Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Initialize a file before playback
#include <mpxplaybackframeworkdefs.h>
#include <mpxplaybackpluginobserver.h>
#include <mpxpluginhandlerobserver.h>
#include <mpxcollectionobserver.h>
class CMPXPlaybackPluginHandler;
class CMPXCollectionPlaylist;
class CMPXPlaybackEngine;
class CMPXPlaybackPluginHandler;
class CMPXPlaybackPlugin;
class CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper;
* Initializes playlist to be played. This class is a friend
* of CMPXPlaybackEngine
* The use of this class is intended to be as follows by the
* playback engine:
* 1) The Engine creates initializer class and initializes it with a
* CMPXCollectionPlaylist.
* 2) This initializer will then request the media.
* 3) The Engine then calls SetActive(), which means the Engine is now
* active, so that means the resultant media request will be forwarded
* directly to the Engine.
* 4) The Engine can then call Next() anytime afterwards. This will
* make the initializer call request media on the next item in the playlist.
* 5) Once the media returns to the initializer, it will create a playback
* plugin and initialize the file
* 6) Once initialized, the plugin stays in the initialized state. If the
* Engine then calls SetActive() again, the plugin and all data will
* be swapped, and then the Engine can start playing immediately.
* At anytime during the process (e.g. during request media, during
* initialization, etc), the Engine can interrupt the process and call
* SetActive(), which will swap any plugins or data appropriately, depending
* on the current state.
class CMPXPlaybackInitializer : public CBase,
public MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver,
public MMPXPluginHandlerObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aEngine reference to engine
* @param aMediaHelper Media helper object
* @return Constructed object
static CMPXPlaybackInitializer* NewL(
CMPXPlaybackEngine& aEngine,
CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper& aMediaHelper );
* Destructor
* Start intializing first media in the playlist.
* Clears any current playlist being processed
void Init(CMPXCollectionPlaylist& aPlaylist);
* Initializes next track in playlist. Discards current
* track being processed
TBool Next();
* Set the playlist active in the engine. Subsequently,
* the next track or a new playlist can be initialized
void SetActiveL();
* Close the initializer
void Close();
* Return the TMPXItemId of the current file in the initializer
TMPXItemId CurrentInitItemId();
* Implementation uid of the plugin of pre-initialzer
TUid PluginUid();
* C++ constructor
* @param aEngine reference to engine
* @param aMediaHelper Media helper object
CMPXPlaybackEngine& aEngine,
CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper& aMediaHelper );
* 2nd phase contructor
void ConstructL();
* Resets such that next media can be initialised
void Reset();
* Get the Media from the collection - the callback triggers
* the initialization
void RequestMediaL();
* Updates the forwarding variable
* to send the media to the engine if a media has been requested.
void UpdateMediaForwarding();
* Swaps the plugin being handled in the initializer to the
* engine, which takes over in whatever state it currently is in.
void SwapPluginL();
* Swaps the item uri in the engine
* Only in the EPbStateInitialising and EPbStateStopped states
void SwapUriL();
* Swaps the item db flag in the engine
* Only in the EPbStateInitialising and EPbStateStopped states
void SwapFlag();
* Is this playlist the one currently being processed?
* @param aPlaylist Playlist to check if it is already initialized
TBool IsInitializing(const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& aPlaylist);
* Initializes a track
* @param aMedia CMPXMedia object to initialize
* @param aError Error returned from media request
void InitL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,TInt aError);
* Cancels the pre-init timer
void CancelPreInitTimer();
* Handle pre-init timer callback
void HandlePreInitTimerCallback();
* Callback for pre-init timer.
static TInt PreInitTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);
* Initialize streaming
void InitL(const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC8& aType, TInt aAccessPoint);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Handle plugin event
* @param aEvent the event type
* @param aData optional data
* @param aError error code of the event
void HandlePluginEvent(TEvent aEvent,TInt aData,TInt aError);
* Leaving version of CMPXPlaybackInitializer::HandlePluginEvent
void HandlePluginEventL(TEvent aEvent,TInt aData,TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Handle message from plug-in
* @param aMsg, message from the plug-in. Ownership not transferred.
* @param aErr system error code. if aErr is not KErrNone, aMsg will not be
* used/dereferenced at playback engine.
void HandlePlaybackMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Async response for Value request
* @param aProperty property key
* @param aValue property value
* @param aError error code
void HandleProperty(TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
TInt aValue,TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Async response for subplayer request
* @param aPlayer UID of the subplayer
* @param aSubPlayers array of subplayers
* @param aComplete ETrue, completed, EFalse, not completed
* @param aError error code
void HandleSubPlayerNames(TUid aPlayer,const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers,
TBool aComplete,TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Async response for ExtendedMediaProperties request
* @param aMedia property object
* @param aError error code
void HandleMedia(const CMPXMedia& aProperties,TInt aError);
// From MMPXPluginHandlerObserver
* @see MMPXPluginHandlerObserver
void HandlePluginHandlerEvent(TPluginHandlerEvents aEvent,
const TUid& aPluginUid, TBool aLoaded, TInt aData);
TMPXPlaybackState iState; // State of playlist
CMPXPlaybackPluginHandler* iHandler;
CMPXPlaybackEngine& iEngine;
CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper& iMediaHelper; // not owned
TInt iPathIndex;
TInt iInitPlaylistCount;
TBool iMediaToEngine;
TBool iMediaRequested;
TInt iDuration;
TInt iError;
CMPXMedia* iMedia;
CMPXMessage* iMediaMessage; // media update message from plugin
TInt iErrorOfMediaMessage; // error along with media update message
CPeriodic* iTimer;