental fetching operation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::Stop()
    // Cancel all outstanding collection open requests
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::Stop <---");
    if( iCollection )
    delete iMedia; 
    iMedia = NULL;
    iData = NULL;
    iFetchStep = EFetchNone;
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::Stop --->");

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the direction of the incremental fetching algorithm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::SetDirection( TDirection aDirection )
    iFetchDirection = aDirection;
    if( iFetchStep == EFetchItems || iFetchStep == EFetchCommand )
        TBool skipFirst = iFetchStep == EFetchCommand ? ETrue : EFalse;
        if( iFetchDirection == EFetchDown )
            DoSortAscend( skipFirst );
        else if( iFetchDirection == EFetchUp )
            DoSortDescend( skipFirst );
        else if( iFetchDirection == EFetchNormal )
            TRAP_IGNORE( DoSortNormalL( skipFirst ) );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the fetching delay
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::SetDelay( TInt aDelay )
    iFetchDelay = aDelay;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the current path
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CMPXCollectionPath* CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::PathL()
    CMPXCollectionPath* p(NULL);
    if( iCollection )
        p = iCollection->Collection().PathL();
    return p;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Collection Message
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleCollectionMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr)
    if( aErr == KErrNone && aMsg )
        TRAP_IGNORE( DoHandleCollectionMessageL( *aMsg ) );

 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // HandleOpenL
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleOpenL(const CMPXMedia& aEntries,
                                            TInt aIndex,
                                            TBool aComplete,
                                            TInt aError)
    if( iFetchStep == EFetchCount )
        DoHandleCountL( aEntries, aIndex, aError );
    else if( iFetchStep == EFetchItems )
        DoHandleFetchItemsL( aEntries, aIndex, aError );
        MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleOpenL EFetchPath/EFetchNone");
        iFetchStep = EFetchNone;
        iObs->HandleOpenL( aEntries, aIndex, aComplete, aError );
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // HandleOpenL
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleOpenL(const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& aPlaylist,
                                            TInt aError)
    iObs->HandleOpenL( aPlaylist, aError );
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Handle Command Complete
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleCommandComplete(CMPXCommand* aCommandResult, 
                                                      TInt aError )
    // Continue fetching items
    iFetchStep = EFetchItems;
    TRAP_IGNORE( DoHandleCommandCompleteL( *aCommandResult, aError ) );
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Handle Collection Media
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleCollectionMediaL(const CMPXMedia& /*aMedia*/, 
                                                       TInt /*aError*/)
    // Do Nothing

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Collection Messages
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleCollectionMessageL( const CMPXMessage& aMsg )
    TMPXMessageId id( aMsg.ValueTObjectL<TMPXMessageId>( KMPXMessageGeneralId ) );
    if ( KMPXMessageGeneral == id &&
         iFetchStep == EFetchPath )
        TInt event( aMsg.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralEvent ) );
        TInt type( aMsg.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralType ) );
        TInt data( aMsg.ValueTObjectL<TInt>( KMPXMessageGeneralData) );
        if ( event == TMPXCollectionMessage::EPathChanged && 
            type == EMcPathChangedByOpen )
            MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleCollectionMessageL -- path opened");
            if( data == EMcContainerOpened)
                iFetchStep = EFetchCount;
            else if( data == EMcItemOpened )  // only 2 cases
                // Playlist, simply forward back to the observer
                iFetchStep = EFetchNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Command complete
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleCommandCompleteL(CMPXCommand& /*aCommandResult*/, 
                                                         TInt aError)
    if( iSelecting )
        iSelecting = EFalse;
    else if( aError == KErrNone )
        // Get the data to return to the client, callback at HandleOpen()
        // Implemented because the command tells the plugin to fetch the 
        // next block of data. However, the actual media object containing 
        // the current browse data may have been re-allocated. We cannot
        // assume that the data pointer remains the same. Therefore, it is
        // safer to refetch the data from the collection via OpenL()
        // This call should be FAST because the data has already been read at this point
        MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleCommandComplete OpenL <---");
        if( iIncrementalChunks.Count() == 1 || iFirstOpen )
    else if( aError == KErrNotReady )
        // Cache was deleted, need to restart the fetching operation
        iFetchStep = EFetchCount;
    else // aError != KErrNone 
        // Error occured, such as not supported
        MPX_DEBUG2("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleCommandComplete Error %i <---", aError);
        iFetchStep = EFetchNone;
        CMPXMedia* temp = CMPXMedia::NewL();
        CleanupStack::PushL( temp );    
        iObs->HandleOpenL( *temp, 0, ETrue, aError );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( temp );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fetch count step
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoFetchCountL()
    if( !iCollection )
        iCollection = MMPXCollectionUtility::NewL( this, iMode ); 
    // Ask for the total item count
    // Cache current iPath
    delete iPath;
    iPath = NULL;
    iPath = iCollection->Collection().PathL();

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle the count step
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleCountL(const CMPXMedia& aEntries, 
                                               TInt aIndex,
                                               TInt aError)
    ASSERT( iFetchStep == EFetchCount );
    MPX_DEBUG2("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleCountL error %i <---", aError);
    TBool done(EFalse);
    if( aError == KErrNone )
        // Do we support incremental for this OpenL()?
        TBool supportIncremental(EFalse);
        if( aEntries.IsSupported( KMPXCollectionOpenLSupportsIncremental ) )
            supportIncremental = aEntries.ValueTObjectL<TBool>( 
                                        KMPXCollectionOpenLSupportsIncremental );
        if( supportIncremental )
            TInt count(0);
            if( aEntries.IsSupported(KMPXMediaArrayCount) )
                count = aEntries.ValueTObjectL<TInt>(KMPXMediaArrayCount);
            if( iFetchInfo.iOffset == KErrNotFound )
                // If the client did not specify an offset
                // we use the index the collection is pointing to
                // as the starting offset
                iFetchInfo.iOffset = aIndex;
            if( count > 0 )
                // Perform the chunking here
                DoSetupChunksL( count );
                DoCompactTaskListL( aEntries );
                MPX_DEBUG2("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleCountL count %i", iIncrementalChunks.Count() );
                if( iIncrementalChunks.Count() )
                    // Start running the fetching algorithm
                    iFetchStep = EFetchItems; 
                    iFirstOpen = ETrue;
                    // Sync up the path, as there could have been items deleted
                    delete iPath;
                    iPath = NULL;
                    iPath = iCollection->Collection().PathL();
                    if( iObs )
                        iObs->HandleOpenL( aEntries, aIndex, EFalse, aError );
                    // Update index before returning
                    iFetchStep = EFetchNone;
                    done = EFalse;
                done = ETrue;
        else // !supportIncremental
            // Just return the results
            MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleCountL incremental not supported");
            done = ETrue;    
    if( (aError != KErrNone) || done )
        // Stop the OpenL() operation
        iFetchStep = EFetchNone;
        if( iObs )
            iObs->HandleOpenL( aEntries, aIndex, ETrue, aError );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fetch items step
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoFetchItemsL()
    // Construct a command to fetch the next chunk
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoFetchItemsL <---" );
    if( iIncrementalChunks.Count() > 0 )
        CMPXCommand* command = CMPXCommand::NewL();
        CleanupStack::PushL( command );
        // Construct the command
        TInt colId( iPath->Id(0) );
        TInt offset( iIncrementalChunks[0].iOffset );
        command->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralId,
                                   KMPXCommandIdIncrementalOpenL );
        command->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralCollectionId,
                                   colId );
        command->SetCObjectValueL(KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLPath,iPath );
                                  offset );
        command->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLNumItems, iFetchInfo.iSize);
        // If some partial data is available
        // try to optimize this by using the ascending or decending keys
        if( iData )
            if( offset-1 > 0 && offset-1 < iData->Count() &&
                iData->AtL(offset-1)->IsSupported(iKeyAttribute) )
                command->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLAscDsc, EReadAscending);
                const TDesC& key = iData->AtL(offset-1)->ValueText(iKeyAttribute);
            else if( offset+iFetchInfo.iSize < iData->Count() &&
                     iData->AtL(offset+iFetchInfo.iSize)->IsSupported(iKeyAttribute) )
                command->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLAscDsc, EReadDescending);
                const TDesC& key = iData->AtL(offset+iFetchInfo.iSize)->ValueText(iKeyAttribute);
        // Command sent to the collection, callback HandleCommandComplete()
        MPX_DEBUG2("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoFetchItemsL offset %i <---", offset );
        iFetchStep = EFetchCommand;
        iCollection->Collection().CommandL( *command );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( command );
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoFetchItemsL --->" );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Completion of fetch items step
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleFetchItemsL( const CMPXMedia& aEntries,
                                                     TInt aIndex, 
                                                     TInt aError )
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleFetchItemsL <---" ); 
    // Task is done, and compact the list
    TInt curOffset(0);
    if( iIncrementalChunks.Count() )
        curOffset = iIncrementalChunks[0].iOffset;
        DoCompactTaskListL( aEntries );
        MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleFetchItemsL No more chunks" ); 
    TBool complete = iIncrementalChunks.Count() == 0 ? ETrue : EFalse;
    // Keep a reference here 
    delete iMedia;
    iMedia = NULL;
    iMedia = CMPXMedia::NewL( aEntries );
    iData = NULL;
    if( aEntries.IsSupported( KMPXMediaArrayContents ) )
        iData = aEntries.Value<CMPXMediaArray>( KMPXMediaArrayContents );
    // Run the next step of the fetching algorithm
    // Do not run if stopped
    TInt count(iIncrementalChunks.Count());
    if( count != 0 && iFetchStep != EFetchNone )   
        // Update the path, as the item IDs will be filled
        MPX_DEBUG2("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleFetchItemsL run next %i", count ); 
        delete iPath;
        iPath = NULL;
        iPath = iCollection->Collection().PathL();
        // Command to fetch next chunk
        // All done
        iFetchStep = EFetchNone;

    // Callback to observer with some treshold to avoid over redrawing
    // Playlists need every handle open to update the path
    if( iObs && 
        (Abs<TInt>(aIndex-curOffset) < iFetchInfo.iSize ||
        iFirstOpen || iMode == KMcModePlaylist || complete ) )
        iFirstOpen = EFalse;
        MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleFetchItemsL callback" ); 
        iObs->HandleOpenL( aEntries, aIndex, complete, aError );
    MPX_DEBUG1("CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoHandleFetchItemsL -->" );     

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run the next step
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::RunNext()
    TCallBack cb( Callback,this );
    iTimer->Start( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( iFetchDelay ),
                      TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( iFetchDelay ),

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set some callback
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::Callback( TAny* aAny )
    TRAP_IGNORE( ((CMPXCollectionOpenUtility*)aAny)->HandleCallbackL() );
    return ETrue;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HandleCallback from iTimer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::HandleCallbackL()
    switch( iFetchStep )
        case EFetchPath:
            iCollection->Collection().OpenL( *iPath );
        case EFetchCount:
        case EFetchItems:
        case EFetchNone:
            break; // do nothing    
    // Run once only

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup the chunks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoSetupChunksL( TInt aCount )
    // Number of chunks we are going to have
    // And the chunk the offset is going to be at
    TInt numChunks(0);
    if( aCount > 0 )
        // Truncate and add 1 if any modulus, no Ceil() function 
        numChunks = (TInt)aCount/iFetchInfo.iSize;
        if( aCount % iFetchInfo.iSize )
    TInt offSetChunk = (TInt) iFetchInfo.iOffset / iFetchInfo.iSize ;
    // First chunk
    TMPXOpenDataBlock chunk;
    chunk.iOffset = offSetChunk*iFetchInfo.iSize;
    chunk.iSize = iFetchInfo.iSize;
    iIncrementalChunks.AppendL( chunk );
    // Left and right of the first chunk
    TInt left = offSetChunk-1;
    TInt right = offSetChunk+1;
    TInt count(numChunks-1);
    while( count > 0 )
        // Append Left Chunk
        TInt temp(left);
        if( left < 0 )
            // Wrap around to end of the list
            temp = numChunks + left;
        chunk.iOffset = temp*iFetchInfo.iSize;
        iIncrementalChunks.AppendL( chunk );    
        MPX_DEBUG2("Adding Chunk %i", temp);
        // Append Right Chunk
        if( temp != right%numChunks )
            chunk.iOffset = (right%numChunks)*iFetchInfo.iSize;
            iIncrementalChunks.AppendL( chunk );
            MPX_DEBUG2("Adding Chunk %i", right%numChunks);
    // Set the direction and re-order as necessary
    SetDirection( iFetchDirection );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sort the internal array ascending
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoSortAscend( TBool aSkipFirst )
    if( iIncrementalChunks.Count() > 0 )
        TMPXOpenDataBlock tmp;
        if( aSkipFirst )
            tmp = iIncrementalChunks[0];
        iIncrementalChunks.Sort( CompareAsc );
        if( aSkipFirst )
            iIncrementalChunks.Insert( tmp, 0 );    
#ifdef _DEBUG
    TInt c=iIncrementalChunks.Count();
    for( TInt i=0; i<c; ++i )
        MPX_DEBUG2("Order %i", iIncrementalChunks[i].iOffset);
#endif // _DEBUG

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sort the internal array decending
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoSortDescend( TBool aSkipFirst )
    if( iIncrementalChunks.Count() > 0 )
        TMPXOpenDataBlock tmp;
        if( aSkipFirst )
            tmp = iIncrementalChunks[0];
        iIncrementalChunks.Sort( CompareDsc );
        if( aSkipFirst )
            iIncrementalChunks.Insert( tmp, 0 );    
#ifdef _DEBUG
    TInt c=iIncrementalChunks.Count();
    for( TInt i=0; i<c; ++i )
        MPX_DEBUG2("Order %i", iIncrementalChunks[i].iOffset);
#endif // _DEBUG

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sort the internal array in normal form
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoSortNormalL( TBool aSkipFirst )
    DoSortAscend( aSkipFirst );
    RArray<TMPXOpenDataBlock> temp;
    CleanupClosePushL( temp );
    TBool start = aSkipFirst ? 1:0;
    TInt count( iIncrementalChunks.Count() );
    TInt c(count);
    if( aSkipFirst )
        temp.AppendL( iIncrementalChunks[0] );
    TInt left(iIncrementalChunks.Count()/2);
    TInt right = left+1;
    while( count > 0)
        if( left>=start )
            temp.AppendL( iIncrementalChunks[left] );
        if( right<c )
            temp.AppendL( iIncrementalChunks[right] );
    // Copy the results
    c= temp.Count();
    for( TInt i=0; i<c; ++i )
        iIncrementalChunks.AppendL( temp[i] );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &temp );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compact the internal task list
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoCompactTaskListL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia )
    RArray<TMPXOpenDataBlock> datablocks;
    CleanupClosePushL( datablocks );
    TInt c( iIncrementalChunks.Count() );

    if( aMedia.IsSupported(KMPXCollectionOpenLAllResultRange) )
        // De-serialize from global data
        const TDesC& buf = aMedia.ValueText(KMPXCollectionOpenLAllResultRange);
        CBufBase* buffer(NULL);
        MPXUser::CreateBufferL( buf, buffer );
        CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
        ::CreateFromBufferL( *buffer, datablocks );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
        // Remove un-necessary fetches
        TInt c2( datablocks.Count() );
        for( TInt i=c-1; i>=0; --i )
            TMPXOpenDataBlock& chunk = iIncrementalChunks[i];
            for( TInt j=0; j<c2; ++j )
                TMPXOpenDataBlock b = datablocks[j];
                if( chunk.iOffset >= b.iOffset && 
                    chunk.iOffset+chunk.iSize <= b.iOffset+b.iSize )
                    // Don't need to fetch what is already
                    // available
                    iIncrementalChunks.Remove( i );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &datablocks );    

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update the selection index
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionOpenUtility::DoSelectIndexL()
    CMPXCommand* command = CMPXCommand::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( command );

    // Construct the command
    command->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralId,
                               KMPXCommandIdCollectionSelect );
    iCollection->Collection().CommandL( *command );
    iSelecting = ETrue;
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( command );