author Simon Howkins <>
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 13:26:55 +0000
changeset 69 71775bb0f6c0
parent 0 a2952bb97e68
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adjusted to avoid exports, etc, from a top-level bld.inf

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Playback engine's media helper


#include <e32base.h>
#include <mpxcollectionpath.h>
#include <mpxtaskqueueobserver.h>
#include <mpxcollectionobserver.h>

class CMPXPlaybackEngine;
class CMPXActiveTaskQueue;
class MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver;
class MMPXCollectionUtility;
class CMPXClientList;

*  Helper class to retrieve media for clients
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper ) : public CBase,
                                               public MMPXTaskQueueObserver,
                                               public MMPXCollectionObserver

    * Two-phased constructor
    static CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper* NewL( CMPXPlaybackEngine& aEngine );

    * Destructor.
    virtual ~CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper();

private: // constructors

    * Constructor.
    CMPXPlaybackMediaHelper( CMPXPlaybackEngine& aEngine );

    * Symbian OS constructor.
    void ConstructL();

public: // New Methods

    * Retrieves the media given the current path, and upon return,
    * either calls back the observer, or broadcasts the message to
    * the given client list
    * @param aPath Collection path to retrieve media.
    * @param aCmd CMPXCommand containing the attributes and attribute spec
    *             Ownership of aAttrs is passed to this method
    * @param aObserver Callback to return media to
    * @param aBroadcast Whether or not to broadcast media message
    * @param aClientlist Clientlist to broadcast message to
    void MediaL( const CMPXCollectionPath& aPath,
                 CMPXCommand* aCmd,
                 MMPXPlaybackEngineObserver* aObserver,
                 TBool aBroadcast = EFalse,
                 CMPXClientList* aClientList = NULL );

    * Cancels all outstanding requests
    void CancelRequests();

private: // From base classes

    *  From MMPXTaskQueueObserver
    void ExecuteTask( TInt aTask,
                      TInt aParamData,
                      TAny* aPtrData,
                      const CBufBase& aBuf,
                      TAny* aCallback,
                      CBase* aCObject1,
                      CBase* aCObject2);

    * @see MMPXTaskQueueObserver
    void HandleTaskError(TInt aTask,
                         TAny* aPtrData,
                         TAny* aCallback,
                         TInt aError);

    *  From MMPXCollectionObserver
    void HandleCollectionMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr);

    *  From MMPXCollectionObserver
    void HandleOpenL( const CMPXMedia& aEntries,
                      TInt aIndex,
                      TBool aComplete,
                      TInt aError );

    *  From MMPXCollectionObserver
    void HandleOpenL( const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& aPlaylist,
                      TInt aError );

     *  From MMPXCollectionObserver
    void HandleCommandComplete( CMPXCommand* aCommandResult,
                                TInt aError );

    *  From MMPXCollectionMediaObserver
    void HandleCollectionMediaL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
                                 TInt aError);

private:  // New functions

    * Executes task, leaving method
    void DoExecuteTaskL(
            TInt aTask,
            TInt aParamData,
            TAny* aPtrData,
            const CBufBase& aBuf,
            TAny* aCallback,
            CBase* aCObject1,
            CBase* aCObject2);

private: // data
    CMPXPlaybackEngine& iEngine;
    MMPXCollectionUtility* iCollectionUtility;
    CMPXActiveTaskQueue* iTaskQueue;


//End of file