* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <mmf/common/mmfmeta.h>
_LIT( KMtpVideoTable, "Video" );
// field
_LIT( KMtpVideoLocation, "Location" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoName, "Name" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoArtist, "Artist" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoTrack, "Track" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoGenre, "Genre" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoAlbumName, "AlbumName" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoComposer, "Composer" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoOrigReleaseDate, "OrigReleaseDate" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoComment, "Comment" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoWidth, "Width" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoHeight, "Height" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoDuration, "Duration" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoSampleRate, "SampleRate" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoNumberOfChannels, "NumberOfChannels" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoAudioCodec, "AudioCodec" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoAudioBitrate, "AudioBitrate" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoVideoCodec, "VideoCodec" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoVideoBitrate, "VideoBitrate" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoFramesPer1000Sec, "FramesPer1000Sec" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoKeyFrameDistance, "KeyFrameDistance" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoScanType, "ScanType" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoEncodingProfile, "EncodingProfile" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoParentalRating, "ParentalRating" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoDRM, "DRM" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoDeleted, "Deleted" );
// field type
_LIT( KMtpVideoLocationType, " LONG VARCHAR NOT NULL" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoNameType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoArtistType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoTrackType, " UNSIGNED SMALLINT" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoGenreType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoAlbumNameType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoComposerType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoOrigReleaseDateType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoCommentType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoWidthType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoHeightType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoDurationType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoSampleRateType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoNumberOfChannelsType, " UNSIGNED SMALLINT" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoAudioCodecType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoAudioBitrateType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoVideoCodecType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoVideoBitrateType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoFramesPer1000SecType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoKeyFrameDistanceType, " UNSIGNED INTEGER" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoScanTypeType, " UNSIGNED SMALLINT" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoEncodingProfileType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoParentalRatingType, " LONG VARCHAR" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoDeletedType, " BIT" );
// operation
_LIT( KMtpVideoStartCreateTable, "CREATE TABLE " );
_LIT( KMtpVideoCommaSign, "," );
_LIT( KMtpVideoSingleQuote, "'" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoOpenBracket, "(" );
_LIT( KMtpVideoCloseBracket, ")" );
// Db file
_LIT( KMtpVideoDb, "MtpVideoDb.db" );