* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Controls playback via plug-ins
#include <bamdesca.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <mpxcenrepobserver.h>
#include <mpxplaybackframeworkdefs.h>
#include <mpxplaybackmessage.h>
#include <mpxplaybackplugin.h>
#include <mpxplaybackpluginobserver.h>
#include <mpxpluginhandlerobserver.h>
#include <mpxclientlist.h>
#include <mpxtaskqueue.h>
#include <mpxtaskqueueobserver.h>
#include <mpxcollectionobserver.h>
#include <mpxcollectionplaylistobserver.h>
#include <mpxcommand.h>
#include <mpxcollectionplaylist.h>
#include <mpxmessagequeue.h>
#include <mpxsubscription.h>
#include "mpxplaybackpluginhandler.h"
#include "mpxplaybackcommandbufferobserver.h"
#include "mpxaccessoryobserver.h"
#include "mpxplaybacksettings.h"
class CMPXPluginMonitor;
class CMPXPlaybackPluginHandler;
class CMPXAutoResumeHandler;
class CMPXPlaybackCmdBuffer;
class CMPXCollectionPlaylist;
class MMPXPlaybackActiveEngineObserver;
class CMPXActiveTaskQueue;
class CMPXPlaybackInitializer;
class CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper;
class CMPXPlaybackDummyMediaObserver;
// Constants
_LIT(KMPXPlaybackPluginVersion2, "MPXPlaybackPluginVersion2");
* The playback 'engine' which delegates to plug-ins (or 'players'). Unless
* stated otherwise, methods apply to currently loaded plug-in (player) and
* currently initialised song.
class CMPXPlaybackEngine : public CBase,
public MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver,
public MMPXPlaybackCmdBufferObserver,
public MBeating,
public MMPXAccessoryEventObserver,
public MMPXTaskQueueObserver,
public MMPXCollectionMediaObserver,
public MMPXCollectionPlaylistObserver,
public MMPXPluginHandlerObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPluginMonitor plugin monitor
* @param aObserver engine observer
* @param aClientListObserver client list observer
* @param aModeId denotes whether this player is designated for the
* stand-alone application
* @return Constructed object
IMPORT_C static CMPXPlaybackEngine* NewL(
CMPXPluginMonitor& aPluginMonitor,
MMPXPlaybackActiveEngineObserver& aObserver,
MMPXClientlistObserver* aClientListObserver,
const TUid& aModeId);
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aPluginMonitor plugin monitor
* @param aObserver engine observer
* @param aClientListObserver client list observer
* @param aModeId denotes whether this player is designated for the
* stand-alone application
* @param aCategory category of engine (Music, Video)
* @return Constructed object
IMPORT_C static CMPXPlaybackEngine* NewL(
CMPXPluginMonitor& aPluginMonitor,
MMPXPlaybackActiveEngineObserver& aObserver,
MMPXClientlistObserver* aClientListObserver,
const TUid& aModeId,
const TInt aCategory);
* Destructor
IMPORT_C ~CMPXPlaybackEngine();
* Returns reference to client list
* @return client list object
inline CMPXClientList* ClientList();
* Returns object encapsulating list of clients and its management
* @return playback plugin handler
inline CMPXPlaybackPluginHandler* PluginHandler();
* Does this player (i.e. the currently loaded plug-in) have access to
* audio resources
* @return ETrue audio resource is used by the player
inline TBool IsPlayerActive() const;
* Return mode id of this engine
* @return mode id
inline const TUid& ModeId() const;
* Return category of this engine
* @return category
inline const TInt Category() const;
* Current state
* @return playback state
inline TMPXPlaybackState State() const;
* Current collection path, or NULL if none (i.e. not from collection)
inline const CMPXCollectionPlaylist* Playlist() const;
* Current song index, or KErrNotFound if none (i.e. not from collection)
inline TInt SongIndex() const;
* Current uri, or KNullDesC if none (i.e. uri not supplied)
inline const TDesC& Uri() const;
* Current file handle
inline const RFile& File() const;
* Retursn last active process id
* @return process id of last active process
inline TProcessId LastActiveProcessId() const;
* Initializes the player with a song in the collection
* @param aCollectionPath collection path
* @param aPlay Whether to initialize for playback, or
* else just to setup the engine first
IMPORT_C void InitL( const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& aPlaylist,
TBool aPlay );
* Initializes the player with a uri - doesn't use collection
* @param aUri URI of the song
* @param aType the type of song
IMPORT_C void InitL(const TDesC& aUri,const TDesC8& aType);
* Initializes the player with a file - doesn't use collection
* @aFile file handle
IMPORT_C void InitL(const RFile& aFile);
* Initializes the player with a uri and Access Point
* @since S60 9.2
* @param aUri URI of the item
* @param aType the mime type of the item
* @param aAccessPoint the access point of the item
IMPORT_C void InitStreamingL(const TDesC& aUri, const TDesC8& aType, const TInt aAccessPoint);
* Initializes the player with a file and access point
* @since S60 9.2
* @param aFile file handle
* @param aAccessPoint the access point of the item
IMPORT_C void InitStreamingL(const RFile& aFile, const TInt aAccessPoint);
* Cancel all outstanding, asynchronous requests
IMPORT_C void CancelRequests();
* Issue a playback command
* @param aCmd playback command
* @param aData optional data
IMPORT_C void CommandL(TMPXPlaybackCommand aCmd,TInt aData=0);
* Issue a playback command
* @param aCmd playback command
* @param aMsgQueue Message Queue for the client
IMPORT_C void CommandL(CMPXCommand& aCmd, const CMPXMessageQueue& aMsgQueue);
* Sets the property value. Value not set until a property changed event is
* returned to the client
IMPORT_C void SetL(TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,TInt aValue);
* Asynchronously retrieves the value of a property. Result will be called
* back by using MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver
IMPORT_C void PropertyL(TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver& aCallback);
* Asynchronously return media properties
* using MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver
* @param aCallback playback callback
* @param aBuf parameter buffer, take over the ownership
IMPORT_C void MediaL(MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver& aCallback, CBufBase* aBuf);
* Asynchronously return media properties
* using MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver
* @param aCallback playback callback
* @param aCmd Command object containing attribute spec and attribute array
IMPORT_C void MediaL(MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver& aCallback, const CMPXCommand& aCmd);
* Asynchronously retrieves the sub player names. See MMPXPlayerManager
* @param aCallback playback callback
IMPORT_C void SubPlayerNamesL(TUid aPlayerUid,
MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver& aCallback);
* Gets media from the plugin
* @param aCallback Callback method to call after retrieving media
* @param aCmd Command containing the media attributes and attribute specs.
* Ownership transfered
void MediaFromPluginL( MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver* aCallback,
CMPXCommand* aCmd );
* Current file handle
inline const RFile64& File64() const;
* Initializes the player with a file - doesn't use collection
* @aFile file handle
IMPORT_C void Init64L(const RFile64& aFile);
* Initializes the player with a file and access point
* @since S60 9.2
* @param aFile file handle
* @param aAccessPoint the access point of the item
IMPORT_C void InitStreaming64L(const RFile64& aFile, const TInt aAccessPoint);
* Handle command
* @param aCmd command
void HandleCommandL(TMPXPlaybackCommand aCmd, TInt aData=0);
enum TPlaySource
enum TAsyncRequest
* Helper class to reflect playback call back to engine itself.
class TCallbackReflector : public MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver
* Contructor
* @param aEngine playback engine
inline TCallbackReflector(CMPXPlaybackEngine& aEngine);
* From MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver
* Handle playback property
* @param aProperty the property
* @param aValue the value of the property
* @param aError error code
inline void HandleProperty(TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
TInt aValue,
TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver
* Method is called continously until aComplete=ETrue, signifying that
* it is done and there will be no more callbacks
* Only new items are passed each time
* @param aPlayer UID of the subplayer
* @param aSubPlayers a list of sub players
* @param aComplete ETrue no more sub players. EFalse more subplayer
* expected
* @param aError error code
inline void HandleSubPlayerNames(TUid aPlayer,
const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers,
TBool aComplete,
TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver
* Handle media object
* @param aMedia media object
* @param aError error code
inline void HandleMedia(CMPXMedia* aMedia, TInt aError);
CMPXPlaybackEngine& iEngine;
* C++ constructor
* @param aPluginMonitor plugin monitor
* @param aObserver engine observer
* @param aModeId player engine mode
CMPXPlaybackEngine(CMPXPluginMonitor& aPluginMonitor,
MMPXPlaybackActiveEngineObserver& aObserver,
const TUid& aModeId);
* C++ constructor
* @param aPluginMonitor plugin monitor
* @param aObserver engine observer
* @param aModeId player engine mode
* @param aCategory player engine category
CMPXPlaybackEngine(CMPXPluginMonitor& aPluginMonitor,
MMPXPlaybackActiveEngineObserver& aObserver,
const TUid& aModeId,
const TInt aCategory);
* 2nd phase contructor
* @param aClientListObserver client list observer
void ConstructL(MMPXClientlistObserver* aClientListObserver);
private: // Functions from base class
* From MBeating
* Handles a regular heartbeat timer event
void Beat();
* From MBeating
* Synchronises the heartbeat timer with system clock
void Synchronize();
* From MMPXPlayerAccessoryEventObserver
* Handle accessory event
* @param aMode playback accessory mode
void HandleAccesoryEventL(TMPXPlaybackAccessoryMode aMode);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Handle plugin event
* @param aEvent the event type
* @param aData optional data
* @param aError error code of the event
void HandlePluginEvent(TEvent aEvent,TInt aData,TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Handle message from plug-in
* @param aMsg, message from the plug-in. Ownership not transferred.
* @param aErr system error code. if aErr is not KErrNone, aMsg will not be
* used/dereferenced at playback engine.
void HandlePlaybackMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Async response for Value request
* @param aProperty property key
* @param aValue property value
* @param aError error code
void HandleProperty(TMPXPlaybackProperty aProperty,
TInt aValue, TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Async response for MediaL request
* @param aMedia media object
* @param aError error code
void HandleMedia(CMPXMedia* aMedia, TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackPluginObserver
* Async response for subplayer request
* @param aPlayer UID of the subplayer
* @param aSubPlayers array of subplayers
* @param aComplete ETrue, completed, EFalse, not completed
* @param aError error code
void HandleSubPlayerNames(TUid aPlayer, const MDesCArray* aSubPlayers,
TBool aComplete, TInt aError);
* From MMPXPlaybackCmdBufferObserver
* Handle command from buffering
* @param aEvent comand info
void HandleCmdBufferEventL(const TMPXPlaybackCmdInfo& aEvent);
* From MMPXPlaybackCmdBufferObserver
* Handle command skip event from key buffering
* @param aSkipEvent Skip event
void HandleCmdBufferSkipEventL(const TMPXPlaybackSkipEvent aSkipEvent);
// From MMPXTaskQueueObserver
* Execute a task
* @param aTask task number
* @param aParamData, parameter
* @param aPtrData, any object
* @param aBuf, buffer containing externalized parameters for the task.
* @param aCallback call back function pointer
* @param aCObject1 object 1 owned by task queue
* @param aCObject2 object 2 owned by task queue
void ExecuteTask(TInt aTask,
TInt aParamData,
TAny* aPtrData,
const CBufBase& aBuf,
TAny* aCallback,
CBase* aCObject1,
CBase* aCObject2);
* From MMPXCollectionMediaObserver
* Handle media properties from collection
* @param aMedia media
* @param aError error code
void HandleCollectionMediaL(const CMPXMedia& aProperties, TInt aError);
* From MMPXCollectionPlaylistObserver
* Handle collection playlist change
* @param aError KErrNotFound - Playlist is updated, current item removed
* KErrNone - Playlist is updated, current item is valid
* KErrEof - Playlist is updated, current item removed and
* reached to the end of playlist
void HandleCollectionPlaylistChange(TInt aError);
// From MMPXPluginHandlerObserver
* @see MMPXPluginHandlerObserver
void HandlePluginHandlerEvent(TPluginHandlerEvents aEvent, const TUid& aPluginUid,
TBool aLoaded, TInt aData);
private: // New functions
* Return current plugin
* @return plugin object
inline CMPXPlaybackPlugin* PluginL() const;
* Suspend playback
void Suspend();
* Seek timer tick
void SeekTimerTick();
* Seek timer callback
* @param aPtr pointer the this
static TInt SeekTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);
* Init plugin
* @param aSong, song path
* @param aType, song type
* @param aFile, file handle
* @param aAccessPoint aAccessPoint
void InitL(const TDesC* aSong,const TDesC8* aType,RFile* aFile,
TInt aAccessPoint=0);
* Handle play command
void HandlePlayL();
* Handle play command with fade in
void HandlePlayWithFadeInL();
* Handle pause command
void HandlePauseL();
* Handle stop command
void HandleStopL();
* Stop play back
* @param aSavePlaybackInfo flag to determine if the PlaybackInfo should be saved
void DoStopL(TBool aSavePlaybackInfo = ETrue);
* Handle next command
* @param aOffset offset to current index
* @param aIgnoreRepeat ETrue to ignore repeat setting
void HandleNextL( TInt aOffset = 1, TBool aIgnoreRepeat=EFalse );
* Handle previous command
* @param aOffset offset to current index
* @param aIgnoreRepeat ETrue to ignore repeat setting
void HandlePreviousL(TInt aOffset = -1, TBool aIgnoreRepeat=EFalse );
* Handle replay command
void HandleReplayL();
* Handle sart seekingcommand
void HandleStartSeekL(TBool aForward);
* Handle stop seeking command
void HandleStopSeekingL();
* Handle increase volume command
void HandleIncreaseVolumeL();
* Handle decrease volume command
void HandleDecreaseVolumeL();
* Handle set volume command
void HandleSetVolumeL(TInt aVolume);
* Handle mute command
void HandleMuteL(TBool aMute);
* Handle close command
* @param aData data to be forwarded to the player
void HandleCloseL( TInt aData = KErrNone );
* Handle a custom command
void HandleEffectL(TInt aData);
* Handle a custom command
void HandleDisableEffectL();
* Handle a request to close the file handle for an item
* @param aItemId item that is requested to be freed
void HandleCloseItemL( TInt aItemId );
* Sets the current properties for the plug-in
void SetPropertiesL();
* Stop seeking timer
void EndSeek();
* Set a playback state
* @param aState new state
void SetStateL(TMPXPlaybackState aState);
* Set a playback state, takes in a TMPXPlaybackMessage with the
* state already set as the iType parameter. This Allows caller to
* set iData information as well.
* @param aMessage Message containing state information
void SetStateL( TMPXPlaybackMessage& aMsg );
* Set player activated
* @param aActive ETrue actived, EFalse inactived.
void SetPlayerActivated(TBool aActive);
* Execute a task
* @param aTask task number
* @param aParamData, parameter
* @param aPtrData, any object
* @param aCallback call back function pointer
* @param aBuf buffer data
* @param aCObject1 object 1 owned by task queue
* @param aCObject2 object 2 owned by task queue
void ExecuteTaskL(TInt aTask,
TInt aParamData,
TAny* aPtrData,
TAny* aCallback,
const CBufBase& aBuf,
CBase* aCObject1,
CBase* aCObject2);
* @see MMPXTaskQueueObserver
void HandleTaskError(TInt aTask,
TAny* aPtrData,
TAny* aCallback,
TInt aError);
* Handle error of execution
* @param aTask task number
* @param aErr error number
* @param aParamData parameter
void HandleError(TInt aTask, TInt aErr, TInt aParamData = 0);
* Get command from state
TMPXPlaybackCommand CommandFromState( TMPXPlaybackState aState );
* Cleanup when the engine closed
void DoClose();
* Media request from collection
void MediaFromCollectionL();
* Handle plugin event
* @param aEvent the event type
* @param aData optional data
* @param aError error code of the event
void DoHandlePluginEventL(TEvent aEvent,TInt aData,TInt aError);
* Update playbackengine state machine
* Handles plugin events that could cause state change in playback-engine
* @param aEvent the event type
* @param aData optional data
* @param aError error code of the event
void UpdateStateMachineL(TEvent aEvent,TInt aData,TInt aError);
* Handle plugin event error handling
* This is internal function called from DoHandlePluginEvent()
* @param aEvent the event type
* @param aError error code of the event
void HandlePluginEventErrorHandling(TEvent aEvent, TInt aError);
* Handle Plugin Event: Initialised
* Handles the event called Initialised
* @param aState the mpx playbackstate
* @param aData data passed from playback plugin in call to HandlePluginEvent
void HandlePluginEventInitialisedL(TMPXPlaybackState& aState, TInt aData);
* Save playback Information
void SavePlaybackInfoL();
* Increments play count
void SavePlaybackCompleteInfoL();
* Restore playback position if it was saved previously
void RestorePlaybackPositionL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia );
* Restore playback state if it was saved previously
void RestorePlaybackStateL();
* Sets the volume increment depending on accessory state
void SetVolumeIncrement( TMPXPlaybackAccessoryMode aMode );
* Marks the current item as corrupted
* @param aCorrupted Flag if corrupted or not
void MarkItemCorrupted( const TBool aCorrupted );
* Marks the current item as invalid
* @param aInvalid Flag if invalid or not
void MarkItemInvalid( const TBool aInvalid );
* Marks the current item as DRM invalid (e.g. no rights)
* @param aDrmInvalid Flag if invalid or not
void MarkItemDrmInvalid( const TBool aDrmInvalid );
* Sets flag bits
* @aSet ETrue to set, EFalse to unset
* @aFlag Flag bits to set/unset
void SetFlagBitsL( const TBool aSet, const TUint aFlag );
* Creates a CMPXMedia object to be used to Set attributes
* @param aPath Collection Path
* @return CMPXMedia object
CMPXMedia* CreateMediaToSetLC( const CMPXCollectionPath& aPath );
* Sends a request to iMediaHelper to request media
void RequestMediaL();
* Sends a plugin handler message to all clients.
* @param aMessageId the value of the KMPXMessageGeneralId attribute
* @param aPluginUid plugin UID this message is for
* @param aLoaded ETrue if the plugin is loaded
* @param aVersion plugin version
void SendPluginHandlerMessageL(TInt aMessageId, const TUid& aPluginUid,
TBool aLoaded, TInt aVersion = 0);
* Init plugin
* @param aSong, song path
* @param aType, song type
* @param aFile, file handle
* @param aAccessPoint aAccessPoint
void Init64L(RFile64* aFile, TInt aAccessPoint=0);
* Callback for sync message timer
* @since 9.2
* @param this
* @return systme error
static TInt SyncMsgTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);
* Cancel the sync message timer
* @since 9.2
void CancelSyncMsgTimer();
* Stop the wait loop
* @since 9.2
void StopWaitLoop();
* Handle a synchronous message
* @since 9.2
* @param aMsg, message
* @return system error
TInt HandlePlaybackSyncMessage (const CMPXMessage& aMsg);
friend class TCallbackReflector;
friend class CMPXPlaybackInitializer;
TCallbackReflector iReflector;
CMPXPluginMonitor& iPluginMonitor;
CMPXClientList* iClientList;
CMPXPlaybackInitializer* iInitializer;
CMPXPlaybackPluginHandler* iPluginHandler;
TBool iInitNext;
* Utilities
CHeartbeat* iProgressTimer;
CPeriodic* iSeekTimer;
CMPXAccessoryObserver* iAccessoryObs;
CMPXPlaybackCmdBuffer* iCmdBuffer;
CMPXPlaybackSettings* iPlaybackSettings;
CMPXAutoResumeHandler* iAutoResumeHandler;
* Playlist/song data
CMPXCollectionPlaylist* iPlaylist;
HBufC* iUri;
TMPXItemId iItemId;
RFile iFile;
TPlaySource iPlaySource;
TUint iDbFlag;
TInt iMediaDuration; // Duration value inside CMPXMedia
TInt iAccessPoint;
TBool iAccessPointSet; // Access Point is set
* This player data
TMPXPlaybackState iState; // current state
TMPXPlaybackState iNextState; // next possible state when handling commands
TMPXPlaybackState iPluginState; // plugin state
TBool iEmbeddedMode;
TUid iModeId;
TInt iCategory;
TBool iPlayerActive;
TFixedArray<TInt,EPbPropertyNum> iProperties;
TInt iSeekStep; // millisecond
TInt iMaxSeekStep; // millisecond
MMPXPlaybackActiveEngineObserver& iObserver;
CMPXActiveTaskQueue* iTaskQueue;
MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver* iCallback; // Not owned.
TMPXPlaybackState iPreservedState;
TInt iPreservedPosition;
TInt iVolumeIncrement;
RArray<TMPXAttribute> iMediaAttrs;
TBool iSkipping;
CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper* iMediaHelper;
CMPXPlaybackDummyMediaObserver* iDummyMediaObserver;
TUid iPluginUid; // plugin uid for current item of current playlist
TProcessId iLastActiveProcess; // Last active process for this engine
TProcessId iLastInactiveProcess; // Last inactive process for this engine
TBool iInitVolume; // Initialize volume on first creation
// the index which be firstly saved when request media
TInt iFirstRequestMediaIndex;
CPeriodic* iSyncMsgTimer; //timer for sync message
CActiveSchedulerWait* iSyncMsgWait; // wait loop use to sync message
// flag to indicate whether the volume setting has been rounded up last
// used to adjust volume up button setting
TBool iVolRoundedUp;
RFile64 iFile64;
TInt iPositionFromMedia;
#include "mpxplaybackengine.inl"